Tokusatsu World: Starting from Transformation into Dark Tiga

Chapter 190 The Mysterious World in the Center of the Earth (4000 words)

Essen Apartments.

The streets are bustling with people.

There was a roar of people.

The playground in the nearby area was put into operation as early as half a year ago, after the big explosion.

The giant Ferris wheel rotates slowly, and the laughter of many children can be heard from time to time.

District 88 was about to become a ghost town.

Thanks to the efforts of the apartment's talented tenants, the dead wood finally came back to life again.

A large number of people, especially the residents of District 100 who lost the protection of Sethek Group and the homeless residents of District 01.

After these people learned that the awakened people in this area were gathered in Aisen Apartment, they came here one after another, seeking free shelter.

Except for the main building of Aisen Apartment.

Theresia invested the money she earned into real estate development, and started building two more apartments around the apartment as planned.

Perhaps, because there is no existence of Hoshino Sakura, the development situation of the entire western suburbs of District 88 is very good at this time.


The weather is calm and sunny.

Theresia held Xiao Shawu's hand in one hand and carried a large amount of ingredients in the other.

The two of them were walking on the busy street.

However, since her brother disappeared, the little girl has been depressed, unable to do anything, and not interested.

Theresa couldn't do anything about it.

After her brother disappeared, as her sister, she immediately organized people in the apartment to search for Hoshino Sakura.

Izzy and Tinker Bell's various magical functional props are all put into use, but they don't work.

The black crystal that Hoshino Sakura was in at that time almost blocked all detection methods of human technology.

Only the Blue Star Defense Force was able to locate the existence of the black crystal before it left the sea.

However, by the time Izzy discovered something was wrong with the black crystal, the black crystal had already flowed into the forbidden area with the ocean current.

Theresia could only pray for Hoshino Sakura day and night.

The Endless Sea, also known as the Abyss Forbidden Territory, was visited by Theresia when she was healthy. At that time, she was still at the peak of S-level strength. However, after causing the beast tide, she ushered in a turning point in her life.

Even in their land, the four super teams that were beyond ordinary defense teams did not dare to set foot in the sea.

"Sister, brother is not dead!"

Xiao Shawu curled her lips and muttered, with a look of discomfort on her face. She looked up at the prosperous "playground" belonging to Sakura Hoshino and sighed softly. She wondered if her brother would have thought of this kind of thing a long time ago. picture.

Theresia narrowed her eyes and nodded, smiling: "That's for sure! Let's just stay at home and wait! The last man in the family will not fall down so easily!"

Far East base.

The winning team.

Commander's room.

Standing in the center of the podium, Hui Jian guides the team members in daily maintenance of public security.

There was no longer the same tension on everyone's faces.

half year ago.

Since the big explosion in area 86 next door.

Monsters who want to invade this area in the future will have to consider whether they can withstand the terrifying explosion power, which even B-level awakened ones cannot withstand.

After the death of Masaki Keigo, all his plans during his lifetime were exposed, and the victory team immediately turned around.

Since then, District 88 has entered a period of extremely peaceful and stable development.

The major villain organizations seem unwilling to launch attacks from here, or they are just dormant, waiting for the best opportunity to attack.

On the day of the big bang.

The victorious team has cleared their grievances, and the team has changed its thinking and implemented it completely according to the previous development idea of ​​Hoshino Sakura.

As for Masaki Keigo's plan, it was too extreme and mixed with his personal desires.

Even though it seems that he is destroying the space invaders for Blue Star.

But who can know.

If Keigo Masaki's plan succeeds, will he, who has complete control of power and strength, become another evil villain?

However, the big bang eliminated the entire Baltan people, but it frightened those cosmic pests.

This is also equivalent to giving them a big wake-up call.

In the commander's room.

There was no sign of Malulu. After Hoshino Sakura disappeared, it did not want to continue serving in the defense force. Instead, it lived in the Aisen Apartment. It had worked for several months and saved some money.

Anyone who has experienced this kind of thing in the workplace will be afraid of this kind of behavior.

Maluru felt;

People are already so tired in life, and after coming to the new world, they should relax their body and mind appropriately.

Mai and Murara no longer hold the title of second team and have successfully become full-time employees, and they assist Megumi and others in performing security tasks on a daily basis.

"Team Dagu!

You have a rest today!

Have a great day of relaxation!

Although there are no monsters around now, we must continue to exercise hard! "

After Hui Jian released the task, he read out the names of the team members who would be off today and gave them thoughtful instructions.


Know it!

Know it!

I am now C-level, and my strength is extraordinary! "

Dagu smiled broadly, clenched his fists and bent his arms, embroidering his biceps with a smile.

After the meeting.

Everyone left.

Dagu sat in the seat where Sakura Hoshino used to sit, looking at the door in a daze.

Bored, he secretly sighed in his heart: "Team Sakura, aren't you ready to come back? In the days without you, I won't even have to fight monsters! It's so boring!"

Far away place.

Mysterious and extremely incredible world in the center of the earth.

A messy wooden fortress.

Sakura Hoshino, who was missed by everyone, took the little indigenous girl to the dirty, messy and extremely quiet wooden fortress on the ground, and shed the majestic body of the dark giant.

The two walked side by side on the messy stone road.

Even though Sakura Hoshino was not wearing shoes, she was able to walk on flat ground with her transcendent ability.

There was no one here.

There was not even a smell of fireworks.

There were skeletons and many spears and iron tools lying on the ground, stained with gray and black blood after being dried.

Before that, the wooden wall that the two passed by was riddled with holes, and it was clear at a glance that a terrible war had once taken place here.

The protagonists of the war, one side was the indigenous humans, and the other side, needless to say, was most likely the bloodthirsty skeleton lizards.

The result is imaginable.

Humans must have lost.

They lost miserably.

The two walked to the center of the wooden city. Xingye Ying looked up and found that the central wooden fortress was leaning against a huge mountain wall hollowed out by manpower.

Below and around, a large wooden platform was supported by countless giant trees.

There were countless wooden houses on the left and right of the wooden platform.

The native girl next to Xingye Ying was obviously in a bad mood after coming here. When she looked around the familiar scene, her tears kept flowing down.

The skeletons in this area were obviously mostly girls.

Xingye Ying speculated.

This is about a primitive tribe with about 2,000 people. The people here seem to be not much different from the natives of Kong Skull Island.

Because on the cliff and even on the wooden wall, there are paintings with giant Kong gorilla tribes, majestic totems.

The native girl was sad for a while, casually stretched out her hand and wiped away her tears. She subconsciously wanted to reach out and hold Xingye Ying's hand to continue walking forward, but when she thought of the previous scene, she retracted her palm embarrassedly.


The girl looked at Xingye Ying up and down with innocent eyes, and suddenly remembered something, and immediately took off her protective suit and the combat boots on her feet, which didn't fit her feet well but were tied tightly.

Xingye Ying retracted her thoughts and just turned around, she saw the girl began to pull off the protective suit, revealing her collarbone, and was immediately shocked.

He waved his hand hurriedly, took out a few sets of daily casual clothes and shoes from the space capsule, and handed them to the native girl, indicating that he still had a lot of clothes.

The girl understood the intention and stopped refusing.

Xingye Ying breathed a sigh of relief. This scene was almost wrong. What if she took it off?

After a small storm.

The girl held a pile of Xingye Ying's clothes and took him from a rugged mountain road to the cliff platform at the top of the wooden fort.

The view here is wide and the wind is light.

At a glance, you can see the junction of the blue sky and white clouds in the distance and the dark clouds above the wooden fort at this time.

The two, one seems to be in the daytime, and the other seems to be in the night.

The girl put the hard-earned clothes beside her and sat on the cliff covered with weeds. Her long legs were dangling in the air.

It was obvious that this was not the first time she sat here.

Hoshino Sakura slowly sat beside her, staring at the dividing line of the sky, lost in thought.

Sitting here.

Looking straight ahead.

In the distance, there was a high mountain. In addition, in front of it, there was a suspended area that looked like a floating meteorite.

That mountain should be the throne of the King Kong tribe! The handsome guy in King Kong vs. Godzilla picked up the ancestral "weapon" there!

Cliff lawn.

From beginning to end.

Except for the girl's actions just now, there was no communication between Hoshino Sakura and her.

Hoshino Sakura retracted her gaze.

Now that she knew that this was the inner world of the earth, she knew how to escape from this place.

No need to worry about the problem that she was fine when she came here, but now she can't go back.

He looked carefully at the native girl beside him.

The two should be of the same age, but the latter has gone through many vicissitudes of life and looks more mature.

But her bronze complexion, freckles, and even scars on her body cannot hide her beauty that conforms to modern people's aesthetics.

Hoshino Sakura took out two bottles of pure water, countless cans, and bread from the space capsule, and handed them to the girl.

The girl looked into the distance, her clear eyes regained their expression. After waking up from her fantasy, she was a little at a loss, not knowing whether to take the things the boy handed her or what she should do.

Hoshino Sakura was afraid that she would misunderstand, so she put the food on the lawn, picked up a bottle of water directly, twisted the lid, and drank a sip, with sincerity in her eyes.

The girl pursed her lips, picked up the plastic water bottle she had never touched before, but slowly put it down, her eyes downcast.

She was not worried about poison, the water in the plastic bottle was purer than she had ever seen, but she was just uneasy about all this suddenness.


Suddenly, the native girl's stomach betrayed her situation. Since her tense nerves relaxed, the girl has been suffering from great hunger.

At this moment, Hoshino Sakura opened the fragrant canned vegetables, beef canned, pork canned, etc. and placed them in front of her.

The moment she smelled the aroma of food.

The girl's eyes shone with the light of a foodie, as if she had discovered an unparalleled treasure. She picked up a can and tasted it with a big mouthful.


After eating ten cans of food, the girl was satisfied. She drank a sip of pure water. After feeling the feeling of being full without restraint, she made a distressing but cute humming sound.

Hoshino Sakura watched the whole process of the girl eating with an auntie smile.

Then, in front of the girl, he released the "language translator" invented by Dijing from the space capsule and started the mutual translation mode.

Hoshino Sakura thought;

This thing can even translate the language of monsters, so there is no reason why it cannot translate the language of humans. Immediately, she tried to say: "Hello!"

Because the translator did not receive the voice of the second person, it would not search and start, so it did not make a sound.

The girl heard the boy make a sound.

She looked horrified, looked at the boy who had been watching for more than a month and never tired of watching, and began to feel nervous again.

Because it was not the accent she was familiar with, but this voice of the same kind seemed to awaken her genetic memory.

Regardless of whether the other party could understand it or not, the girl mustered up the courage to speak two simple syllables.


The translator started.

Under the search of the supercomputer chip, the name of the language the girl said was quickly displayed: "Ancient Nanyang".

An extremely ancient language of a human branch.

If you trace the roots.

It may be traced back to the ancient century of the old era.

"Yiyi." The girl's soft words were translated into modern language by the translator. With the sound of the machine, she was really shocked.

Xingye Ying breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the translator worked, otherwise it would be difficult to endure this day.

He asked slowly: "Yiyi, is that your name?"

The voice was translated by the translator.

The native girl was stunned on the cliff grass, her eyes widened. She didn't understand why the other party was obviously not a tribe member, but now he could make that piece of white iron speak the language of the tribe members.

The girl was suspicious for a while, nodded fiercely, and said anxiously: "Have you seen my tribe members? Or, are you my tribe member?"

There was hope in her words.

Hoshino Sakura shook her head helplessly and said, "Sorry, I'm not one of your people. I just used some auxiliary means to make communication between you and me smooth."

"Oh" The girl's pupils, which were originally bright, dimmed instantly.

Hoshino Sakura asked soothingly: "What about your people? Where did they go in the end?"

Yiyi retracted her legs, hugged her knees with her hands, and said sadly:

"I don't know.

Three years ago.

The monsters here suddenly became extremely violent. During the transition between darkness and day, they attacked the guardian and my people.

I was separated from my parents in the battle.

And fainted.

After waking up, the tribe members were gone. The old and young tribesmen who stayed behind died here with the guardian."

Hoshino Sakura continued to ask: "Monsters, are they the skeleton lizards that I defeated before?"

Yiyi replied: "Not only lizard demons, but also many demons. They seem to have united. Otherwise, they can't be the opponent of the guardian."

"The guardian should be the guy you carved on the wooden wall and the cliff?"

"Yes. They have always had some kind of mysterious contract with my tribe."

Silence for a while.

Hoshino Sakura smiled slightly, looked up into the distance, and suddenly asked, "Do you want to find your people?"

Yiyi was stunned again.

But the girl recalled the boy's heroic appearance in killing so many skeleton giant lizards before, and hope burned in her heart again. She widened her eyes and nodded fiercely.

Hoshino Sakura stood up, twisted her neck joints, and said calmly: "Okay, then you wait here for a while! I'll go to take care of some chores and come back soon!"

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