When Hoshino Gen returned home, Hoshino Rin was playing games on the sofa.

Hearing the sound of the fingerprint lock being opened, Hoshino Rin looked out and found that it was Hoshino Gen. She immediately sat up and waved excitedly to the door:"Brother, come quickly, I opened the treasure chest this afternoon and got a good thing!"

Hoshino Gen slowly changed his shoes in the entrance:"You play first, I have something else to do."


The excitement in Hoshino Rin visibly cooled down. It was like a little girl who got a perfect score on the test and was excited to show her brother the result of her hard work. However, her hateful brother just casually said,"Go play by yourself."

Hoshino Rin pouted unhappily, and her resentful eyes followed the trajectory of Hoshino Gen's movements towards the bedroom.

Unfortunately, the power of the sight was too weak. Hoshino Gen, who was thinking about something, returned to the room without any pause, and locked the door with a heartless"click".


What Hoshino Gen said was not a lie. For him at the moment, the most urgent thing was to get in touch with the Special Affairs Group. Although the Special Affairs Group seemed to be a legitimate official organization, we should not judge things by appearances...

He still had to take a good look at the cooperation contract. He did not want to be like that idiot Shimizu Yu and fall into the trap without realizing it.

Hoshino Gen read the contract three or four times. After checking each clause one by one, he confirmed the other party's sincerity. After thinking for a moment, he took out a pen from the upper pocket of his shirt and signed his name.......

The next day, Hoshino Gen got on a taxi and headed to school in a depressed state. He couldn't resist his cheap sister's"crying and making a fuss" last night, and played games with her all night... Of course, it was because the game was too fun, especially when there were people accompanying him, so he got addicted to it later.

When Hoshino Gen walked into the class yawning, he found that the atmosphere in the classroom was a little excited, probably because it was going to be the Golden Week holiday after today. Of course, it might also be because of the parent-teacher meeting in the last class in the afternoon, but this had nothing to do with him. After a day of classes in a daze, time came to more than two o'clock in the afternoon in a blink of an eye.

There were not many students in the classroom, because the school gate had been opened to allow parents who came to attend the parent-teacher meeting to pass, and most of the students ran out to greet or look for their parents.

Of course, this has little to do with Hoshino Gen, because he knows that no parents will come to his parent-teacher meeting. He sits in his seat in boredom, looking sideways at the sky outside the window. The blue sky is like an inverted ocean, pure and clear, and the white clouds are transformed into all kinds of strange shapes at the mercy of the wind, which arouses endless reverie.

The environment of the classroom has changed from noisy to harmonious, and it has also changed from a youthful dance hall to a social place for middle-aged people.

The admission standards of Segawa Private Academy are destined to ensure that families who can support their children to study here are basically above the middle class.

For middle-aged people who have almost integrated socializing into their bones, this can be said to be a natural place to expand their network.

Fortunately, most of the parents who attend the parent-teacher meeting are full-time housewives, and they are far less"workplace sick" than men.

Most of the conversations between parents are still mainly about their children.

When Hoshino Gen's eyes scanned Qingshui You's seat, his gaze paused for a moment. Sitting in Qingshui You's seat at this moment was a woman who looked to be in her thirties, with her hair in a bun. She looked a bit like Qingshui You in her eyes and eyebrows. She was very beautiful and had a good temperament. She was dressed simply but not plainly, giving people a sense of being well-educated and having received higher education.

At this moment, the other party was talking to Qingshui You, who was standing next to her with a guilty look on her face, with a helpless expression on her face. However, from the doting in her eyes, it can be seen that Qingshui You, the idiot, must live like a little princess at home.

Hoshino Gen smiled unconsciously, and when he was about to look away, he happened to meet Qingshui You's gaze. Qingshui You saw Hoshino Gen, who was still sitting alone in his seat, and was slightly stunned. However, thinking that the guy saw her being scolded by her mother just now, she didn't know how he would laugh at her in the future. She immediately showed a little fierce expression and glared at Hoshino Gen.

Noticing her daughter's strangeness, Shimizu Yu's mother Shimizu Ryoko couldn't help but follow her daughter's gaze, and then she saw a white-skinned, beautiful and handsome boy with heterochromatic eyes smiling and looking at her daughter.

Shimizu Ryoko was surprised that the boy was too good-looking, and she couldn't help but be curious about the relationship between her daughter and him.

In Japan, it is normal for high school students to fall in love. No one, whether parents or teachers, will deny the beautiful feelings between adolescent boys and girls.

However, when Hoshino Gen avoided Shimizu Yu's gaze and smiled politely at Shimizu Ryoko, Shimizu Ryoko immediately dispelled the doubts in her heart. At least the two of them are definitely not in that kind of relationship now.

After all, who can be so calm when meeting his girlfriend's mother for the first time? Even if there is one, he must be a confident and confident boy. Then, with such a good-looking face, it is even more impossible for him to be attracted by his own lazy and lazy daughter who is only pretty and cute...

After responding with a smile and nodding, Shimizu Ryoko became more and more dissatisfied with her unlucky daughter who came back from the bottom ten of the whole grade. She grabbed Shimizu Yu and began to blame her.

Shimizu Yu was like a little punching bag. Knowing that he was in the wrong, he lowered his head and pouted without saying anything.

Fortunately, after a while, the head teacher and English teacher Fujiwara Risa entered the class.

The atmosphere in the classroom quickly quieted down.

Teacher Fujiwara glanced at the classroom and found that almost all the parents of the students were present. Except for the seat by the window in the front row, which was still a student in school uniform, the other seats were basically occupied by parents.

Her gaze stayed on Hoshino Gen for a little too long. Being stared at so bluntly for so long, Hoshino Gen had to look up and look back.

Fujiwara Risa and Hoshino Gen looked at each other for a moment, and suddenly revealed a mysterious smile with a deep meaning.

Hoshino Gen was a little puzzled, but Teacher Fujiwara had already moved his gaze elsewhere.

Until the bell rang and the parent-teacher meeting was about to begin, a dazzling figure appeared at the door of the classroom, stepping on the bell.

The figure knocked on the open classroom door, and the voice was clear and with a little smile:"Sorry, am I late?"

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