Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1043: Secret thing


Asagao and Rena were watching the video in the drawer at this time.

Both of them have blushing cheeks and their hearts beating faster.

Indeed, in this drawer, there are a lot of movies, and not only real-life works, but also many animation works.

Unlike the messy drawer next to it, the videos in this drawer are all neatly arranged.

Rena tremblingly picked up one of the black boxes.

A line of text "Journey to Hot Springs" is written on the box.

It's an OVA animation, the original is a person named Eloxer II.

"Elohill II always feels as if he has heard this name somewhere"

Rena always felt as if he had heard of this name somewhere.

But why would I know such a name!

Rena saw the picture printed on the box, a girl in a kimono and a man?

Who wants to watch this!

Who would know such a thing!

For a moment, Rena felt as if her hands had received a strong electric shock, and her hand shook and the box fell into the drawer again.

She tried to look away, but her gaze fell on Chaoyan, who was holding a CD at this time, but this was not an animation, but this person.

On this, there are two girls


All these hidden in the drawer caused a huge shock to Rena's soul.

She was scared and took two steps back.

"Well, it seems to be from the seniors"

Asagao was calmer than Rena, although she was flushed, but at least she didn't lose sense.

She found that there were some bookmarks in these CDs, which seemed to be classified. The bookmarks read things like "Reference Materials" and "Second Generation Collection" and "Real Person Materials".

Although the screen looks a little unsightly, it seems to be regarded as a document?

"But, but, but why do you need such information!"

Rena had just finished speaking, and then he realized what was going on.

It's really possible to say that these things are needed data or something.

Rena knows that there is actually an ergo game developer there.

Regarding the Morinatsu Club, Rena searched consciously or unconsciously, and then found that there were some very subtle things in Morinatsu's Club

It's just that Rena always felt that the person who played such a game was not Morika himself, but Morika's subordinates.

But thinking about it now, this idea of ​​my own is still too naive.

Speaking of which, this is the case with the teacher of the second generation of Alohir.

Rena once heard Morinka and Senka discussing the "Teacher Erdaime" seriously.

No wonder I feel that this name is a bit familiar.

Although I refuse to admit it, what is left here is probably the reference materials of Morinka and Chika.

"But why did Mori-kun want to do such a game?"

Although he knew the reality, Rena still didn't understand why Morinya would play such a game, and there was so much information.

What's so interesting about that kind of game!

Obviously it is a very, very dirty thing!

Rena murmured in her heart.

"But, this is something Morinka likes"

She cast her eyes on this again.

Do boys like this thing?

Rena also knew that the male classmates in her class would also read some rigorous magazines, and some even had similar things confiscated by the teacher.

Moreover, whether it is a child of a wealthy family or a child of an ordinary family, they seem to be interested in this kind of thing

If you say that, Mori Xia-kun likes something like this, and it’s not incomprehensible


What am I doing!

Why should I convince myself that Senxia-kun will definitely like such things!

Rena felt that her brain was disturbed by herself.

Why do you want to do such a thing

But Senxia-kun

When I thought of Morinatsu-kun in his mind, Rena felt that his brain was in chaos here.

She looked into the box again, and then she saw a girl in a witch costume, beside the girl, another girl was standing.

This is an animation work.

She looked away timidly, and then saw another work called Flower and Snake.

This work is a real-life work, and it does not reveal any weirdness, but why do the ropes on these girls feel worse than those that show ordinary bodies!

Rena felt like she had become messy.

Good bad good bad good bad but

I really want to see.

An inexplicable emotion suddenly emerged in the girl's heart.

Suddenly, I wanted to see.

Of course, I am not interested in such bad things, I just want to know why Senxia-kun likes such things!

Well, not because of curiosity, definitely not because of curiosity, not because of curiosity at all!

What kind of inexplicable film and television works that attract those boys?

Rena also knows about boys' bodies. Nihong is still qualified in physiological education, so there will be no such funny thing as "My girlfriend's little OO is bigger than me" and manually squint.

But how to put it, the knowledge in the books, and the movements and postures that people can experience and feel, seem to be so subtle.

"Rena, do you want to see?"

Chaoyan suddenly spoke.

She was holding a live disc in her hand, with two girls and a boy on it.

Rena shook her head quickly.

Your own mood is the same thing, but if you want to say this kind of thing, it is absolutely impossible to admit!

"Chao, Chao Yan Sang, have you seen this thing?" Rena stammered inquiring Chao Yan.

Chaoyan also shook his head immediately: "I just watched some educational videos, but I still don't feel that way."

As she spoke, Zhaoyan seemed to think of something, her eyes gradually became blurred, and her breathing became a little quick.

Ah, yeah.

Chaoyan suddenly remembered.

Because of the need to prepare for the exam, I haven't been with Senxia-kun for a long time.

Because I was focused on preparing to study things, I almost ignored such things on weekdays, but after seeing these discs, Zhaoyan also felt an inexplicable feeling surging in his heart.

This feeling of seeking bursts in depression made Chaoyan's brain begin to become a little irrational.

The discs placed here, to Chaoyan, seemed to be a person who had been hungry for a long time, and a plate of fragrant braised pork appeared in front of him.

This feeling is really no way to endure it.

Or just take a look?

But Rena next to him is here.

At this time, Asagao noticed that Rena seemed to be interested in these films in front of him.

Rena may not have noticed it herself, but the face next to her can be seen clearly. At this moment, Rena's eyes are really looking straight at the work in front of her.

If one person does not have enough courage to watch, what about two people?

Chaoyan's gaze focused on the works of the second generation.

Mori Xia-kun seems to like the author very much, and is an avid fan of the other party.

If you can, learn a little bit about Senxia-kun’s hobbies, and then change a posture next time, maybe it will make Senxia-kun happier?

"Now, Rena, we"

"Do you want to watch it together?"

"Do you want to watch it together?"

The two said these words almost simultaneously.

Afterwards, both of them were shocked, everyone blushed, and then put aside, the scene was very embarrassing.

But then, the two of them laughed involuntarily.

"Well, since this is Senxia-kun's reference material, we look at things like this, in fact, to understand Mori-kun."

Rena forcibly found a reason.

"Well, yes, what kind of posture Mori-kun likes to use is wrong, what Mori-kun likes, we can all understand."

Zhao Yan looked aside with embarrassment.

After all, Rena is still a pure girl, and she has already done this and that with Mori Natsu-kun, and has unlocked a lot of poses. If this kind of thing is said in front of Rena, it seems a bit sorry for Rena.

But at this time, Zhaoyan also had some doubts in his heart. Mori Xia-kun seemed to be like the old company from the beginning. Did he really do this and that with others before? But why can't I investigate any signs?

It's really strange.

Having said that, Mori Xia-kun doesn't want to shoot his sister, right?

"These seem to be the works written by the Erohime Erdaime. Mori Xiajun seems to like this author very much." Rena had already sorted out the contents of teacher Erdaime's works at this time.

"Then choose one and take a look."

Teacher Erdaime has a kind of friendship in his tastes, from light lily to very strange taste, it can be said to have everything.

What the two of them chose at this time was a story between two girls who seemed to have very light taste. At least from the front cover, the picture seemed to be very clear.

"Asagan, do you like this too?" Rena asked.

"Well, I feel this is the most acceptable, right"

Because there are two cute girls in the picture

Asagao's gaze turned to Rena.

Rena doesn't have the long hair like Chika and Yukino. Her hair is more short and medium, and she looks fresh and cute.

Asagao always liked to see cute girls, and Asagao admired a cute girl like Rena.

Because the cover of the film is about two girls doing this and that kind of things, Asagao was worried that Reina would not like such things at first, but after seeing Reina's reaction, Asagao was a little relieved.

The quality of the works of teacher Erdaime is very high. Although they are some inexplicable works, the quality and feel are far better than those of TV drama works, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

like very much

I am very curious about such works.

Sure enough, as the screen showed, this was a lily fan with very clear water.

The feeling of light lily, with a little elegance, is obviously such a blushing thing, but under the description of this work, it seems to have become a wonderful artwork.

It's something with a light taste, but it's very tense. The feeling of two ignorant girls gradually coming together is really amazing.

But it is too short.

Obviously it was a twenty-minute work, but it seemed that it was over in an instant.

The feeling that the beauty has faded before it unfolds left a subtle feeling in both of them.

After the ending song ended, the two looked at each other at the same time.

At the moment their eyes met, both of them trembled.

Ah, yeah.

They are all aware of it.

She and the other party seem to be girls.

Just the same as in the movie.

Not only that, in this drama, the school uniforms worn by the two heroines and the school uniforms of Sakano Academy seem to have subtle similarities, in addition to the place where the two people have a relationship In the same empty abandoned classroom, the wonderful feeling is even more intense at this moment.

I always feel that something is surging in my heart.

A wonderful atmosphere filled the classroom.

"Well, that is really artistic."

Rena's impact was greater than that of the more experienced face.

At this moment, she felt that she was hot all over.

Obviously, when I was watching, I tried every possible means not to look at the strange scene at the beginning, but my eyes seemed to be no longer under my control, staring at the picture firmly, and finally the whole episode All finished


But want more

There is absolutely no way to satisfy!

"Um, let's change another one!"

In fact, what Rena wanted to say was, "Let's put the disc back", but when this sentence came to the mouth, it became another sentence.

After speaking, Rena was also stunned.

She was a little upset.

Why on earth would I say such a thing!

Although Rena really wanted to see it, she was wise to tell Rena that this kind of thing was bad and unhealthy.

But I can't resist it.

That feeling is totally unbearable.

After saying the wrong thing, his heart is indeed annoying, but is there a kind of ecstasy?

"Yes, change another one"

Zhaoyan blushed, opened another box with two cute girls painted, and put the disc in it.

Well, it is still a second-generation work.

But looking at it, the eyes of the two are a little subtle.

Because this time, one of the girls is actually a boy

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