Nagata Yuuka was stunned for half a second.


With a solemn look on her face, she rushed into the classroom quickly, held Daozi's hand in front of Aoife Enoch, and prepared to pull her away.

Only took two steps.

Daozi's face was livid, he swung his arms angrily and struggled violently.

As soon as she saw Nagata Yuka, she seemed to be greatly stimulated and shouted angrily: "Who are you? Stop it! Do you want to take care of my affairs???"

"I am your sister!!!"

After finishing speaking, Yuehua didn't wait for Yuehua to react.

In public.

Michiko, who was hated the most and ignored her own thoughts, suddenly felt extremely wronged. She immediately raised her free left hand and slapped Yuka Nagata's right cheek hard.

Snapped! ! !

The sound of a slap.


The crowd in the classroom was excited again.

Nagata Yuka covered the right side of her face and stood there in shock.

For a moment.

All the negative emotions such as inferiority complex and cowardice surged into her heart and pulled the restless Aoife factors in her body.

Daozi took this opportunity to intensify his efforts.

"Bring it to me!!!"

She rushed forward and arbitrarily grabbed Yuka Nagata's black and rustic backpack. She tore open the cracks on the side with her hands, tore the bag violently, and threw it to the ground.

A black bag that was easily torn.

What fell out was a broken mobile phone, a cosmetic mirror with uneven edges and only half of it left, and a sandwich carefully wrapped in a bag with half of it left.

Daozi showed no mercy, raised his black leather boots, and crushed the remaining half of the sandwich into bread crumbs. He picked up the red button cell phone from the ground, pulled out the text message, and yelled:


What kind of crappy stuff are you using?

What's the food?

What kind of bastard is sending such disgusting messages every day! ! !

ah? ? ?

Are you worthy of being my sister? ? ?

go to hell! ! ! "


Daozi opened the cell phone with the text message record and handed it to the two female classmates gathered around to watch.

"Ha ha ha ha."

“What a sad confession message”

"We're still dating."

Roaring laughter came from the girl's mouth, like a knife blade, cutting through Nagata Yuka's nerves. She stood alone in the distance, holding her head and squatting down weakly.

Everything in this world.

At this moment.

It seemed like they were all on the opposite side of her.

Just like a child who is emotionally ignorant, he developed a liking for the opposite sex at a young age, and the letters he wrote were stolen by gangsters in the class after peeking at them, and they were widely circulated among the boys and girls in the class.

The child's humble self-esteem was shattered into pieces amidst the ridicule and turned into low self-esteem, but there was nothing he could do.


Just like this, under Yuuka Nagata's disheartened eyes, her step-sister, who was related by blood, took the initiative to walk in front of Enoch, the stickleback fish. A sharp tentacle thrown out by the latter penetrated her chest and opened the door for her. It is injected with genes and undergoes evolution.

This process was called "the coming of the apostles" internally and "evolution of life" externally by Orpheus Enoch.

On the podium.

The man on the right carrying a box became curious about the sudden appearance of Nagata Yuka. He felt that he must have seen this girl before.

After a while.

The man pursed his lips and remembered.

months ago.

Under the instructions of the president, the three of them attacked the unsuspecting art tutorial class when they were using rough methods to increase their tribe. Among the girls present at the time, there was this girl who seemed to be dressed in rustic clothes.


When they were about to evolve her, they were stopped by a young boy who got in the way.


The boy who got in the way was instead injected with the Offee factor.

The girl was temporarily rescued.

But while being chased by other Aoife Enoch.

She fell down the stairs, accidentally lost her footing and fell into coma. In the end, with the power of resentment and the spirit of not wanting to die, she accidentally awakened into the "Crane-shaped Original Orpheus Enoch".


With her excellent flying ability, she escaped from the building with the boy.

At this time.

The man carrying the box on the right had a cold smile on his lips. Seeing Yuka Nagata standing there, he felt that the opportunity was rare, so he prepared to step forward alone.


Hidden in the corridor.

Gan Qiao, who saw everything in his eyes, slammed open the glass door, picked up Yuhua who was mentally shocked, and reminded loudly:

"Hey! Cheer up!"


Gan Qiao took her and ran out with a cruel look on his face.

On the podium.

The two men carrying boxes on the left and right looked at each other, nodded, and quickly chased out the door.

During this period.

After Daozi was injected with the Ofi gene, he lay on the ground rolling in pain, with blue flames emitting from his body.


Under the watchful eyes of two fellow female classmates.

Daozi transformed into Aoife Enoch, a rabbit with long earlobes and gray and white armor all over his body. The apostle's arrival was successful!

Kawashima Building.


After Hoshino Sakura confirmed the address, she walked to the lobby on the first floor.

At this moment.

It's already eight o'clock at night.

It was already dark.

Although the lobby of the building was still lit and the door was open, there was only a large warm light hanging in the center of the ceiling.

There is no front desk staff here.

There is no security staff.

The whole environment seemed empty.

Sakura Hoshino walked inside. The hall was so quiet that he could hear his own breathing and heartbeats mixed with the footsteps.


A small passage on the side of the hall.

Four elevators, ABCD.

Elevator A reached the first floor.

Murakami, dressed in a pure white suit, walked out of the elevator like a walking white wall, and adjusted his tie, just in time to see Sakura Hoshino running past him.

Murakami narrowed his eyes and tentatively said, "Child, are you here to find the Youya Art Tutoring Class?"


He has already raised his vigilance and sensed the breath of the boy in front of him. And he is ready to kill at any time.


The spiritual energy fluctuations emitted by the seemingly young and tender Sakura Hoshino are almost negligible.

And there is no breath of any awakened person around.

Murakami was relieved.

It seems that the other party is just a child.

On the other side

Hoshino Sakura, who was about to get on another empty elevator next to her, stopped immediately after hearing the call.

The temperature around her seemed to drop by more than ten degrees.

When Hoshino Sakura turned around and saw Murakami's gloomy old face, her heart trembled suddenly, but she immediately smiled: "I'm here to find my sister!"

Murakami nodded, giving people a very gentlemanly feeling: "Eighteenth floor, here tonight, only the art tutoring class on the eighteenth floor has people."

"Thank you, brother!"

Hoshino Sakura smiled innocently, waved goodbye naturally, and then walked into the empty elevator calmly.

Murakami seemed to have never been praised for his youth in such a metaphorical way, and smiled with satisfaction on his face:

"Your sister is very good and understands the survival of the fittest. You should learn from your sister! Come on, young man."

"Ah, that's a must, thank you for the compliment, brother!"

"Hehe, your little mouth is quite sweet, go up!"


The air warmed up.

Until the elevator door closed.

The smile on Sakura Hoshino's face finally relaxed, and she pressed the button for the 18th floor.

The elevator went up.

Sakura Hoshino dared to bend down, take a deep breath, and pressed her sweaty back against the cold metal wall, looking like she had escaped death.

Outside the elevator.

Murakami's smile gradually became evil.

What he said.

Actually, it was very obscure.

Now, this building really only has 18 floors, and there are still people.

But in a few minutes.

There will be no one.

Because including the boy who just went upstairs, they will all have some of their memories erased.

In the end.

Become Orphino, or become dust.

The elevator went straight to the 18th floor.

Use this time.

Sakura Hoshino has recovered from the fear of being invisible pressured by Murakami to spy on her own strength.

This Murakami now gives him a feeling that he is too powerful.

Just one encounter.

He was just like a mountain, hanging heavily on the head of Xingye Ying, making her feel extremely depressed and terrified.

The elevator door opened.

Xingye Ying threw away her distracting thoughts, and as soon as she walked out of the elevator door, she heard the sound of fierce fighting in the intricate corridors.

At this moment.

Xingye Ying groped in the dark, listening to the sound, and quickly moved forward in the criss-crossing corridors.

Going around countless dark corners.

He saw the "Youya Art Tutoring Class" with the lights on.

[Part-time job]:

"Go to Youya Art Tutoring Class and activate the [Ophiino Factor] left in the host's body. Since the protagonist cannot awaken for life, he will randomly obtain an Orphiino employee card."

[Task completed]:

"Obtain a Dragon Orphiino Demon State Employee Card."

A mechanical prompt sounded.

On Xingye Ying's right hand.

A faint white light suddenly flashed.


There was an extra card in his hand.

In the middle of the card, there is a head with two sharp dragon horns extending from the left and right, a face with an evil and strange look, a body covered with heavy and symmetrical gray-white armor, and two arms with dragon head-shaped swords:

"Dragon Aofeino·Demon Form"

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