Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1022: DC reform plan

The meeting with Qian Yu's family was in a modern and simple decorated mansion in the city.


   But when Morika came here, neither Qianjia nor her sister came back.


   "Mori-kun, please sit down, Miss Xiyan doesn't have to be restrained."


Because there are important things to talk about, Yuyan, who is almost acting as the secretary of Morinatsu, came here at this time. She also brought a lot of documents. These are all legal documents handled by Ichiro Sato. Today, I will give it to Chika. Daddy looked over.


Actually, it’s not very useful to show this to the other party now. After all, you have to go through the formal legal way and show it to Qian Jia... How do you say, Senxia has a sense of seeing parents check homework, this feeling Let Senxia is very delicate.


   Morinya came here very early, because he still had to discuss business matters with Dad Qianjia.


   The two came to the study together, and Chiba Masao said: "PS2 is on the market, very popular."


   "Yeah." Morinka nodded.


   "Suzuki Yu came out to take responsibility, he will be hidden by the snow." Chiba Masao said again.


   "...Actually, I'm very surprised. There is a problem with Dreamast. Why does Sega want Yu Suzuki to come out and take responsibility? He can solve the problem?"


  It was not Shenmue that had the problem, because Shenmue did capture the core users even though they lost money and bleeding.


   "Now Suzuki Yu is working on Shenmue 2, if Shenmue 2 can't stand up, Suzuki is probably in danger. Anyway, Shenmue has spent so much money but still failed, Sega also needs someone to take responsibility."


   "Then, what about the problem?" Morinka asked.


   "So Suzuki-san has come out to take responsibility."


   "But no one has solved the problem!"


   Senxia spit out.


"Mori Xia, you have to get used to the problem, and then someone comes out to take the blame, the problem is solved, that's it. Someone comes out to take responsibility, it doesn't matter whether it is resigning or cutting abdomen." Masao Chiba taught Morinatsu, "Now sincere Only a few people like Mr. Okawa Gong want to save Dreamast."


   "Mr. Renji doesn't have the courage of Mr. Zhongshan, and this is nothing we can do."


  Mr. Nakayama mentioned by Morinatsu is Hayao Nakayama.


   Nakayama Hayao is the former eo of Sega. He once left the famous saying "I live to make Nintendo uncomfortable".


   And Nakayama Hayao's resignation was also the fuse that caused Sega's internal division.


   After Nakayama Hayao left Sega, Sega’s upper class entered the "Three Kingdoms Era", and the upper class was schizophrenic. Naturally, the d here is not immune.


   "The pressure of entering the diplomatic system is also great now. He underestimated Sony, so now many people have to hold him accountable."


   Hearing these words, Morinka shrugged.


   clamored to be held accountable... but what measures should be used to remedy... it seems that there is really no way.


   Okay, in fact, there is no need for Chiba Masao here to explain, Morinatsu probably knows what is going on.


   Neon Golden Sling Pots are all super skilled. If something goes wrong, find a Back Pot Man to apologize in front of the TV, and then resign, and then someone will back the pot, and then...The problem will be solved!


   Well, yes, no strategy or plan is needed. As long as there is a back-up man, the problem will be solved.


   This is true now, and it will also be true when an earthquake occurs in Fukushima in the future.


  The problem is not important, as long as someone backs the pot, there is no problem.


   This is especially true for clubs with this professional manager system.


   It was okay for Hayao Nakayama to hold him down before, but now Shoichiro Riko does not have that prestige, so nothing will be done.


   The high-level executives have the high-level interests, and the shareholders have the shareholders’ interests. These personal interests do not necessarily coincide with the overall interests of the "Sega" company.


   "But when this matter is done, Sega's affairs will be resolved. Without the burden of Dreamast, Sega's deficit can also improve." Chiba Masao sighed.


   "But the problem on the d side still needs to be solved." Morinka said.


   "Well, since we are doing it ourselves, of course we have to solve the problem by ourselves. Do you already have a strategy?"


   Morika nodded, and then looked at Xiyan behind him: "Xiyan, give me that document."


   Yuyan nodded, and then gave a prepared document to Morinka, and Morinka gave Chiba Masao.


   Chiba Masao picked up the file and glanced at it. Then, Chiba Masao couldn't look away.


   "The factory moved to... a certain eastern country?"


  The first request put forward by Morinka is to fully shift production to a certain eastern country and cooperate with a certain eastern country.


"Hi." Senxia nodded, "The hardware facilities over there are very good, and there is universal compulsory education, so it is easy to recruit skilled workers, and there are special policies over there, which are preferential for joint ventures. Look here. According to our cost calculations here, if we completely transfer production, the cost can be cut by at least 20%. Coupled with the preferential policies over there, it can further reduce the cost. If we are more optimistic, about 30% is possible. If we use parts from a major eastern country for replacement and production, in extreme cases, the cost of Dreamast can be reduced to half of the original cost."


  Yes, if the parts from a large eastern country are fully used, although some parts may be of rougher quality and higher energy consumption, it is undeniable that if this is the case, the cost of d can be extremely compressed.


   "You really dare to do it..." Chiba Masao shook his head.


The manufacturers on the mud bomb side dare not how to move their technology abroad, even if it is cooperation, it is concealed, and they are also good at selling low-priced inferior products to a certain eastern country on the opposite side, and then earning high maintenance costs. .


   But Morinatsu's approach is obviously not the case.


   He doesn't have the idea of ​​neon gold at all, so Morika directly transferred the dreamast production line to there at this time.


"I checked, the transfer of Dreamast's production line will not be restricted by the United States except for the central processing unit. Moreover, the officials of a large eastern country I contacted expressed a lot of interest in this, and they are willing to give us a comparison. More preferential measures for general enterprises."


   It’s actually not that difficult to find officials who want to serve these years. After all, there are officials with ideals in Nihbang.


   After finding the right way, people from a certain eastern country can naturally realize the benefits brought to them after the transfer of the d production line, so even if they want to lose money, they are ready to get the things here.


  The chip is of course the biggest bait.


   "Then can you convince ne over there?"


   Sega’s chips are customized by other manufacturers. Although Ne has been a pig teammate, Sega still needs to rely on them.


"Hey, Sister Yi Ji has convinced them that it is the product of the previous generation after all, and can still get rid of the product line of the previous generation when the industry is upgraded. Why don't they do it?" Senxia said calmly. , But in fact, this matter is not easy to get through without sister Yi Ji doing work for Ne.


   "Yeah, yeah," Chiba Masao shook his head, he really didn't expect Morinka to use this method.


   After the cost drops, the competitiveness will be stronger. This is the most intuitive way to save d.


"Moreover," Senxia continued to add, "There are still a lot of people who want to make chips in this world. I have also slightly invested in two GPU companies in the United States. They should all be Chinese companies. We can also make the next generation of products."


   Well, Morinka still has something to do, such as funding two companies that can build nuclear bombs...


   Chiba Masao nodded.


   It’s not terrible to fail. It’s terrible if there is no solution after it fails. Morinya has already thought of some follow-up methods to avoid accidents. This is the most appropriate.


   He was still quite satisfied with Senxia. Daddy Qianjia, who felt a little comfortable in his heart, drank a glass of water, and then continued to look at the back of Senxia.


   "Huh? Learning machine plan? Office machine plan? Or a big eastern country?"


   Chiba Masao was a little startled.


   What the **** is this again?


   "Is it the one you told me last time?"


   Chiba Masao said "last time", referring to what he and Morika were talking about.


   At that time, Morinka seemed to use the red and white machine as an example.


   "Hi," Morika nodded, "Dreamast will cooperate with Microsoft to customize a screen interface for D to make it a learning machine."


   After all, d uses the huge hard ine system, with a suitable operation interface, it is not a problem at all to make a learning machine or something.


   In fact, in addition to Microsoft, Morinatsu secretly asked Iki sister to contact a certain Apple manufacturer, but it can only be used as a backup, and they are not necessarily willing.


   "Cooperate with Microsoft?"


Morika shook his head: "Hey, I asked about this in the name of Sega." After all, there is Chiba Masao's way, and this can still be done. "But Microsoft hopes that d can focus on the game industry. For our plan Neither agree nor disagree, but Offie’s plan to log on to the platform for free was rejected by them."


   Since it is an office, then the offie three-piece suit is indispensable.


   Microsoft did not approve or oppose Morinia’s previous plan, but after offie was involved, they expressed solemn opposition. Compared to the desktop system, I seem to care more about my offie.


   "Then your plan is still useful?"


   "Hey, because I have found an alternative solution in a big eastern country." Mori summer said with a smile, "dreamast will be equipped with a keyboard and mouse, and then made into a computer for learning, and sold in a big eastern country."


   Well, that’s right, a certain eastern country did want to ban foreign game consoles, but Mori Xia found out that she was actually taking advantage of it.


   Not even a ppt, Morinka actually convinced the other side...


   To be honest, even Morinya didn't think of this, but the policy is the green light. If you think about it, there is no way!


   There is a strong wave behind it that is helping, so Morinha naturally can only move forward.


   "In this case, we can include this part when we ship, and if it is sold in a large eastern country, it will also greatly help increase the confidence of merchants."


   "...a ban, right?"


   Chiba Masao also has his own way, he also knows a little bit about this.


   When Morinka said this, Chiba Masao immediately understood what was going on.


   "Hi," Morinka nodded, "Wait next year, after the game console is banned next door, our d will be able to green light all the way. This is also a huge confidence boost for developers."


   Even if there are actually not many Japanese factories that can make money in a certain eastern country, it doesn’t matter, confidence is the most important thing.


  Confidence is the most important thing.


   Morinatsu knows this very well.




   Masao Chiba nodded, and then went on to read the third article behind Morika.


   Then, he was stunned.


   "Get through... the Mithril platform?"


What does it mean?


Of course Chiba Masao knows that the Mithril platform is the game platform above p. Unlike d, the Mithril platform is a software game platform. Relying on the existence of the Internet, the millions of registered users may seem scary, but for manufacturers like Sony and Sega. Say, then there is no sense of existence.


   But what Morinka said...


   Open up channels?


What does it mean?


   "Hi, d will also provide online shopping malls, you can buy games on the Internet. Then there are cloud archive sharing and other programs."


   There are some content Morinatsu himself is not sure, but he listed all his plans for the time being.


   "Cloud Archive..."


   Chiba Masao's expression is a bit subtle.


   Sharing the archives of p and d, this seems to be scary, and getting through the Mithril platform to launch the d version of the game over there is more subtle.


   Although the Mithril game platform is powerful, there are also many 18x games on it, and one more important point is that this approach blurs the boundary between d and p.


   "This won't work, you are doing something that hurts others and benefits yourself!" Chiba Masao saw through Morinatsu.


   "Ahem..." Well, that's right, Morinya did this, indeed, habitually wanting to use d to bring the Mithril platform.


   But to be honest, Morinka’s wild sight is somewhat similar to the way that steam makes steamos and steam game consoles, but obviously, this little wish seems to be temporarily impossible to achieve.


   "But online shopping malls can have it, and d is fully capable of providing digital versions of games." But this, Morinia does not deny.


  D is able to provide better games, hard disk version of the game, Morinka thinks it can exist.




  Masao Chiba is not very opposed to this, he is still considering it.


   "I'm back!"


"I am back."


   At this moment, a voice came from outside the door.


   is the voice of Qianjia-senpai, and... another girl?


   is Qianjia’s younger sister, right?




  The graphics card gtx590 of the n family back then was nicknamed the nuclear bomb. Later, this name was used in subsequent products such as gtx690. Later, some people called high-end graphics cards collectively as nuclear bomb graphics...


   The bug in the previous chapter has been corrected, Qianjia changed to Lihua.


   Two in one, Meow Meow~ For mobile users, please visit m.. Reading for a better reading experience.

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