Two Feiyans with intersecting black, yellow and red stripes soon set off from the main base.

After the fighter jet took off, its tail flame dragged out two slender pure white trail clouds in the clouds.

Feiyan-2 only took a few minutes to rise to an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Extremely fast.

Hoshino Sakura looked out the window. The sky was blue, and the white cotton-like clouds were quickly retreating. At this altitude, it was almost impossible to see the gradually smaller city below, and Feiyan 1 was on the right wing of Feiyan 2. , the two planes move forward parallel.

About ten minutes later.

"We are about to enter area 101, Dagu, turn on the energy detection radar."

Xincheng, who got on the driver's seat, warned.


It has to be said that super-performance fighter jets are fast, and Hoshino Sakura likes this feeling of speed.

Kuai is simply an indescribable romantic yearning that a boy had when he was a child.


At this time, Feiyan 2's communication system suddenly sounded a burst of electricity, and then the sound of digging a well was heard:

"Area 101 once unearthed the ruins of a village more than five thousand years ago. What's the name of the village? Ye Rui said it last time. I forgot. The Pyramid of Light is probably related to this ancient village."

"Five thousand years ago, it was Diga Village."

Hoshino Sakura said firmly.

More than 5,000 years ago, Diga had close interactions with the ancestors of Dagu. Later, Diga saved the world at that time, and the ancestors of Dagu renamed their village Diga Village.

"Yes, yes, it's Diga Village. Boy, you know a lot!"

Approval came from digging the well.

Da Gu in the co-pilot asked: "Sakura, how did you know?"

Hoshino Sakura replied without changing her expression: "I have always paid close attention to the excavation of ancient ruins."


It's just that he loved tokusatsu when he was a child and watched a lot of tokusatsu dramas, and he came up with this idea.

"That's a pity. It's useless to pay attention. Your awakening rate is only 0.05%. Otherwise, if you try your luck in a ruin like this, you might be able to awaken."

The words about digging a well in the communication equipment have not yet been finished.

Lina suddenly protected Hoshino Sakura, like a big sister protecting her little brother, and joked:

"Some people have a 25% awakening rate, but they haven't awakened yet. If you insist on using the data to tease someone else's new little brother who joined the team, are you jealous of someone else's top SSR training qualifications?"

"I didn't have a chance. Besides, who is jealous?"

"Lina digs a well, that's enough; we have reached area 101, please ask the headquarters for instructions on the next step, over."

As the deputy captain, Zongfang stopped the teasing on Feiyan No. 1 and asked for instructions from the victory team headquarters.

Only then did the team members on the two Feiyans calm down.

Victory Team Headquarters.

Strategy meeting room.

Hui Jian stared at the control computer operated by Ye Rui, frowned and said worriedly:

"Feiyan No. 1 and No. 2, please note that the energy fluctuations of the Pyramid of Light are below you. In addition, there are three F-level spiritual source energy fluctuations fighting."

"Roger, Feiyan No. 1 and No. 2, preparing to land near the pyramid."

Munakata gave the order.

The engines of the two Feiyans were reduced in power, and they quickly fell downward from an altitude of 10,000 meters in the stratosphere.

Aboard Feiyan 2.

Hoshino Sakura stared ahead. The energy detection radar beside Dagu was only more than 5,000 meters away from the earth when three strong flashes appeared on the radar display.

"Golzan and Melpa?"

He could guess that two of the energy points were probably the two model worker monsters who had a grudge against Diga and came to team up to clear the "Pyramid Giant Copy", but the third energy point could only be explored at close range. after all.

The two planes were only 500 meters away from the ground at this time.

The clouds and fog gradually dispersed.

Green mountains and forests emerge.



A dull roar echoed through the sky.

On the mountain forest plain.

An Ultraman with a bright red body, covered with silver-black armor, and extremely evil orange eyes, punched the ground.


The earth cracked, red light energy particles spewed up from the rifts on the surface, dust filled the air, and two huge monsters in diameter were blasted left and right by the red burning energy wave.

Hundreds of thousands of tons of monster bodies fell down in the mountains and forests, creating powerful waves.

Those two monsters.

It is the "Super Ancient Monster Golzan".

as well as.

"Melba, the monster that cracked the sky."


After the ray defeated the two monsters, the earth was still cracking.

The final target of this light energy ray is actually the two descending Shengli Feiyan in the sky.


Zongfang on the Feiyan No. 1 looked at the red light and countless gravel coming from below, and felt shuddering. When he suddenly lifted the lever, he roared.

Bang! ! !

The final large-scale explosion of the ray completely destroyed the left wing of Feiyan No. 1, which was unable to escape.

The machine instantly lost its balance and emitted thick smoke and fire.

Zongfang, who was in the main driver's seat, was pulling the joystick desperately, but the aircraft had lost its engine and was shaking violently. He immediately pressed the collective safety ejection button and shouted:

"Feiyan 1 is about to crash, everyone is preparing to eject and parachute!!!"

Three seconds later.

Zongfang, Lina, and Tujing were ejected into the sky together with the horror.

the other side.

When the red energy wave was about to hit the wing of Feiyan II, Xincheng and Dagu had already made a prediction and manipulated the body to tilt to the right to fly, perfectly avoiding the attack.

A close call.

After getting away from the energy fluctuations.

Hoshino Sakura breathed a sigh of relief.

His finger on the emergency ejection button also loosened, and he stared at the situation on the ground through the window.

Faced with this dangerous situation;

Since Xincheng and Dagu didn't crash?

This is what he couldn't figure out.

"That's the Dark Giant Darram, the ability recorded in the awakening sequence!"

Dagu looked at the giant on the ground anxiously, then looked at the position where Lina parachuted, and explained.

Xincheng glared at the giant below who almost killed his group, and immediately applied to the headquarters: "Feiyan II requests to cover the No. 1 jumper, please reply!"

He did not choose to attack the giants and monsters, acting rashly, after all, the gap between the enemy and us is here.

This point.

It made Hoshino Sakura feel very relieved.

No one wants his future teammates to be a bunch of reckless men.

"Approved, this dark giant Darram is not registered in the Blue Star Defense Team, and can be regarded as an enemy and attacked, over!"

The voice of Iruma Hui came from the communication device.

She was anxious;

If the battle fluctuates too much, or drags on for too long, and her team members cannot enter the pyramid to unlock the secret of the giant, then this piece of ruins that was finally discovered will inevitably be snatched away by other Blue Star Defense Teams.

In that case;

The dream of the members of the Victory Team to awaken will be ruined.

Victory is at hand.

Is it just disillusioned like this?

Previously, Feiyan No. 1 was destroyed, and Zongfang and the other three experienced a life-and-death crisis. After jumping out of the plane, there was no sign of awakening, which made her half disappointed.

If the remaining three people, including Da Gu, can't even enter the pyramid at this time.

Iruma Hui is really unwilling to accept this!

But the lives of her team members are definitely more important than awakening.

When she was entangled.

After thinking it over again and again, Ju Jianhui turned on the small computer on his wrist, bit his lips lightly, and stared at the battle situation on the screen.

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