Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1227: Run wild on the road of krypton gold game

No one is there to interfere, and Morinya can start creating.

Originally, Morinka wanted to cooperate with Teacher Erdaime.

According to Mori Xia's knowledge, teacher Erdaime is also a young and beautiful girl. Although it is a pity that I haven't seen the other side's face, anyway, everyone has cooperated. Mori Xia has to sign the other party.

Although it was written for Xiaohuangwen's debut, but the work of the second generation teacher Alohir is definitely a fine product.

Well, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a boutique among the boutiques.

The large-scale plot in "Brave New World" was completed with the help of the second generation teacher. People's view of the overall situation and the setting of the world line are not inferior.

Anyway, Morinka thinks that teacher Erdaime’s work is excellent.

But the problem is that for this work now, Moriha must do it herself.

As for what to ask others to do, it is absolutely impossible.

Otherwise, Senxia extremely doubted that Qianjia-senpai would warmly teach herself the super easy-to-understand principle that people will die if they die.

If you can't be lazy, you can only do it yourself.

After confirming the world view with Qianjia-senpai last time, here is the content first.

This part is mainly needed when making games.

The card drawing mechanism of the game is mainly to draw weapons and equipment and heroes (stigmata).

Since it is a krypton gold game, these of course need krypton gold to get.

Of course, this is not entirely derived from krypton gold.

There are no Krypton players and white prostitutes, as well as Micro Krypton and Little Krypton players. If the game experience cannot be improved for these people, there are also problems.

And how to say it.

The consumption concept of modern people has not changed. The "build" lottery model like Jianniang may be better than the pure krypton gold lottery.

"So, in theory, if the player hoards resources and then starts construction, then in theory, they can still get the ‘sage seal’ and weapons they want."

But from another aspect, the degree of freedom of this game is very high, so this kind of random mode is more convenient for players to make different matches and team up.

"In this regard, the numerical planning is done well."

The game value must make each game method get the best state experience, if it is not done well... well, then probably the planning can only be used to sacrifice to the sky.

Well, if you think about it this way, are we looking for a plan to sacrifice to heaven?

By the way, didn’t the fellow Tong Gu Xiao always want a job related to ACG, or invite him over, if the player is dissatisfied, take him to the heaven...

Hmm, yes, yes, it's so pleasant!

Senxia felt that there was no problem.

Numerical matters are left to the numerical value.

"Then you need a house."

Housing, furniture, etc., these krypton gold spots can also be present. Of course, this kind of gameplay is more about enriching the content of the game.

"Well, but it's a krypton gold game after all, so there is no way to be like Brave New World."

Brave New World is a game with a particularly high degree of freedom. In the game, players can also act as blacksmiths or other professions.

But during the voyage of the starship, it was obviously impossible to do so.

So, to what extent is it better for players to do it?

After all, Morinka's game is to be ergonomic and gentleman oriented, and it is not necessary to work hard towards the Krypton game.

So some additional systems can still be done.

But in the "future magic" world, some systems are not needed.

"Well, but the equipment forging and transformation system can still be left." Morinya weighed it up. He felt that this system could still be left, but it could not be used as a special profession, but as a part of the system. .

The sacred seal can break through, the equipment can come again, and similar systems exist in various works. In short, there is no need for similar professions.

After all, this is the "future magic", everything is automated and modern, so there is no need to build it all at once.

But since it is a high degree of freedom game, other systems are still needed.

These can be adjusted according to the part of "Brave New World".

Hunters, archaeology... um, you can have them all.

In the plot, going to various worlds to investigate is the main production activity of the players.

Of course, you said it is okay to go directly to fight all the way to be an adventurer, or go to the rear to engage in production.

But since it is ergonomics, Senxia naturally chose the project with the most ergonomic time group.

Well, Morinka’s choice of career here is actually based on the gentleman's plot and praise in "Brave New World".

For example, there are many stories about archaeological explorers in Brave New World, and various ergonomics and equipment are also derived from scripts with similar themes. Many players have received high praise, and this system Moriha directly adopted.

Because this system satisfies the gameplay, but also has a lot of things that can be done very gentlemanly.

The gentleman is the main body!

Of course, these main tasks are not for Morinia to do, Morinia basically gives some simple examples here, that's enough.

What Senxia is going to do now is the overall content of the game. Worldview background or something.

Although it is a krypton gold game, whether it is Morinia or Qianjia, it can be said that it is a story party, and there is no story that hardly plays games.

Because of this, the plot aspect needs attention.

"The three ultimate enemies of the plot, the enemy of time, space, and intelligence..."

Qianjia is very interested in the final BOSS set by Morinya. These three existences hidden in the deepest part of the darkness are the most important part of the story.

However, as a plot, the enemy of time and the enemy of space are too broad, and it is difficult to resonate with players.

"The most important villain in that story should be part of the'Enemy of Intellect'."

Well, for example, "enemies of civilization" or "enemies of primates".

Intellect refers to all the sparks of thinking in the universe. It is the rhythm of the universe. The so-called "intelligence" can be human beings, amphibians, AI, or even the planet itself. , It may also be the collective will of the universe.

The enemy of intelligence is the enemy of the universe itself.

If the enemy of time and space are the interfering elements of time and space, then the enemy of intelligence is the enemy of thought and thinking, the "absolute despair" that makes everything return to chaos.

After determining the "absolute despair" compulsion, the rest of the settings only need to be added to this, that's it.

Then, the "main thread of the world" in the story is a small part of this absolute despair.

Enemies of civilization, enemies of primates, or enemies of magic, technology, or society. This can be varied.

Although it is a gentleman, it is precisely because it is a gentleman game, so this aspect needs to be brushed up!

Behind it is huge despair, and in front is a substantial crisis. In this case, the entire background worldview is formed in this way.

Of course, although it is the "main line of the world", in the world of "Starship Voyage", the universe is extremely wide and the world is extremely numerous. The role played by the player may be just the ocean in all of this. It's just a drop, so if it's specific to the players, they can proceed with the story according to their wishes.

In the plot, the characters controlled by the player are ordinary people on the earth who are healed in Mid-Zilda. After the treatment is completed, these people also have magical talents. You can do what you want according to your own ideas. Things.

Putting it in "Brave New World", this simple opening can consume tens of thousands of words of text, and the cultivation time can be very long, but this kind of content is not suitable for the world of starship voyage.

In the world of starship voyage, after the player has healed himself, he can choose to go to high school in Mid-Zilda, join the army, or sign up as a hunter.

"Well, in this case, the house can also be used as a point. At the beginning everyone lived in an ordinary house, but then everyone can choose a better house, and even buy their own spaceship..."

Senxia couldn't help but think of the game Star Citizen in his mind, but then he shook his head quickly and shook the super pit from his head.

Other situations are hard to say, but if you really become an interstellar citizen...the kind of big pit, Senxia hasn't wanted to jump down...

After all, for the gentleman game, other systems are just as long as they are suitable. There is no need to study how much thrust each part of the spacecraft generates.

A modest system is sufficient.

As for when to dig deeper... Well, if this system is really well received, in order to make money, you must dig deeper!

Well, all in all, this is probably the setting.

"Although you are very interested in this game, why do I never feel that it is all about making money as a priority?"

"Making money, of course, is to make money... Wow, senior sister?!"

Senxia was writing on Xing's head, and Qianjia's sudden voice directly caused Senxia to kneel down.

"How did you come in?" Qianjia suddenly appeared in Senxia's office, making Senxia almost speechless.

Qian Jia did not speak, but pointed to the back of the office.

Senxia found that there was... there is a door.

"Eh? When was this installed?" Senxia looked dumbfounded.

"Because I think this door is necessary in order to see Senxia anytime and anywhere, whether you are lazy." Qian Jia nodded and stared at Senxia here.

"Uh-" Senxia Children's Shoes said that she was speechless.

Senxia’s next door is Qianjia’s office. If you come from Qianjia’s office to Senxia, ​​it would be nice to walk in directly.

"Is doing a web game design?" Qianjia asked.

"Well, it's almost the same. I'm writing about things here. Write down the thoughts first, and then slowly sort them out and let someone else do it."

The club’s work is not just a simple game production. Depending on the orientation, the club’s own work needs to be designed from content to operation. However, as a representative of the wealthy and willful, Senxia Children’s Shoes said, of course, it is based on its own. Here comes the way.

We are the boss, we have the final say.

Senxia stared at Qianjia here. Qianjia seemed very interested. She was still curious about what Senxia wrote.

"I look at other games. You don't seem to care about making money. Why are you so concerned about whether you can make money in this game?" Qianjia asked curiously.

"It's not that you can make money." Morinya shook her head, "But if you can make a profit, it will be the best."


"Because this game is a new type of game, there is no finished work in web games so far, but our work is different." Mori Xia said, "This is a new type of work. If we If the profit can be guaranteed, this will be able to gradually make the industry live-this is the same as the number of copycats of "Trajectory of Heroes", but the number of copycats of "Brave New World" is very few."

The hero locus game is an absolute gold-sucking weapon, but Brave New World, a sparsely profitable game, has a good reputation, but there are very few manufacturers willing to do this kind of If the game of "Ship Voyage" can play an exemplary role, it is naturally excellent, because it may be able to create and revitalize the entire industry.

This is one of the reasons why Senxia is so caring.

Being able to directly start the engine of an industry naturally requires profit-even if it is for others.

And if this game fails, the development of web games may even be slower than the progress of another world line.

"It turns out that it's really better to be alone than a group of people."

The industry needs a leader, but if there is only a leader in the industry, then I am afraid it is really an "industry pill".

"Well, of course, profit is still ranked second, and the strategy of boutique games still needs attention."

Although it is a krypton gold game, Morinatsu still cares about the design of the game system.

"This is a matter of course." Qianjia said, "but the game you designed seems to be really good. Although it is an RPG, it is still different from a normal RPG."

"Of course it's not an ordinary RPG."

Well, this is an RPG of krypton gold drawing card.

Although it hasn't been written down yet, at least in terms of krypton gold, Morinya still cares very much.

How to krypton gold, how to make people willing to krypton gold, if let the people who are not accustomed to krypton gold go to krypton krypton, this is a knowledge.

Teacher Xia Sen, on the cancerous road of Krypton Gold Game, gone forever...


FGO is really a cancer game that changes consumer concepts...

Two-in-one meow~

The author said that he really wanted to play in Brave New World, so he squeezed a piece of paper to do something like this and that...

Meow meow meow……

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