Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1079: Attacking Nasu Mushroom


——This is an idea that Takeuchi thought of after watching the 3D interactive movie version of character modeling.

3D interactive movies are aimed at a wider group of people and have higher requirements for the picture.

Although other people in Xingyuesha think that it is the best to restore the original style, but Takeuchi, as the president, after watching some demonstrations of previous interactive movies, he thinks that the most important part is not like it, but Be "God".

It's like Mr. Chen Kun went to Cos' Dilumudo, and Taylor played Altria.

Dilumudo is a character in fate/zero. The source of this character is the same as that of King Arthur. It is derived from mythology. It is the chief "glorious look" of the Fiona Knights of Ireland in Celtic mythology.

All in all, he is a very powerful mythical figure.

There is actually a certain difference between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional presentations. If you want to be similar, it does not mean that simple cos is interesting. Especially in the two-dimensional, there are many exaggerated colors and clothing in the three-dimensional. It will become very strange.

3D technology is not a three-dimensional technology. Strictly speaking, things expressed on a plane are two-dimensional, but this two-dimensional is different from the "two-dimensional" in the otaku group.

Things made by 3D technology are more similar to the three-dimensional feeling.

But this is not something Takeuchi is good at.

Takeuchi and Nasu, the two rowers, were both lost in thought at this moment.

But this obviously cannot be done overnight.

"Let the three-dimensional character maintain the charm of the two-dimensional character, and don't violate the harmony... ah... super troublesome..."

This is not cospy, as long as the appearance is good, the super-reduced cos will have problems in various aspects-after all, in reality, there is no way to wear such a fancy dress, and then wear a kill Matt haircut. The story of saving the world?

"In fact, we have also tried to do animation rendering," Ichiro Kuroshima saw the distress of the two, "It feels better than the current ragdoll. If you want to apply it technically... it will take about half a year. But in that case, we have seen the expression capture system, and the effect will be very poor."

The expressions of two-dimensional creatures are different from those of three-dimensional creatures.

Before, the people of A company still wanted to bridge the difference between the two, but in fact, this approach was too painful.

To put it simply, it's like the previous game in a hospital. Although this game uses motion capture technology, it hurts to capture the face because the face of a real person and the face of the two-dimensional painting style are too far apart.

Later, everyone could only adjust the roles, but fortunately, such adjustments were still within an acceptable range, Nanase Koi's performance far exceeded expectations.

Fortunately, fortunately.

But Takeuchi is not so good at this time.

Unfamiliarity with style is one aspect, and the other reason is that Takeuchi is one of the original authors.

Some people say, wouldn’t the original author’s transformation be easier?

No, no.

Although it looks like this sometimes, the original author himself already has an impression of the character, so it is difficult to get them out of this box.

On the contrary, if you are not the original author, you can move in as convenient and appropriate directions as possible.

But even so, Morinatsu asked Takeuchi and Nasu to control the modeling and characterization here.

The reason is simple. Although the original author had difficulties in the aspect mentioned above, in fact, they have a better grasp of the essence of the original role.

"Nasu, what do you think?" Takeuchi asked Nasu next to him.

"Uh... do as much as possible..."

Nasu said with a guilty conscience, while looking at the list in his hand.

This is what he has to do here.

The first is to determine the architectural settlements in Fuyuki City where the story takes place. Some of these parts are scenes and some are long-term needs.

In fact, some people in the development team believe that they are completely capable of making an open winter wood city.

——Yes, it is an open city like gta.

This idea sounds great, but it was brutally suppressed.

The administrative unit of "City" is located below the county in Nihong. In a large eastern country, it is roughly equivalent to a district of a big city, or a county seat, or even a large village.

Such a small place can actually be made into an open map.

But this kind of open map expression is not suitable for fate's linear narrative story.

Think about it, Illiya is about to be heartbroken by the villain. At this time, the protagonist is playing mini games in the city. Isn't this cheating?

What, save Ilia?

Pong friends, don’t worry, let’s have a handful of Gwent cards with me and the Guardian!

At that time, the Chinese translation of the fate series does not need to be called "Fate Night", just change the name to "Kwent Brand Night".

It's really cheating!

Therefore, fate's story cannot adopt this design.

Otherwise, Nasu would not be guilty of seeing these needs at this time, but would just kneel down.

"Well, why not make it an open world?" Then, the original author of Nasu immediately betrayed his position, "Isn't it fun to take my heroic spirit to fight in the dark winter woods?!"


Ichiro Kuroshima looked at Nasu inexplicably.

Are you not the original author? Shouldn't you stand firm at this time? But what are you talking about!

Look dumbfounded

"Oh oh oh, date with the girls during the day, and then go to fight at night, which is really great!"

Nasu immediately thought of the new fate work he was planning to write, and that new work was similar to an event triggered work in Fuyuki City.

The background of this story is the four-day reincarnation, that is, half a year after the protagonist Shiro Wimiya was involved in an event, and then the plot of the four-day reincarnation began-oh, yes, this is not The real Eimiya Shiro, but the pseudo-Eimiya Shiro.

Anyway, this is a very interesting story...

If the two can be combined, maybe it will be more interesting?

That's right!

Nasu again thought of the game he had tried before. Although it was only a demo, the content was still super interesting, especially the defense mechanism.

Nasu likes to play against that Wuxin Wang Gewen the most. The fun of playing against it, I can't stop it!

It's so fun!

By the way, if fate combines these elements, can it also make an interesting action game or something?

In the game, the death of the protagonist, in Nasu's view, is a very interesting place.

When Senxia was making the crown of sin, she arranged n ways to die for Ying Manji.

In the Mori summer version of "The Crown of Evil", Mori summer has a choice based on the performance of the original world line of Sakura Manji, but in the Mori summer version, as long as the selection of the original is followed-Na Sakura Manji Definitely hang up.

In the Mori summer version, Sakura Manji is a pure man who refuses to accept it and does it, and is absolutely not persuaded. Moreover, this Sakura Manji is also very cute. In the plot, because of the need, Sakura Manji has also been dressed as a woman, and The charm is extraordinary-by the way, it is said that the popularity is also very high, and the book is still endless.

And what Nasu liked most was the countless ways of death arranged by Morinatsu.

For the script of the Guilty Crown, Nasu Mushroom also participated in the production of the route, so after making this game, Nasu felt the game is more interesting.

Well, those methods of death are awesome!

Therefore, in fate, the scene where Shiro Weimiya died due to different choices was arranged 50 times.

Well, yes, as the actor, Shiro Wimiya has fifty fancy ways to die.

In fact, Nasu originally wanted to make a hundred kinds of them, but he thought about it and he couldn't do it now. If the other three routes originally planned were not cut off, he would be able to save a "Shirou Eiya". "Hundred Ways of Death" is a small theater, but now it is about half.

What a pity! What a pity!

Nasu was heartbroken because Shiro Wimiya died less than a hundred times.

But after seeing this 3d version of the work, Nasu had an idea in his heart.

Although in the original game, Shiro Wigiya has only died fifty times, we can play a game similar to that of Dark Soul and let Shiro Wigiya die another fifty times!

Well, as long as you arrange a few first kills for the players, and then make a few super powerful bosses, let the average number of deaths of the players exceed fifty times, it seems to be fine...

No, no, how could it be so superficial?

Now that you have this opportunity, why not do something like "A Thousand Ways to Die by Shiro Wimiya"?

"Hey," After thinking about this, Nasu began to wink at Ichiro Kuroshima, "I heard about the black soul mechanism, do you plan to make a series?"

Just after the appearance of "Dynasty Warriors", there were "Pirate Warriors" and "Gundam Warriors", and then came together a "Wushuang series", Morinka is also preparing to make a "Black Soul series", So although the Dark Soul is still in production, Morinatsu's ideas have already been conveyed to the club.

After hearing Nasu's words, Ichiro Kuroshima fell into deep thought.

Behind the Dark Souls, there is a Morinatsu project planned by Morinatsu, which is just such a game, and the producer of Dark Souls Hidetaka Miyazaki himself seems to have an idea. He also prepared a new project, which seems to be called "Demon Soul" is still something.

Miyazaki Hidetaka's main work place is in the lighthouse country, so Ichiro Kurojima is not clear about the specifics, but this type of continuation does exist.

"This... let's see the situation." Kuroshima Ichiro said.

"Hey hey hey," Takeuchi walked out at this time, "If you really want to do it, you will have to write the script then, are you busy? Don't paddle again then!"

"Big husband, cute big milk!"

Nasu was so proud.

Although he is paddling when he is paddling, Nasu will still do something when he needs to do something.

"Well, in that case, you should first give me a proposal. If we discuss it and pass it, we will go to the boss together." Kuroshima Ichiro said.

Like Nasu, Ichiro Kuroshima has no more energy here.

After the separation of the Apocalypse working group, the research and development forces on company A have become more severe, and the cultivation of talents is not a matter of overnight, so Nasu’s proposal must be passed by them at least, at least the quality If you can get by, you can go to Senxia to ask for further cooperation with Xingyue, and to expand the team's strength...

"Hey hey, what are you going to do?" Takeuchi asked quickly.

"Well, this is easy," Nasu said with a chuckle. "Didn't we still have an abandoned design for the heroine before?"

Yes, in addition to the three routes of Medea, Medusa, and the main character of the story, Ilia, in the mythology, were cut off. In fact, there was originally a route planned for the Nasu mushroom, even Takeuchi. The sketch of the character of Bianlian was also made.

But for a well-known reason—because of Nasu’s paddling—so this legendary seventh route was deleted, and it ended without a problem.

However, on another world line, the heroine of this abolished case has been reborn, becoming the heroine of Fatego, one of the world's most gold-sucking mobile games-Matthew.

In Nasu's view, since it is necessary to make a new platform game that completely conforms and repeats the plot, it is meaningless.

If you want to do it, you must make something different, repeat the plot, or let the protagonist be a bystander in the plot. This is the worst way to embody.

——It's you, that money-trapping mobile game under the banner of "Magic Catalog"!

In Nasu’s view, the protagonist must be involved if he wants to do so, just like in "The Realm of the Sky", although the actor Kuroki Kan is an ordinary person, he participates in the whole story and becomes a story. A vital part of it.

Pulled away.

All in all, Nasu is planning to make this story at this time, and then make it into a derivative of the black soul.

Maybe it will be fun?

A new heroine and a new story. Perhaps the new story constructed like this will be quite interesting?

"Well, but I feel like this kind of story, in fact, Shirou has more existence..."

How about changing to the heroine's journey?

Hmm, this kind of modification seems to be quite good, and it is more convenient to narrate, maybe you can write something more interesting!

Hmm, this is the feeling...

Huh, but didn't I want to be Shirou's 1,000 ways to die in the first place? Why is there no Shirou now?


You guys, don't listen to wind or rain, have your own judgment, don't think of Ubisoft when you talk about France.

It's the quantic_dream mentioned earlier. I also specifically describe two chapters of the employees of this company...

By the way, in the 10th episode of 18if, the number of action frames and background are all painted and exploded, but many cute new people say that they have no money, and they can only say that the graphics are broken.

Two in one, meow meow~

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