Tokyo bubble life

568 Chapter 566, How to squeeze Party A's father's wool

Naoki Naoyama, who got the answer, drove back to the studio and directly found Shuichi Itou in the office.

"Xiu Yisang, our filming team can get ready."

Yi Tangxiu was stunned: "What can I get ready for?"

"About the filming team of the new variety show!" Naoki Yongshan poured himself a cup of tea and sat comfortably at the desk, "I have negotiated with several aspects!"

"Oh? Is it so fast?"

Shuichi Ido seemed very surprised. Generally speaking, such a multi-party program would require at least one month of preparation time.

He looked through the shooting plan for this year in his hand, and identified a few people who did not have shooting tasks: "Since we want to follow up, let Sakata Koming and Xiao Yuan Guangming go, and don't need much shooting experience. One assistant is definitely enough to take pictures.”

".I always feel that Xiu Yisang's tone of voice carries contempt for variety shows." Is this the attitude of film directors towards ordinary show follow-ups?

However, Naoki Yongshan didn't say much. After all, it is a great fortune to be able to spare manpower. Although this program is only once a month, the timeline is very long and cumbersome.

"By the way, we can handle offline interviews, but for indoor program recording" Itou Shuichi asked, "Do you want to rent a venue?"

"What venue to rent? Why doesn't the ready-made party A's father's wool come out?"

Naoki Naoyama's smile was malicious: "I still want to go to Fuji TV to play the autumn breeze!"

Fangcun Dayou on the other side couldn't listen any longer, and he patted the table helplessly: "Naoki-san, after all, he is going to become the president, so don't be so petty~"

"Hey Dayou-san, if you are not in charge, you don't know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive. The province still needs to save. The rich save every penny."

Fangcun Otomo watched Naoki Nagayama start rambling about some fallacies, couldn't help but rubbed his temples, obviously Shuyou Group's daily life is handled by him, well, why is it like a mother-in-law is training her daughter-in-law now?

Taking advantage of Naoki Yongshan drinking water, he quickly interrupted: "Naoki-san, since you are going to Fuji TV, go and sign the contract by the way. You have already communicated with the legal affairs over there."

"Now?" Looking at the official seal and documents handed to him, Naoki Yongshan was still a little surprised, "It's already 3 o'clock in the afternoon."

"Yeah, isn't it only afternoon~"


"Of course not. The assistant and the legal officer will review the contract first. Anyway, you are just signing your name and stamping the official seal." Fangcun Dayu said casually, "Just be a rubber stamp."


It was arranged clearly!

Naoki Yongshan looked through the copy of the contract document a little bit, and now it is much more formal. There are many professional names such as entrusted production of programs, upfront payment, staged settlement, and rating requirements.

"The contract is quite formal"

Otomo Fangcun nodded: "With the expansion of the company, two experienced legal personnel have been recruited. During the restructuring, there are many legal relationships that need to be clarified."

Almost all the business contracts signed before were signed in the name of Shuyou Yinghua. Now, according to the separation of business and the establishment of a new branch, there are a lot of ownership relations to be sorted out. Coupled with the development of business, it is inevitable to expand the legal department. must do.

In the office, Naoki Nagayama continued to chat with Shuichi Itou and Otomo Yoshimura about several plans for the New Year before driving to Fuji TV.

The road conditions in the afternoon were very good, and it took only 20 minutes to arrive at the Fuji TV building.

The security guard outside the door will let him see Naoki Naoki's Toyota Century now, which is more convenient than brushing his face.

Naoki Naoyama, who parked his car in the parking lot, happened to run into Fangze Mingxing who was looking for a car. The coincidence was so unbelievable.

"Naoki-san?" Akira looked at Naoki Nagayama suspiciously, "Why did you come to Fuji TV too?"

This guy can't be a stalker, can he? How could Mingna see him anywhere? Eh? No, now that the two of them are in a relationship, there is no need to follow them like this!

Naoki Yongshan didn't know that all kinds of strange thoughts flashed through the mind of the agent in front of him, and he himself was very pleasantly surprised:

"Fang Ze-san is here. If you say that, Akina said that today's recording work is actually at Fuji TV?"

I talked on the phone the day before yesterday, but naturally it wasn't the kind of itinerary report, so I didn't know where to work.

"Hi, it's tonight's night hit."

Ming Yukibo still didn't believe it, "Naoki-san came to Fuji TV today?"

"Ah, it's for a program contract." Naoki Yongshan didn't hide anything, "Is Fang Zesang leaving early?"

"Well, let's deal with some overseas procedures first, and I'll pick up Mingcai home after the recording of the program is finished." Ming Xingfang said for a while, then paused, "Naoki-san should know, right?"

"Go to the Bahamas~ I know~"


The two of them suddenly had nothing to say, which felt weird, as if the incumbent was chatting with a male girlfriend. But Ming Xingfang finally adjusted his mood. After all, he is not a male girlfriend, but a professional manager.

"Then, if there is nothing else, please forgive me and leave first."

"Autumn bean sack!" Yongshan Naoki stopped him, "Anyway, I don't have anything to do at night, why don't I come and send Mingcai home~"


"I'll tell Mingcai later, Fang Zesang is at ease, I will send Mingcai home safely!"

"." Ming Xingfang was silent for a while, thought about the two people who were in love, and nodded, "Hi, then I won't come to pick up Mingcai."

There is a subtle feeling of being NTR.

After getting on the elevator, Naoki Naoyama didn't go to find Akina immediately, after all, he still had an appointment with Minister Takano.

It was too familiar to be led by anyone, and walked along the corridor to Kazuki Kono's office, and Naoki Naoyama knocked on the door.

"Please come in~"

"Minister Takano~" Naoki Naoyama greeted.

"Ah, Naoki-san!" Takano Kazuki was a little surprised, but got up immediately, "Has it arrived yet?"

"Well, the road conditions are good, so it's a little earlier." Naoki Yongshan casually greeted, and then asked, "The legal affairs should have checked the contract, right?"

"Already copying." Takano Kazuki made a cup of hot tea for Naoki Yongshan himself, "I didn't expect Naoki-san to move so fast."

Naoki Yongshan took the hot tea and was a little surprised: "Mr. Takano already knows?"

"Haha, the news spread quickly and I am still very concerned about Naoki-san's program."

Isn't this too fast, it's set up in the morning, and you know it in the afternoon?

In fact, Fuji TV didn't want this program to be robbed by others. It had already quietly greeted people from the Liberty National Society.

With the intention of cooperation, the contract has to be signed, and Minister Takano is naturally more polite to Naoki Nagayama.

Talking about the future of "New Language Buzzword Awards", there is a feeling of joy in the office.

"By the way." Naoki Yongshan recalled the other purpose of coming today, "Minister Takano, in addition to offline interviews, the program also needs to be recorded indoors, but in terms of venue and manpower, it may need the support of Fuji TV."

"Of course there is no problem!"

Kazuki Takano's complexion became better. This is equivalent to increasing Fuji TV's control over the program. If you can do everything yourself, what do you need the leader to do?

"The TV station can allocate a studio for Naoki-san." Takano Kazuki thought for a while: "In addition, in terms of manpower, Naoki-san should know the director of the second production department Haruta Kamiya, right?"

"Hi, it's an acquaintance."

"Then let Ueya Haruta be in charge of recording the matchmaking program!"

Naturally, Naoki Naoyama would not object, and this matter had already been settled before Haruta Ueya expressed his opinion.

After drinking hot tea and continuing to chat for a while, Kazuki Takano's office door was knocked, and an assistant he didn't know said, "Minister, the contract has been copied and placed in the conference room."

Takano Kazuki nodded: "Naoki-san, let's go over and sign the contract!"


Following in the assistant's footsteps, the two came to the meeting room, only to see that there were already four men in suits and leather shoes inside.

Seeing the two people coming in, they got up immediately, two of them called "Minister", while the other two said "Naoki-san".

Naoki Nagayama nodded in response. These two are Shuyou's legal counselors. The older one with deep law lines is called Numata Takanori, the legal director, and the younger one is Ishizaki Takanori, an ordinary legal counselor.

In the past, they were all entrusted to law firms to review contracts. These two people were newly recruited, and Naoki Yongshan had only met them once or twice.

"Is there any problem with the contract?" Yongshan Naoki asked softly.

"Hi, I've checked it, and it's the same as the previously drafted terms." Numata Takanori replied earnestly.

"That's good~"

After confirmation, Naoki Yongshan took out the official and private seals from the bag, and together with Minister Takano, signed and stamped the contract in quadruplicate.

It sounds serious, but it only takes five minutes to sign the contract.

After the signing was completed, Minister Takano smiled and said, "Then I will leave the production of the program to Naoki-san!"

"Wherever it is, that's what I should do."

After Naoki Naoyama and Kazuki Takano shook hands, he signaled the two legal counsels to put away the contract and file it.

After a few scenes, Minister Takano looked at his watch:

"I have another meeting about to start, please forgive me for being rude, I have to leave first. Is Naoki-san going back now?"

Naoki Yongshan shook his head, and gave a random reason: "No, I still want to watch the recording of "Meow at Dusk""

"Haha, yes, Naoki-san is still the initiator of "Twilight Meow Meow"." Takano Kazuki said with a smile, "Speaking of which, Naoki-san is already one of his own, and he should feel like his own home to Fuji Building."

"Haha, Minister Takano was joking."

Kazuki Takano waved his hand: "Then please forgive me for being rude, and Naoki-san can contact you anytime if you have anything!"


When Minister Takano left, Naoki Naoyama said to the two legal counselors: "Numata-san and Ishizaki-san, why don't you go back first, I still have something to do."

"Hi!" The two legal counselors followed the assistant and left without saying anything.

Naoki Naoyama, who was left behind, walked through the building like an employee of Fuji TV.

In the dressing room on the third floor of the Fuji Building, participating artists are putting on makeup and changing clothes.

On the sign at the door, many of the names of the shows are posted, which means that they are shared by the participants; while some are the names of individual artists, which means that this dressing room is only for one person.

With Nakamori Akina's current fame, she is already qualified to use a separate dressing room when she is not busy.

Putting on a wide singing uniform that looked like a flight attendant's uniform, Akina Nakamori adjusted her high shoulders with the help of a mirror, and then put an exaggerated white beret on her head at a slant.

The makeup on the face was a dark foundation with a dark blush. It looked a bit gray, but that's typical of the era, and it would have been much better under the stage lighting.

Coupled with the fluorescent lip gloss, it seems to be shining in the mirror.

The make-up is usually done by Akina herself, and the little assistant Ueda Maki was sent by her to buy dinner, yes. The artist's dinner is prepared by the agent, and the TV station does not provide it.


There was a knock on the door of the dressing room, Nakamori Akina thought it was Maki who came back.

"Please come in~"

Akina Nakamori turned her head, and then found a handsome little fresh meat walking in the door.


The mood suddenly brightened up!

"How did you come?!"

"Come and see Mingcai!"

Naoki Yongshan smiled and looked at his girlfriend in front of him. The exaggerated singing clothes made people feel very different from usual, "Is this today's playing clothes? It's a bit like a flight attendant."

"Well, because it's "North Wing", the flight attendant uniform has been alienated a little bit." She felt a little shy after being scrutinized by her boyfriend, and stepped forward to cover Naoki Yongshan's eyes, and continued to ask, "Why did Naoki-san come over suddenly? "

"Because of the planning of a program, the contract was signed." Naoki Yongshan originally wanted to hug his girlfriend, but this style of singing clothes does not allow it, so he can only hold Akina's hand on the chair, "In the parking lot Only when I met Fang Zesang did I know Mingcai was here."

"Then Fang Zesang handed over Mingcai to me~ I'll take it home at night!"

Akina Nakamori's face should be hot, but it's hard to tell with makeup on. It's good to get along with her boyfriend, but

"But today's recording will be very late."

"It's okay, anyway, I have nothing to do, maybe I can still watch the show live."

"Then, what about Maki-chan?" It was Akira who sent people back before.

"I'll call her a taxi~"

"." With Ming Cai's tacit consent, the little assistant was sold~

There is still a long time before the show starts. Generally, artists at this time either read magazines to pass the time, or listen to music, eat snacks, etc. Recently, Akina Nakamori spends time with her boyfriend’s new novel, but today Naoki Naoyama By the side, naturally chatting happily.

He chattered a lot, as if he wanted to tell the person on the other side everything he didn't say on the phone.

"The time to go to the Bahamas has been set, and it will be February 1st." Mingcai said, "It will take about 10 days."

Naoki Yongshan calculated: "In this way, can we catch up with the film awards ceremony?"


This should have been specially calculated by the office, popular artists are very busy every day.

"Shouldn't there be a national tour this spring?" Naoki Naoyama asked.

"There is no such arrangement, but there are new album promotions, a lot of variety shows in various cities, and some commercial endorsements."

Akina Nakamori talked about her work schedule for the first half of the year, and then thoughtfully analyzed when she could date her boyfriend in the near future

"On Valentine's Day, I have work during the day, so I may only be able to see Naoki-san at night. During the cherry blossom festival, I should be in Tokyo, and I can go there with Naoki-san. You can also visit the shrine during the spring equinox."

Seeing the little girlfriend in front of him wringing his fingers to calculate the time to date him, Naoki Naoyama felt as if he had eaten sugar in his heart, as if even the sweetness had spread into his mouth.

"Naoki-san, what's wrong? Are you thirsty?" Nakamori Akina saw her boyfriend's movements.

".No~" Naoki Yongshan seemed to be suddenly attracted by the lip gloss on Mingcai's mouth, "Mingcai, why is your lipstick colored and fluorescent?"

"Is this?" Mingcai subconsciously nodded her lips, "I bought it specially for the purpose of shining under the lights."

"What does it taste like?"


Akina Nakamori originally wanted to say that it was tasteless, but she always felt that this question was a bit familiar, and then her boyfriend's face was getting closer and closer, making her close her eyes subconsciously.

Naoki Naoyama pushed his waist hard, pulled the seat closer, and then gently pressed Akina's cheek, with his lips pressed together softly.

Sure enough, the lip gloss is sweet!

"Mingcai sauce! Dinner is back!"

After knocking twice, Ueda Maki pushed open the door, and found that her idol was applying makeup in the mirror, and there was actually a man standing next to him - Naoki Nagayama.

"Huh? Why is Naoki-san here?!"

"Ah, cough cough. I happened to come to Fuji TV for business, so I happened to come and see Akina!" Naoki Naoyama explained solemnly.

"Since Mingcai is going to have dinner, I won't bother you."

"This..." Ueda Maki subconsciously felt a little strange.

But I saw Naoki Yongshan say to Mingcai: "I will pick you up in the evening~"


"Then, I'll go first!"

Naoki Naoyama nodded towards Maki Ueda, but when he was about to leave, Maki Ueda stopped him:

"Naoki-san, why is the light reflecting on your lips?"


Naoki Yongshan subconsciously looked at the big mirror in the dressing room, and sure enough, his lips had fluorescent lip gloss like Mingcai, which gave off colorful reflections under the changing lights.

"." Yongshan Naoki was silent for a while, and then forcibly held his respect, "Haha, my lips are dry in winter, so I borrowed Mingcai's lip balm."

Talking and talking, even I can't lie to myself, just look at Ueda Maki's suppressed smile and forget it, I don't need to explain!

Naoki Yongshan walked out of the dressing room covering his face,

It seems that I heard laughter from inside.

first update

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