Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 978: Yugan

August 16. . Fastest update

Today is as sunny as always.

On the first day after the summer festival, everyone fell asleep comfortably in the room.

Helping Yukino, who didn't know when she ran into her room, covered the quilt, Morinka walked out of the air-conditioned room.

The scorching air rushed towards his face.

However, the aisle was still a bit cool, and Senxia came downstairs from upstairs, and found that the surrounding air had become even hotter.

After turning on the air conditioner in the living room with the remote control, Morinka came to the gate.

Opening the door, a rush of hot air poured in from outside.

The heat wave makes people want to close the door and return to the cold room.

"Sir Senxia." A cold and calm voice came from outside.

At the gate, standing a figure, facing the sun, Senxia looked over there.

The girl in a maid costume was standing there straight.

The girl is wearing a maid outfit of the same style as Ms. Iki, with tight-fitting clothes on the inside, and lace and decorations of the maid style on the outside.

Although it was morning, the summer heat wave was still fierce. The girl dressed like this gave Senxia the feeling of "hot" at first glance.

If it weren’t for Morinatsu’s knowledge that Iki’s tights are quick-drying, breathable and sunshade, and they’re meant to be worn in summer, he might really be sweating for the girl in front of him.

The tights perfectly embodied the girl's slender figure. Standing in front of the girl, Morinatsu was attracted by the other's body at first glance.

After waiting for a while, his gaze shifted from the opponent's body to the opponent's face.

The girl has delicate facial features, big eyes and delicate nose, and a small cherry mouth.

However, the appearance of the other party didn't make Morinya too shocked, because similar cute girls have already seen how many.

The other party has short hair that feels like Bob's head... how to say, this hairstyle is somewhat similar to Ling Boli's hairstyle, plus the girl’s expressionless appearance, Morinha seems to really see some "three "No girl" feeling.

But how to say it.

It seems that the feeling between the eyebrows is a bit familiar.

"Master Senxia, ​​this is Xiyan, and I will be responsible for the whole journey of your trip to Tianhai Village."

Ah, yes.

After hearing the other party’s words, Morinka remembered. Sister Iki seemed to have shown herself the information of the maids in the maid team before, but Morinka didn’t take it very seriously at the time, but in this After the girl named Xiyan mentioned it, Morinka understood it.

"Go into the house."

There was a heat wave outside, and Senxia couldn't stand it when he stood at the gate, not to mention Xi Yan, who had been outside for a long time.


The girl cherishes words like gold.

After entering the house, Senxia closed the door, and the hot feeling seemed to have gone with it.


Senxia sighed.

It feels much cooler.

"I'll go and pour a cup of tea."

After leading the girl to the living room, Morinka was going to make tea.

"My lord, this is my job."

However, a girl named Xi Yan rushed ahead of Senxia.

"Ahem..." Thinking about it, the master poured tea or something for the maid, which was really embarrassing.

Although Morinka can hold on, but for Yuyan who is in the position of a maid, this kind of thing is not good.

This is the experience of Morinka after having the maid of Iki sister. For such a professional maid, serving their masters is what they have to do. If they forcibly deprive them of their existence, this will not There is no benefit.

In the end, Xiyan entered the kitchen and poured a cup of tea for Senxia and prepared a breakfast.

Sitting in front of the table, Senxia ate breakfast, and then looked at Xiyan who was standing next to her.

Obviously Iki was like this on weekdays, but I don't know why, Morinka felt very awkward when she was seen by Yuyan.

Well, it should be because I am not used to it yet. If I was standing by my side, I would have been used to it, but this was the first time I saw this girl named "Xiyan" today. Although the other party traveled well as a maid, Morinka on this side did not become a "master" well at this time.

He secretly glanced at Xi Yan next to him.

This girl...seems to be younger than herself?

Unlike the reliable young lady Iki, Xiyan is a girl younger than Morinka, so when looking at each other, Morinka couldn't help feeling like taking care of him.

Well, because I want to take care of the other person, but I am taken care of by the other person here... That's how it is, this is one of the reasons why I feel embarrassed now!

Senxia is a little uncomfortable here.

Sitting here... I'm so embarrassed.

"Xiyansang, don't you want to eat it?"

Senxia asked.

"I have eaten it." The girl replied concisely.


Senxia was a little embarrassed, he didn't know what to say at this time.

When preparing to go to Tianhai Village at the beginning, Morinya thought that Sister Yi Ji would be by her side.

But the current Mori Natsu never expected that Sister Yi Ji was going to have something now, and what she actually encountered was this maid named Xi Yan.

The maid team on Morinka’s side had already arrived in Tokyo, but before, these maids had been driven by Yukino, so Morinka had no chance to meet.

But they still belonged to Senxia's maids, so at this time, Xi Yan appeared in front of Senxia.

But Senxia didn't think about how to deal with these little maids.

What should I say at this time?

Morinka was thinking while eating fried eggs.

It was really embarrassing at this time.

But Xiyan hasn't said a few words since they met. Although Iki has few words, the two feel completely different.

Could it be that Xiyan is awkward?

Senxia couldn't help but have such thoughts in her mind.



"I heard that you were trained as maids in Tianhai Village before?" Senxia forced a topic.

"Hi, in China, more than 90% of the maids in the Tianhai family are from Tianhai Village, a few are from abroad, and some are selected from retainers and branch families, but most of the latter will also be trained in the village."

After hearing Xiyan's answer, Senxia opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Although Xi Yan said a lot on this side, she said everything she wanted to ask in one breath, and directly blocked the way she continued to ask.

……so awkward.

The air-conditioning wind was blowing, but there was no other sound in the room.

"How about... watching TV?"

After all, he just got up, Senxia's head is still a bit dull at this time. Although he tried very hard to continue to find the topic, he found that he didn't seem to have much to say.

"Do you have anything you like to watch?"

Senxia turned on the TV, and the TV station was broadcasting the morning news at this time.

The girl shook her head and didn't even say anything.

Well, there is really nothing to say.

Senxia thought for a while and decided to bring the topic back to Tianhai Village. But Morinka thought about it, and felt that it was not so good. Would Xi Yan feel that this kind of self would be more talkative? Then it's okay to force a topic?

Should I ask about Xiyan herself? But in this case, will it offend the other party?

Just because it's a maid, there are some personal things, and sure enough, it's more important.

Morinka wondered in her heart.

Ahhhh, why am I so upset about a girl I just met!

Obviously, I have seen a lot of girls before, but my treatment of other girls will not become what I am now.

What is going on with me today?

Senxia felt that she was simply sick at this time.

Senxia really didn't know what to say.


Senxia let out a long sigh and rearranged her thoughts that had been messed up.

Probably because of the relationship that everyone will live together in the future?


If it’s on weekdays, when I see a cute girl, I just admire it at best, because I know here that I don’t have too much intersection with each other before, and in daily communication, both sides Because of various reasons, Ma gradually moved towards each other. At this time, even if everyone is living together, they will not feel that there is anything wrong.

However, the girl in front of me will be by my side in the future, and even among them there will be several personal maids who are obviously younger than me, but they have to work hard to serve me...

Thinking of this, Senxia felt like she understood a little.

"Brother, are there any guests?"

At this time, Xue Nai walked down from upstairs.

When he moved to Morinka's room to rest, Yukino had nothing on him, but now Yukino had put on a plain white dress.

"Miss Xue Nai."

Xiyan and Xuenai said hello.

"Ah, it's Xiyan!"

Xuenao and Xiyan had known each other for a longer time than Senxia's side.

"Brother went to the village, did you take it?"

Yukino leaned over here, then glanced at Xiyan, then Morxia, and then turned to look at Xiyan.


Morinka here is confused, Yukino looks like, what exactly does she want to do?

"If it's Xiyan, I'm relieved." Yukino seemed to be relieved.

not worried?

"Hey, hey, Yukino, don't you think I will do strange things?"

Senxia felt a little uncomfortable.

The meaning of Yukino's side is that there must be something wrong here!

"Well, my brother is a boy after all. When I meet a beautiful girl, he will always do things like this. And our maids are all trained. If it's your brother, they will definitely not resist. Yes, I will even deliberately create opportunities for my brother. But Xi Yan is not that kind of maid, so this kind of thing will not happen, so I don't worry!"

So how hungry your brother would have to eat and harvest, would he want to do such a thing!

"I'm not that kind of person!"

Senxia couldn't help but vomit.

"Ann, of course I know that you are not like that, but last night...huh~"

Of course, Yukino didn't know about Jiye sucking Jiye's fingers over there, or Jiye sucking Senxia's fingers.

But during the fireworks festival, Morinka and Ji Ye were very strange. When the two eyes met, everyone staggered their eyes because of guilty conscience.

"Although I don't know what happened before, brother, your attitude is really weird. At that time, brother, you set a lag strangely, right?" Yukino said, "I have seen you through." expression.

"Reality is not galgame!" Senxia couldn't help but complain.

Xue Na did not speak, but tilted her head, and the dull hair on her head flicked slightly.

Senxia didn't know what to say at this time.

"Forget it."

Senxia shook her head.

What can you tell me at this time?

Avoid the topic decisively.

"If I could, I wanted to accompany my brother..." At this time, Xue Na sighed again.

"So, this is a secret special training! If you go to Yukino, it doesn't make sense! And the filming at St. Juliana's Hospital is almost ready. Since Yukino is involved in this matter, give it to me Be responsible to the end!"

Xue Nao invited to go, naturally it is also possible. But unfortunately, because of a live-action drama in a certain hospital, Yukino can’t get out of it for the time being. Originally this thing was done by Morinka, but Yukino was very concerned about this matter, so he intervened in this matter. , So now this pot has been thrown by Morinya to Xue Na.

Anyway, as long as you are ready, you can come to the live-action drama at that time, and the prerequisite work and preparation will be left to Yukino!

Anyway, the preliminary work has nothing to do with what kind of work. It is purely a tedious job. Moriha also wants to use this tedious thing to get rid of the snow, but is careful about the degree of enthusiasm for the Santa Juliana Hospital.

"Know it!"

Xue Nao curled her lips.

"Speaking of it, I have been listening to Tianhai Village many times, and I know it is in Hokkaido, but where is Tianhai Village?" Senxia suddenly thought of another question, and it was still a very important one.

"In terms of the specific location, it is in the northeast of Sapporo, but I haven't been there for a long time. I am also very interested in what the village looks like..."

Yukino is also very interested.

And at this time, Senxia looked at Xiyan over there...


Today’s update, two in one, meow meow~

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