Qingshui You felt that she had once again refreshed her understanding of Hoshino Gen, a magical and mysterious classmate.

At the beginning, when the two had no contact, Qingshui You saw that Hoshino Gen was always alone in school and never paid attention to other people's conversations. She just thought that guy was a weird guy who looked foul but was very regrettable.

Later, because she wanted to get a copy of Hoshino Gen's"Psychic Detective Notes", she took the initiative to contact him for the first time, but this guy used her to block the mud and made her late and punished to run laps. At that time, she really thought that Hoshino Gen was actually a sultry bastard.

Later, she saw the"true face" of Hoshino Gen in the evening gym after school, and saw the scene that was like a fantasy entering reality. At that time, Qingshui You felt that Hoshino Gen was full of secrets, mysterious like the bright white moon in the dark night sky, making people curious as if they were itching.

In fact, Qingshui You has been a girl who likes fantasy since she was a child. When she was walking and looking at the blue sky, she would think how nice it would be if she could fly. When she was in class and looked out the window, she would think how nice it would be if she could do magic.

When she grew up, she gradually recognized the world and knew that these things were impossible to exist, but those fantasies always existed in her heart and did not disappear, so she became addicted to all kinds of unrestrained fantasy works, novels and comics.

Until that day, in the body of Hoshino Gen, she found that fantasy could really become reality.

To be honest, no matter what happened before and after, at least at that moment, Qingshui You was full of yearning for this classmate named Hoshino Gen.

She wanted to get close to him and understand him...

Not because he was Hoshino Gen, but because Qingshui You saw her own fantasy of entering reality in him.

Everything that happened later seemed like a coincidence, but also like a matter of course.

Helping him deal with the ghosts in the gym, obtaining the talisman paper that can activate"superpowers", and becoming his assistant, but ended up doing a somewhat disillusioning housekeeping nanny job.

Although they had only been in contact for a few days, the image of Hoshino Gen in her mind kept changing. But no matter what, although Shimizu Yu felt that Hoshino Gen was a little cowardly, he was indeed like a righteous man in a comic, dealing with evil spirits in the shadows of the city that no one else could see, protecting ordinary people. Although she was reluctant to admit it, Shimizu Yu still felt that Hoshino Gen was quite handsome.

However, now - Shimizu Yu looked at Hoshino Gen with a complicated expression, who put a knife on someone's neck to force information and could still smile so gently. She felt that her understanding of this guy was still too superficial.......

Hoshino Gen also noticed the gaze of Shimizu Yutaka behind him, but he ignored it. Now his mind was all on the girl named Shiraha.

"How did you find this place?"

"……"It tastes good." Perhaps because he was afraid of being chopped by that strange black knife again, Shiraha told the truth honestly.

"Police dog? Or is this some kind of special ability?"

Zhiming Bainai tilted his head and thought about it, and said a little unsmartly:"I didn't bring a dog with me."

"That's a special ability." Hoshino Gen's interest was even higher. He didn't care about the other party's slightly strange way of speaking, and continued to ask happily:"Are you alone, or is there any organization behind you?"

Perhaps because this question involved privacy, Zhiming Baina was silent for a while, and seemed not to want to say anything, but he glanced at the black blade that was still on his neck, and couldn't help but answer with a bitter face:"I have a father, a mother, and a younger brother"

"……"Hoshino Gen turned the blade, held the handle backwards, and placed the tip of the blade against Shiraha's thigh. He smiled softly and said,"Please reorganize your words. If you continue to act stupid, I'll stab you.""

"!"Zhiming Bainai opened his eyes wide in astonishment and said hurriedly:"I am not lying!"

""Oh, I see." Hoshino Gen nodded with a smile, as if he was moved by the girl's sincerity, and even put his knife back into the sheath.

However, just when Shiraha Shiraha and Shimizu Yu beside him breathed a sigh of relief, Hoshino Gen suddenly took out a talisman paper and put his sword finger on Shiraha Shiraha's forehead.

"……?"Shiraha blinked in a daze.

Then, the talisman paper turned into scattered lightning that enveloped Shiraha’s entire body.


"Ouch!"Chiming Bainai's eyes widened, and the paralysis, severe spasms and pain in his whole body instantly overwhelmed his thoughts.


Along with the scream, Shiraina's tears welled up.

Shimizu Yu widened her eyes and almost stuffed her hand into her mouth in shock. She originally thought that the"interrogation" mentioned by Hoshino Gen was an exaggeration, and she never expected that this kid actually played it for real!

A strong sense of uneasiness spread in her heart. She lowered her head to look at her position, and suddenly she felt like she was aiding and abetting the evil, like a minion cheering for the villain!

This was something Shimizu Yu could not accept. She hurriedly reached out to grab Hoshino Gen's hand:"Hey, you……!"

Hoshino Gen avoided Shimizu Yu's grabbing hand, but at the same time he also withdrew the sword finger that was against Shiraha's forehead.

Shiraha was trembling all over and gasping for breath, and his shoulders twitched from time to time.

Hoshino Gen smiled and said,"The minimum output power of the Five Thunder Talisman is at most similar to that of an electric shock gun. It is a warning. I will ask you again now."

"Is there any organization behind you?"

"Whoosh... Whoosh——"Shiraha gradually recovered. Maybe the electric shock had stimulated her tear glands. She was in tears and said,"You... bad guy!" Hoshino

Gen smiled but said nothing. He just took out another piece of talisman paper.

Shiraha pouted in grievance, but she really didn't want to experience the feeling of being electrocuted again."Yes , I will!""

"Very good." Hoshino Gen nodded, his face full of praise and encouragement:"So is your organization official or spontaneous among the people?"

"……Uncle Kudo said, we are civil servants"

"That means it's official." Gen Hoshino nodded, then looked up and down at the girl who didn't seem very smart, and slowly fell into deep thought.

Since ancient times, most of the real extraordinary people have an arrogance that looks down on the world. They don't say they sneer at the orders of the"official court", but it must be normal to turn a deaf ear to them.

At least in the country of the previous life and the free country across the ocean, the two most powerful countries in the world, there are no specific official special organizations.

Gen Hoshino doesn't know how the world of this life is, but he thinks about how he has been so active in searching for the supernatural in these years, but he has never been discovered by the so-called official special organization, so there are three possibilities.

First, this special organization of the Japanese government was established not long ago, maybe it has been in the past two years.

Second, they have very few people, and they may all be guys with insufficient means and poor ghost hunting ability.

Third-both of the above are correct, and this possibility is the greatest.

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