Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1143: All said I am the uncle party!

Being a keyboard man on the Internet is undoubtedly a very pleasant thing.

Senxia first sprayed each other on the Internet, and then went to the game to abuse food, which was really cool.

However, Senior Sister Qianjia's gaze towards Morinya became a little subtle.

"Well, all in all, let's do it first." Qianjia is also about to leave at the moment. "I will do things about e-sports. The E3 exhibition will be responsible for contacting, so you can rest assured. But about the schedule, you too Make a good plan."


After Qianjia left, Senxia also began to act.

Now that it has been decided, then we will start to do it here.

At this time, Senxia is ready to make a big one—well, yes, Senxia is going to cut WCG.

The game of hero trajectory is currently unable to make a complete league, but it is still possible to come to a WCG or something.

The World E-Sports Competition originally appeared in 2001.

The sponsors to hold WCG are three sticks.

Speaking of it, the decline of WCG is also because of the three sticks.

At the beginning, WCG was still very compelling, but later, the game began to produce subtle changes.

One of the most painful things, the three sticks that later supported WCG, began to transform from the original department to the mobile game department.

Mobile game?

In the mobile game of 2018, everyone may think that "competition is not enough" and "not enough competitive", let alone the mobile game of the early 21st century? !

To put it simply, Sanbangzi is an enterprise, an enterprise from a great country. Their goal is to make money, and their goal is to promote their products, and this competition is just their tool.

Precisely because it is a tool, apart from propaganda and profit, they have no awe in their hearts.

In fact, Morinya can understand this kind of thing.

Capital is to make money.

In other words, a little bit of heartbreaking-capital is to eat people.

After the famous explosion of the mobile phone, Sanbangzi immediately increased the price of the memory by nearly ten times. The original memory of 99 pieces could be sold to 999. This is because Sanbangzi wants a profit.

When a manufacturer from a major eastern country began to involve memory manufacturers, Sanbangzi immediately announced its expansion.

Why? Isn't it to squeeze the living space of these manufacturers in a large eastern country, so that they can continue to monopolize it?

If there is such an annoying manufacturer in this world, then the Sanbang company next door is one!

By the way, Sanbang used the blind LCD TV to bring down the plasma TV, which is one of the reasons why Moriha hates the other party so much.

The Sanbang Company is a typical capitalist enterprise that pursues profit regardless of human survival.

Therefore, Morinha does not have any psychological burden for the match held by the opponent.

One of the most troublesome things about WCG is the copyright issue.

If some game makers do not authorize, then things are very painful.

But it doesn't matter, Senxia didn't plan to eat alone, so he didn't have high requirements in this aspect at the beginning, and he could even authorize those manufacturers to participate together.

At present, there are probably three of the most popular multiplayer competitive games in the world.

One is "StarCraft", one is "Hero Trails", the other is "Counter Strike", and later, there are "Thor 3" and "Garden Wars" and so on.

The first three can be used as the troika of this competition, as the most important part.

As for other projects, various designs are also required.

"Fighting games can also be added, Street Fighter, King of Fighters, VR fighters... Then sports games, FIFA, racing..."

There are many kinds of games, and these need to be done.

"Ah, by the way, it's better to buy the TV station's program time slot at that time, and then start broadcasting as an official game..."

In the original timeline, although WCG is very powerful, it is actually only maintained in a small circle, and its level of excitement is not even comparable to the future League of Legends.

In the final analysis, the problem is that the three clubs are too petty. What they held at the beginning was just an ordinary challenge, and the WCG was held in the three clubs in the past few years. In short, it is still not enough. .

Those words of Qianjia immediately ignited Morinya, so he was going to make a big news.

A certain eastern country can temporarily give up, and the game industry has not yet been able to bring huge tax profits to a certain eastern country, so you can imagine what the attitude there is. If there is an interest, no matter how loud the objection is, it is not a problem, just as if it has not been heard. If there is no interest, the easiest way to deal with the objection is to directly ban it.

The great country next door can also be ignored, because going to the great country is pure thanklessness. Only the father of the lighthouse country next door can sanction the great country.

"But Europe, Southeast Asia, North America, and even South America, these are huge markets..."

Holding the atlas and circled it a few times, Senxia almost had an idea in her heart.

For the first wave of competition, Senxia decided to arrange it in Beacon Country.

Speaking of, back then, WCG also arranged the competition in the Beacon Country. As a result, there were several players from a major eastern country who were refused visas.

For the organizers, this kind of nonsense should not happen.

This problem has never happened in a League of Legends game!

--what? What did it happen?

Is that the rower being slapped in the face by the official fancy?

Anyway, things like Sanbang's carelessness, Morinka would not allow it to happen.

Just a few visas for Ququ, Tianhai can still handle it.

He wrote an email about his vision about the league, and then Morinatsu sent Shogi to Qianjia-senpai.

After that, Senxia entered the Internet again, and then looked at the above news.

What Senxia entered is the official Hero Trail forum.

This forum for Heroic Tracks is an English forum, because the players of Heroic Tracks are mainly from the Beacon Country players, followed by European players, and the third place is... well... it is the Great Country.

Although Senxia was still complaining about Bang Nation before, it is undeniable that the hero locus game is an explosive increase in Bang Nation this year. The players and popularity once surpassed that of a certain eastern country that Senxia had attached great importance to. side.

This matter is also very simple to say, that is, after the financial crisis, Bang Guo couldn't continue, and then developed video games to develop this industry. The game of StarCraft was also unearthed by them.

Why is the subsequent StarCraft 2 not as popular as before? The reason is very simple, because at that time, the economy of the great country no longer needed video games as support.

Morinya's heroic trajectory is also a ride on this side.

With regard to this matter, Senxia's mood is also very delicate, but since it can make money...that's it.

But speaking of it, in terms of the popularity of the forum, the lighthouse country is of course still in the forefront, so when Senxia is preparing to do the competition, he is also ready to come here to see the reaction of the people of my lighthouse country.

The people of Beacon Country are very interested in the new heroes that have landed in the game recently.

Well, yes, it is the FATE heroes who have landed on the hero trail some time ago.

In the forum, many players are asking about this game at this time.

Senxia thought for a while, and he also posted a post on it.

"For everyone to popularize the game of FATE. My Moon Heroine is number one in the world!"

Mori Xia posted a post about FATE and the Holy Grail War.

Many people read the post.

"Hey guys, if Batman and Superman could land in the game, that would be so cool!" Suddenly someone made this point.

"I look forward to the appearance of Magneto and Professor X, but you and I know that this is impossible."

In the lighthouse country, Marvel and DC can be said to be the two pillars here.

The broad masses of people are expecting their characters to enter the heroic trajectory game at this time.

"Hey, guys, my uncle works in company A, and there really is news from company A! At the upcoming E3 exhibition, this is a big surprise!"

"Uncle party again? Dude, your bragging skills are too low!"

"What I said is true! Big news! Big news! Absolutely interesting things!"

"Dude, let me tell you a big news in secret: The Queen of England will also land on Heroic Track!"

Hey, you guys don't believe in my uncle's party, but are mocking me? !

It is simply uncle who can bear it, and aunt can not bear it!

Senxia was ready to spray immediately.

Then...then I found out that my vest account had been in the black house of the administrator for 48 hours. The reason was to spread rumors.

Meow him!

You don’t believe the official spoiler!

Senxia shook her head, trying to keep herself calm.

I originally came to watch everyone's feedback, how can I lose my peace of mind because of such a little thing?

In addition to the discussion about the new hero, everyone at this time is also discussing the "live broadcast" that has been popular recently. But the "live broadcast" or something is still undergoing internal testing, and everyone can only hear the news from the side. Everyone is not very clear about what this thing does.

"Hey guys, let's make a Diablo based on hero trajectory!"

Senxia suddenly found a post.

Again, the number of keyboard guys like Senxia is actually not many these days, everyone has dry goods.

Senxia clicked on this post and found that the player was really serious about comparing the similarities and differences between the map-making mechanism of the hero trail and the game mechanism of Diablo. They felt that the use of hero trail-making software might be true. Can make such a dark.

Below the post, many players responded to this dear friend, some people also put forward their own opinions, and some people said that they have made a semi-finished version, which can be used as a reference.

"We actually have a lot of stand-alone game maps. If these maps can be played separately, it would be so interesting!"

Then Senxia suddenly saw the emotion of a certain player.


This is a good idea.

Senxia found that the other party's idea was really good.

But in that case, it is absolutely unbelievable to directly use the hero trail client to do it, and you need to make a new game.

"At that time, can I take out the map editor directly and sell it for another wave of money..."

Senxia uttered a word.

"Boom boom boom."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside Senxia.

"Please come in." Senxia said.

"Master," Xi Yan opened the door and walked in, "Miss Tianyin Yousu has arrived."

"Yousu..." Senxia was stunned for a moment, and then reacted.

Yeah, I almost forgot this!

Because it is a relationship where the entire current vision research has to go abroad, everyone's affairs must be arranged. Qianjia, the current Minister of Research, handed this "heavy task" to Senxia, ​​and Tianyin Yousu saw that Senxia was so busy, so he took the initiative to help Senxia do this.

Today is Sunday. Originally, Morinka invited Tianyin Yusu to discuss this matter.

As a result, Senxia and Qianjia discussed it too high last night, and finally forgot about it!

Now I heard Yusu quickly walked out of the house.

"Youqi, you are here!"

After seeing each other, Senxia said hello.

Yusu originally waved at Morinka, but after seeing Morinka, she was taken aback.

"Ah-sorry! I'll go and sort it out."

Senxia was a little confused.

Because at this time, he realized that he was still wearing pajamas.

Last night, Senxia was dressed like this. He didn't expect Qian Jia to come over at the time, so he changed his pajamas long ago and went to sleep when he was ready to go online.

But after that, Moriha wore her pajamas and fought against Qianjia for three hundred rounds, and the two reached a consensus.

However, after wearing it for a day, the unshaven Mori summer looks like this time, as much as it is sloppy.

After changing his clothes, Morinya hurriedly pressed her hair down, but the disadvantage of a long hair is that it is extremely difficult to tidy up after the hair is messed up.

Reluctantly pressing her hair down, Senxia walked out of the room.

"Sorry, there were some things before, so I didn't pay much attention." Morinia said embarrassedly, "About the things that have been researched by the current view, the visa side—"

Before Senxia finished speaking, You Qi took out a note that he had written in advance: "The visas are all set, everyone can go to the lighthouse country."

Although he can't speak, Youqi is surprisingly capable.


Although I am Ren Hei, I still want to say that compared with the three sticks, the games that Lao Ren makes are simply pieces of conscience...

Two-in-one meow meow~

Today’s dark cuisine: I took oatmeal and added milk powder, and then cooked the porridge like white porridge, then...and...and then I poured into the toilet.

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