Tokyo bubble life

Chapter 398 Chapter 397, Naoki Naoyama feels his body is hollowed out~

While preparing for the preparations for "Hot-Blooded High School" in full swing, and at the same time consulting about the process of publishing novels,

The real estate agent lady is talking about the signing of the contract, and I have to pay attention to the surprise preparations of Canshichi from time to time.

Naoki Yongshan felt that he was very busy during this time.

"I always feel that my body has been hollowed out~"

In the hottest weather, this guy hid alone in the living room of Yamazakura, licking Nyotaro under the cold wind of the air conditioner, while still muttering and complaining,

"Obviously they say that when you have money, you will be free, free and happy, but why do I feel super busy~"

Meowtaro closed his eyes slightly, enjoying himself very much, while Yantaro next to the sofa opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue, and made a cute and stupid expression.

"Sure enough, Eutaro also thinks I'm stupid like this, right? I don't know how to enjoy life~"

"Wow!" (You can pull it down!)

The reason why Yongshan Naoki is still at home at this time is because two guests are coming to Yamazakura-in to look for him.

One is Keiko Fujita, a capable real estate agent lady, and the other is Kuniji Morikawa, a dedicated senior editor at Shogakukan.

Both of them are going to sign a contract with Naoki Nagayama, and it happens to be on the same day~

So Yongshan Naoki decided the meeting place to be in Sanzakura Garden. What's wrong? Boss has a little privilege of door-to-door service, doesn't he?

While Naoki Nagayama was stroking the cat while reading a magazine, the doorbell of Yamazakura-in rang.

Going out to see, it really is the energetic Fujita Keiko,

"Naoki-san, I'm coming~"

Maybe it was a big deal and it was about to be successful. The real estate agent lady looked very energetic, and the makeup on her face was also very delicate, as if she was about to attend some kind of banquet.

Naoki Yongshan opened the door: "Keiko-san~ Come in!"

"Yutaro, good morning~" Fujita Keiko greeted the big dog who came up to him, and now Yingtaro seems to remember her, and he is not afraid of strangers.

"Go, go to the side to play~" Naoki Naoyama scolded Taro lightly, and then brought Keiko Fujita to the table, "Keiko-san, the contract has already been brought~"

"Hey, everything is ready!" Fujita Keiko quickly took out a thick stack of contract texts from his briefcase, "The seller has already signed, and it can be done after Naoki-san signs the contract and pays for it." Property rights are handled."

"Ha, then let's get it done quickly, and then I will ask the designer to re-plan the garden~" Naoki Naoyama thought of the old comrade Honma again at this time, "I hope to go to Kyoto next summer to escape the heat ~"

Yes, the courtyard in Kyoto is used as a summer resort~


Keiko Fujita no longer has time to think about the extravagant life of the rich. Spending more than a billion yen to avoid the summer heat is not as important as signing a contract now.

You know, if the order is completed, Mitsui Fudosan can at least get a huge intermediary fee, and as the team leader, I can get at least 10 million in performance rewards!

Rounding up, she is also a little rich woman!

Keiko Fujita imagined her future beautiful life in her head, and laughed.

"Keiko-sang, what's wrong?"

Naoki Yongshan is still looking at the contract. Although he has signed it many times, this time it is a courtyard, so it will be more troublesome.

"Ah, dumb tape! Do you have any questions about Naoki-san? I can explain it to you!" Ms. Fujita Keiko was full of energy, explaining the terms of the contract to Yongshan Naoki attentively.

It took about half an hour before Naoki Yongshan finally signed his name in the contract.

"Hey, the last signature is complete!" Fujita Keiko said, "After the funds are in place, the property rights can be obtained in about two weeks!"

"Ha, that's good, I'm still curious about the property rights of such a noble courtyard, how is it different from other houses~" Naoki Yongshan poured a glass of water for Keiko Fujita, "Speaking of which, I haven't even talked to that Hua The family has seen it, how does he feel about selling the courtyard?"

"That Chinese. In fact, he is almost the same as a hard-working white-collar~" Keiko Fujita recalled the way they met before, "But it seems that he failed to start a company, and then he was unable to afford the repairs and maintenance of the house~"

"It is said that if I take the money, I want to settle in the United States~"

Ha, the Japanese of this era regard it as an honor to settle in the United States. Naoki Naoyama didn't take it seriously, and continued to chat with Keiko Fujita about the land of Lake Toya, and made an appointment to take a look around Lake Toya after the completion of the property rights.

"Naoki-san, is the land on the other side of Lake Toya used for winter?"

"Hahaha~ You can think about it, there are many hot springs over there."

In Naoki Naoyama's heart, he actually regards it as a place for autumn vacation~

In spring, summer, autumn and winter, each has a place where you can take a vacation. Perhaps this kind of life can be regarded as the life of the rich.

foreign? Haha, it’s best to have them in every city!

Just as Naoki Naoyama was sending Keiko Fujita out, another car was parked outside, and Kuniji Morikawa, who was wearing glasses, got out of the car.

"Ha, it's a perfect connection." Naoki Naoyama waved at the senior editor, "Bongji-san, you're here~"

Fujita Keiko saw that Naoki Naoki had a guest, and hurriedly said goodbye: "Since Naoki-san has a guest, I will leave first."

"Hi, see you later!"

"Well, goodbye~" Fujita Keiko walked out of Yamazakura-in with a briefcase, and bowed slightly to each other with Morikawa Kuniji on the way.

When Kuniji Morikawa walked to the door, he smiled at Naoki Nagayama and said, "Ha, I'm sorry to bother Naoki-san~"

"...that is my real estate agent." Literati's brains are dirty!

"Oh? Is Naoki-san going to buy a new house?" Kuniji Morikawa chatted casually, and also touched Yutaro's head after entering the door.

"I've already bought it, and I signed the contract just now." Naoki Naoyama closed the door and poured ice water for Kuniji Morikawa, "I have a lot of contracts to sign today~"

"Hahaha~ The contract has already been signed~" Kuniji Morikawa had a smile on his face, "Then it should be my contract next~"

As he said that, he also took out a stack of contract manuscripts from the briefcase. There were also two trial printing books, one red and one blue cover, full of literary atmosphere.

Naoki Naoyama also signed the novel publishing agreement more than once. This time "Love in the Sky" has not changed much, except that the royalties have reached 15%, and the first print of 200,000 copies is already a well-known writer. level.

The price of each book is set at about 600 yuan, and there are two volumes, so if it is published for the first time, it will probably get 36 million royalties.

Naoki Yongshan is already very insensitive to numbers, so after hearing the amount of royalties, he just said lightly: "There are so many~"

"Hey, there will be more reprints in the future, at least more than 200 million! I have confidence in Naoki-san's novel!"

"Hahaha, thank you so much, Bangji-san!" Naoki Naoyama picked up two novels. The first half is fresh sky blue, like youth in high school; the second half is light purple, like mature love ~

"The typesetting is also very good~"

"Naoki-san thinks there is no problem, as long as there is no accident, we will finish the publication in about a week, and then release it nationwide."

Kuniji Morikawa is completely satisfied with the author Naoki Nagayama, and it will be a perfect work when he takes it over. He doesn't have to worry about the most difficult work of urging, revising and proofreading, as long as it is published after publication.

It's just to let myself, a senior editor, feel a little bit useless.

"Then thank you, Bunji-san!"

What is there to chat with an old man, Naoki Naoyama quickly sent Kuniji Morikawa away without even staying for lunch.

Editors have always invited authors to eat, so how can authors stay editors!

After serving his cats and dogs for lunch in the Yamazakura Garden, he took a nap in the yard by the way. Naoki Naoyama drove to the studio until the hottest part of the day passed.

Pushing open the door of the studio, the layout of yesterday's casting meeting has returned to its original position, and Yoshimura Otomo and Itou Shuichi are sorting out yesterday's results in the office, and then call each office to notify them.

"Yes, we think Kyosaki Honda is very suitable for this movie, but the specific role can only be determined after makeup is applied." Shuichi Ido is calling the brokerage office, "Hi, please also ask Honda-kun to go to Nagano the day after tomorrow. The set, we will decide on the spot."

After explaining the address clearly, Shuichi Ido looked at Naoki Naoyama who came in,

"Are you done with your personal affairs?"

"Hey, both contracts have been signed~ the two concerns are over." Naoki Naoyama said, "How are you guys doing?"

"The notices that need to be notified are almost finished." Itang Xiu glanced at the list in his hand, "But Naoki-san, the male actors have been completed, what about the female roles?"

"Well~" Mingcai's unexpected refusal turned this into a problem all of a sudden.

Otomo Fangcun suggested: "The three Maoyan sisters just have a schedule, how about letting one of them play? How about Concubine Qiushan?"

"As for the three Maoyan sisters, I still hope that they will appear in front of the public as a whole." Naoki Naoyama refused, "How is your chat with Etsuro Kikuchi recently, Otomo-san?"

"Well, he's still considering our proposal~ If you make a show first, it's equivalent to an early investment."

"Haha, the other side is in a hurry anyway, let's wait until he agrees~" Naoki Naoyama is very confident, that Etsuro Kikuchi will definitely compromise in the end, just like a drowning person who always grabs the last thread Straw.

"As for the actress, find one from your past acquaintances."

Who should I call for emergency help? Higuchi Kananko? Yuko Tanaka? Nana Okada?

The first two seem to be a bit older, and Okada Nana's temperament is too gentle, which is not very suitable for bad movies, and she does not have the sassy temperament of Aizawa Ruka.

I was thinking about it in my head, but suddenly I remembered Mieko Harada who had collaborated in "Boys Over Flowers".

"Xiuichi-san, I remember Mieko-san should be free recently, right?"

"Well, it should be. It seems that after "Boys Over Flowers", they are taking a break." Shuichi Ido maintains a basic relationship with the actors he has worked with. "Does Naoki-san want Mieko-san to play Ruka Aizawa?"

"Hey, I just don't know if Mieko-san can sing."

"Of course I will!"

Harada Mieko laughed loudly on the phone, "Although I don't have the level of a singer, but if it's karaoke, there's no problem!"

"What's the matter, does Naoki-san want to ask me to sing?"

Why is this young lady so enthusiastic? Didn't I see Shuichi Itou and Otomo Yoshimura on the opposite side already starting to eat melons?

"Ahem, Mieko-san, there is actually a character that I want to invite you to play." Naoki Naoyama said solemnly, "A very handsome female character who can sing R\u0026B."

"Oh? Is it Naoki-san's latest "Hot-Blooded High School"?" Harada Mieko asked on the phone.

"Hi! Mieko-san also knows that we are going to shoot this movie?"

"The action of Shuyou Yinghua is of great concern to the entertainment industry~" Mieko Harada said, "Besides movies, even what will be the next TV series of Shuyou Yinghua is a topic."

"Hahaha, really?"

"Naoki-san should communicate more with people in the industry, and probably know how much attention Shuyou Films is getting now."

Indeed, in more than two years, four hit movies and three high-quality TV series, such achievements may not even be achieved by the five major film production companies in Tokyo.

Shuyou Films has changed from a new film and television production company to a well-known film and television company in the industry. Although the voice in the industry is not as large as that of established production companies, it has a tendency to develop towards established companies.

Now several other bigwigs in the industry are envious of the Kadokawa Group, and they have participated in shares so early.

This is the same as a venture capital company growing into a unicorn~

"I will definitely consider Mieko-san's suggestion~" Naoki Naoyama was also thinking about when he would drink tea with Director Masaki Kobayashi again. "So, about the characters?"

"I'm free during this time~" Mieko Harada's attitude was very friendly, "Anyway, let me read the script first~"

"Ha, okay, let's go out for dinner tonight~ I'll bring you the script~"


Naoki Naoyama and Mieko Harada made an appointment for a place and time to eat, and then hung up the phone.

Looking up, Shuichi Itou and Otomo Yoshimura were looking at him teasingly,

"What's the matter? It's just to read the script, and have a meal by the way."

"If you're reading the script, why don't you come to the studio?" Yoshimura Otomo rolled his eyes, "Obviously Naoki-san wants to have dinner with Mieko-san, right?"

"Huh? How can you be so innocent?"

Naoki Yongshan is really a little innocent this time, isn't this the same nature as eating with customers? Do you think I have bad intentions just because I am so handsome?

"Hahaha~ We believe you!" Shuichi Yitang gave a perfunctory gesture, "But remember not to be photographed by the paparazzi! I don't want "Hot-Blooded High School" is still filming, and the scandals between the director and the actors are all over the sky."


So this meal, do you want to eat it?

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