Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1137: Webcast at the end of the 20th century

Flash animation?

what is that?

The sudden news made many people bewildered.

Because at this time, many people have no idea what Flash is, let alone Flash animation.

Although the public doesn't understand it, there is no problem with people who want to investigate, and the Order of the Phoenix is ​​indeed promoting Flash animation.

There are many kinds of Flash animations. Although they can also record pictures one by one like other videos and then make them into animations, some Flashes play out predetermined materials.

Does the latter sound familiar?

Well, the latter is actually similar to the built-in recording function and real-time calculation function of many games.

These videos and real-time calculations are all played out with established materials, so the occupied capacity can be small, and because most of Flash is vector animation, it can be expanded without loss.

Vector animation is also an unparalleled advantage of Flash. It can even be said that after ten or even twenty years, no software can surpass Flash on the level of vector animation.

The function of Flash itself is very powerful and perfect, this is undeniable.

But the problem lies in the fact that the underlying format of Flash is not compatible with the mobile operating system-or the manufacturers have castrated this function because of the consideration of almost saving power and resources-so the result is that no matter how good Flash makes content, the mobile terminal cannot be put.

And in the future, with the acceleration of network speed, the increase of computer capacity, and more and more high-resolution materials, vector animation will no longer be attractive—not to mention, vector animation itself can do it. The thing is also very limited, it is difficult to make particularly delicate and complex movements-all these reasons have led to the future Flash gradually becoming a tasteless in people's eyes.

But now, this thing is still very useful.

The internet speed is limited these days, if vector animation can be produced, the effect is still very good.

And it's not just vector animation, another function of DC-P is webcast.

——Of course, it is not the kind of webcast in the future, but the special webcast they made now.

Yonosuke was investigating the news of this webcast at this time.

At first he only cared about running the group video, but at this time, he found that the whole thing seemed extraordinary.

In these years, few netizens who can access the Internet are not interested when they hear the "live broadcast".

After investigating for a while, Yonosuke knew that the so-called live broadcast must have the game on the machine itself, then enter the live broadcast room through the live broadcast client, and then be able to watch the live broadcast.

When watching the live broadcast, there will be a delay of five to ten seconds, and the client will also load game materials and run the game.

——In fact, this is also the mode of real-time calculation.

In these years, many games will provide an "audience seat" in multiplayer games. This effect is actually similar to the "audience seat", but through the client, the "audience seat" can be extended to the entire network. The traffic per second may be just a few KB, but the effect is very good.

In addition, the live broadcast seems to provide some special features.

But unfortunately, Flash animation and live broadcast functions are still undergoing internal testing. Only invited users can test the game. As for other players, they can only wait temporarily.

"Can you watch other people's live running groups?" Yonosuke is more interested in this.

But then he thought about it and found it funny again. Isn't it just running a group to watch the crowd when you are running a group? Moreover, it’s not that interesting to watch the running group. The video of the running group is interesting because they only intercepted the key part, condensing the one-hour running group into the essence of ten minutes. With artistic processing, the things that come out in this way will be more interesting.

As for simply watching and running groups, it's actually not very interesting.

And such a webcast, Yonosuke also felt it was a gimmick.

The content of this part is probably just for the purpose of making a gimmick or something, it was made in conjunction with the release of Flash animation!

After all, just play the game by yourself, why should you watch others play it?

What's the point of watching other people play games!

Yonosuke is a firm experience party, and personal participation is the most interesting thing.

Just like the game called Dark Souls, the setting of the abyss in Dark Souls is similar to Cthulhu’s world view, so it aroused Yonosuke’s interest. Later, Yonosuke fell in love with this game.

He hadn't said that he had died more than 500 times in the game, but he just passed the game so abruptly.

Yonosuke entered the official website of the Order of the Phoenix, where players can fill out a form to apply for test qualifications.

Yonosuke filled out a form and applied for qualifications.

Although Yonosuke has no interest in live broadcasting, he is still interested in Flash animation.

The only Flash animations on the Internet that can be watched are the previous running group of "The Nuclear Crisis of Cthulhu."

But after watching the running group, Yonosuke not only didn't get satisfied, on the contrary, he now wants to watch more, more and more videos.

It is said that the Flash channel on DC-P will provide many animations, so he filled out the application form.

However, what Yonosuke never expected was that he passed the other party's review and received a letter of feedback in less than two hours, and became a glorious "uncle party."

According to the content of the email, after downloading the internal test client through DC-P, he entered the video channel.

Sure enough, there is already a video on this channel, the "Cthulhu Nuclear Crisis" series that I have watched.

Unfortunately, there is only one video like this.

No, there are quite a few videos under the "Game Channel" tab.

Among them, the first one is a series of works called "Dark Soul Extreme Skills Circulation Video". This work currently has two episodes. The first video tells the player from the beginning of the story to the first. BOSS, the strategy of the player commonly called "big butt".

He clicked on the video curiously.

There are two options for video, one is pure video and the other is explanation video. The content of the former is only a few hundred KB, while the capacity of the latter is more than ten megabytes.

Since you want to experience it, of course it is to experience the perfect version, so Yonosuke downloaded the largest version.

Afterwards, the system appeared "downloading" message, probably after downloading more than ten megabytes of content, the system was completed, and then Yonosuke found that he had entered the soul of darkness.

But at this time, he discovered that it was not himself who was controlling the game, but the anchor in the game.

"Hello everyone, I'm yo-san, this video is about the strategy of Dark Souls..."

A voice appeared in the stereo.

This special experience surprised him a bit.

Is this a so-called game video? This feels really amazing!

In the screen, the player named "yo sang" really swiftly navigated the entire game. The other party even provided three methods to deal with the boss. One is to kill the boss at the beginning, and the second is After finding the equipment and props, kill the boss, and the third method is to use the black flame pot to kill the boss in seconds.

"It can really kill the boss!"

In the beginning, the weapon in the player's hand was a broken sword. This broken sword could only cause 1 damage to the BOSS at a time, but the player actually forcibly killed the BOSS like this. This coquettish method directly caused Yonosuke. shocked.

This is really an extreme operation for the other party.

Wounded by the BOSS, wiped to death, but the player just stared at the extreme action and won.

This is really astounding.

More than that.

Not only that, in the second video, the opponent also kills monsters at the limit and fights against BOSS at the limit.

Seeing the opponent's easy killing of the boss, Yonosuke's eyes straightened.

After watching the video, he continued to understand.

It turns out that there is a video recording function in the game. After the video recording function is turned on, the commands of the game will be recorded and commands similar to "real-time calculation" are generated.

After the recording is completed, players can also edit according to the content, and then record their own voices, and finally form a game video.

"Super awesome!"

Yonosuke sighed.

Unlike live broadcast, this kind of strategy-oriented game video is really great for players.

Even if nothing else, just the feeling of watching the video is a kind of enjoyment.

After watching this video, he went to the forum where the closed beta user was located and watched everyone's feedback.

Sure enough, everyone thinks this feature is very good. There are many players who are optimistic about the game video mode, but everyone feels that the catch is that a video must have the game itself, which is not very good.

After all, many people may watch videos to see if the game is fun. It can be said to give players a chance to "experience", but now you have to download the game to be able to watch the video. This feels like putting the cart before the horse. This means These videos only have the meaning of making a strategy video, but not the meaning of first experience.

Some people also said that the official plan is to make a transformation based on this, and then provide a "live package."

This live broadcast package only provides live broadcast functions. Many other systems can be castrated. It is said that the capacity can be cut in half. In this case, players can watch live broadcasts the next day and night as long as the network is turned on.

Although this is not a perfect solution, everyone thinks it is good.

And if it is a live broadcast package, you can also squeeze a few more in the hard drive, so that the number of videos you can watch will be more, and it will also eliminate the pain of buying games.

"But after some games are cleared by video, will some players stop buying them?"

Someone raised such doubts.

After seeing this news, Yonosuke here was also worried.

Yes, no one has finished the game of gadgets. Everyone has watched the video and passed the level. What can I do?

But Yonosuke wouldn't know. Actually, the Order of the Phoenix had already considered this.

But some games are not used to sell money at all, but are used to shape force.

It's like the game of Dark Souls.

Compared with sales, the **** content of Dark Souls is more important.

This game is a typical **** game, and the profound worldview is also very expandable.

Even on another world line, there are many people who know this game.

But knowing that, how many players will play this game?

Many people probably only have the video to clear the level, and then they shout a compliment to the sun or something?

There are very few players like the author who are willing to open the modifier to pass the game.

But it does not matter.

This does not affect the compulsion of the Dark Soul!

What is compulsion?

You are worthy if you are forced!

Perhaps the best-selling game is very good, but in many cases, the best-selling of the game is not very important. Shaping the image of the game company in the hearts of players is the most important.

The Soul series and the Blood Curse series have successfully shaped Miyazaki Hidetaka. Although everyone complains about the "Miyazaki Old Thief", it is undeniable that the other party has absolute dominance over this type of game.

PS4 and Bloodborne Curse, both have the same compelling things.

DC-P is still a new game machine, and this machine needs to create its own "tall" image through the Dark Souls Therefore, such a compelling style is necessary.

Yonosuke was very worried about this, so he also sent a message up to express his feelings.

After saying this, Yonosuke opened DC-P again, entered the internal beta client, and then logged into the live channel.

The number of video recordings is not very large, but on the other hand, there are quite a few people on live channels.


Then Yonosuke found that the video of Dark Souls was at the forefront.

It was actually the video of that yo-sang.

Without thinking about it, Yonosuke clicked on this video.

Then, there is a long loading animation.

Then Yonosuke discovered that this live broadcast is different from the recorded broadcast.

The recorded video is full screen, but the live video still has a picture on the right.

On that, it is actually the text of other players?

"This is the audience?"

In fact, it is similar to the chat bar.

Above is the chat content of the audience.

This is novel.

Yonosuke also tried to post language, and at this time, a virtual keyboard appeared under the system.

Looks so troublesome...

"By the way, I remember that the system can also use a physical keyboard?"

Yonosuke tossed and connected the keyboard, and at this moment, he was finally able to type, and he realized that a door was gradually opening...


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