Far East Headquarters.

Victory Team Command Room.

Iruma Hui and Nori stared at the big screen. They were very confused when facing this monster that suddenly appeared without any warning.


Feiyan No. 2, Sakura Hoshino in the cockpit has been trying to adjust the direction of the fighter.

But it was still useless.

The left wing was rubbed off by the giant monster's body. In an instant, black smoke billowed out of the body.

The fighter plane fell rapidly.

Iruma Hui glanced at the location of Ultraman Da Gu Tiga on the monitoring screen. At this moment, he was still dozens of kilometers away from Area 88 and had no time to rescue Sakura Hoshino who crashed.

In the command room.

The two people's hanging hearts fell to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

It seems that this time.

Sakura Hoshino, who likes to play big and jump, is really doomed.

What surprised everyone was that this monster that suddenly appeared actually avoided all thermal energy monitoring equipment.

On the ground.



After the angel disappeared, the people who were fleeing, originally complaining and cursing about the Feiyan No. 1 for being in the way, suddenly disappeared with the appearance of the monster, and they all began to flee to the periphery with their heads in their hands.

But no one would care whether this was a conspiracy of aliens. At the critical moment, everyone was only thinking about saving their lives.

In the air.

Although the left wing of the Feiyan No. 1 did not catch fire, the thick smoke never stopped for a moment, and a long smoke trail was pulled in the air.

The fighter's suspension system and left power system lost control. After falling to a certain height, it began to spin wildly and fall.

This fancy crash was more showy than the one played by Xincheng.

In the cockpit.

Hoshino Sakura looked cold, holding the seat safety armrest with both hands, and her back was tightly against the driver's seat, allowing the body to rotate.

He did not intend to jump out of the plane.

Instead, he faced the strong dizziness and looked sideways outside the super transparent glass window. The huge monster, which looked like a giant stone tower with thorns and stone thorns all over its back, was like a giant mountain.

The wind was howling.

It just so happened.

The falling Feiyan passed through the uneven, weird and ugly side of the monster.

They crossed for a moment.

Hoshino Sakura's tiny but deep eyes briefly met the monster's huge single eye with a black pupil and a red glow.

Just like ordinary people, looking up at the mountains!


The former's eyes were as cold as a blade.

The latter's eyes were blank and irritable.

The monster was slender, its body surface was covered with thick rocks, and it had strong and powerful limbs, with a sharp long horn in the middle of its head.

It looked like a triceratops from ancient times.

Hoshino Sakura knew that this was a monster from the Stone Clan living underground on Kurara Island:

"One-horned Gakuma!!!!!!!"

The originally blue sky.

After the monster appeared, large black clouds carrying lightning began to gather and cover it quickly.

Abandoned factory building.

Mitsuo Itabashi and the witch, wearing linen cloaks, stood in an empty building without guardrails on the first floor, watching the battle in the sky.

Lightning illuminated their faces.

Behind them, in a dark corner, thousands of light blue arc energy bodies opened their hands upwards, as if performing some kind of ancient ritual.

The majestic dark energy emanated from it.

And condensed towards the sky where the angel appeared before.

From the perspective of Mitsuo Itabashi, after Feiyan No. 1 fell with thick smoke, it was blocked by the towering and dense industrial buildings and disappeared without a trace, but there was no explosion from the ground.

The adult one-horned Kakuma was driven from underground to the surface by the Kirieloids and fell into a state of madness.

This monster was already extremely unfamiliar with the underground environment of Area 88.

Now it was exposed to the scorching sun again.

Especially hearing the terrifying shouts of humans like the waves.

The beast hidden in the heart of the monster Kakuma was no longer restrained. It opened its stone mouth wantonly and violently shot light blue "petrification light" at the surrounding high-rise buildings.


All the buildings swept by the light blue light had a thick, irregularly shaped stone layer on the surface, and these floors would be swept into stone slag by the crazy monsters with their slender and hard tails in the next second.


It started to rain huge rocks from the sky.

Many people who ran away with their heads in their hands were injured and killed, and countless seriously injured people lay on the ground wailing and crying.

The periphery of the densely populated square.

After completing their respective tasks, the members of the Victory Team drove the Sherlock Chariot and rushed over from the ground through the ruins.

Commander Zong Fang led the hospital rescue team to the vicinity of the battlefield, commanding the team members to rescue the seriously injured and evacuate the dense crowd.


Thunder rang out.

The space where the angel was originally suspended suddenly became a dark and chaotic space.

The sky turned dim.

Thunder and lightning.

A stone gate with a terrifying and evil aura and strange inscriptions stood quietly on the black cloud steps.

The two huge stones on the left and right only opened a small crack, but the energy of black and white mist seeped out, which made people feel terrified and trembled.

The stone gate was like the entrance to ancient ruins.

It was also like the entrance to the dark abyss.

All the Kirielod people.

After seeing this long-awaited gate with dark energy all around and dense lightning on the black cloud steps, they seemed extremely excited.

They, the Kirialodians, have been coming to Blue Star for tens of millions of years, and finally feel the atmosphere of "home" again.

This is the "gate to heaven" they have been waiting for!

It is also the gate to hell in the human world.

Although the witch was excited, at this time, she questioned: "The appearance of Gakuma has driven away the humans who originally contributed the power of faith to us. The opening speed of the Holy Gate will definitely be greatly reduced."

Hear the words.

Mitsuo Banqiao smiled strangely:

"rest assured.

Humans are not focused.

It’s just that the power of faith will be collected slowly.

The victory team already knows this and uses microwave cannons to restrain our energy concentration.

Like before.

It is definitely impossible to use angels to quickly absorb faith.


I will also join the battle to protect the Holy Gate.

Slow down, just slow down! "

The Kirialodians looked up at the slowly opening stone door in the dark clouds in the sky, overlooking Gakuma who had fallen into madness on the earth and destroyed everything.

Even if plans change.

They couldn't restrain their excitement and madness.

It's just that the Kirialodians didn't notice.

The dark energy that they had finally condensed with the strength of their clan was quietly passing away and condensing in the direction of the previous Feiyan No. 1 crash.

"Team Sakura!!!"

"Team Sakura! Can you hear me???"

Megumi and Norui in the command room lost the surveillance video of Feiyan again after Hoshino Sakura crashed, but they still had hope and kept using communication equipment to call the latter.


Just when the two of them had given up any hope for Hoshino Sakura, who had crashed and failed to parachute.

"Ahem, captain, Yerui-senpai, I'm still alive! Sorry, I crashed again!"

Surveillance video is connected.

Hoshino Sakura's slightly tired face appeared on the big screen in the monitoring room again.

"what happened???"

"Why are you still in the cockpit???"

Jian Hui and Ye Rui, who looked worried, asked almost at the same time.


Hui Jian was distraught and said with concern: "It's okay if the plane crashes, as long as you are alive!!!"


At this moment, a deep and deep voice sounded. .

The whole body exudes evil energy, the appearance is exactly the same as the Great Gudiga, but the whole body is gray silver, and the aura is terrifying and dark. Dark Dija holds the Feiyan No. 1 in front of him.

Its two huge, oval-shaped eyes that glowed with orange light were transferred to the surveillance camera external to the fighter through Sakura Hoshino, and the images were transmitted to the big screen at the Far East Victory Team headquarters.


Ye Rui was startled by the huge evil eyes that suddenly popped up on the big screen.


Hoshino Sakura explained: "It was the Dark Giant who saved me!"

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