Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1130: Father Pu Yamauchi has seen through 1 cut


Although it is a name that is worth talking about, it is indeed the name of a game.

Taking advantage of the mud-booming May Day Golden Week, this game was launched on the market.

The full name of this "game" called "Supervised by Professor Seihei Matsuda from the Brain Science Research Center of the University of Tokyo, Mental Exercise and Brain Health Exercises for Adults" appeared in such a grand manner.

For players, they didn't take it seriously from the beginning.

what? Brain health?

Is this kind of thing necessary? No need!


It seems very interesting!

Although brain health care doesn't seem to be very interesting, the mini games inside are quite fun!

Hmm, this can be played as a game.

In the eyes of many people, this game with the title of brain training is actually a very interesting collection of small games. When buying other games, everyone will consider this game as a bonus.

Although everyone didn't care much at the beginning, the actual sales of this game, commonly known as "Platinum", were very scary.

The first shipment of this game was 200,000 sets, but the sales of this game were quickly digested during Golden Week. Then the Order of the Phoenix immediately distributed the 300,000 sets in hand, but it was still overwhelmed by the market.

"...Our University of Tokyo has a very in-depth study of human brain lesions. During the investigation, we found an amazing fact, that is..."

Yamauchi and Satoshi Iwata are watching TV in a hotel in Tokyo. The TV shows the lectures and propaganda of the Toda professor named Seihei Matsuda.

Yamauchi Pu silently put down the handheld in his hand.

He frowned.

Satoshi Iwata is stupid over there.

The two people previously guessed that the goal of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​probably the game group of the young people. Although they also develop many casual games, the games they focus on are all "hardcore" games.

For example, the game called "Dark Souls". After this game was released, it can be said that it became the foundation of the Order of the Phoenix in the game world. As long as players discuss the Order of the Phoenix, they will immediately think of this game called "Dark Souls". "game.

And this game is definitely a very deep core game.

Of course, Yamauchi Pu and Iwata Satoshi also guessed that before the appearance of Dark Souls, the most popular game and the most profitable game of Animic should actually be a casual game, so they also thought that there would be a big push, and Nintendo Snatch food.

Therefore, Nintendo also has countermeasures against the opponent's actions.


This way is wrong!

Why did you suddenly develop some "brain exercise" for middle-aged and elderly people?

What the **** is this?

It’s not just this brain exercise. They even know that Agency A, or the Order of the Phoenix, has also launched a cross-border cooperation plan with a health care product company in a large eastern country. They have not only developed such a game, but also To develop health products or something.

He can't understand it!

What is your operation!

Although Yamauchi Pu and Iwata Satoshi are smart people, they really don't understand Morinka's operation.

"Do they want to enter all walks of life? Not just limited to the video game industry?" Don't blame Iwata Satoshi for producing this method, because this operation is indeed not understandable.

"Do not rule out this possibility." Yamauchi Pu thought.

What should I do better at this time?

Stand still?

Take the initiative?

Strictly speaking, the other party did not target Nintendo, and there was no life-and-death struggle in the market between the two parties, but every wave of operations by the other party made Nintendo care very much-what are you guys doing? ? Why are you digging a hole near my house?

Of course, that was before this.

After Senxia's operation, Nintendo found that the other party didn't just dig a hole in front of their own home, they seemed to have gone to the other side of the earth to dig a hole.

Yamauchi glanced at the XBOX handheld in his hand, and then said: "This game has a wave of publicity aimed at middle-aged and elderly people, and the quality of the game itself is very good, it should have been tempered through thousands of times. Now this sales volume , It is normal."

——But if you let him know that the development cycle of this game is only two months, plus DEBUG and other work, the total development cycle is only three months, he probably can't say such a thing.

The sales of this game are indeed excellent.

But this is just that.

This kind of "mini game collection" is like a game, how can it be possible that there are explosions?

"Before, the Order of the Phoenix used to integrate several small games for sale. They probably tasted the sweetness, so they want to make such a game." Yamauchi thought, "Most of the games on XBOX are It is a collection of old games in the past. These games have a small capacity. Compared with the XBOX cassette, some games have a little surplus to install a game, so they want to make a collection. This is probably the trick they thought of."

Don't blame Mr. Yamauchi for guessing, it's really because Senxia's operation is too weird.

Although Moriha is Renhei, he has played NDS, NDSL, 3DS, 2DS handhelds (he, I always feel exposed).

For the interesting games on these machines, Morinia has a deep memory.

For those large-scale game development, Senxia naturally has no experience to toss, especially the "Pokemon" series.

But among these, there are also phenomenal games that can sell explosive models in a simple way-but this operation, for the current XBOX, the performance is even up to standard.

Well, that's right, this game is this "Platinum".

"But I think this is indeed a market." Satoshi Iwata put forward his own views, "Nud bombing is a society with declining birthrates. The birth rate in this country is now getting lower and lower, and the aging problem will only get worse. "

Speaking of this, Satoshi Iwata glanced at Yamauchi Pu, who was also an old man.

Seeing that the other party was not angry or had other meanings, he continued: "However, the games we are developing now, whether for core players or child players, but these games-are not suitable for the elderly. "

The old people in mud bombs are not the same as those of a big eastern country. Among them, the absolute proportion of them who use computers, know the continuation of modernity, and understand modern technology is much higher than that of a big eastern country.

If a large eastern country wants to have such a "high-quality" group of middle-aged and elderly people, it will probably only be realized until the generation of a certain author.

High-quality old people prove that there are many old people who can use computers and understand video games.

Although Moriha's game caused some reactions from Nintendo's side, the most important thing was that Iwata Satoshi had some ideas.

The game developed by the other party is indeed an extraordinary game.

"I guess this is a boutique that can sell for a million!"

Based on the current sales of this game, Satoshi Iwata made a guess.

Yamauchi nodded.

"By the way, I heard that there is now a very popular spot in Tokyo?"

The old man asked suddenly.

"You mean'Tamamo Shrine'?" Iwata Satoshi's face also became a little subtle.

"Well, that's it." Yamauchi Pu said, "Is there also that Tianhai Senxia's house?"

Speaking of this matter, Yamauchi hadn't actually known it before.

Of course he knows that there is a very popular "Tamazo Shrine" recently, but he doesn't actually have much interest in tourist attractions.

But this place is different.

During a gathering, he accidentally heard the name "Tianhaijia".

The Tianhai family is a famous door in Hokkaido, and it also has a very extraordinary influence in the country. It is impossible for Mr. Yamauchi Pu to not know.

He followed the other side's words and asked a few words at the time, and only then realized that this Tamamo Shrine seemed to belong to the Tiankai family, and it seemed to be the property of the Tiankai Morinatsu sister, and there was a very beautiful "deity" in that place.

Of course, the most famous place is probably because there are many foreign tourists.

"Let's go there and see."

Yamauchi Pu made a decision immediately.

Satoshi Iwata was a little stunned, but everyone in Nintendo was very comfortable with the old man's resolute action, so Satoshi Iwata also stood up immediately and said, "Hey, I will prepare now."

Yamauchi and Satoshi Iwata had a meeting in Tokyo these two days, so they left the hotel, got in the car, and headed towards Musashino.

When they arrived at Tamamo Shrine, they found that it was already crowded.

Yamauchi Pu and Iwata Satoshi did not get off the car immediately, but watched the flow of people coming and going in the car.

"Do you know why I am here?" Yamauchi Pu asked.

But before Iwata Satoshi here could answer, Yamauchi said, "That’s it. The last time I discussed with Americans, they mentioned Tamamo Shrine, and in their opinion, Tamamo Shrine is the most representative of mud. The platform and media of bombing culture."

"...That's the case, so there are so many foreign talents here?" Iwata immediately understood.

Yes, there are a lot of tourists in this place, and a large part of these tourists are tourists from abroad.

When these tourists leave, some people will also carry a statue of Tamamo-mae on their hands-of course, not all of them, because some people mailed Tamamo-mae back directly through the service of the shrine.

But after seeing Tamamo's appearance, Iwata Satoshi's expression was a bit subtle.

That stuff...

Why does that thing look like a figure?

It's not so much a "deity", it's a figure.

"Get off." Yamauchi had already got off at this time, and Iwata Satoshi quickly followed.

You need to line up to enter the shrine, but Satoshi Iwata certainly won't let Yamauchi wait for a long time, so before he came over, he had already contacted the shrine.

So after the two came down, a maiden in a witch costume appeared in front of them.

"Mr. Yamauchi Pu, Mr. Iwata Satoshi, I have been waiting for a long time."

The shrine maiden greeted the two of them, and led them to the shrine by another way.

In the past, Toba Shrine itself was very large, but the large area behind was not actually a fully developed area, but after it became "Tamamo Shrine", these places were conveniently fully developed, and there were some open spaces around them. It was also bought, and the shrine was expanded.

So the place is now a veritable "tourist attraction".

Yamauchi did not let the miko lead the way, but wandered around the shrine accompanied by Satoshi Iwata.

The two went to take a look at the grand occasion of buying the gods.

——Iwata was dumbfounded when he saw the gilded Tamamo front statue with a price of "10 million yen."

Yes, this is a new service provided by Tamamo Shrine again. They can customize the idol before Tamamo.

Whether it is actions, looks, or even clothes, you can customize them, and you can even add some jade as decorations.

In addition, they also undertake the image work of "Yamzao Qian".

If you are starting a company and want to build a statue of Tamazo in front of your company?

Row! As long as we can negotiate, we can do it, and there is also a training course for Miko!

He's meowing, it's unscrupulous!

Satoshi Iwata saw the sight in front of him and was a little confused.

No, this is simply blind!

What exactly is this operation? !

"What, can you help design the same idol as Yuzao?"

Not only Yuzaoqian, but can even help design new images of other gods?

Of course, this business is not open to the public, but to shrines and temples that have gone through the mud. After all, this is a very deliberate project.

Compared to the surprised Iwata Satoshi, Yamauchi Pusu next to him did not say a word.

At this time, Pu Yamauchi was always silent.

Even at this time, he still did not speak.

Then, two people entered the shrine.

At this time, the statue of Tamazou in front of it had also appeared.

"Wait for a big deal."

This is Satoshi Iwata's first thought.

But he later discovered that something was wrong.

Because this idol is indeed much more refined than the figure, and the figure itself also has the charm of a "deity".

If you insist that it is a manual, it is okay.

But saying that would always be a little biased.

But watching so many people pay homage to something that is suspected of "waiting for skill", it really feels a little bit painful.

However, after seeing this idol and the tourists nearby, Yamauchi Pu was bright.

He has a sudden sense of openness.

Then he spit out a word.

"Influence... What that kid wants is influence!"


Today's two in one.

The leader was on the show today, and joined the audience below. It was really a tossing all afternoon. He came back and ate a can of Red Bull to hold it.

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