Tokyo bubble life

Chapter 358 357, 24,000 yen for a phone call? ! It's all Naoki-san's fault! !

The call from the other side of the ocean made Yongshan Naoki's drowsiness disappear all of a sudden.

"Ming Caijiang? How could it be you? How did you call? How did you know the phone number here?"

A series of questions popped out like a machine gun, and Naoki Naoki clearly remembered that he hadn't called Akina since he went abroad.

"Hahaha, I was shocked!"

The voice in the microphone sounded very happy, like a child who succeeded in a prank, and Naoki Yongshan’s mind came up with the classic old stalk of Master Xing, “Are you surprised? Are you surprised?”

Wiping his face, he suppressed the unconscious memories: "I was really shocked this time, I thought it was a supernatural event!"

"Hahaha, the death call in the middle of the night~ It's the same as Naoki-san's story about "Midnight Ring"~"

Mingcai must be half-lying on the sofa triumphantly, extremely happy!

Such thoughts flashed through his mind, but Naoki Naoyama, who had basically calmed down, could only echo Akina's good mood for the time being: "Hi~Hi~ My student Akina who is active and active, but can the smart Akina-chan tell you Next time, how did you call here?"

"Well, since Naoki-san asked the question sincerely, I will tell you mercifully!"

Akina Nakamori suppressed a smile from the other end of the microphone. Naoki Yongshan found that this little girl seemed to like to steal what she had said in previous chats, and she didn't even pay the copyright fee.

"Naoki-san, do you still remember when we met in Los Angeles last year?"

"Of course, does it matter?"

"At that time, for the convenience of contact, didn't you call the hotel?"

"So this time I called according to the number I gave last time? How do you know that the hotel is still the same?" Naoki Yongshan remembered that there was indeed such a thing, "No, even if the hotel has not changed, but the room It’s not the original one, is it?”

"I think Naoki-san is likely to be in the same hotel~" Although it was just a hunch, Akina said in a very definite tone, "But I really don't know which room it is in."


"So I called one by one according to the floor!" Akina said very simply. At the moment, she might still be thinking about her clever horse. "I found Naoki-san by the 8th one!"

". Called one by one~"

Hearing such words, Naoki Yongshan's heart seemed to be beating heavily, and the rushing blood poured into the brain at a faster speed than usual, making people feel like their head was heating up.

Although Akina said it very easily, Naoki Yongshan knew that Akina was making calls one after another because of an uncertain premonition, and experienced repeated disappointments, and perhaps malicious abuse from customers, just to contact himself

"Yes, I am very powerful!"

This tone of waiting for praise made Yongshan Naoki go through many oceans and saw Ming Cai who seemed to be waiting for approval with his tail up.

"It's really messed up." Naoki Naoyama sighed, and then laughed, "But it's really amazing! It should be said that it is worthy of Ming Caijiang!"

"However, Ming Caijiang took so much trouble to contact me, do you have something important to tell me?"

"Huh? Arnold" the girl in the apartment in Nakano District, Tokyo suddenly became speechless, and quickly sat upright, thinking.

When I saw the picture on TV before, I thought of Naoki Yongshan who was abroad, and then I dialed the phone as soon as my head got hot, but said it was something important. In fact, it didn’t seem to be there, I just wanted to hear about Naoki San's voice.

Just as the episode of "Boys Over Flowers" was still playing on the TV screen, Akina immediately found an excuse:

"Ah, yes, I'm watching the fifth episode of "Boys Over Flowers"! I saw Naoki-san's part! I think it's very good! That's why I called to praise Naoki-san!"

As if to add credibility to her excuse, Akina added:

"Yes, it is like that!"

"Boys Over Flowers" Episode 5? Are you calling to compliment me? If it is a manga, there should be a lot of question marks floating on Naoki Naoyama's head?

Sister, this is an international call. Besides, haven't you watched the entire episode of "Boys Over Flowers" a long time ago? Didn't you brag at that time?

However, at this time, don't expose the girl's poor self-esteem.

"Ahem. Thank you Mingcai for your compliment~ I also thank Miss Mingcai for supporting "Boys Over Flowers"~"

"Yeah, I should, I should~" Mingcai tricked herself into it with all her excuses.

But after this embarrassing conversation, it seemed that there was no reason to call, and the phone suddenly fell silent.

Naturally, you can't be cold at this time, Naoki Yongshan said again:

"Akina-chan, are you back from the concert in Saitama? Did it go well?"

"Hi, because of the relatively close relationship, I can go back to Tokyo on the same day. The fans in Saitama Prefecture are also very enthusiastic, and they also sent a lot of gifts, including special udon noodles!"

After talking about the recent events, Akina's tone became lively again, and she shared interesting stories with Naoki Nagayama, and then talked about what happened when Naoki Naoyama was not in Tokyo, and asked Naoki Naoyama where foreign situation;

Naoki Yongshan naturally talked about the awards ceremony he was going to, Naoki Kadokawa's yacht, and the old friends he met here.

Random chatting all over the world, sometimes the last topic ends, and the next one will naturally go too far,

Transocean's phone porridge seems to be the same as when it was cooked in Tokyo, but Naoki Naoyama's side is in the morning, while Nakamori Akina's side is in the evening.

When it was time to change the subject again, more than an hour passed like this, and when he was talking about Disneyland in Los Angeles, Naoki Naoyama realized,

"Ming Caijiang, it seems like I've been on the phone for over an hour!"

"Huh?" Akina Nakamori didn't pay attention, but after looking at the wall clock, she realized, "Ah, yes, it's past 11 o'clock~"

Finding Nakamori Akina seems to have not found the point yet, Naoki Yongshan reminded again: "Akina sauce, we are an international caller."

"International call?"

"400 yen per minute!"

"Huh???" Akina finally came to his senses, and quickly began to count with his fingers, "400 yen per minute, 60 minutes per hour, multiplied is 24,000 yen!!!!"

One month's pocket money is gone! ! !

Akina Nakamori has only been out for less than a year. At this time, he only has a monthly salary of about 200,000 yuan, most of which are sent to his family to subsidize his family, so the remaining pocket money is actually not much.

"What to do, what to do!" Akina's panicked tone came from the microphone, "Next month, I can only eat white rice!"

"Hahaha~ Don't worry, you can come to my house for dinner~"

"Naoki-san!" Akina's face puffed up, and she complained to Naoki Yongshan, who was gleeful at others' misfortune, "It's all Naoki-san's fault! I'm going to hang up!"

Naoki Naoyama almost blurted out when you called obviously, but fortunately he held back,

"Hi~ It's all my fault." Naoki Naoyama admitted, and then continued, "I'll bring you a souvenir when I come back!"

"This is more or less~"

Finally, it was time to end the phone porridge. At the last moment, Naoki Yongshan suddenly remembered the Disneyland in Los Angeles,

"By the way, Akina-chan, when we get back to Tokyo, let's go to Disneyland together? The local ones are definitely different from the ones in Los Angeles."

"Then you should take a good look at the difference~"

Naoki Yongshan, who hung up the phone, realized that his stomach was growling, and quickly ordered a breakfast from the main station.

The morning light of Los Angeles shone in from the balcony, making the room brighter, just like the mood of Naoki Naoyama right now.

Naoki Yongshan stood on the balcony and looked far into the distance, as if he could see the skyline of the sea. Tomorrow is the awards ceremony. What are we going to do today?

The last time I came to Los Angeles and stayed for almost half a month, I visited most of the attractions, and I didn't want to go to nightclubs, clubs and other places, except for alcohol and hormones.

"Let's go diving today~ It just so happened that Robert said that there are still many diving spots nearby that you can visit."

So happy to make a decision~

At this time in Tokyo, Akina Nakamori felt that the depressed mood of the previous few days was gone. It seemed that even the exhaustion from work had disappeared. She was full of energy and lay on the bed with a penguin doll in her arms. smile.

"Even people from abroad can find it. As expected, only Master Akina can do it!"

But thinking of the 24,000 call bill, Xiao Mingcai felt a heartache, subconsciously grabbed the hand of the penguin doll: "It's all your fault!"

Let the dumb penguin doll want to cry without tears~

When Naoki Yongshan was relaxing in Los Angeles, Shuyou Yinghua did not stop.

The ratings of "Maoyan Three Sisters" are very good, and it can reach 18% in the late-night file. The mode of one episode is no problem at all.

Shuichi Ido is working overtime to film the next episode, walking around the set, coffee shop, and police station every day. Speaking of other aspects of this TV series, it is good, but the props are very demanding.

The props team of Shuyou Yinghua had to spend a lot of money to buy some of the latest equipment. At the same time, they consulted with colleagues in special dramas and got some secret weapons.

Masataka Komori walked over with a few balls, "Shuichi-san, look!"

"Nani?" Itangxiu looked away from the camera, "What is this?"

"This is the smoke bomb used by the legendary ninja!" Masataka Komori said happily, "It's the kind that is thrown on the ground with a slap, and then a burst of smoke rises to cover people from escaping!"

Yi Tangxiu smiled disdainfully when he heard the words: "Mr. Zheng Xiao, are you still a child? Such things don't exist at all!"

When shooting movies, gunpowder or dry ice are used for special effects.

But Masataka Komori said: "It's true. We learned from Ultraman's crew that it cost a lot of money to buy. It is said that it is made of fireworks and gunpowder. It will explode when you drop it hard."

Hearing this statement, Itang Shuichi also became interested, and took one in his hand: "Really? How does it work? Has Zheng Xiaojun tried it?"

"It hasn't just arrived, but according to the introduction, the explosion is completely harmless, there is only sound, and the smoke is also non-toxic."

"Just fall down?" Yi Tangxiu played with the ball in his hand, and walked a little to the open space next to him, feeling eager to move.

"Hi!" Komori Masataka gave way a little bit, as long as it is a man, it is difficult to resist this kind of temptation, right?

Yi Tangxiu glanced at the two sides secretly, and then smiled: "Then I will be rude~"

The ball fell to the ground suddenly, a flash of light came out first, and then there was a "bang", a loud sound like firecrackers, and at the same time a puff of thick smoke erupted all of a sudden, scaring everyone on the set one jump.

"Is it on fire?" "Something exploded!" "Is anyone hurt?"

The staff gathered around and asked with concern, but only saw a puff of smoke.

"Cough cough cough" Itou Shuichi and Komori Masataka came out of the smoke waving their hands, looking at the people around them, a little embarrassed, "cough cough, private Masai, just experimenting with props."

"It's fine, let's go back to work~"

Only then did the surrounding staff disperse, still muttering such careless words in their mouths.

After all the people had left, Itou Xiuyi looked at Masataka Komori and smiled: "That's really cool!"


The happiness of a man is that simple.

"Zheng Xiao-jun, hide a few~ When Naoki-san comes back, I will use it to scare him!"

"Huh? Isn't this bad?"

"Who told him to leave us to be chic~"

Itang Xiu patted his body, then sat back behind the camera, and began to direct the scenes to be filmed today.

On the other hand, Yoshimura Otomo is not in the studio. He is now buying the Xinyin Studio recording studio in Shin-Okachimachi, Taito District, which he bought before his home.

Ito Junko and Komuro Tetsuya are also here, just for Ito Junko's third title song, "桜色舞うころ (When the cherry blossoms are flying)".

"How is it, Tetsuya-kun? Is Junko-chan's singing okay?"

"Wu Junzi-chan's performance is actually very good, but I always feel that something is missing." Komuro Tetsuya scratched his head,

"I don't know the circumstances under which Naoki-san created it, but the song Sakura Mai うころ (When the cherry blossoms are flying) has a little nostalgic feeling, it seems to be the feeling of first love?"

"But, Junko-chan doesn't seem to have any nostalgia for her first love at all~"

Junko Ito replied in a bit of embarrassment: "Then what can I do~ That guy has many shortcomings, so I dumped him. Why do you miss it~"

Otomo Fangcun sighed: "Anyway, Mr. Zhezai think of a way to get Junko-chan into that state, at least that's what it feels like to sing.

And Junko-chan, you are a singer! You have to be able to sing any kind of song! Work hard yourself too! "

"It's best to make the record before the concert. Even if it's not completely released, it can still surprise fans as a special peripheral!"

After being trained by the boss, the two young people looked very nervous and began to think urgently.

Fangcun Otomo sighed again. Originally, Naoki Naoki's songs were actually made by that guy Naoki himself, but this time he actually ran out

At this time, Shinoko Onodera, who was the tuner, raised his hand to signal: "Otomo-san, I have an idea."


"Arnold, last time, Junko-chan was not in a good state for the song "Displaced Time and Space." Onodera was a little nervous, "So Naoki-san took everyone to a temple and held a blessing ceremony. "

"Blessing ceremony? Is that kind of thing useful?"

"It seems that through chanting and praying, Chun Zijiang's mentality has changed."

Fangcun Dayou suddenly said: "You mean, let's go again?"

"No, I went to pray for blessings and chant scriptures. Naoki-san said it was to experience the confusion of fate." Onodera's heart became clearer and clearer, "If this is our first love, should we go to see a marriage temple or something? "

"Well, it seems to make sense." Fangcun Dayu thought about it.

At this time Tetsuya Komuro suddenly interrupted: "It's not a marriage temple, it's a movie, a love movie about first love! Or a novel, a youth romance novel! Only in this way can there be feelings!"

Otomo Fangcun suddenly laughed: "I know when Naoki-san wrote this song! "Love Letter"! It was when I wrote "Love Letter"!"

"Junko-san, have you read "Love Letter"?"

"Eh? I've seen it!"

"Then hurry up and get it here! No, Sixin, you go directly to the bookstore and buy a copy." Fangcun Dayu said, "Junzijiang, please read it a few more times quickly! Experience the nostalgia for your first love!"


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