When Hoshino Gen was sleeping soundly, he was awakened by a scream and the crying that followed.

Hoshino Gen jumped out of the bed reflexively and rushed out the door. Then he saw Hoshino Rin kneeling on the sofa crying and wiping her tears.

It only takes a moment to understand the current situation. After the sleepiness eased, Hoshino Gen immediately understood the current situation.

Well, this is normal. It is not difficult to understand that a sixteen-year-old girl has been killed repeatedly in her dreams and cried because of a mental breakdown after waking up.

After making sure that nothing unexpected happened, Hoshino Gen sighed and planned to go back to the room to put on earplugs and continue to sleep. However, he didn't know if the sound of him opening the door was a little loud, which attracted the attention of Hoshino Rin who was crying on the sofa.

The girl raised her tear-stained pretty face and looked at Hoshino Gen. Then she called out pitifully with a heavy nasal tone:"Onii-chan……"

Her two little hands kept touching the tears that were rolling down like broken pearls, and her delicate shoulders were still twitching.


The last time he was called"brother" in this way was thirteen years ago. When his parents divorced, before his mother took his sister on the plane, three-year-old Rin lay on his mother's shoulder and struggled desperately, crying and calling him"Onii-chan".

At that time, he just calmly watched the little girl who had been with him for three years and almost never left his side disappear from his sight in tears.

After more than ten years, they met again. The chubby little girl had become a beautiful girl who was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off her.

But the girl had never called him"Onii-chan" in this way. Even the number of times she called him"Nissan" could be counted on one hand in this year.

For some reason, the sleepiness disappeared completely.

Hoshino Gen walked silently to Hoshino Rin and sat down, saying calmly:"Did you have a nightmare?"

It is not a normal brother to ignore his crying sister and choose to continue sleeping, right? Then it seems natural for him to come over to"ask" the reason and comfort her a little?

But what surprised Hoshino Gen was that the girl who was wiping her tears and choking up actually shook her head at his question.

She couldn't control her sobbing and couldn't speak. It seemed that she couldn't stop crying. And probably because she cried too hard, she even hiccuped in the middle of crying. Although it looked pitiful and cute, Hoshino Gen thought it was a bit funny.

So under Hoshino Gen's gaze, Hoshino Rin cried for more than ten minutes before she managed to calm down, but sometimes she couldn't help sobbing.

Hoshino Gen held back his laughter and took a piece of paper from the coffee table and handed it over:"Wipe it, your snot is coming out."

"!"Hoshino Rin quickly took the paper and wiped her nose. She was an idol, so crying and hiccups were fine, but how could she be seen with a runny nose? She wiped her nose hurriedly, raised her little face and looked at Hoshino Gen, her eyes and cheeks were red, and her aggrieved look was quite adorable.

"Are you feeling better?" Hoshino Gen asked with a smile.

Hoshino Rin nodded embarrassedly:"Sorry for waking you up……"

"It's okay, it's just a nightmare, it's not your fault."

After saying that, Hoshino Gen stood up with the help of the sofa, as if he was going to go back to his room.

"Oh... Onii-chan……"

Hoshino Rin whispered to him


"That...isn't it a dream?" Hoshino Rin lowered his head and said

"Why do you say that?"Xingye Yuan turned around and said in a gentle voice

"I remember that I entered my brother's room and saw a strange knife. I didn't know why I pulled the knife out and touched the blade with my hand. I cut my finger and then passed out."

"In that strange place, I was repeatedly killed by a shadow, then resurrected and killed again... It kept repeating until my brother showed up and saved me... I remember all of this."

When Hoshino Rin said this, her soft and gentle voice trembled slightly, and she lowered her head so that no one could see her face, but her expression must have been one of fear, because her hands unconsciously hugged her shoulders because of fear.

"Oh, you had such a dream. It is indeed a bit bizarre. However, no matter how real a dream is, it is just a dream. Don’t confuse it with reality. Are you tired and confused by the concert in the daytime? Have a good rest."Xingye Gen walked towards the room, but unfortunately he still couldn't leave.

Because his left hand was grabbed by a cold little hand.

"Then...why is your right hand injured?"

"I just got stabbed by the knife accidentally." Hoshino Gen struggled slightly and pulled his hand out.

He went back to the room, closed the door, and locked it.

Sitting alone on the sofa in the living room, Hoshino Rin raised her head slightly. Although her eyes were still red, her beautiful heterochromatic eyes were staring at Hoshino Gen's closed door, so bright that it was frightening.

Curiosity overwhelmed fear.

She sniffed, and her spirit was more excited than ever before!

She had been completely wrong before. This brother was not an ordinary, dull and introverted boy, but a mysterious and magical luxury treasure!!

Hoshino Rin recalled the last scene in the"dream", and a smile like a little devil suddenly appeared on her pretty face.

"……Too handsome, Onii-chan~"......


About half an hour after Hoshino Gen returned to his room, there was a knock on his door. Since there was only his sister Hoshino Rin in the house besides him, it was obvious who was knocking on the door.

Hoshino Gen had severe insomnia and usually had difficulty falling asleep unless he was extremely tired. So even though he had been back in his room for half an hour, he just lay on the bed in a daze.

He smacked his lips when he heard the knock on the door, and felt that his sister was a little annoying. He got out of bed and opened the door. Outside the door, Rin Hoshino had changed into a thin blue and white nightgown. She was holding a pillow in her arms, with her little head slightly drooped, looking pitiful.

"Sorry brother, I'm still a little scared when I'm alone……"

Hoshino Gen sighed, then put on his polite smile again:"The fear caused by nightmares is similar to watching horror movies. If you want to relieve it, I recommend you play games for a while or watch a comedy to distract your attention and relax your mind. When you are really sleepy, you can basically fall asleep immediately. When your body and mind are fully rested, the fear will naturally disappear slowly."

"But...but I am very sleepy and tired now"

"Then just go to bed."

"Being alone... is afraid."

The smile on Gen Hoshino's face was a little loose, and he asked tentatively:"So?"

"I want to sleep on the floor in my brother's room, is that okay?" Hoshino Rin raised her little face, her eyes were moist, like a desperate injured deer asking for help from a hunter.

If she used this expression to face her fanatical fans, I believe that no matter what request she made, it would be immediately granted.

"No." Hoshino Gen is not a person who doesn't know how to say no. He hates others entering his room, and he can't stand others staying overnight in his room.

Hoshino Rin blinked cutely:"Eh?"

She really didn't expect that she would be rejected so decisively.

Of course, rejection is rejection, and Hoshino Gen is not unable to understand. Hoshino Rin is just a sixteen-year-old girl. It is normal for her to be scared to sleep alone after experiencing that kind of thing. It is very likely that she will suffer mental trauma and psychological shadows. Even he himself was so scared that he couldn't sleep all night after encountering a ghost for the first time.

The feeling of fear lingering in the heart is not pleasant.

So after rejecting his sister's request, Hoshino Gen immediately added:"Sleeping on the floor is not good for your health. Sleep on the sofa in the living room. I can wait for you to fall asleep before leaving."

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