After cleaning the second floor,

Shimizu Yu was about to go downstairs to clean the stairs when she saw Hoshino Gen waving at her. Just as she was about to frown, she suddenly noticed that the table in front of Hoshino Gen was filled with steaming, tempting dishes. Almost subconsciously, her flat stomach made a"gurgling" sound.——~"She had no appetite for lunch because of the exams

, and she had a three-kilometer weighted run after school in the afternoon. Before she could even take a break, she was forced to do housework by her black-hearted boss, changing water, sweeping and mopping the floor upstairs and downstairs. She was so busy until now that even her physical strength, which was much more abundant than her peers, could not bear it.

It would have been better if she hadn't seen it. Now that she saw that guy got so many delicious foods from nowhere and placed them there, Qingshui You suddenly felt that she was starving.

She pouted her face, walked up the remaining stairs to the first floor and walked towards Hoshino Gen.

Without giving Hoshino Gen a good look, she said stiffly with a cold face:"What?"

Hoshino Gen smiled gently and said in a soft voice:"You must be exhausted, come and eat something and take a rest." Qingshui

You was stunned. She was really tired and hungry. Looking at the delicious food on the table, which looked definitely not cheap, listening to the rain outside and the beautiful music coming from the computer, Qingshui You thought it would be a great thing to sit down and enjoy the food in such an environment.

But she felt from the bottom of her heart that Hoshino Gen was not a good person, and maybe he had no good intentions now. Maybe after she ate his food, he would force her to do something she was unwilling to do.

"I'm not hungry." Qingshui You said stubbornly.

For Qingshui You, not showing emotions on one's face is obviously an extremely distant realm. She has lived in a wealthy environment since she was a child. She is cheerful and lively and is loved by people around her. It is really difficult for her to have any thoughts when she grows up in such an environment. In the eyes of people like Hoshino Gen, what she thinks in her heart is almost written on her face.

Seeing this, Hoshino Gen was very happy. He smiled and said,"Don't think about it. This is one of the employee benefits. You don't have to pay any price."

After that, he added,"In fact, if you really read the contract carefully, you will find that you are not losing anything. The employee meal plan is just the basics, and even a talisman every week is nothing. The real big deal is that you can entrust me for free every month to help you complete a task that is not difficult for me. Of course, you may not understand the value of it now, but you will thank me when you really encounter difficulties."

Well, it's better to make it clear, otherwise if the pressure is too much, this newly-acquired assistant will simply give up and start to play rotten.

After all, it's really hard to find a pretty, simple-minded, easy-to-dispose, and stupid coolie like Shimizu Yu who has reshaped her worldview...

Shimizu Yu was stunned by what Xingye Yuan said, but she understood what he meant.

What he meant was that her salary was not just one talisman per week, but also a free commission once a month, and the right to eat and drink for free at Xingye Yuan's place.


Qingshui You's expression eased. She felt that although this guy didn't have much conscience, at least he had it. She was not interested in the monthly commission. Maybe what Hoshino Gen said was right, but she really felt that she didn't have any difficulties that needed Hoshino Gen's help to solve.

But working meals and the like... The aroma of the dishes on the table kept drilling into Qingshui You's nose. She couldn't help swallowing and muttered softly:"You said it yourself. Even if you change your mind later, I won't listen."

After that, she didn't plan to be polite anymore. She turned around and went to the bathroom to wash her hands and cheeks, then came back and sat at the table. Without the slightest girlish reserve, she picked up the bowl and began to eat heartily.

Qingshui You didn't worry about how to explain that she had no appetite after eating here. After all, she had told her mother yesterday that she was working part-time. The last time she asked her mother for an overdraft of pocket money, her mother had said,"If your pocket money is not enough, then go work and earn it yourself." So for Qingshui You to go to work after school, her mother not only had no objection, but was quite relieved.

A chopstick of something that seemed to be chicken was scooped into her mouth along with salty and spicy sauce mixed with rice, and Qingshui You's eyes suddenly lit up.

Tsk! It's really delicious. The cost of ordering food must be super expensive! Maybe it's a special food for a five-star hotel!

Qingshui You thinks Hoshino Gen is really crazy. If he has the money to buy such things as employee benefits, why not just hire a genuine housekeeper to come back and clean up? He has to make it so troublesome and let a beautiful girl like him do housework for him, or he has Problem, or he has some special fetish!

Considering that this guy is still addicted to Galgame, it is most likely the latter!

Hoshino Gen didn't know why Shimizu Yu was secretly criticizing him.

He was in a good mood now.

While eating, he glanced at the screen on the computer with his peripheral vision.

The game had just made new progress.

After a series of sudden events like a task chain, Qianjiang's favorability towards Y-san surged to 54 (dependence), and even Y-san's name had been changed to"Y-chan".

It may take a whole night to get a six-point favorability, but it may also be achieved after the next choice.

At this point, Hoshino Gen was not in a hurry.

It is not good to exercise on an empty stomach, and it is not suitable for strenuous activities within half an hour after a meal.

What should be done at this time is to relax a little and conserve energy.

Besides, it is not good to endanger ordinary people.

Hoshino Gen cast his eyes on Shimizu Yu, whose mouth was stuffed like a hamster, and couldn't help laughing again:"Eat slowly, choking while eating is not considered a work injury, and I will not compensate you."

Qing Shuiyou's face turned red when she was told that, and she was surprised to find that her eating manners were a bit indecent.

In fact, her family conditions were very good.

Although the dishes that Hoshino Gen ordered from somewhere were indeed delicious, they were not enough for her to eat like she had not eaten enough.

The fact that she was hungry counted for a thing, but the more important point might be that she subconsciously felt that it was unnecessary to maintain the reserve of a girl in front of a bad guy like Hoshino Gen.

Although her upbringing made her feel embarrassed for a moment after being told that by Hoshino Gen, but thinking about Hoshino Gen's character, she immediately raised her little face and said a little unconvinced:"You said you would feed me enough, why do you care how I eat?……"

"I didn't care about you, I just reminded you not to choke." Hoshino Gen was in a good mood and generously didn't care about the attitude of his employees.

While the two were talking, a series of abrupt cell phone rings came in...

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