The young man who was diving came ashore, but he was pulled out of the water by the salvage team. The man who was still full of energy an hour ago became a pale and swollen corpse.

Outside Baizhang Village, the shore of Tokyo Bay was already surrounded by police and villagers.

The repaired bus drove away with a bus full of idol girls. The lively atmosphere of the picnic in the bus was long gone.

In the solemn car, someone looked back at the busy river bank, turned around, and murmured in a low voice:"He's really dead!……"

Being afraid of corpses and death is human nature, and it is also an instinct engraved in the soul.

The drowned corpse was like a layer of dark gray haze, covering the blue sky, white clouds, green grass and farmhouses...

Hoshino Rin couldn't help but tighten her arm around Liz's shoulders.

The current Hoshino Rin actually fits the opposite of the saying"ignorance is fearless".

Others are afraid and silent because of human instinct to fear corpses, and she is afraid because on this basis, she also knows that people may really become ghosts after death.

There are many TKY02 members in the car who can't help but look back, but she won't, and she dare not, because she is afraid that if she turns around, she will see a pale and swollen corpse waving at her.

She hugged Liz's delicate shoulders tightly, her little face tense, and at this moment she was extremely eager to get to her brother's side as soon as possible.......

On the artificial beach under the glaring sun, children were playing and frolicking, young men and women in swimsuits were swimming in the shallow water, or chatting under parasols, and in more remote places, there were many people sitting in rows, fishing with fishing rods.

Gen Hoshino wore a pair of sunglasses to block the sun, a T-shirt and sun protection clothes on the upper body, and beach pants and flip-flops on the lower body, looking a bit sloppy and handsome.

At least along the way, he was as eye-catching as always.

"Handsome guy, do you want to go fishing? We have all the fishing gear, 2,000 yen an hour!" As soon as Hoshino Gen walked into the area of the fishermen, an enthusiastic uncle came up to greet him. Judging from his appearance, the uncle's age was no more than 46 or 47, but he had a short haircut that had already turned gray. Hoshino

Gen did not look at him too much, but smiled with interest at his invitation to go fishing and said,"Get me a set of fishing gear.""

""Okay!" The uncle agreed immediately, his face filled with smiles, obviously he was very happy about the booming business today.

Hoshino Gen sat on the small stool that the uncle brought over, took the fishing rod with bait on it, and swung it gently, and with a soft"plop", the bait fell into the water. The salty and humid sea breeze blew up the ends of his hair. Hoshino Gen held the fishing rod with a faint smile on his lips, quietly waiting for the fish to bite.

At this time, the uncle who rented out fishing gear also moved a small stool and sat next to Hoshino Gen, smiling and talking:"Young man, are you here to travel?"

Hoshino Gen nodded, but didn't look at him. His strange eyes behind the sunglasses were always fixed on the undulating sea level, as if he was afraid of missing the fish.

"You don't fish much, do you?" The uncle was quite talkative, and he said with a smile:"You can't be too concerned about gains and losses when fishing. Although it sounds a bit metaphysical, I have been fishing for half my life, and I really found that sometimes, the calmer you are, the greater your harvest will be. On the contrary, the more anxious you are to catch the fish, the more likely you will catch nothing!"

Hoshino Gen smiled and said nothing.

The uncle didn't care, and continued to impart his experience happily:"Don't be impatient, you know, fishing is different from other things, luck is very important, even if you are a novice, as long as luck comes, no matter how good the fishing master is, he can't catch more fish than you."

"Of course, although luck is important, it is actually only one of the important factors! Fishing is very simple, but it is also very complicated, especially if you want to catch good fish, time, place, climate, and water conditions are all indispensable! Although the location and water conditions of my place are first-class, no one can predict the weather. But boy, let me tell you, if you really want to catch good things, you have to fish at night!"

Chatting with Hoshino Gen is actually a very boring thing, but the talkative uncle is still talking non-stop.

Until the phone in Hoshino Gen's pocket rang, the uncle shut up with unsatisfied intention, smiled at Hoshino Gen, and got up to greet other guests. Hoshino

Gen took out his mobile phone and answered it. The voice of Hoshino Rin came from the other end of the phone:"Brother, where are you? We are here."

Perhaps affected by the atmosphere on the beach not far away, Hoshino Gen was in a very good mood at the moment:"Give the phone to the front desk, I'll ask him to open the door for you."


After a moment, the voice of the young receptionist came from the other end of the phone:"Hello, sir."

"Hello, I am a resident of No. 3 Villa of Fuyuan B&B. The girl in front of you is my sister. I am out now and it is not convenient for me to go back. Please open the door for them."

"OK, I got it, sir. I wish you a pleasant journey."

Hokino Gen hung up the phone and continued to fish patiently with a smile on his face.

It was not until noon, when the sun became more intense and it was almost time for lunch, that Hoshino Gen put away his rod. His harvest was quite good. He caught half a bucket of fish of all sizes, especially a large sea bass.

Hoshino Gen was not interested in other small fish. After paying for the fishing gear, he only took away the sea bass that looked quite delicious.......

Fuyuan B&B is a high-end B&B hotel that features independent courtyards and Japanese-style accommodations, allowing guests to fully experience the most beautiful rural scenery.

The emphasis is on allowing guests to enjoy the atmosphere of a country stay while enjoying thoughtful service.

As soon as Hoshino Gen entered the door, a service staff member immediately came over to greet him warmly, asking him if he was thirsty, if he wanted some tea or drinks, and also asking if he needed help from the kitchen to prepare the sea bass in his hand.

Hoshino Gen was not polite at all, and directly handed over the sea bass, saying,"Cook it and send it over with lunch.""

"OK, do you need any other services?"

"No, thank you."

Hoshino Gen waved his hand, walked through the service hall, and entered a large garden. Here, the villas were neatly arranged horizontally and vertically. Hoshino Gen found the No. 3 courtyard where he lived. The gate was not locked. He reached out and pushed it, and the wooden door opened.

Before entering the door, Hoshino Gen heard the sound of the TV coming from inside.

Hoshino Gen walked through the yard and entered the house. Sure enough, he saw Hoshino Rin and Liz watching TV in the living room covered with a mat.

Seeing Hoshino Gen coming back, Hoshino Rin's eyes lit up, and she shouted,"Brother!"


PS:The next chapter will be later, I'm a bit stuck, but I will definitely finish it before tomorrow morning(=TェT=)

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