Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1087: Digging holes without filling Senxia Jun

Although Morinka is thinking about FATE here, Morinka is not only considering FATE.

Seeing the big from the small, this matter can even be seen as the future development trend of Morinia.

In Morinka's view, the best Japanese style is mainly done in galgame, which is Persona 5.

Persona 5 is called "My P5 is No. 1 in the world!".

Even many outsiders who don’t play games know this stalk.

The Persona series is a JRPG game, and the best thing this game does is to integrate the RPG system with the Mei. Girl system. On the one hand, players can navigate mazes and solve puzzles in the game, and on the other hand, if the player is tired Now, you can also cultivate relationships with other girls. The game progress in this game is date-based, that is, players can arrange what they want to do every day, or what time to do. This model has something to do with the development system.

More importantly, although this game is mixed with many elements, each element can be perfectly and harmoniously contained together.

The future of Japanese rice shochu games is probably this way out of the circle of word games, and then continue to be combined with other types of games, and finally distributed in various places.

The gameplay similar to the black soul is more European and American style. Such works can indeed create works with more general acceptance.

The interactive movies represent another direction. The French have proven to the world that interactive movies can indeed become popular, and even more than one masterpiece can be produced.

From an aesthetic point of view, Morinia is actually more Japanese, and the combination with other systems is also quite interesting.

And more importantly, Japanese games will gradually decline in the future Internet age, but European and American games continue to evolve to another dimension, and even the blood curse and other games later developed by Japanese manufacturers. It is moving closer to Europe and the United States.

"The industry pill!"


Senxia held back for a long time, and unexpectedly suffocated such a sentence, and Lihua next to him was immediately confused.

"Why does the industry matter? Wait a minute, Mori-kun, aren't we talking about Xingyuesha?"

Lihua couldn't keep up with Senxia's thoughts.

"Well..." Senxia said nonchalantly, "I'm thinking about what to do now."

"Actually it's Senxia-kun, you think too much. Although business matters are sometimes complicated, sometimes we don't have to think about it too much." Lihua thinks that Senxia is just thinking too much. God knows how he is. Think of the industry pill from the game FATE.

"It doesn't have to be too much." Morinya shrugged, "but I think we need to expand some ideas. Look at things with a developmental perspective."

As a red boy who has read five volumes of red skin secrets, Morinia feels that she should objectively observe the development of things.

"Make an interactive movie."

From the perspective of influence on the entire industry, interactive movies are better.

As for JRPG, this idea is good, but it is not suitable, and the type of black soul... can't bring the industry!

"Huh? Isn't it RPG and action games?"

"Yes, so I won't do it for now."

Yes, this is Senxia's answer.

Do not do it.

"Of course, I just won't do it for the time being, and I will do it next year, but now the main force is still on interactive movies. This is the most important."

As for what Matthew, or what gourd, it is all about the future, as for the present, let's forget it.

Although the game modes of Black Soul or Goddess are very good. However, the mode of interactive movies is generally more accepted, and Mori summer actually likes this mode.

So, it's better to do this first.

"FATE is going to do other types of games, so let Xingyue Social give us a plan first, and then do it if feasible."

Xingyue’s technical skills can only be used for word games. The most important force for developing interactive movies for them now is on the A side. If Xingyue wants to develop it by herself, Moriha thinks they will be playing tricks. It's okay, but if Nasu has to be willful, then you can convince Morinatsu first.

Morinia, who ruled out the influence of cooking power, looked at this matter from the perspective of a capitalist at this time.

"Moreover, we have a lot of games to be made here, and we don't have so much time to spare."

Not enough money.

Moriha's funds are running well, and nothing can be lacking.

To be precise, Morinia is not technically capable.

A company has now bought a new place in Musashino, and then plans to build a new game department, and then relocate the increasing number of technicians in Akihabara.

"Well, I understand." Lihua nodded, she seemed to be relieved, and at this time, she didn't know what she thought of, and she chuckled.

"What's wrong?" Senxia asked curiously.

"If it were Qianjia, she would definitely say to do both at this time, and then she would use whatever means to make both games, right?"

Senxia scratched her head awkwardly when she heard Lihua's words.

In fact... Morinka thought so before.

"If you are greedy, you will lose." Senxia said, "We are operating well in a big eastern country, and the development of online games is also proceeding in an orderly manner. On the side of mud bombing, several of our games are also under development. , And there are a lot of things on Sega's side. For the lighthouse country, although Hidetaka Miyazaki is present, the technical ability is also limited, so it can only be done like this."

Manpower is exhausted.

In fact, at this moment, Senxia really wanted to be able to make the game out of the game with a swish just like those who have cheated.

However, that is impossible. The development cycle of a large-scale game must be at least 20 months or more. Morinia can squeeze the time to 12 to 18 months. This is already the result of scheduling and coordination in all aspects. To further compress time and space, it is not enough.

Lihua flipped through her files, and then said: "The main game developed by the agency is Dark Souls, FATE Interactive Movie, and Nana Li’s Nightmare. The branch of a certain eastern country is mainly responsible for the fairy sword and For the development of Digimon, there are Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, Damon, Demon Soul, Monster X and so on... Now we really don’t have the energy to do anything else."

Monster X is the code name of Monster Hunter...

"Yeah, although there are still a lot of games I want to make, it's the limit now." Morinya shook her head. The A company is now running at full capacity. If you want to add something, that's pretty good. Troublesome, "Moreover, I still have to write novels and make animations."

If you count Lao Xu’s DW company, Xingyue company, and the fan development team of the Mithril platform, etc., the games Morinka is doing here are even more, and if you add the work done by Musashino Animation Although the animation and the novel Morinya is writing have been in trouble for a long time, etc., there are still piles of things here.

For example, Musashino’s EVA-RETAKE will be launched soon, as well as the Fate no Sora filmed by Master Konto, etc...

"By the way, Xia Senjun." Since it comes to novels, Lihua thinks of Senxia's Young Girl Wars. "How about the Young Girl Wars you wrote before?"

"Ah, I don't have much inspiration for the time being, so let's do it for now."

Senxia said and waved her hand.

Although the name of Senxia's version of the Young Girl Wars is similar to that of another world line, in fact, Senxia's version is actually more like a brain-opening work, and it is completely different from the original script.

By the way, in a recent book of War of Young Girls, Moriha made the chief (president) of the world’s most powerful country become a chubby man with blond hair. This place Morinya wrote It’s very interesting. The whole process is also very funny. During the campaign, the politicians were even more ugly. The Moriha version of the heroine Tan Ya was lurking in this country because of certain things, and then became entangled with these things. Things become even more bizarre.

Everyone is looking forward to the subtle collision that will happen next.

Then...then there is no more.

Yes, Senxia digs the hole and does not fill it!

Lihua is also a reader of Senxia. She is naturally very interested in the next plot, but even Lihua does not know what happened to the follow-up story.

Senxia... pitted.

"Well, it will be done later, don't look at me with such a look!"

Morinya averted her head.

Lihua shook her head, and then sighed: "I am not interested in the follow-up of the story. I just think that if you do something, it is best to have the beginning and the end. This half-written story is undoubtedly huge for the readers. Torture it."

You are also very interested!

"Hi, hi, after I wait for my college entrance, I will continue to make up, but now the exam is about to be done, I still don't feel that way."

Moriha is just babbling because he is not reviewing at all, but in the company.

Perhaps he knew that his opinions were not very reliable, so Morixia turned around and asked, "By the way, Lihua, you have always been the president of the student council, right now, in Dongda, are you interested in continuing to be the president of the student council?"

Well, Sister Yi Ji has already paved the way for Morinya to enroll. The black materials of the East University Student Union, Morinya needs as much as possible.

Oh, yes, Sister Iki also helped Morika get the information about the student union and faculty of Shiroyuri University that Yukino was going to go to. If Yukino enrolls in the future, even the information of her classmates can be obtained. , Including the age when these classmates first came to "friends", Sister Yi Ji can investigate clearly.

Ah, I stated in advance that this was not what Morinya asked Iki to investigate, but Iki herself. As a model brother, how could Morinya do such a perverted thing?

Say "No·Yes·I·Ask·Ask·Oh!"

As long as it is not found, it is not a crime, Yeah!

"President of the student council, Qian Jia also persuaded me before. She also said that she could **** me to the position of the president of the student council, but the unscrupulous method is really weird?" Lihua shook her head.

"Uh" Qianjia seems to have found the black material of the Student Union? Hey hey, the Student Union of East University, how many black materials do you have!

"I think this kind of thing depends mainly on Lihua's own mind, what do you think?"

"Me?" The eldest lady of Jixiangyuan was lost in thought. After a while, she raised her head with a chuckle and said, "In fact, that feeling is not bad. If you can become the president of the student council, it is indeed Very interesting experience."

"That's right." Senxia smiled, "I play games for my own dreams, Lihua, if you have anything you want to do, then do it. Speaking of it, I will probably be the same. As for college students, I might be able to vote for you, President Lihua when the time comes."

Lihua smiled: "Hi, I'm looking forward to Senxiajun's ticket~"

"But speaking of it, DC-P will be launched in April, right? How is the situation now?" Morika asked about the host situation of the Order of the Phoenix.

"The DC-P has been finalized, and the final inspection is now being done. After all, the architecture is no different from the DC itself. If you switch to a higher-level processor and machine appearance, it will not be redesigned, so it will be listed on time. Yes."

"Well, there will be another press conference at that time."

The previous press conference was actually used to maintain the reputation of the host. Although Morinia released a lot of large satellites at the press conference, there are really few satellites that have just been able to land.

Although Dark Souls and Nanali have been working on it before, but these two games want to catch up, and now it seems a little overwhelming, but if you count the technical development and advance preparation, the former is fully paid for more than two years since the introduction If the 3D engine starts with the latter, it is not difficult to develop Lelouch's engine there. The most troublesome part is how to combine Nanali and Lelouch into a new game.

"But if these two games are finished, the club will be able to be a little free... Well, I can relax a bit by then... Well, how about writing this novel again?"

Morinia muttered. Speaking of which, is the thing I want to do most is to write novels? It's just that I was appointed to play games and write scripts later.

I still have a story about Eliya's route on my side, yes, but sure enough, I still want to write novels!


However, as soon as Senxia finished speaking, he found that Lihua was looking at Senxia with subtle eyes.

"Ahem...I'll just talk about it, I'll fill in the story of the young girl war!"

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmm to write a new book that i have no inspiration for the time being, so let me write something that enhances my inspiration...


Speaking of it, Japanese games have really declined. There are so many good games in the past, but now there are not many that can be known.

Industry pills.

Two in one, meow meow meow.

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