Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1151: That name is WCG!

Lent is an ordinary lighthouse player.

He is a loyal fan of Dark Souls.

As a rational black soul player, Lundt's favorite thing to do is to carry a poisonous flying knife, and then go back stabbing, to use a righteous poisonous flying knife to beat people.

Super fun!

Super sensual!

At the beginning, Lundt liked the positive.

But Hidetaka Miyazaki's malice taught Lunt, he would be taught to be a human being.

After being rounded by various monsters, Lent finally had a sudden sense of relief: backstab is justice! The poisonous flying knife is justice!

After becoming Lao Yinbi, Lunt discovered that this kind of gameplay is really cool.

It’s not that the enemy attacked oneself, but attacked others...

This meowing is called a game!

The joyful flow of play made Lundt feel the door to the new world.

Later, he also brought his own gameplay into other games.

For example, this hero trail.

One of the settings in this hero trail is grass.

After entering the grass, the player will become invisible.

In the game, there are several heroic characters, which are very suitable for drilling grass.

From that time on, Lent began to like the battle of drilling through the bushes.

Enter the grass, stab the enemy back, and then take him away in a wave of consternation-it's so funny!

Therefore, Lunt is an old fan of A company.

Today he came to the E3 exhibition. Although he is now an audience at the Order of the Phoenix, for Lunt, the Order of the Phoenix and A are actually similar.

This is indeed the case. Most of the games shown here were developed by Agency A when they were doing the show.

For example, the game called "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha" just now. This fighting game is very interesting. Although it is controlling a magical girl, the feeling of flying in the air is really good. The feeling of air combat is really interesting-well, because it is in the air, it is cloudy. People are also very convenient, Lundt likes it.

In addition to A company, other manufacturers also have games, but most of them do not have A set of color.

But if there is anything special, it is probably the follow-up to the two games "Shenmue 2" and "D Food Zhuo 3".

Especially Shenmue 2.

When the news of this game was released, the players present were all excited.

——The sales of Shenmue 1 are not so good that everyone thinks that the second generation is almost impossible.

But at this time, news of the second generation also came out.

When Suzuki Yu came to power, there was a sensation below.

Shenmue 2 did not appear in the promo, so everyone didn't know that there was this game at first, but when Shenmue 2 appeared, the scene was a sensation.




There was cheers from the audience.

But Lent was not very interested in Shenmue.

——Because this game can't be overcast.

Undisputed sneak attack, what kind of game is this?

How can there be games that can't even sneak attacks?

But let alone, this game is actually very good.

At least to others, it seems to be the case.

On the other world line, Shenmue 2 sold 200,000 copies.

This seems to be an inconspicuous number, but in fact behind this number is the news that DC has ceased production.

On the machine that has been discontinued, a game has been released. Do you think it will sell well?

Of course it is impossible.

But in this world line, after the Order of the Phoenix was used as the receiver, DC did not disappear, but launched a more powerful DC-P. This situation is very strange.

As for what this game can make in the end-who knows.

Anyway, Suzuki's own mentality is completely different from another world line.

As for the other "D Food Zhuo 3" game, the forum also knows.

The first generation of this game was released on 3DO that year.

Subsequently, this game was ported to the Saturn platform and the PS platform.

When it comes to 3DO, many people may think of the "Heroes" series, but in fact, 3DO has actually been a game console developer. They developed the first 32-bit console of the next generation.

After that, "D Food Zhuo 2" was released on DC again, and the screen was also shocking.

Lent likes this game, not because he can sneak attack.

But when he saw that his friend was frightened by playing this game, he felt a kind of pleasure.

Before, Lundt didn't understand why he felt happy, but now Lundt probably understands.

Because at this time, I can feel the invigorating "sense of justice" in my heart!

Isn't this feeling similar to a just sneak attack?

It's just that the side attacked is the game, and the side attacked is the player.

So since that time, Lent has liked horror games. He doesn't like playing horror games, but like watching others play horror games.

So after the news of "D Food Zhuo 3" was released, his first reaction was to buy, buy, buy, and then let others play the game and enjoy it by himself...

The person who made this game was Kenji Iino, but the opponent did not come.

Iino Kenji can be described as a ghost in the mud bombing game circle. He is a multi-talented game producer, integrating game supervision, scripting, and music, and he is also skilled at wide-angle and stretching similar to movie lenses. The first generation of "D's Food" was made using film camera methods.

But how should I put it... Kenji Iino has a bit of iron on his head.

Kenji Iino once appeared on the stage at a Sony PS festival to announce his new game. At that time, he participated in the event, and all Sony executives believed that he would release his new game.

Yes, Kenji Iino did play a CG video, but in the video, the logo of PS became the logo of Sega Saturn in the end, and Kenji Iino announced that he would only develop games for Sega Saturn.

——Think about it, this one is really fierce.

This one is called piapiapia.

This kind of plot, even if it is in a novel, no one would dare to write it!

Reality is so capricious, more capricious than fiction.

Originally, Kenji Iino would gradually disappear with the end of DC-after all, he has offended Sony, and Nintendo is a bit miserable at this time.

According to the original trajectory, the producer of the game will temporarily disappear, and then come back in 2008, and finally develop games for WII, and then make a living by making mobile games-and then hang up due to a heart attack.

But in this world, because the Order of the Phoenix took over the relationship with DC, Kenji Iino is also continuing to develop a sequel to his new game.

The reason why Kenji Iino didn't show up was actually because the Order of the Phoenix considered that this guy might offend too many people. God knows if he will provoke Sony directly on stage, so he dare not let him come.

"Welcome to the game conference of the Order of the Phoenix."

After the introduction of these games, a young voice appeared in the stereo.

Lent also turned his head at this time.

He had heard this sound before.

——Tianhai Senxia.

The big boss of A, the voice of the legendary "genius high school student".

Of course, the other party has now graduated and is a college student.

"The game of the Order of the Phoenix has ended here. We have shown all the games we can show for everyone."

Senxia's voice disappointed Lunt.

Not only Lent, but everyone around him also felt a little insufficient.

The press conference of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​longer than others, but it is full of dry goods and sincere.

So they think it's very short.

After the news of Shenmue 2 and the news of D's Food Zhuo 3 were announced, the press conference seemed to be a little worse.

After all, "D Food 3" is not like a game that can be the finale.

It is a pity that the press conference has really ended.


Morinia only said that the introduction of the game was over, but the scene... didn't seem to say it was over!

"But we have one major news to announce."

Big news?

Everyone looked up.

At this time, the slide was lit up again.

"But before that, I hope everyone will watch another promotional video."

At this time, the promo started again.

First, it was the sound of the engine, and then, a speeding car rushed past the screen!

"That's EA's Need for Speed!"

Although Lundt is Old Yinbi, he did play a lot of games. At this time, he immediately saw what this game was.

This is Need for Speed ​​4 released by EA last year.

Then, the picture changed to...Football?

Yes, football.

Then, the green field became a fungus blanket, and the screen became a scene of the Zerg base of StarCraft.

Subsequently, this base was killed by a nuclear bomb, and the flames of the nuclear bomb rose up and became a pillar of fire at this time!

Kyo Kusana throws a punch!


Such a scene appeared in the picture.

The dizzying picture made everyone in the audience feel at a loss.

How is this going?

These games...

These games are all released games, right?

Do so many manufacturers have to develop a new DC-P platform in the Order of the Phoenix?

No, it's not right.

Mori Xia Mingming said, there are no new games!

One picture after another flashed from above, and everyone was stunned by the dizzying feeling.


The counter-strike shot the enemy headshot with a sniper rifle, and then closed the lens.

The screen flashed, this time turned into a heroic trail.

There are online games?

The appearance of the hero trajectory screen made everyone confused.

In the previous games, there were already PC games and games on other platforms, but at this time even online games have appeared. What is going on?

Lent is also inexplicable.

He liked the hero trajectory very much, but he didn't understand the significance of this game in the exhibition.

Heroic Trail has been on the market for some time.

This game is the most popular game on the Internet, yes, but why does it appear now?

"I believe everyone has seen the picture. Yes, we have reached an agreement with giant hard, Capcom, EA, Blizzard and other companies."

In the face of the doubting people, Senxia's voice was not rushed.

He spoke slowly.

"Sometimes, you may be thinking, what is the purpose of our game. Sometimes, I also wonder how far the game can evolve."

Morinatsu's accent is not as rough as Japanese English, but fluent English that can be understood by everyone present.

"When we showed all the games in front of us, we found that most of the goals of the game are confrontation, confrontation between humans, confrontation between humans and AI, confrontation between humans and level designers."

"So, why can't we bring the past together?"

"Why can't we have something special?"

"Some little excitement, some wonderful pride that we have won the game in front of our friends."

"Yes, we all dreamed about it."

"So, we made this all a reality."

Senxia smiled.

"So, please continue to watch this promotional video."

After interspersed with a speech by Senxia, ​​the promotional video continued.

Still the previous game screen.

But it's not exactly the previous game screen.

The screen of the battle against StarCraft is still there, but it has become two computers, and the two players are facing each other and fighting.

Then the screen turned into an arcade, and the two players were fighting the King of Fighters 98. One of the players won, and he roared to his feet.

There are also Need for Speed ​​players holding analog steering wheels and FIFA players holding handles.

At the end, the screen became a team.

The two teams of CS were wearing headphones and shaking their mice.

As the picture turned, a stage appeared.

Ten computers are placed on both sides of the stage, and in the center of the screen is a large screen.

The audience is cheering.

this is……

At the E3 exhibition, the players and the audience looked at each other.

This is... a game?

A somewhat bold idea appeared in the mind of every player.

The picture in front of me... is a game!

That's right! It's the game!

Everyone was excited in their hearts.

The scenes of the scenes pushed the atmosphere of the promo to a high point, and at this moment, the scenes finally disappeared.

Then, three letters appeared on the screen.


Below these three letters is a string of abbreviations in eight languages ​​including English, Japanese, and Chinese.


"World E-Sports Competition..."

Lent then pronounced the is...e-sports?

He felt a bit of a daze, but in this dazedness, he felt a bit of excitement again, as if something in his heart was swelling and was about to run out of the inside.

"World E-Sports Competition!"

Not only Lent, but also other audiences present were also attracted by this picture!


Today's two in one.

Tucao, the root of WCG can't go on, three sticks are responsible.

But fortunately, Senxia is now cut off...cough cough...

Meow meow~

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