District 88.

central area.

The voices of human beings arguing about angels, the sounds of awe, and the sounds of prayers are like ocean waves, surging across this land.

And in a place where humans can't see.

The conspiracy is growing, spreading, and spreading wantonly, just like a poisonous spider has weaved a strong giant web, opened its bloody mouth densely packed with fangs, and is waiting for its prey called humans to jump on it.

In a dark corner of the building.

Onuma Keiko's red lips were slightly outlined, as if she had gained insight into something, and she suddenly said: "The defense team guarding these three districts, their fighter jets are dispatched, the target is the Heisen Apartment we visited before."

Hear the words.

Mitsuo Itabashi laughed loudly: "That building is indeed the latest one to be built among the sacred flame target buildings. Stupid humans chose to protect that building. There is nothing wrong with that. It is just their behavior."

A sneer appeared on both of their faces.

But for a moment.

Witch Keiko Onuma was anxious, she said in confusion:


The fighter jet hovered over Hesse Apartments for only half a minute.

And the direction it's traveling now.

It's us here! ! !

It's going full throttle! ! ! "

Mitsuo Banqiao's eyes rolled, he was thinking over and over again, his mind was running rapidly. For a moment, he sneered and said loudly in a crazy, awed and crazy voice:

"Let it come!

We initiate a wave of spiritual intervention! ! !

Since they choose not to protect an apartment.

That's in a minute.

Activate the sacred flame at the same time!

Let them fear our great god Kyriarod.

at last.

Declare the Word of God.

Let fragile humans surrender to my God!

Draw on the power of faith! ! !

Open the door to heaven! ! !

Welcome the arrival of our clan’s gods! ! ! "

High in the blue sky.

In the cockpit of the Feiyan, Sakura Hoshino heard from the helmet in her ear clearly and standardly spoken instructions from Ye Rui from the Far East Headquarters: "Special energy is gathering under the ground, countdown to one minute!"


Countdown to 63 seconds.

Hoshino Sakura quickly sent a "1" to Theresia with one hand on the already lit phone screen.

Countdown to 50 seconds.

He pushed the speed of Feiyan No. 1 to the limit, and the tail jet ignited a ball of flames that distorted the air.

The fighter jet that was heading towards the central area was now flying towards the direction of the "Angel" at full speed.

During this period.

Victory Team Headquarters.

Countdown to 41 seconds.

Megumi and Norui who stayed in the team were confused. This scene made them almost think that time had gone back to the day when they monitored Hoshino Sakura's operation of Feiyan 2.

Hoshino Sakura began to act without authorization again.

Improvisation on the spot.

He did not follow the original plan. When the Kirialodians detonated the Hessian apartment, he used a microwave cannon to disperse the energy, save the apartment, and then retreat.

on the contrary.

Sakura Hoshino piloted the Swallow 2 and hovered in the apartment for only a moment. After the countdown of energy accumulation, she flew to high places.

Countdown to 39 seconds.

Jian Hui knew that her words might not have any effect on this little guy who was not afraid of anything and was driving the Feiyan like a bird out of its cage.

She could only helplessly take the communication microphone from Ye Rui, with a sad look on her face, and said with heartache:


Countdown to 20 seconds.

Thousands of miles high in the sky.

Cloud-dense areas.

Hoshino Sakura listened to Megumi's instructions and smiled as she switched Feiyan No. 1 to autopilot mode. Immediately, she quietly unplugged half of the surveillance camera line connector in the cockpit and said loudly and urgently:

"Communications at the headquarters have been subject to strong radio wave interference."

The performance is over.

He directly cut off all the cockpit monitoring lines and communication lines.

Countdown: 10 seconds.

Feiyan No. 1 was now approaching the area where angels existed.

Hoshino Sakura was methodical, wearing black leather gloves with her index and middle fingers raised.


There was a sudden flash of white light in the cockpit.

The employee card of "Dragon Aoife Enoch" appeared between his two fingers.

Immediately afterwards

The card, which was full of texture and exuded a gloomy aura, was thrown into the main card slot of the imperial belt in the middle of his waist like a black hole, swallowing all things.


Hoshino Sakura transforms into the demon form of Orpheus Enoch, a dragon wearing heavy armor.

Countdown to 3 seconds.

He's gambling.

In the original work, Shinjo experienced symptoms of dizziness when he was driving a fighter jet towards the illusory angel created by the Kirialodians. It goes without saying that this alien race must have the ability to interfere with the spirit of living things.


Hoshino Sakura was betting that his body of Enoch, which evolved from humans and surpassed humans in all aspects, could withstand that wave of mental interference.

Countdown to 1 second.

Boom boom boom boom

The entire Area 88 felt like it was experiencing a magnitude 6 earthquake, and the underground energy had completely gathered.

The sacred flames exploded one after another like volcanic flames bursting out.

at the same time.

Fourteen violent explosions resounded across the sky, and fourteen unoccupied residential buildings were instantly turned into rubble filled with smoke and dust.

The earth trembled.

The streets shook.

It's like a sign before the end of the world.

Above the sky.

At the same time, an invisible sound wave was spreading fiercely from the center of the angel to the surroundings, rippling and weakening in circles.

The target of the sound wave is only the sky.

After contacting this invisible energy, the dragon Aofei Xingye Ying in the cockpit of Feiyan No. 1 had a twisted and surging brain mental layer.

And the ring of impacts coming from behind.

Let him feel it.

What is stronger than the other!

Drilling, vibration, and squeezing, three kinds of weird energy, filled Xingye Ying's mind.


Xingye Ying had already set the fighter to autopilot mode.


This situation is more terrifying than the horror of drunk driving after drinking two kilograms of Feitian Maotai.

But he made the right bet.

If there is no strong Aofei body.

With his own human brain, facing this full-powered sound wave interference, it is estimated that he can't resist one-tenth of the attack. Even if he is determined to stick to the end and resist it, he will directly die of brain death or become a vegetable.

At this moment.

Feiyan No. 1 is getting closer and closer to the angel.

In the dark corner of the abandoned building.

The witch Onuma Keiko closed her eyes tightly, as if she had connected her consciousness to some kind of detection method, and then began to report the situation after the sacred flame was triggered:

"Fourteen of the fifteen buildings were destroyed, leaving only one Hesen Apartment."

Itabashi Mitsuo frowned and said, "How is it possible? Human fighter planes clearly flew towards us."

The witch gritted her teeth and continued, "There are two girls on the roof of Hesen Apartment, guarding an anti-energy device. It was that device that dispelled the sacred flame!"

"Forget it! Fourteen buildings are fourteen! Let the tribesmen announce the words of God!" Itabashi Mitsuo looked fierce and further issued instructions to the blue arc energy bodies around him.

"No!!! The human TV network was suddenly encrypted and protected by many firewalls. It will take us ten minutes to crack it by force."

"Huang? Damn it!!! What's going on!!!" Itabashi Mitsuo roared.

Their words of God can only achieve the best results when transmitted through the human network medium.

Now it's gone.

It means that the Kirieloids have become dumb.

At this time

Not far away.

On the big screen of a technology building, an urgent live broadcast was being broadcast.

The people who were originally paying attention to the angels were immediately attracted to the big screen.

And on the screen.

It was the pink formal female host who was possessed by the Kirieloid last time.

She was interviewing Nori, who was in the Victory Team, on the split-screen line.

Female host:

"You mean, the so-called angels and the building that was just blown up are actually the work of the Kirieloids behind the scenes?"

Ye Rui:


The so-called angels are just a projection of energy.

And they created the explosion to use public opinion pressure to attack human awakeners.

Then they disguised themselves as gods.

In the name of salvation.

Deceive some simple and pious humans!"

Female host: "Then do you want to say something or warn such a sinister and treacherous alien enemy?"

Ye Rui:

"I don't want to have any communication with them who are despicable.

But I have to say, warn them.

Then I will borrow the words left by our new Victory Team member, Ying, before he left on the mission as a warning and declaration.

Just wait to be fucked!

Bastard Kirieloids!"

Thanks to the top brother Tuntian Shengkun for his 100-point reward!!! Thank you all for your recommendation votes!!!

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