Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1011: I read 2 poems at that time...


This was Morinatsu's first reaction after he heard the news from Masao Chiba.

"Acquisition? Why?"

This is the annex of Qianyu's family, but the last time I came, Morinka came to the hot spring with everyone, but today Morinka came here and was invited by Daddy Qianjia.

Then Senxia heard that Qianjia's father said he was going to acquire Anmic.

"Yes, but it's not an acquisition in the ordinary sense, Apple Jobs, you know."

Senxia nodded, and then she understood.

A few years ago, Apple acquired Jobs' Next Company, in this way, Jobs returned to Apple.

After hearing what Qianjia said, Senxia understood.

"Wait a minute--" Senxia immediately thought of a possibility.

At this moment, the two of them are sitting in the tea room, and Chiba Masao is holding a tea set to help Morinka make tea while talking about business.

At this moment, Senxia immediately thought of a possibility: "You mean, let us take care of DreamCast?"

Dad Qianjia nodded: "Yes, the business of DreamCast and home consoles will be spun off from Sega, and then acquired by Anmic, operating through the channels of Anmic."

"Our channel mainly focuses on the network system, mainly the operation of online games and the Mithril platform, which can't help me." Senxia Tucao.

"--So, that was actually just incidental." Chiba Masao looked at Morika, don't know why, when my father looked at Morika, he always felt a little bit uncomfortable...probably because he said before thinking of the previous love. The sentence passed. He handed the tea bowl to Senxia, ​​and then said: "The important thing is people."

Senxia took the tea bowl and drank the tea inside.

After putting down the tea bowl, Senxia asked, "Uncle, you don't want Qianjia and I to take care of this stuff?"

"That's it." Chiba Masao did not deny.

"This... I'm still a high school student, how can I come? I'm not really humble, so please ask me to be clever."

For a moment, Senxia really did not expect that there would be such a routine.

"The board of directors has decided that you will be the CEO." Chiba Masao answered.

"Huh?" Actually playing for real?

"But I'm a software developer, how do I do hardware?" Senxia shook her head.

"Everyone has researched and decided." Chiba Masao replied.

"——So, how unreliable your board of directors is to think of letting a high school student do such a thing! This is not a two-dimensional world. High school students cannot save the world!"

Oops, I accidentally started to complain...

After Senxia habitually complained, she realized that she was a little rude.

"Because the board of directors is two people, me and Mr. Okawa Ko." Seeing Morinya's gaffe, I don't know why, but there was a hint of joy on his face.

"Uh-so you will find a high school student willfully to pick up the dish and back the pot?"

Although he didn't know the meaning of receiving the pan and backing the pot, Mr. Qianjia understood what Senxia meant.

Probably it means letting oneself manage and lead.

Think about it, too, a high school student suddenly wants to manage a game console with millions of sales. This kind of thing is really not that easy.

But Chiba Masao believed that Morinka could do it.

Even if he can't do doesn't matter, he still has golden thighs behind him, so he can take the opportunity to get the line, if he is completely on the street, at least he can use other methods to get back.

Well, so no matter what you do, the big capitalists always think of a way out. People in this place like to make a desperate move, but Masao Chiba prefers to think of a way out from the beginning.

He nodded: "DreamCast is the painstaking effort of Mr. Da Chuan Gong, and Mr. Da Chuan Gong also reached an agreement with me on this matter."

"Is that so..."

Morinia muttered.

Mr. Dachuan Gong is indeed obsessed with DC.

In another world, DC could still survive if only relying on Mr. Okawa Gong’s donation, but Sega ended DC early.

How should I put it, the early termination allowed Sega to transform as soon as possible. The home console was not good, and the arcade was in decline. At this time, they transformed and started to play games as soon as possible, which also allowed Sega to survive objectively.

So what is the reason for this kind of thing, it really might be.

Sega has a lot of "iron fans".

That is the kind of super die-hard fans.

Although the DC machine died early, the players have never given up. For those host game anchors in Beacon Country, if a room of DC game boxes is filled, it is definitely a sign of seniority and depth.

After the news of "Shenmue 3" came out, the game industry in a certain lighthouse country went completely crazy, and a certain anchor who watched the live broadcast asked what Shenmue was during the live broadcast, and then even apologized for it-no way After more than ten years of brewing, Shenmue's game has become a god-like legend. In that situation, saying that he didn't know Shenmue would really be stunned.

In this world...

According to Mori's knowledge, Shenmue's game is indeed very good in a certain lighthouse country, but it is a pity that Shenmue can't save DC.

——The demise of DC was doomed from the very beginning.

This is Senxia's view.

Before understanding the matter, Morinia felt that Sega’s mistake was in the configuration of the DC, CD-ROM, machine system, etc. Morinia felt that the problem might be in these areas.

But after getting to know Sega's situation in depth, Mori Xia discovered that DC's "destruction" was destined.

Machine performance does not mean everything. Old Ren can use WII to sling PS3 and XBOX360. NS can shake anyone like a certain author. This is not because of the relationship between machine performance and capacity.

CD-ROM is certainly a mistake, but as long as there is a platform that can work, everything is not a problem.

Senxia was lost in thought, but Dad Qianjia didn't say much, just continued to make tea next to her.

"...DC can still do it?" Senxia asked.

Dad Qianjia nodded: "I talked to Mr. Dachuan Gong. We think the network system exists very well. The continuous charging model will allow the core group to pay for games. If there are games like "Hero Trail" When it appears, DC can be maintained. Mori-kun, do you know how many people in Omi install broadband for the heroic trajectory?"

Senxia nodded.

The 56k dial-up Internet is also able to play hero trails, but in this case, there are many restrictions, local installation is required, and new skins are not supported, only the default role can be displayed, and there is no way to voice chat. It can be used for text dialogue. When you encounter a version update, you must buy a special update package CD to update.

Therefore, many players have chosen to open a broadband route in order to play the hero trajectory.

Senxia attaches great importance to user experience. According to a previous questionnaire survey, 30% of the new users in our big beacon country last year chose to become broadband users because of the hero locus game.

"Does DC take this route?" Senxia asked.

Is this also a butterfly effect?

The game developed by Morinya caused a miracle, so other people began to think and examine the role of the Internet.

Mr. Dachuan Gong and Dad Qianjia also noticed the role of the Internet, and through inspiration, they also found that this route seemed feasible.

"We already have a DC exclusive Internet game under development. This game is the online version of Phantasy Star. After some time, we should be able to see the prototype."

The legendary Phantasy Star OL? !

Phantasy Star is a console game and also an online game. This online game originated from DC.

Phantasy Star is a game developed by Sega. The original version was released in 1987, while the OL version was developed on DC.

Sega’s games are usually popular in Europe and the United States, but no one cares about them in China. However, "Phantasy Star" is different. This game is very classic in the mud bomb. The follow-up Phantasy Star OL2 has an animation. Edition-Let me tell you, it's good to grow Dafa!

Chiba Masao continued: "The Internet media is not the same as the general game charging model. The continuous charging model can make the game have continuous vitality. For a platform, such continuous vitality Far better than ordinary games of one-off sale."

Hearing this, Senxia suddenly became vigilant.

Sega... is it going to transform into a big online game company? !

Fuck, will I be beaten up by Sega fans from another world line?

Senxia felt a guilty conscience.

But he can't say that the other party did something wrong, because online games...really make money.

So Senxia can only nod her head.

"But why did you choose me?" Senxia still cares about this.

"Because you saw DC's failure from the beginning." Chiba Masao replied.



Shot yourself in the foot?

Although Morika knew that DC failed before, it was because many people had analyzed the reasons for DC failure. Morika combined his own understanding with the situation of Sega in this world and then derived intelligence.

Afterwards, Zhuge Liang, of course, did everything well...

"But analyzing and giving a plan, these are two completely different situations, right?"

Senxia shook her head.

But this kind of thing, Chiba Masao can also understand.

Theory does not mean practice.

Anyone can take medicine according to the prescription, but improvisation is difficult. An author who can write a novel of 3 million words may be an idiot who can't even speak much.

"Just do whatever you want, and I will support you." Father Qian Jia replied.

"Follow me?"

Senxia suddenly opened up.

Then... Does this look good too?

Senxia thought for a while, then made up his mind. He chanted two poems on the spot...


Two more updates, and there are still enough chapters in 3K, are you surprised or surprised?

PS, Senxiayin's life is Gou Quan's life in troubled times, and he doesn't want to be heard by the princes (the fog)...

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