Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1173: Start of stay

The place to stay is on the mountain.

"so big--!!!"

The huge wooden villa stands on a flat land in the mountains, surrounded by lush woods, and this wooden villa is integrated with the woods. Although it is large, it is far away inconspicuous.

It wasn't until it got closer that this place became special.

"This is where we live together!" Xue Nai said to everyone.

"Is there a network here?" Zhentong asked subconsciously.

"Don't worry, there are water and electricity networks," Senxia said to everyone. "Although it is very remote, there is no need to worry about it."

Senxia herself has Internet dependence. Now that the Internet is gradually developing, Senxia has become accustomed to posting two teasing remarks on the Internet, or making troubles on the Internet.

Although it is a very bad behavior, but...really fun!

Therefore, since this is my own villa, the internet is a must.

"There are swimming pools and hot springs behind the villa, and our dinner is also behind."

Dinner is a barbecue party.

But now everyone has to put their luggage.

Although I did the car for the whole afternoon, everyone was sleeping in the afternoon, and now everyone is full of energy.

There are many rooms in the villa, but when in the car, everyone has decided that there will be one for two.

Yukino and True Hitomi, Xiaoyao and Xiaolian, Lily and Yuyan, Morinka and Xiaotou.

There are a total of eight people, so the division is just right.

True Hitomi took his luggage and entered the room on the second floor with Yukino.

The room is quite large, with a space of approximately 20 square meters. There is not much decoration in the house, but the wood-colored furniture and paint give the house and the scenery outside the window a very special feeling.

In addition, there are two desks in the room with a computer on one side of the desk.

"What a luxury..."

True Hitomi's impression of Tianhai's family has changed from the original "Hokkaido tyrant" to "Hokkaido super tyrant."

"Actually, it's okay." Xue Nao said, "This place is also one of the vacation places of our Tianhai family. Every year, a group of employees are organized to travel to the villas and hot springs here. This is one of them."


Ah, by the way, in that case, the Tiankai family has many industries in Hokkaido, so the number of employees should also be quite large?

"But for the sake of our stay, this place is empty, and the room has been completely cleaned, and all the furniture has been renewed, so don't worry about it!"


Sure enough, it's still very luxurious!

Zhen Tong was surprised by what Tianhai's family did.

"Don't worry about that much, as long as you can have a good time by yourself!" Xue Na waved his hand.

"Hi..." True Hitomi just responded, as if to remember, "Ah, no, we are here to train, not to play!"

"Huh?" Xue Nao glanced at Zhen Tong strangely, "Although we are here to train, what are we training for?"

"Game." True Hitomi said of course.

"What game?" Xue Nai stared at Zhen Tong's eyes.

"E-sports... video games?"

True pupils seemed to react vaguely.

Xueno's face showed a gentle smile when she heard Zhentong's answer.

She walked to Zhentong's side, and then grabbed Zhentong's hands.

Those slender and white fingers intertwined with Zhentong's hands. At this moment, Zhentong suddenly felt his heartbeat.

Ah, sure enough, I still like Master Xue Na.

"So, we train for the game, isn't the game itself to make us happier?"

Xue Nao's statement gave Zhen Tong a suddenly open feeling.

"Eh, but Yukino-sama, when you first asked me to participate in the competition, wasn't it just for the championship?"

True Hitomi still remembers when Xue Nao asked herself to join.

She seems to wish she could appear in front of her brother, right?

As a champion.

As long as Yukino's club can win the championship, that's enough.

But Xue Nao smiled and shook his head at this time: "It doesn't matter, as long as this is fine. Brother has already seen it, and-the point is that everyone is happy, isn't it?"



Although I initially proposed to stay together in order to increase the popularity of Yukino-sama, and then expose the true face of the ghost brother, but Zhen Hitomi also thought about playing happily with everyone when he was staying together, especially if he could still stay at night. Xixue is an adult.

Ah, ah, when I thought of being able to attack Master Xuena at night, an uncontrollable emotion gradually erupted in my heart!

Zhen Tong felt that his heartbeat was accelerating.

Yes, when we were staying together, it happened to be a good opportunity to be overthrown—this was what the master told in the document.

At this time, it is a good opportunity for myself to push down Master Xue Na!

After putting down his luggage, Yukino went over and turned on the computer.

And Zhen Hitomi, while tidying up the room, imagined such a scene.

Really, I must have been so concerned about that ghost brother because of my poor mental state this afternoon.

After being charged for a wave of Yukino's love, Zhentong had already made his heart clear at this time.

It is true that Yukino and Morinya have a very good relationship, and the scenes of the past scenes of the two are also very close and beautiful-but because of this, this ghost animal brother attracts bees and butterflies everywhere to make people angry!


Now that I think about it, this ghost animal brother does have a set of things, and today I was almost confused by him.

But not anymore!

After replenishing Yukino's energy, Zhentong said that he was fearless!

"Ah la la, it seems that Yuan Zhi Sora's evaluation on everyone's side is not bad." Xue Na's voice came.

"Ah, is it the movie of "Fate no Sky"?" Zhentong's consciousness was pulled back to reality by Xueno's words.

"Yes. Although the e-sports competition is quite popular in our mud bombing, the most popular one is really the sky of the fate." Yukino showed a relieved expression, it seems that this work of Morika can be popular with the public. Like it and feel relieved.

True Hitomi also leaned in front of the computer at this time.

Indeed, the recent world is very delicate.

In the public circle, everyone is discussing the Sydney Olympics, while in the ACG circle of countries such as the Lighthouse Country, everyone is discussing the world e-sports competition.

But in the mud... well, there are three things that everyone is discussing now.

One is the half-played masterpiece "EVA-RETAKE", the other is the movie "Fate no Sky", and the other is the intelligence of the GBA handheld released by Nintendo.

Yes, the people are actually most concerned about these three.

In the more literary circles, the discussion of "Fate of the Sky" is the most-because this is not a so-called wasteful work, but a very literary and artistic work.

——Well, in fact, Senxia still thinks this work is pretty cute, but the literary world of the mud bomb has already appointed the literary status of "Fate of the Sky", so why should we refute it?

"Sisters in reality are not so good! Fake, all fake! All stunts!"

The first thing that catches your eye is the Tucao Tie.

This seemed to make Yukino a little angry.

"Don't these people know that the real world is far more powerful than novels? My brother is actually very rationalized!" Xue Nai said.

But she didn't stop, but continued to look at the content behind.

Although the first post is a complaint, the second post is a normal feeling.

"After watching Yuan Zhikong, I cried. I thought of my sister. Because of our parents' divorce, we separated at a very young age. When we met again, we were all high school students..."

This post was posted two days ago and is a hot post on the forum. There have been hundreds of replies.

This dear fellow seemed to be touched by the scene after reading Yuan Zhikong, and then wrote a lot of things profusely.

This man had separated from his sister since he was a child, and then lived together again in high school, and then he developed feelings for his sister, but he knew this was not allowed, so he kept suppressing his feelings.

But after seeing Yuan Zhikong, he decided to confess to his sister.

... Actually there are such fierce people? !

True Hitomi was stunned.

After Xue Nao finished reading the post, she returned to the upper level. At this time, a new message was added to the forum.

"Help, after I confessed to my sister and pushed him down, he was seen by my dad. Now he is smashing the door with a kitchen knife. What should I do! Urgent, wait online!"


This one……

The author of this post seems to be the man just now?

"Call the police, idiot!"

This is the summer vacation, and there are still a lot of student parties visiting the forum. At this time, someone is immediately giving advice to the host.

"This won't become a murder case or something?" Zhentong did not dare to say this, she just muttered in her heart.

The original poster didn't seem to know what to think. At this moment, he still had the thought to answer below: "My father is the police department!"

"Original please ask for more blessings."

The layer owner who replied also said that there was no way.

"What should I do?" The door of the original master's house seems to be very strong, and at this time there is still a leisurely post.

"I don't think you have anything to do. Your father is a police department and should have a gun, but he is chasing you with a chopper now, which shows that he still loves you."

The starting point of the master is also stunned.

But if you think about it, it seems quite reasonable.

It's just that Xue Nao just refreshed, and saw someone continue to talk.

"It's hard to say. The host's father thinks that using a gun is not enough, so he has to use a chopper, a melee weapon to vent his anger..."

Hey, hey, this is horrible!

True Hitomi was amused by this reply.

After this, the host didn't reply again. Xue Nao refreshed it several times, but there was no content posted by the host himself.

"I don't know what's going on with him..." Zhentong glanced at the poster whose nickname is the Gao Tong clan, and the other party...I don't know if it's too bad.

"Not necessarily, this post may also be fake." Yukino said to True Hitomi, "Behind the Internet, no one knows who is like, even if there is an onion-headed alien talking to you. , You can't know."

"Yes. Master Xue Nai made sense." A word from Xue Nai made Zhen Tong react.

Yes, this host had encountered a kitchen knife chopping the door, yet he calmly posted a post on the Internet. This is really a dramatic effect-in fact, at this time, there are already keyboard men spraying the host who are sensationalizing.

"A female netizen is probably a bad boy, while a male netizen may be a girl who deliberately chose a male identity to avoid harassment. Behind the Internet, this kind of thing is the most normal Yes." Xue Nai said.

"That's it, you really deserve to be Master Xue Nai, you can see it thoroughly."

Even so, True Hitomi didn't take what Yukino said to his heart.

Although Zhen Hitomi is also online, most of the friends she met on the Internet were friends who played games together. Everyone would not talk about real-world things except for games. It didn't matter whether it was a man or a woman.

There are only two friends of True Hitomi who can make heart-to-heart on the Internet, that is, True Hitomi’s "teacher" and "mentor" ~ These two will not deceive myself.

"Boom boom boom."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Xuno, Zhentong, the barbecue is about to start!"

Senxia's voice came from outside.

"Hi!" Xue Nao replied, and then closed the web page. She and Zhen Tong opened the door together and walked out.

But just after coming out, Yukino seemed to have thought of something, and pulled True Hitomi back to the room.

"Is there anything, Master Xue Nai?" Zhentong asked strangely.

"And this one." Yukino went to his luggage and took out a...swimsuit from it?

"Swimsuit?" Zhentong looked at Yukino strangely.

"Yes, didn't you say that, there are hot springs and swimming pools here, so wearing swimwear is the best at this time~"

Midsummer and swimwear, this is the best combination.

"But I didn't bring a swimsuit..." Jin Hitomi was a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, just use it. I remember there is a tight-fitting one-piece swimsuit. Although the size will not be right, it should be worn..."

Yukino-sama's swimsuit? !

Zhentong's eyes burst into red light.

Yukino herself wore a lace split swimsuit, which showed her cuteness.

The swimsuit she gave Zhen Hitomi was a black competitive one-piece swimsuit. After changing into Yukino's swimsuit, Zhen Hitomi was hurriedly pulled out of the house by Yukino.

Go out from the back of the villa and then out.

Just after coming out, Zhentong smelled a scent.

She looked ahead and saw a clearing.

——There really is a swimming pool here.


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