Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1165: Real Hitomi-chan's plan

Time has entered the July of 2000 AD.

At this time, the spin-off of Evangelion "Re-take" has been played in half.

Now this work has been very popular.

A completely different Ikaki Shinji from the original is shown in front of the audience at this moment.

This is a work that fans don't know how to evaluate.

In the fan circle, many people think this work is very interesting, but some people think that the content expressed in this work and the original work is quite different.

Pink and black, for "Re-take", it is almost half right.

But it is precisely because of the constant controversy that the topicality of this work has not disappeared, but has increased a lot.

Now the story has reached the middle of the game, and the story has gradually improved.

At the beginning, the story took the path of "starting point flow rebirth novels". After Ikura Shinji shuttled to another time and space, he killed the Quartet, the apostles, and so on. He was crushed by him. Asuka also loves Ikura Shinji.

This kind of protagonist treatment of mother-in-law son, Neon Gold certainly finds it super interesting.

——But after the story reached the mid-range, the situation began to change.

Shiba Asuka was found to be pregnant, and another Asuka appeared in Shinji's consciousness.

The story began to undergo subtle changes at this time, and the previous stories were laid out at this time.

WCG, this extremely popular news in the world, in the mud bombing place, the topicality is not as high as that of Evangelion.

No way, compared with ordinary e-sports, in the case of mud bombing, there is really no topic that can surpass Evangelion. This is the charm of this work.

And Senxia returned to the mud boom at this time.

After we went to New York to visit Yusu, Morika returned to Tokyo by herself.

Hmm... the others are still in the lighthouse country at this time.

And Senxia came back at this time for another thing.

"Brother~! You are finally back!"

Just after coming out of the airport, Yukino, who had been waiting for it, ran up.

"Ah, I'm back."

Morinka smiled and patted Yukino's back.

Also, since enrolling in April, Morika has rarely been with Yukino again.

Although they are brothers and sisters, they are in different schools after all.

But today is an exception-because the predestined space is about to be released.

Yes, July is also the time when the animated film "Fate of the Sky" is launched.

Morinka sneaked back now, in fact, to watch the movie with Yukino.

After all, this is what has already been said.

Only younger sisters and delicious food can not disappoint!


But the two didn't know, just after the two met, the figures of True Hitomi and others emerged from behind.

But the real pupil is far from the distance between the two.

"Well, we have already met."

True Hitomi looked at the distant scene with binoculars.

No matter what kind of tracking, there is always a risk of being discovered.

So if you don't want to be seen, of course the farther the better.

True Hitomi, who has extensive experience, was at least 50 meters away from Yukino and Morika at this time.

"Um, True Hitomi, I don't think it is good for you to do this?" Beside True Hitomi, Nanami Love is a little embarrassed.

"Big husband, cute milk!" Zhentong gave a thumbs up to Xiaolian, "We are far away now, and the probability of being discovered is very low."

"Actually, I care more about why you know that Master Yukino is here to greet Master Morina today." Kanzaki Haruka spat next to him.

Yukino said that she had something to do today, but Yukino didn't say what she was going to do.

However, True Hitomi chased all the way to the airport, and then he really saw Yukino and the others!

This thing itself is a bit strange!

Kanzaki Haruka wants to complain.

Well, she has already spit out.

"For a qualified follower...isn't it normal for a follower?"

Zhentong looked at the two with a calm expression.

She didn't seem to think that she just said something shameless.

Both Xiaoyao and Xiaolian here were shocked by Zhentong's "righteous" words.

How shameless this person is to say such things!

"Furthermore," True Hitomi retracted his gaze from the telescope, then looked at Kanzaki Haruka here, "Aren't you also interested in this?"

Well, if you are not interested, these two people will not be in this place.

"Ahem, isn't this because you are curious about Master Xueno's affairs," said Kanzaki Haruka.

"Ah, yeah," Xiaolian said at this time, "Master Xue Nao asks for leave without saying a word. This kind of thing itself is very unusual."

The three famous detectives were all working hard to look towards Yukino at this time.

"Yes, yeah, and it’s nice to be able to see Morinka-sama, after all, it’s Yukino-sama’s twin brother." Kanzaki Haruka also followed True Hitomi’s words and changed the topic.

From the outside, Morinka and the school year are really similar. Both of them look like handsome guys in men's clothes and cute girls in women's clothes.

Although the hairstyle and the dress game are somewhat different, the two of them did... uh... True Hitomi noticed the part of their chests.

Well, apart from the figure, clothes and hairstyle, Yukino and Mori-ka, in every sense, are a bunch of very similar brothers and sisters.

Just as the three people were talking, Morinatsu and Chika also started to move.

Senxia and Qianjia attracted the attention of the surrounding people along the way.

Just being alone, that feeling is not enough, but it is limited to a single person.

When the two people stood together, the twins drew all the eyes of their surroundings.

"It would be great if I had such a reliable brother." Seeing Morinka gently holding Yukino's hand, Kanzaki Haruka's face showed an enviable expression.

"Yes, and there is a tacit understanding." Xiaolian looked at Yukino and Morinka here with envy.

"Yes," Zhentong has the most say in this matter. "They are twins who have lived together since they were young and have never separated."

"Hey, is this kind of brother and sister who has never been separated, so harmonious?" Xiaoyao was surprised, "I also have a younger brother, but what about that kind of guy?"/

"So this is the attitude of Master Yukino that is different from ordinary people!" Zhentong said.


Xiaoyao and Xiaolian both looked at Zhentong with subtle eyes at this time.

Xiaoyao and Xiaolian, although they both respect Master Xuena, if you compare them with experts like Zhentong, there is really no way.

Yukino and Morika moved, and the two went to a cafe, ordered two drinks and some desserts, and then sat there chatting.

"Well, do we really still want to watch it?" Xiao Lian was getting more and more guilty at this time, "We have been following for so long, is it necessary now that this is the case?"

"Of course it is necessary! And don't say anything about ‘tracking’, this is the believer of Master Xue Nao, who is following Master Xue Na’s glorious moment!"

Isn’t the result tracked...

No matter what the topic is, it seems tall, but in fact it still can't escape the core of "tracking".

Well, so at this moment, True Hitomi is really a voyeur... ahem.

True Hitomi was here concentrating on the picture in the telescope.

On the other side, Xiaoyao and Xiaolian looked at each other.

"By the way, I heard that the writer of "Re-take" seems to be Master Yukino, right?"

As a result, both of them suddenly started chatting at this moment.

No way, you can't be left by True Hitomi here, right?

How can it be repaired? When I knew I had come, I also brought a telescope!

Without a telescope, the nearby scene can be seen, but it is very blurred. In this area, it is only possible to distinguish the basic situation. It is really impossible to obtain any information.

"Ah, I know!" True Hitomi suddenly said, "The person who wrote is Yukino-sama, but the person who wrote the outline is Morika. That's probably the case.' In addition, according to my survey, DW The new game being made seems to have been written by Master Yukino."

After True Hitomi touched on Yukino's part, she really knew everything.

"That's it. I heard that this animation seems to be very popular recently. The animation department almost started fighting internally for this matter!" Kanzaki Haruka said what he had seen before.

"Yes, yes, because of RE this work, the entire animation circle has been messed up. After all, this is a derivative work of Evangelion. It is said that many people are arguing with others about this work."

Moe Xin, who has not seen "Evangelion", said that this work is very beautiful.

The veterans who have watched "Neon Genesis Evangelion" several times think that if this is good, it just looks good and cannot stand scrutiny at all.

All in all, the new and old, and then diehard fans and fraternity fans all said that the situation of this work is very special...

It's really hard to say.


And at this moment, Yukino and Morinya had already emerged from inside.

Both faces smiled.


Obviously it should be a blessing, but why do you always feel a little sour in your heart when you see this scene with your own eyes?

Zhentong felt that her heart seemed a little subtle.

Obviously, it was her own plan to improve the relationship between Xue Nao and her brother. But now, when True Hitomi sees Yukino and Morika with his own eyes, True Hitomi feels that his heart seems to be a bit tingling and subtle.

Damn, why is this happening!

I should still be happy!

The girl felt her head a little messy.

Behind True Hitomi, Nanami Koi and Kanzaki Haruka have already expanded the topic based on the story of "Re-take".

"You keep up!"

When noticing that the two were about to leave, Jin Hitomi told them to leave quickly.

"But what's the point of doing this?"

The three of them hung far behind Yukino and Morika.

But Kanzaki Haruka felt a little incomprehensible at this time: "Obviously we can't see anything right now?"

"That's why I brought a binoculars, and recently I am learning the pronunciation of lip language, lip shape or something~"

"Eh eh eh, real Hitomi, do you also learn this?" Xiao Lian was surprised, "This is really amazing 1"

"Hmph~" Zhentong chuckled lightly.

"Then how far have you learned?" Kanzaki Haruka asked curiously.

"Well... to the extent that I don't understand at all."

"Then what's the point of what you learned and didn't learn!"

Yes, Ms. Real Hitomi just wanted to pretend to be a beep, but she was easily PKed by Kanzaki Haruka with the power of complaints.

"Go, get on the subway!"

At this time, Morinka and Yukino had already arrived in the subway, and True Hitomi followed again, while Kanzaki Haruka shook his head, reluctantly took Xiao Love's hand, and then moved forward.

After entering the subway station, the two of them went all the way to the city, and then entered... the cinema?

"Today is the premiere of Yuan Zhikong?!" Zhentong saw the poster at the entrance of the cinema.

I almost forgot this!


Don't say anything, buy a ticket right away!


Seven Seas Love grabbed Zhen Tong's sleeve, then looked at the crowd...

I fell asleep for a while, and suddenly found out that a lot of garbled characters were typed in the Now modify it and wait for five minutes.

I fell asleep for a while, and suddenly found that a lot of garbled characters were typed in the back. Now I will modify it and wait for five minutes.

I fell asleep for a while, and suddenly found that a lot of garbled characters were typed in the back. Now I will modify it and wait for five minutes.

I fell asleep for a while, and suddenly found that a lot of garbled characters were typed in the back. Now I will modify it and wait for five minutes.

I fell asleep for a while, and suddenly found that a lot of garbled characters were typed in the back. Now I will modify it and wait for five minutes.

I fell asleep for a while, and suddenly found that a lot of garbled characters were typed in the back. Now I will modify it and wait for five minutes.

I fell asleep for a while, and suddenly found that a lot of garbled characters were typed in the back. Now I will modify it and wait for five minutes.

I fell asleep for a while, and suddenly found that a lot of garbled characters were typed in the back. Now I will modify it and wait for five minutes.

I fell asleep for a while, and suddenly found that a lot of garbled characters were typed in the back. Now I will modify it and wait for five minutes.

I fell asleep for a while, and suddenly found that a lot of garbled characters were typed in the back. Now I will modify it and wait for five minutes.

I fell asleep for a while, and suddenly found that a lot of garbled characters were typed in the back. Now I will modify it and wait for five minutes.

I fell asleep for a while, and suddenly found that a lot of garbled characters were typed in the back. Now I will modify it and wait for five minutes.

I fell asleep for a while, and suddenly found that a lot of garbled characters were typed in the back. Now I will modify it and wait for five minutes.

I fell asleep for a while, and suddenly found that a lot of garbled characters were typed in the back. Now I will modify it and wait for five minutes.

I fell asleep for a while, and suddenly found that a lot of garbled characters were typed in the back. Now I will modify it and wait for five minutes.


Today's two in one.

The author became even more uncomfortable after drinking the cold medicine. This is a sad story...nt

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