Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1181: From sword to fairy

At the end of the day, Morinka decided that if there is no problem, he will use Yukino's script for the time being.

"Well, if this is the case, then we will use this script for the time being. Then the next question is how this script should be made into a game. If we set it like this now, the protagonist will be very strong at the beginning, if so If you do, you should also consider the gameplay."

In the sequels of many games, the protagonist is weakened from the beginning.

For example, let the protagonist be severely injured because of something, and then forcefully "clear" the level.

Moreover, this kind of thing is not only in games, but similar plots often appear in animations.

The reason for this is that if the protagonist is too strong, it is not conducive to the development of the story.

In the game, if the player's role is strong enough from the beginning, then when the player is in the game, I am afraid it will be dull.

This is a natural thing.

Senxia has shaped the protagonist's compulsion at this time, so the next step should be to "weaken" the protagonist in a similar way.

A protagonist who is forced to explode is certainly very powerful, but on the other hand, if the protagonist is too strong, it will be like this at the beginning-then there is no fun.

Therefore, the protagonist can be very strong-in the prologue.

In the prologue, it is often the stage of game teaching. At this time, it is a good thing to familiarize the player with the control of the game with powerful characters.

But no matter what, this role must be weakened.

"In this case, there are many ways." Yukino said, "The easiest way is to injure the protagonist."

Injury, and then slowly heal, this is the most common method in the game.

"But how to get him injured is better... Well, it should be better to use the heroine... Well, should we give the protagonist a name first?" Senxia felt that the direct protagonist screamed like this, as if some strange.

"I think it would be better to call it ‘Swordsman’ directly." However, Xue Nao gave an unexpected answer.

"Oh? Swordsman?" Senxia felt something, but he still wanted to hear what Yukino thought.

Yukino sorted out his thoughts, and then said: "Hi, our protagonist is a swordsman. He actually had no pursuit of his own at the beginning, because of the gloomy past. At this time, he has become Such a person."

Senxia nodded. What Xue Nai said is indeed very reasonable.

He opened a new document, then crackled down what Yukino said.

Today’s content is very useful, and Senxia feels that it’s better to record it all.

Otherwise, if you forget it after waiting, it will not be worth the loss.

And Yukino continued to say at this time: "At this time, the protagonist is just a'machine' that obeys the rules. He is such a self-disciplined robot. But during his operation, some small bugs (errors) appeared. ), this mistake is our heroine."

Senxia nodded.

And Yukino continued at this time: "Because of this, I think we only need to call him a ‘swordsman’."

"In this case, I think it would be better to let his name appear at the end of the game." Mori Xia said, "If this is the case, we can hint to the player that this swordsman has completed the transformation from a machine to a human."

Senxia paused, and he said again, "Perhaps, it's the transformation from human to immortal?"

"Sword and Fairy", although it has this name, in the original story, the protagonist of the game has never been "immortal" in the true sense.

Immortals have great freedom, and immortals have great freedom. Just like Kunpeng said by Zhuangzi, immortals should be able to rise to 90,000 miles.

But in the original fairy sword script, there has never been a similar plot.

The immortal is not necessarily forgetting emotions, the immortal should return to the source, thus illuminating the true self.

"The swordsman was a machine at the beginning, a bearer of a murder weapon, but in the process of transformation, he gradually returned to himself, he gradually perfected his heart, he began to liberate, and he began to have his own subjectivity. Activeness. At this time, he not only became a person, but at the same time, after Dacheda realized his great freedom, he should have become a'xian'."

It's not that you have become an immortal in terms of physical or strength, but that you have achieved sublimation in your mood.

At this time, the story of the swordsman should have ended.

As for the latter words, it is probably that the swordsman and the little girl live together, and then after the girl gradually grows up, the swordsman Sunsword loses weight...

Well, what the ending will be like, Morinya hasn't figured out yet.

He continued at this time: "What do you think of Xueno?"

"It's really big brother!" Yukino looked at Morika with admiration, "This kind of story is really interesting!"

"Well, Xuenao, what do you think would be better for the ending of the story? Cannian is the ending? Reunion?"

Senxia asked curiously.

"Well, this is a little bit subtle." Xue Nai seemed unsatisfied with the ending of these two designs.

"If you have a happy reunion, although it is very happy, generally speaking, it is difficult to make a deep impression on the story of this situation. But if the ending of this story is too cruel, my heart hurts again... "

Yukino seemed to have gone deep into the story.

After thinking about the story for a while, Yukino felt that although such a story could be very interesting, but a cruel ending, as the creator Yukino herself, she could not bear it.

"Although the protagonist of the day on the campus is miserable, but that kind of character was designed to let him be hatched by everyone, but in such a story, the swordsman is very distressing."

Senxia nodded.

Yes, such a swordsman grows up in suffering and darkness. If there is another dark ending in the end, and then he says that his heart has been sublimated... Senxia feels that she can't do it.

My wife died, and then he said that he had seen the world thoroughly?

If it were Senxia himself, he would probably say "Fuck him!", and then simply **** the world together.

To paraphrase the famous line of Liu Subaru, the protagonist of China, that is, "Even my beloved woman can't be saved, I'm still a fart fairy!"

The heroine forcibly died has nothing in the plot. The fairy is for great freedom and great freedom, if even the girl can't save... I am a fairy, and there is a fart of freedom?

"Well, in the end, let's let the swordsman point to the world!" Senxia said simply.


Although Yukino is fluent in Chinese, Morinka's line is the future Internet language, and Yukino is confused at this time.

"Uh, let the swordsman fight the villain directly for the girl at the end, and then go to fight the decent thing after the fight is over."

After playing the villain, play decent.

Of course, this "decency" is not the decency standing on the side of the protagonist, but the decency standing in the eyes of others.

"Let me think about it. In the final crisis, it should be to fight the last rebel, and then the heroine died to save the swordsman, or was contaminated...or, what does the heroine do with the heroine..."

Similar to kill the villain and PK the decent work, one thing Mori can remember is "The Legend of Heroes 4 Vermilion Tears"-not the later WIN remake, but the original DOS version.

In the original version, the protagonist Yabin (Avin in the WIN version) finally eliminated the two gods of darkness and light in succession.

The plot is actually very interesting.

But the problem is that in the later reset version of Vermillion Blood, there is no such arrogance at the end of the story.

This is also some regrets that Moriha has for Pharaoh...So, when will the Legend of Heroes 7 series come out? The Legend of Heroes 6 has too many trajectories series!

Pharaoh Control himself didn't seem to plan to do this, but Senxia planned to learn from this story a little bit.

After all, this kind of feeling for the sake of the girl is really very exciting.

This kind of plot is the pursuit of our generation!

After Yabin killed Okurtom, he went on to kill Barudos... Well, that's the way it is!

Senxia thinks this feeling is still very good.

"The villain needs her as a key to unlock his seal, and for decency, the heroine's existence is also a factor of instability. It can even be said that the heroine's existence makes them feel threatened." Sen Xia said.

"Um...I think we should design it like this." Xue Na felt that Morinka's statement was not very appropriate, so she sorted out her thoughts, and then said: "In our story, what the decent is doing, I I think it should be in line with human nature and common sense, but it is better to make readers unacceptable."

Hearing Yukino's words, Morinya stopped his hands typing on the keyboard, and he looked at Yukino's side: "Specifically?"

Xue Na nodded: "Everyone should be acceptable to the decent people, but at this time, their behavior should be unbearable in the players' minds."

"This... seems to be fine too."

Precisely knowing that the heroine's sacrifice is necessary, so everyone guesses it can only be accepted in pain. But on the other hand, everyone can't accept this ending, and it will be emotionally difficult to bear.

At this time, let the player's emotions be released in one breath... Well, this kind of effect will be very good.

"Because it is unacceptable, everyone will be moved when the swordsman makes an unexpected move." Senxia also showed a smile on her face.

That's right, what we need is this feeling!

Knowing that everyone can't accept it, and knowing that it is necessary, when the swordsman makes such an action, it will be moving.

"However, if the protagonist simply enters the underworld or heaven for the heroine, it would be too cliche..."

Senxia feels that although this kind of plot is interesting, sometimes it is easy to fall into clichés.

"...Eh, isn't it interesting?" Xue Na felt that the plot was pretty good.

Morika patted her head.

Well, it is certainly good for Yukino to stand in front of the people of this era to appreciate such a plot. After all, this is an era when the routine is not mature.

But Senxia still couldn't accept such a simple and rude operation.

"This kind of story happened in the Tiangong Temple many years ago! We want something more special!"

Well, fortunately, this kind of story has been used by the predecessors, and now Morinka finds an example to refute it, which is actually quite simple.

Upon hearing Morinka's words, Yukino here nodded.

Senxia organized her own language, and then said her own views: "So, if we are here, we simply set up a big crisis or something, such as the crisis of world extinction. At this time, we need The heroine makes up for it. But what the hero does is unexpected-you see, how about postponing this world crisis to ten billion years later?"


Xue Na was not quite able to understand what his brother said ten billion years later.

Moriha sorted out his own language, and then explained: "The protagonist does not necessarily have to solve this problem, but can transform the problem willfully through his own means. Therefore, he does not have to solve the problem, but can pass Some way to postpone the problem, if it can’t be solved now, then let the people in the future solve it, and throw this big crisis to the end of time—for example, this kind of thing will lead to ten billion years later.

Morika’s idea is also more complicated. He borrowed Nasu’s ideas, and then he continued: “After 10 billion years, this matter may have more serious consequences, such as the destruction of the universe. But. For players billion years is too long, so there will be no real feelings. Then we can solve the crisis through this method...maybe."

"But in this case, is there really no problem?" Xue Nao felt that it was still not perfect in this case.

"Well, how about linking with the protagonist's heart? At this time, the swordsman believes in people in his heart, and he believes that people in the future will always have a way to solve all this." Senxia said, "Even, He can bear everything, endure everything by himself, and use his own'means' to bear the weight of this life."


Yukino didn't say a word, Senxia's thoughts made her think, but Yukino didn't seem to want to specifically whether it was better to do this.

But in any case, a "Legend of Sword and Fairy 2" that is completely different from another world line will be born.


The sun sword is thin or something, you are so dirty, and as a result, even the author is dirty...Oh oh...

At the beginning of the track series, it was actually part of the Legend of Heroes series, but many new players probably don't know it. The Kakabu trilogy is actually really good!

Today's two in one!

Author Jun Jue praise Meow Meow!

Ship B is related, the last shot finally came out of Washington, relieved...

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