Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1185: Survive the war!

"...So why do we come to survive the war?"

Wearing camouflage uniforms all the way, and picking up the water gun, Senxia still looked dazed.

"Well, isn't this great? Let's use force to solve everything."

Qianjia was next to Senxia. As he spoke, he curled up his hair and put on his hat.

Senxia curled her lips.

You said that we are playing e-sports very well, but how did it become like this?

Let's review the situation.

After Yukino and Alice were uncomfortable with each other, the two started a duel.

Yes, duel.

But why is it a survival war?

That's right, not e-sports, but real PK.

Of course, it is not an ordinary human PK, but a survival battlefield where everyone fights with water bullet guns.

"Well, because of close combat, Alice is not Yukino's opponent at all, is it?"

If it was a hand-to-hand fight, Xue Nao would have no suspense in singles.

So Alice put forward this at this time, "I can't beat you, then change to the fairest possible deal!"

Compared to physical fitness, it is obviously a survival war with firearms to decide the outcome, which is much simpler.

To put it simply, survival war is a simulated battle carried out by water bomb guns.

Everyone is divided into two groups of battles, and then a simulated war.

At this moment, Yukino, Himeba, Xiao Koi, Xiao Tou, Lily, Chika and Morika form a team, and on the other side, Alice, Ma Hitomi, Ayana, Xiao Tou, Xiao Haruka, Kiritani Taka and Lihua formed a team. A team.

The four of Xiyan and Yousu are in charge of hosting.

The game is seven to seven.

"Why is this, why did I and Yukino-sama were put in different groups..."

On the other side, True Hitomi was caught in resentment.

"Well, it was decided by the lottery anyway. I am unwilling to be separated from Xiao Love." Kanzaki Haruka, who was assigned to this group, also patted Zhen Hitomi's shoulder.

The game is seven against seven, except for Alice and you, everyone else is the group determined by drawing lots.

The result is a tragedy like this one.

"But we use the villa as a battlefield, is there really no problem?"

It was Lihua who was talking, and she walked to Senxia's side: "Will the things here be broken?"

"It's okay, it's just a water polo ball," Morinka laughed, "and it was used to play games before, otherwise we wouldn't find so many survival game items in the warehouse."

Yes, these props were found by Senxia in the villa.

The reason why they proposed this survival war is also because of this.

"In the past, this place was often used as an entertainment and vacation room for other employees, so there are still a lot of entertainment equipment in it, such as a karaoke under the house, as well as direct access to hot springs and table tennis. Table." Morinia explained to Lihua.

"It turned out to be like this."

"Yeah, this is also such a place." Morinya said, "but maybe there will be more interesting things here."

Although he thinks survival war is outrageous, Morinka doesn't hate this "duel" method. On the contrary, he thinks survival war is very interesting.

"The game is divided into three rounds and two wins." Xi Yan began to explain the rules at this time. "The first round of the game is an offensive and defensive battle mode. One side is responsible for offense, the other is responsible for defense, and the defender must guard the flag on the top floor of the villa. If the offensive team brings the flag back to its position, it is considered a victory for the offensive team. On the contrary, if the flag is not captured within the specified time, then the defender wins. The flag must be held by the surviving team member, and after the death, The flag must be thrown down, one warning for violation of the rules, and a direct penalty for three violations. The attacker and the defender will each play three games, each cross-playing, and finally a three-to-three tie is considered."

Everyone listened quietly.

Xi Yan continued to explain at this time: "The second game is the attack mode. You must guard your respective positions. If the enemy breaks the position, it is considered a failure. The condition for breaking the position is to hold the local position for one minute— —And there can be no people from the enemy camp on the battlefield. Also attack each other for three games."

"The last game is the survival and annihilation battle mode. The two sides fight with the entire forest as the battlefield to determine the outcome."

"How do I feel that this setting can be directly used as a game mode in the game?" Qianjia murmured.

"Well, because this is the model I designed, but I just thought it was fun, so I asked Xi Yan to take it over and use it." Senxia shook her head.

"Huh? Do you still want to do first-person shooting games?" Qianjia asked in surprise.

"Well, that's it, but the settings of this game are somewhat different from the current game settings."

Well, what Senxia is talking about is actually the game of Wilderness Action.

This game is a battle royale game. Simply put, everyone parachutes to a town, and then they have to survive and become the winner, and everyone else must be killed.

Because this game has a line at the end of "good luck, eat chicken tonight", everyone ridiculed this line as "eating chicken", and similar games are also called "chicken eating game."

Eating chicken or something, although it is a ridicule, but this design has a similar gameplay in survival games.

But a special point about the chicken game is that there are more people watching it than playing it. On Moriha's side, he is going to take G's fat V company, and then develop a similar chicken-eating game, and then take advantage of the online platform here to synchronize the game to the live broadcast platform.

But these things haven't been done yet. The wave of game mechanics on Senxia's brains has ended up being used by the people on his side.

"Hahahaha, let you see the combat effectiveness of my spear king Tonggu!"

Takatani took the water bullet gun and shot it up to the sky with pleasure.

"Tonggu, let me tell you that in each game, we can only use 30 bullets, and you have just used up five rounds." Senxia complained.

"Huh?" Tonggu was shocked.

"In the first game, there was no ammunition supply."

In the first game, ammunition supplies are not provided. In the second game, the supply points will be placed at the bases of both sides. In the third game, the supply of ammunition is randomly arranged nearby.

In fact, Senxia originally wanted everyone to have no equipment, and then pick up guns and ammunition in the jungle, and then PK each other.

However, it is a pity that it seems a little bit early for the real world to want to play the chicken game like this.

Hearing Morinha's words, Takatani Takashi here was dumbfounded.

"Well, the game hasn't started yet, can I add something?"

This fool panicked.

He quickly came to Xi Yan's side.

Xi Yan did not speak, but looked at Senxia.

Senxia saw the tragic appearance of Takatani Takashi at this time, and couldn't help but smile: "Ahhhhhhhhh, let's help Axiao replenish the ammunition. After all, the game has not yet started."

After hearing Morinha's words, Xiyan nodded, and then took out the bullet from the water gun to help Takayuki Kiriya supplement.

"Kukuku, I am the queen of postmodern arms, the super-vampire arms queen from the next 22nd century!"

After Lily picked up the water gun, the whole setting changed.

"Aren't you the eldest vampire lady who has lived for a thousand years?" Senxia spit out this fake loli.

There is no way not to complain. There are too many slots, and Senxia can't help it.

"Yes, but I am also a true ancestor from the 22nd century!" Lily set herself up, "I... I am a vampire who has lived for a thousand years. In this thousand years of history, I have read it all over. After the vicissitudes of the world, when the concubine body came back to his senses, the time has come to the 22nd century, and at this time, the concubine body encountered the strongest and most evil iron dragon of fashion. My ancestor, but he was born to be unable to deal with this bloodless monster, so the concubine body had to design to exile it into the void, and the concubine body also returned to the 20th century with the cracks of time and space!"

Fuck, the additional setting of Antarctica is enough to write a million words!

Senxia spit out strongly in her heart.

"Oh, oh, it's pretty good," Ji Ye, who had just changed his clothes, also leaned over, "This is very interesting."

"So Senior Jiye, don't join in the fun either. The more Lily joins in the fun, the more she will get second grade!"

I was guilty of embarrassment in Secondary Two.

"Hey, isn't this fun? I rarely come here with everyone, Senxia-kun, do you treat me like this?"

Ji Ye pouted.

But Senxia fell into speechlessness.

If Qianjia is the kind of pleasure criminal who does whatever he wants, then Ji Ye is the kind of pleasure criminal with a black belly.

No matter what Qianjia does, she follows her heart. Of course, the bigger the bustle, the better it looks.

But Ji Ye is the kind that sees you embarrassed and uncomfortable, she will fall into a happy mood.

All in all, Ji Ye is more incomprehensible than Qian Jia in some respects.

"Senior, your belt is not fastened." At this moment, Senxia heard Xiao Tou's voice, he came behind her, and then helped Senxia pull out the corner of her clothes by the belt.

"Thank you."

Little through little angel!

Senxia sighed in her heart.

Compared with the intriguing girls in front of me, it turns out that only the friendship between our pure men is the most touching!

Senxia sighed.

He is not humble, he is really tired when he is with these girls!

Speaking of which, I feel completely relaxed when I am with Yousu.

Oh, by the way, if you are chatting with strange girls, you don't seem to have to worry about that much.

Well, it's like when I was chatting with True Hitomi before, Morika felt that the kind of chat with True Hitomi was quite comfortable.

"But when do we have to wait?" Kiriya Taka asked again.

"Well, you have to wait for the battlefield to be set up." Qianjia was not in a hurry.

And here Morinia also said: "It should be soon."

Since it is a survival war, the battlefield must be set up.

This mountainous land belongs to the Tianhai family...No, to be precise, the entire Hokkaido belongs to the Tianhai family.

So in this place, there is no problem if you want to adjust the street or something.

The attacking team’s position is in the open space and warehouse on the other side of the road, while the defending team’s position is in the room.

Before the war, the three of Youqi and the others needed to protect all computers and other electronic supplies, and then knock down the table and drag and drop it, or open and lock the warehouse door to change the layout of the room.

When the time is over, the entire battlefield can be settled.

Senxia looked at the time, it was almost time.

"Yo Xi. Let's start preparing for the exercise." Qianjia said, "Since we are going to compete, we also need to warm up."

Hearing Yukino's words, everyone nodded.

It is not good if there is a physical problem in the game, and the necessary warm-up exercises are still needed.

Senxia walked to Xue Nao's side, "Xuno, it's too much to wait for a while!"

"Eh, why did your brother say that?" Xueno had already started preparing for exercise, but her eyes were always focused on Alice on the other side.

Senxia worried that Yukino had done too much here, so she exhorted.

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Modifying! There was a bug! ! ! Modification!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise! Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise! Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

Modifying! There was a bug! ! !

Hehe, revise and revise!

"Huh, we have set up the battlefield!"

At this moment, Kenichi Aso and the three of them had already walked out.


Retribution was received, the manuscript was deleted by hand, and the whole Amakusa Lake was wiped out... You are satisfied!


Sad two in one...

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