Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 120: Sister's way

   The journey progressed gradually, and the two finally came to the location of the "stone of fate".


This is already the top of Jiyuan Mountain. In front of them is a flat ground. On the flat ground is a billowing rock. The diameter of the rock is about one meter or two. It has a pale yellow color and stands beside the rock. There is a sign on which is written the stone of formation, and then there is a series of legends about the stone.


   Crossing the stone of formation, there is a cliff in front of it, but the top of the cliff has been completely sealed with railings, and there are several stone benches over there.


   "We are lucky, brother, should we be the first to come here?" Yukino smiled and looked at Morinka.


   "Because today is still a working day, if it is a weekend, there will be more people here."


   The surface of the stone is smooth, which is obviously caused by travelers making their wishes here.


   Near ten o'clock in the morning, the sun is getting hotter and hotter, but there are always cool breeze in this place, but it gives people a very subtle and comfortable feeling.


   "Come on, brother, let's go make a wish!"


   has just arrived here, and before taking a break, Yukino excitedly pulled Morika to the side of the stone, and then looked at the instructions on the wooden board.


"The people who come here to make a wish must be a couple, a boyfriend or a friend or a similar person who has an intimate relationship. Both parties must put their hands on the stone, close their eyes, and sincerely ask the Lord God to bless both parties forever... …"


After    Yukino finished reading, he immediately stood in front of the stone, then closed his eyes and pressed his hands on the stone.


   "What are you waiting for, hurry up!"


   Seeing that Morinka was still reading the explanation, Yukino urged again.




   Morinatsu nodded, closed her eyes, and did the same as Yukino. He also pressed his hands on the stone, closed his eyes, and began to make a wish and ask for the blessing of the Lord God.


   After finishing all this, Morinka slowly opened his eyes, and then he noticed that at this time, Yukino had a look of peace and happiness on his face.


   She also slowly opened her eyes, and after meeting Morika's eyes, Yukino immediately came over and hugged Morika.


   "What's the matter?" Morinka embraced Yukino's body, and stroked Yukino's hair with her hand on her back.


   "It's nothing, I just want to do this. I'm really happy to be with my brother." Yukino closed his eyes and muttered, "I wish I could be with my brother forever."




   With a petting voice, Morinka responded, and then hugged Yukino like this.


   After a long while, the sunlight passed through the shade of the tree and hit the two of them. Mori Xia said, "Let’s take a rest next to you."


   He took Yukino and continued walking forward. After crossing the formation stone, there is a cliff in front of it. The mountain is not high, but you can look down from here. It just happens to be able to overlook the street at the foot of the mountain, but there is a strange feeling.


   "When writing an article, sometimes real-world things can also be written in. This kind of plot sometimes makes the article more real and has a feeling." Morinka pointed to the scenery ahead. "Look, it's like we are here, depicting the scenery in front of us. This feeling will be very unusual."


   "Hmm..." Yukino nodded thoughtfully, what Morika said indeed made her write some wonderful resonance, "For example...this hot spring story..."


   "Hmm, hot springs are fine too!"


   Morinatsu nodded, and then wanted to move a little bit about the hot spring from his mind.


   But this time Morinatsu was a little embarrassed.


   It's not that his stomach is out of stock, but when it comes to hot springs, the plot that Mori Xia has in his mind at this time is all 18x content, and there is nothing to show Yukino at all.


  Because of being too gentleman, Morinka has a lot of accumulations in his mind, but he is helpless. These are all materials related to 18x, which is really not feasible.


   "For example, the newlyweds came to the hot spring, or describe the story of the hot spring female boss..."


   "Well, it's not bad...cough cough, probably good." When Morika heard Yukino's answer, she subconsciously wanted to respond. After almost telling the story of the 18x story, Morika hurriedly coughed.


   "In fact, I prefer the surreal series, but if the reality series and the surreal series can be combined, it might be very good." Yukino said again.




   "Speaking of which, the surreal reality department..." Morinka unconsciously thought of eva, robots, surrealism department...


   Then, a masterpiece appeared in Morinka's mind.


   The rebellious Lelouch.


   This is an absolutely right masterpiece.


  Lu Lu Xiu's script can be said to be very good in Japan. Except for the rapid development of the second season and the later collapse, the script is still very good, but fortunately, Lu Lu Xiu's **** ending saved everything.


   Although Morinka didn't know why the original staff wrote the script of the three seasons into two seasons, this does not affect Morinka.


   But how do I put it... Well, Morinka doesn't want to borrow (copy) lessons (attack).


   It's not that I don't want to write a story anymore, but I just don't want to plagiarize. Plagiarism doesn't seem interesting, and there is no sense of accomplishment.


   But these stories are classics, and if they don’t write them like this, Morinatsu feels very awkward.


   Ah... so uncomfortable.


   "Brother, what's wrong with you, did you think of something unhappy?" Yukino noticed that Morika was frowning at this time.


   "It's nothing, it's just that I suddenly thought of some inspiration in the writing, but it feels incomplete, don't care." Morinka waved her hand at Yukino, and then continued to think.


   Other stories are nothing more, but the story of Lulu Xiu—Mori Xia glanced at Yukino—this is absolutely impossible to give up!


   After all, the protagonist of this story is Lu Lu Xiu, and Lu Lu Xiu, like Sen Xia, is a fellow man.


   Therefore, even for the cute Nanaly, this story must not be let go.


   But in a blink of an eye, Mori Xia thought that Lulu Xiu seemed to be an overhead history. Perhaps he could redesign based on this history?


   After thinking of this. Morinia's mind became clear almost instantly.


   By the way, although Lulu Xiu’s script is very interesting, why do you have to copy it?


We can do other things, such as letting the Lelouch pilot’s plane crash into the United States on September 11... Oh, it’s the twin towers in Bretania. This kind of plot becomes very interesting. What?


   Anyway, if I really write this way, after 2001, will I become the prophet emperor?


   Thinking about it, I think it’s great, this plot is simply awesome!


   "Is your brother thinking about a new story? Can you tell me something?" Yukino asked with a smile.


"Yeah. A story that mixes similar prince's revenge and robots. In terms of the plot, it appears in an overhead world. The story is about a prince named Lulu Xiu asking for his sister Nanali. The story of conquering the world..."


   "It's interesting, please tell me so much!" Yukino was excited almost as soon as Morinka finished.


   "Uh, let me sort it out." Morinya didn't have a clue for the time being, so he said the original outline again, and then said again. "This is just a preliminary idea, I am going to revise it later."


   "This kind of plot is very good, why must it be revised? Lu Lu Xiu is really a gentle brother..." Xue Na seemed to have a feeling of empathy.


   "Since Yukino said so, I will perfect the plot."


   Snow is bigger than the sky. Since she said that, Senxia absolutely can't change the plot, so the original plot can only be like this.


  What, do you mean morals?


   Can that thing be eaten? Since it is useless. Then throw it away!


   It’s just that Morinka always feels very pity, if the plot of the collision with the building does not come out before 2001, what can I do with my god’s prophecy!


   "Well. Forget it, if you really write like that, if you want to animate by the time, it may be hindered by this plot..."


   Morinatsu comforted herself in her heart.


   Although the plot is very interesting and interesting, but if you think about it, things are not that way. Because of the subsequent impact, this plot may have the opposite effect.


  Of course, we can also change it to crash into the Kremlin or something, but if you don’t modify the original plot and make it so messy, the plot will become very blunt.


   "Let's talk about it when I have a chance in the future. Anyway, it's only 1997, it's still early." After paying attention, Morinya buried this idea behind her head.


   "Well, the time is almost up, let's go down now, and we will have dinner later." The sun is getting bigger and the mountain is getting hotter and hotter, so Senxia doesn't want to stay here anymore.


   Yukino glanced at Morinka, and then at the fate stone. Although she was reluctant, she nodded.


  Because the mountain road is not steep, it is still very labor-saving when going down the mountain. Although the physical strength of the two is not as strong as that when going up the mountain, the speed is not slow at all.


   "Brother, did you say that you want to write a script for the drama club?" Xue Nao suddenly thought of this question.


   "Yeah, why do you ask this?" Senxia asked in confusion.


   "Hey, UU Reading In this story, does the protagonist also have a gentle and lovely sister?" Xue Na asked.


   "There is no such story." Morinka waved her hand.




   Yukino seemed to be disappointed, Morinka hurriedly continued: "Although there is no sister, there is indeed a'sister' in this story! The system in the story is that a senior and a younger form a similar sister relationship!"


   Yukino’s eyes were shining, and he was obviously looking forward to this story...




   I never mentioned how fantasy is like, some people who are really picky...


  Update on time, ask for monthly pass support qaq


   I'm starting to explode codewords! (To be continued...)



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