"Ah!!! Monster!!!!"

The construction team that had just repaired the tires of the "Zesila Van" from the Aisen Apartment.

Go out and turn a corner.

They saw a huge monster running towards them. The ground shook continuously. The old contractor's eyes widened and he almost peed on the spot.

Good thing.

The monster didn't run very far toward them, and hurried back as if it had forgotten to bring its key when going out.


The big apprentice who was driving, Construction Worker A, was so frightened that his hands trembled and he braked suddenly.

A sharp sound sounded.

The van was out of control and turned 90 degrees on the road. Its four tires pulled out four slender black marks on the ground.

Suddenly the brakes failed.

The vehicle continued to roll sideways.

Moments of life and death.

The second apprentice sitting in the back, Constructor B, closed his eyes devoutly, and nodded crazily with his right hand on his forehead and shoulders. His face was ashen, but his attitude was sincere, and he murmured: "Elder brother, please bless me!"


The old contractor, with trembling hands, also touched his forehead and shoulders with his right hand. His trembling lips were so anxious that he muttered: "Big brother, please bless me in heaven! Bless me!"

A younger apprentice grabbed the armrests in the car with both hands, suppressed the fear in his heart, and said curiously: "Master, senior brother is not your apprentice! What are you doing?"

The old contractor turned around, glared at the little brat, and said angrily: "I worship my senior brother! What? Is there a problem?"

"Yes, yes, yes...!"

When the old contractor saw that the little brat dared to talk back, the fear in his heart due to the loss of control of the vehicle and the attack of the monster disappeared in an instant, and he was about to reach out and give the boy a chestnut.

The young apprentice pointed forward and exclaimed: "There is a car!!!"

The old contractor looked back, his eyes widened again, his lips trembled again, and he said in despair: "No, that's a tank."

On a straight line on the highway.

A speeding, azure-blue convertible large-wheel tractor charged at a super speed of 160 kilometers per hour.

In the main driving seat of the tractor.


A young man with short hair, thick eyebrows and big eyes, wearing a white shirt and jeans, had a distorted facial expression and shouted in horror!

Passenger seat.

"Zhanbo brake!!! Brake!!! There is a car in front of the car!!! I told you to brake! Are you deaf???"

A woman with beautiful long black hair, curled eyebrows, and a delicate face, wearing a cool orange hanging skirt, her beautiful eyes widened, and she pointed her hand forward anxiously.

But her nervousness could not hide it at all. Her furious look at the moment was full of murderous intent!

"Sister! Ouch! The instructor never taught me how to brake the tractor!"

Zhan Bo frowned, clenched the steering wheel in mourning, and pulled his body back, with a look of resistance on his face.

The tractor was still rolling forward like an armored vehicle. Its size was huge, almost catching up with the size of the front of a large truck.

This car was picked up by Zhanbo and his team near an airport after it was attacked by a monster.

It looks like an airport cargo truck.

However, their original car broke down miserably on the road, and they had no choice but to switch to this "horse" car midway.


There is an empty space in the middle of the tractor, and all kinds of luggage are piled up.

Zhang Wei, who had made an agreement with Theresia before, was currently sleeping, drooling and unshakable, with a green baseball cap covering his face, lying among the luggage.

And behind the tractor.

Under the blue hood.

A young man wearing a black leather coat, with fluffy and slender hair, a soft and handsome face, and an ancient handsome temperament is sitting cross-legged opposite a handsome young man wearing a white formal suit.

There is a chess game in the middle.

The two people looked solemn and ignored what was going on outside the window, as if they were engaged in a high-end and tense game.

Every decision you make is made in your heart.

It can affect their next move and make the chess game fall into a brutal and inhumane fighting situation.

"Kill a chicken?

Is it time for dinner?

I can kill a chicken.

Yifei, should be somewhere.

I was so hungry that I woke up. "

Zhang Wei, who was lying among the luggage, thought that braking the tractor was like killing a chicken. He immediately took off the green baseball cap covering his eyes, wiped the saliva from the corners of his mouth, rubbed his groggy eyes, and yawned.

“Zhang Wei!!!

Why don't you sleep until you die? hold head high?

Yes, it’s here!

Zhanbo will send us to heaven soon!

There are monsters here!

How did you and Guangu find the place? ? ? "

Hu Yifei frowned coldly and glared at the confused Zhang Wei. Then, she pointed at the man under the hood and roared:

"And you two!

Do you risk your life by playing a game of chess?

If Zeng Xiaoxian were here.

He would at least say a few words to set off the atmosphere.

What about you two?

What do I need from you two? ? ? "

"Ah ah~ Is that what Teacher Zeng calls you?"

Lu Ziqiao, who was wearing a white formal suit with a red handkerchief hanging on his chest, rolled his eyes and shouted angrily twice. Then he pulled his tie, sat upright, picked up a dice, and continued seriously:

"Don't worry, Yifei.

We have two awakened ones, Zhang Wei and Neo, who will kill God if they stand in the way, and kill Buddha if they stand in the way of Buddha!

Say it again!

Aren't they just monsters?

In the few years we have been in Tokyo, have we seen less monsters?

At this time.

It’s time to play an exciting game of monster flying chess.


I just need one last piece to enter the base camp, Neo, we agreed that if I win, you will lend me your Snow Mastiff Summoner for two days! "

"Of course, you should still call me Xizhao, Xiaobu, Neo is just my stage name."

The gentle Xizhao, with a warm smile, made a gesture of asking for dice.

On the other side.

Zhang Wei was stunned. He looked behind him, the two people who were so intoxicated by playing chess, turned around and looked up at the distance, the standing monster chasing a plane, and then looked at the tractor under his seat, which was moving like a gust of wind.


He looked down at Yifei who seemed to want to strangle him to death, and said aggrievedly: "Yifei, when I came here, there were no monsters here! Guan Gu is my witness! If you don't believe me, go back and ask Guan Gu!"

"Zhang Wei, do you think you are humorous? "

Hu Yifei narrowed his eyes, exuding murderous intent, clenched his right fist, and made a crisp bone-crackling sound.

Amusement park.

In the air.

The transport plane was running around, under the perfect driving operation of Murakami.

The transport plane was as clumsy as a stupid bird.

Time and again, it dodged the long whip attack of the giant monster Gadi.

Hoshino Sakura looked at the girl's pretty back and was slightly satisfied.


He put his right hand behind his back, extracted the "Dark Tiga" card from the system and held it between his fingers.

In an instant.

The air suddenly dropped.

And Mai was staring at the computer screen, analyzing the monster's attack and transmitting it to the driving screen , so that Murakami can predict the attack in advance.

Facing the crazy attack of the monster.

I don’t know if it’s the temperature dropping or the inner belief has faded.

They are a little sober at this time.

Murakami and Mai regretted it in their hearts. They only had so much equipment, but why did they just follow the boy’s instructions, which made it a luxury for them to escape from the battlefield.

And on Blue Star.

Actively awakening the monster, it can’t be destroyed.


The awakened monster caused heavy losses to the surrounding residents. The team that caused these reasons will go to the trial court and receive criminal punishment.

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