Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 110: Have you heard of peers?

"You two have worked hard."

Senxia bought two bottles of iced Coke to Wang Qiwen and Shen Jiahui.

"Now it's finally ready to run again." Wang Qiwen wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Hey, I'm really exhausted. At first I thought the program was easy to write, and there should be no problem. I knew it would come out after I wrote it. So many bugs."

Shen Jiahui also sighed in that half-baked Mandarin: "Yes, yeah, we used to write small programs. I used to hear from seniors who said that the most troublesome thing about programs is catching bugs (finding bugs). This is the first time. After seeing it, I managed to get it done all night last night, but when I got up in the morning, Qiwen found the problem again."

"Yeah, finding bugs in the end is a kind of torture..." The senior sister nodded in agreement, "I will never write games like Witch's House anymore. I will write programs at most in the future. , That's the easiest way."

Strictly speaking, the operating system of Witch's House is also a variant of rpg. Compared with text-only games, there is a big gap between rpg games.

"Student Qianyu, your witch house is very good. We basically haven't found any big bugs. The details of the game system are also perfect. It is really not a simple thing to add so many details!"

Wang Qiwen’s admiration is not without reason. There are many details in the game. For example, in the later stage of the game, the devil will leave the cat’s body and step on the cat repeatedly at this time. The cat will turn into a pile of meat sauce and then disappear. And if the story enters the true ending, at the end of the story. The face of the true witch who had taken away Xiao Wei's body would turn into a smile, very oozing. There is also the weather and time system in the game. If the player waits for the story to proceed outside the Witch’s House at the beginning, the outside time will change from early morning to dusk. In the last scene of the ending, the time is already at night. .

And if the placement is halfway, for example, the time goes to the afternoon and then enters the witch's house. The time will not be reset, but will continue. But if the player listens carefully at this time, you will find that the music has become a bit rush, and when the story ends, the time will turn into evening.

of course. This is not just a matter of program, but also the cooperation of the artist. However, the senior sister has a good friend of Shiina Himeha, and the two of them are perfect in cooperation. It is precisely because of this cooperation that the house of the witch is almost Perfect results.

" the workload is huge. Fortunately, Senxia Jun also understands some procedures, otherwise there may be no way to end it in the end."

The result of too much heart is that in the end, the workload is doubled and then doubled, if it is just a simple production. The game would not have been so troublesome, but because of the deadlock on various details, the final problem came. Especially because of bugs caused by various details. Sometimes, you write a large number of scene effects and find that you can't use it at all. At that time, you really want to die.

"The details represent sincerity." Senxia comforted.

"I copied the game to the opposite machine. You can try it." Wang Qiwen pointed to the opposite machine.

Senxia turned her head. I heard a buzzing sound coming from the machine.

"It's so loud, isn't it broken?" Senxia was a little worried.

"No. It's just because of the old guy, and it's just a demonstration. It will be done on the ps platform at that time. We can just demonstrate it here now. We don't pay attention to it." Wang Qiwen waved his hand and played. Their fine tradition of hard work and simplicity.

"That said..." The senior sister looked around for a while, "Can't you make this place a little more tidy? Wouldn't it be uncomfortable to pile up everything here?"

Although the elder sister doesn't have any habit of cleanliness, her things are cleaned up. Of course, this kind of place cannot be tolerated...

"There is no way, there are always earthquakes here, and they will shake off once they are set up, so why not just leave it like this..." Wang Qiwen shook his head.

Senxia looked at Wang Qiwen contemptuously: "Hey, is this an excuse?" Japan is a country prone to earthquakes. However, many earthquakes are small earthquakes. In fact, there is no problem at all. Wang Qiwen's meaning is very simple: just lazy. !

Senxia sat down and looked at the picture in the game.

Morinia once gave the design sketches, so at first glance, this game interface is very similar to the original Plants vs. Zombies, but this game does not support mouse control, Morinia can only be controlled by keyboard.

There is no background music, and there is no start interface and the like. The beginning of the game is the scene of the first level. The only things Senxia can control are sunflowers that can produce resources and the collection of sunlight that can be used. The defensive tower that comes to fight the zombies is only the most basic Pea Shooter.

Senxia placed a few sunflowers to collect sunlight, and then placed two pea shooters. At this time, zombies also appeared.

Although it is a little different from the zombies of the previous life, the style of the zombies is still very good. After the enemy appears, the pea shooter will start to attack. In the future, all the zombies committed will be killed, and then...then there will be no more.

"It's gone?" Senxia was stunned.

"It's just a demonstration, the basic gameplay!" Wang Qiwen said naturally.

"Uh... well." It's just a demonstration, and it doesn't make any sense to say too much.

"But with the basic composition, it should be faster later, right?" Senxia tried to ask.

"Well, if it goes well, it can be done within the year, but the bugs will be cleared later, and the soundtrack and the material of the screen also depend on the situation." Wang Qiwen said after thinking about it.

"It's not just that," the senior sister also added, "In addition to this, we have to sell ps and also have to find Sony. It will take a while, and there may be publicity, manufacturing, etc. later."

"Sony, we are not a big manufacturer. Even if we want Sony's support, I am afraid we can't get much." Mori Xia said with emotion, "small manufacturers have no human rights!"

"We don't even count as small manufacturers." The senior sister vomited, "If you have so much time to complain, it's better to come here to help the leader."

"Yes, we are so busy every day!" Wang Qiwen also responded in the back.

"Yes, the remuneration is reduced by 20%, and then the fare is reimbursed." Senxia shrugged indifferently, and then Wang Qiwen shut up.

"The performance of n64 is higher than that of ps, why not use n64?" Shen Jiahui asked suddenly.

"The n64 has good performance, but the sales volume seems to be insufficient, and that low-capacity cassette is really a tragedy." Morinya shook her head.

The high performance of n64 is indeed great, but the low capacity of n64 ruins everything.

"It is said that Sega will release new phones, but I don't know how they are." Wang Qiwen thought of Sega's machines.

"Okay, that's it, let's not think about it so much, let's do the work at hand wholeheartedly." Senxia doesn't want to be involved in those troubles, and it will be transplanted later.

"I have a chance to talk about this in the future." Morinya yawned: "It's fine for now. We don't have to go and fix the ones that are there. I just got too busy because of things too much. Dog."

Senxia is completely self-inflicted and cannot live. He can say that he has a deep understanding of this kind of thing.

Hearing Senxia's words, Wang Qiwen also nodded: "Is there anything that needs improvement in this game?"

"Not for the time being. It's good to go on doing this. If the material is missing, just contact us. As for the music..." Morinka looked at the senior sister, and the senior sister gestured towards Morinka, and then Morika continued, "There is no problem with music."

"I don't have much research on ps, when can we use the real machine to demonstrate?" Senxia asked.

"If it's just a demonstration like this one, there will be no problem after a few days of rushing to work." Wang Qiwen said, "but this will definitely not meet the requirements."

Senxia nodded: "Well, you can only rely on you for the program."

With that said, Senxia looked at these two people, and her mind was lost in thought.

The game Morxia has always wanted to make is 18x, and I don't know if they have played a similar 18x game before, and if they are in conflict with this aspect.

Thinking of this, Senxia asked: "By the way, what is the most fun game you have ever played?"

"The most fun is not very clear, but I play the most time is Super Mario." Wang Qiwen said.

"I like Street Fighter the most." Shen Jiahui said, "but now the reaction ability has declined, and now I am more interested in word games."

"Words are only available in Japan, and there are few in other countries." Wang Qiwen continued.

There seems to be a door?

It should be time for Amway (missionary) now!

"Now, by the way, have you played with students at the same level?"

When "Same Level" was first launched, it was a veritable 18-forbidden game However, due to its attractive plot, it was well-known, and later there were more versions, ps versions and so on.

"Ah, great game! Cough cough..." Wang Qiwen seemed to be interested, but after seeing the senior sister next to him, Wang Qiwen swallowed his own words again, and it seemed not so good to discuss such things in front of the girls. .

But Senxia was bright at this moment.

This is really a door...


A monthly pass must be given. Although some people look down on the ranking, it is actually a proof.

Today's guarantee is the first.

Why other great gods can send chapters casually, and I will be scolded if I send chapters...

I didn’t mean to belittle the other books. I have revised the single chapter twice because of the incorrect language, but since everyone has misunderstood it, delete it. That’s it. I’m really sorry to pull the hatred. The quiet codeword is ready, currently 10 chapters are added, I will finish it within a month, and continue to codewords. (To be continued)

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