Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1029: Blacksmith need its own hardware

The networking function of the home machine.


   This function cannot be said to be very important nowadays, but there is no doubt that DC, this home host, has popularized the concept itself.


   In other words, Sega used DC to redefine the Internet standard for home computers-even if they did not realize what they did.


   By the time Sony’s PS2 is about to be launched, it is already a common standard that home machines can be connected to the Internet and next-generation machines can play games over the Internet-at least you need a platinum trophy or similar achievement system.


   The game achievement system is derived from Animic's Mithril platform. The Mithril platform that supports Internet contact has the original Internet achievement system.


   On the homepage of the Mithril platform, there is a "Game Celebrity List". This list includes the game duration list, the number of games list and the comprehensive achievement list.


   The more platinum trophies, the greater the probability of appearing on the celebrity list.


By the way, the current top player on the Mithril platform has 300 platinum trophies-in other words, this man has cleared at least 300 games, and every game has completed all achievements, it is simply Just crazy.


This trophy system is also involved in Sega's home machine. Although it is not as detailed as the Mithril platform, they also provide a special game list. You only need to connect to the Internet to view it. Among them, you can also See your ranking.


   The concept of "Game Achievement List", as if along with the Internet, has become a concept in everyone's mind for next-generation game consoles.


   One person can have an impact on ten people around him, DC has sold millions of units, and the influence is tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. This is something that can be expected.


   Although the number of purchasers may be limited, the concept of home computers being able to intervene in the network and being able to compete on the network is already widespread.


   As far as the lighthouse country is concerned, many people even choose the game that can be used for online battles and then play the game.


  According to Sega’s feedback, the number of players using DC for games is about 100,000 online on weekdays, while the number of active users is 500,000, and the number of people who have used DC for games is 800,000.


   "But according to the survey, about two million gamers value the online battle function when they buy it-even if they don't use it at all."


   Hearing Lihua's supplement, Morinya nodded and put down the investigation report.


   This investigative report on the latest situation of home consoles was made by Mori Xia to Lihua. When the Order of the Phoenix was reorganized, Mori Xia made such a report.


   Of course, because it is a sample survey, in addition to the data that Sega officials can see, the figures and the real situation may differ in other parts.


   "But it really surprised me. 80% of the purchasers think that the Internet game mode is a bonus item for the game console..."


   Morinatsu was surprised.


   I really didn't expect this kind of thing.


   It is very strange that not many people can use this function, but everyone feels that this function seems...very good?


   so subtle.


Senxia suddenly thought of the experience of buying things in a certain treasure. Two items with the same price, the "multifunctional" one, would often be more preferred by herself-although this so-called "multifunctional", she seemed to use it at all. Not on.


   This kind of thing is quite common, and the Internet game experience is indeed very novel. Everyone regards chess as a bonus item, which is quite normal.


This is like in the era of smart phones, whether the phone has phase focus or intelligent anti-shake system, for many people are very concerned-although these people may not take two photos for six months, but they are more willing to choose this Mobile phone with good camera function.


   Morinatsu found that she was shot inexplicably here too...


   pulled away.


   "We can make a fuss about this." Mori Xia said, "According to the network display, PS2 players are tired of Sony's delay in providing an Internet module."


   In fact, the most on the Internet is for DLC cracking patches.


   But that kind of thing... Morinatsu doesn't have it!


   Well, yes, although Mori summer has revealed the operation mechanism of the so-called "DLC" on PS2 on the Internet, this does not mean that Mori summer can really simply crack the system.


   In addition to seeking to crack the patch, the most posts are that some people are worried about whether PS2 will really have an online battle mode.


In the early days, many games that were first released on PS2 had DC versions. After comparing the two games, these players found that there was no significant improvement in the graphics of the PS2 version, except for some games. In addition to the more detailed textures, these games that have been logged on to multiple platforms have castrated off the Internet battle system on PS2, which is a bit... disappointing.


   "Mori-kun will not do illegal things, right? Don't follow Qianjia like that!"


   After seeing Morinka's expression, Lihua naturally thought of what Qianjia had done.


   "Why would I do something illegal, business affairs... as long as it is not discovered, it is not illegal!"


   ahem, although there is no ethics, but the thing is like this, as long as it is not found, it is not illegal...


   "Is this really no problem?"


   Lihua is the former student president after all. Although she is often molested by Qianjia in private, she still has the morals of the student president.


   Morika continued: "But we try to use normal commercial methods. There are still many flaws on the PS2, and these are enough for us to make a fuss."


   The defects of the network system, on another timeline, have been criticized by the majority of players-although everyone basically does not use this function.


  PS2's network system is missing. For this machine, it is indeed a very bad thing.


   In addition, PS2 does not support high-definition TV is also a very subtle point-well, although PS2 has DVD, but the output end is very limited.


   But there is nothing wrong with this. The machines of this year also support component interface at most. Digital interfaces such as HDMI are not available on PS2. This cannot be said to be Sony’s mistake, but the times are developing too fast.


   And at the end of the PS2 life cycle, the PS2TOHDMI interface is also launched.


   And the third defect that Morinka can find about Sony is the game. Many of the games played on the PS2 are not the best version of many full-platform games. Many games are more or less castrated and changed, resulting in a change in the flavor of the game itself.


   "Although it is a defect, it is not a black spot..."


   Although Morinka has a hundred ways to force black, but if the black is not enough, he will become a clown instead, and Morinka will not do this kind of thing.


   If there is anything that can really reduce the audience’s expectations, it’s only the network.


  According to the information obtained by Morinka, Sony did prepare a network system, but the module God TM they prepared turned out to be a dial-up network module.


   Sony, the millennium is coming soon, don’t you think that dial-up networking will soon be out of date?


   "However, simply lowering expectations is not a good way..."


   There is only one point, it feels too subtle.


  Perhaps the historical status of PS2 is not as good as FC and PS1, but it is undeniable that this machine is indeed a great machine.


   Well, as long as Sony don't let go.


   The rise of Sony is unstoppable. For DC and the upcoming DCP, Mori summer guesses that the best possibility is to occupy a small part of the market to protect itself.


   And the possibility of being crushed by PS2, Morinka feels that it is still very large.


   "If only five years pass..."


   If the Internet can move forward for five years, Morinia will be confident enough to occupy a strong position in the Internet age, but for now, Morinia can do very little.


   "It seems that I can only enhance my game lineup..."


   Morinka was originally trying to beat Sony, but after thinking about it for a while, Morinka suddenly realized that he needs to be **** his own.


   In this situation, it is necessary to completely surpass the opponent in the quality of the game.


  -Is it possible to expect Mori to wear a black sweater, and then come to California to hold a press conference, and then everyone starts to buy, and then Sony is crushed by the torrent of the times like Nokia?


  Please, Morija is not the leader of Joe's gang...


   "In short, first send a letter to the developers of the Mithril platform, inviting them to fully port the game to DC..."


   If there is any good thing about DC, it is the WINDOWSCE system prepared by the giant hardware. This system makes game porting very simple. It is very easy to port PC games to the past.


   "Didn't you have contacted a batch before?"


   "This time it's all." Mori summer said, "In addition, how about the community for independent developers prepared by the Mithril platform?"


   The Mithril platform is not just about operating games. The Mithril platform itself is also a game incubator. Before Morinka, it was intentional to build a community for individual independent developers and then develop independent games. This kind of indie games and fan games are actually different, but if indie games can be made, maybe there will be some very good games?


"Well, it's already under planning, and we are now collecting opinions from the producers." Lihua said, "In addition, the JA.VA programmer you recruited, Senxia Jun, Bei Mi is ready... But JA.VA is Do we really help?"


JA.VA language is a cross-platform programming language. Simply put, this language creates a virtual machine-like operating environment in the computer, so no matter what platform is used, it can run this language. .


   But although this kind of language seems to be very powerful and highly compatible, it has a very big flaw, that is, operating efficiency.


   It is not that the efficiency of C language or assembly language must exceed JA.VA language, but in general, the efficiency of the latter is indeed not as good as the former.


   After talking about things with Sega, Morinka started doing it here. It's just that everyone in the club feels that it is really impossible to develop games in this language-because the efficiency of games made in this language must be very low.


"Then optimize, then continue to optimize, and finally optimize, optimize, and optimize. After the Order of the Phoenix is ​​done, you can give them the DCP parameters first, and then let them perform special optimization work based on DCP." If the program If the players can keep up and optimize, the operating efficiency of the JA.VA language can also be improved. "If it is really impossible...then their goal is the next generation of game consoles, but from now on, they need to always Prepare for me."


   This is the only thing Morinka can't compromise.


   Because this question involves a game.


   A game that can change the world after Tetris, Super Mario, and Final Fantasy.


   A super game with unlimited possibilities and never outdated.


   Lihua didn't say much.


   Morinatsu sometimes will not compromise.


   Even though Rika is very gentle on weekdays, in the last conversation between Morika and Miyazaki Hidetaka, Lihua saw such a tough Morika for the first time. At that time, he could not tolerate half a compromise.


   And now Morinka is like this.


   On this matter, Morinka can't stand her beak.


   Although a little arbitrary... but unexpectedly handsome.


   Lihua found that she seemed to like this kind of tough Mori Xiajun.


   "This matter is a definite matter. Like Miyazaki Hidetaka, funds need to be guaranteed first." Mori summer again asked Lihua to say "Lihua agreed immediately.


If she were to change to the Lihua in the weekdays, facing such an irrational decision, she would probably refute a few words, but after seeing this kind of Morinia, Lihua directly agreed and she looked at Morinia’s side, She seems to be looking forward to Morinya's continuing to give her orders...


   Morika didn't give Lihua any further orders, but looked at the web page aside.


   "In addition, the funds we can mobilize now, Lihua, please go and count, and then we may need to set up a new studio to be responsible for the production of online games."


   Regardless of whether it is Dungeons and Warriors or Sword Art Online, the planning of online games always starts.


   The development of World of Warcraft, counting the time, is now, and I want to go ahead and start research and development now, that is a must.


"Well, good. The first season of "Lelouch of the Rebellion" will be completed in one month. The funds here can be withdrawn, and the sales of this game are also very good. The funds available are still very good. Considerable."


   Lihua analyzed the current situation.


   "Well, that's good." Morinya nodded.


   This matter has come to an end, and the next... is the press conference.




   The graduation ticket didn’t show up, this is a sad story...


   Two in one.

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