Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1236: Assault... spend money!

Yukino and her friends are very interested in this brain-inspired game. At this moment, they are thinking about how to make a game, and then come to help Morika.

But on the other hand, Morinia at this moment is facing a very serious problem.

"Not good..."

Senxia frowned when she looked at the box office report of "Fate No Sky".

"Yes, it's not good."

Qian Jia also looked at the report in distress.

It has been a month since the release of "Fate of the Sky".

Although I haven't finished the drawing yet, I can see the current box office results and so on.

It is precisely because of this that Morinia and Qianjia are so solemn at this time.

"Ah-no matter how you calculate it, it won't work!" Lihua over there was also shaking her head, and placed in front of her a budget statement.

The three of them just nestled in Senxia's office, thinking.

"It's going to be September now. It's only four months before the end of the year. We don't have much time." Senxia thought.

"So you have to think of a new way-no way, too much money."

"Yes, this box office, I'm afraid it can reach 20 billion."

20 billion-yen.

Of course, this is only a friendly estimate.

But 10 billion, at this moment, is no longer a problem.

Holding this unpublished document in her hand, Morinya felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Yes, on this world line, the collaboration between Teacher Xia Sen and Master Jin Min broke out.

The former Mori Xia didn't care much. For him, "Fate of the Sky" is a work that uses love to generate electricity. Box office or something is not considered at all.

But when the work was released for a month, after the financial statements came out, Morinka realized that things were in trouble.

It's not that it's losing money, it's not that it's making too little.

On the contrary, this work by Master Jin Min is probably going to be recorded in film history.

This fierce box office, in the animation market of the millennium, is simply a carnage.

While Senxia has been busy with the WCG World E-sports competition, the people who really like animation are praising Fate Sky.

In fact, before this time, the media had already predicted the box office of Yuan Zhikong.

But everyone did not notice at that time

After realizing this, Senxia checked the relevant news on the Internet.

As a result, he found that as long as it is discussing forums and topics related to animation, everyone is discussing the void of fate.

It was okay when it was first released, and the work is slowly fermenting.

But just after the start of the WCG qualifiers, Yuan Zhikong's box office has been rising all the way.

Later, Morinka learned that the reason why this happened was that someone made a comment on an animated film on the Internet, and Morinka’s "Fate of the Sky" was regarded as "the last animation film masterpiece of the 20th century." ".

As a result, this comment exploded on the Internet, and it gradually affected offline.

After learning about the works, the elites who can surf the Internet went to see the works.

Is it because the world line is different, the aesthetic sentiment of the people is different?

Senxia found that she seemed to be a little bigger before, and the people's aesthetics were different. Now it seems that she is still too naive.

Excessive box office means excess income.

However, Morinia's budget did not consider the income from this movie at all.

The box office of Yuan Zhikong did not explode on a certain day, but presented a continuous and steady income trend.

This is also one of the reasons for the misjudgment that Moriha had before.

After that, Senxia didn't care about this matter.

But when Senxia "stocked", things changed.

The income of the entire work began to rise.

Of course, this is a good thing.

But for the current Morinatsu, or for the current Musashino, this matter is a bit subtle.

Because-this money is too much.

More money means more taxes to be paid, and Nihong's business tax can reach 30 to 40%. In other words, this time the movie seems to have a lot of money, but in addition to deducting the share to the theater, the remaining money will also be subject to income tax, and this nearly half of the funds will be collected in vain.

Of course, this tax can also be evaded, as long as the funds are used and reinvested, such a waste of meat can be avoided.

Well, in other words, after making a big vote by surprise, what Senxia needs to do now is...spend money as a surprise.

"The money must be spent before the end of the year!" Senxia said decisively.

"Well, the money will have no effect if it stays here, so let's invest it again." Qian Jia also said.

"But Musashino doesn't have enough manpower to invest anymore. The previous works are already full, whether it's "Earth Defense Boy", "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha" or "Lelouch the Rebellious" second Season, we are already doing it, and there is no shortage of funds."

With Lihua, the housekeeper, Morinia's funds were arranged very properly.

The entire industry around Morinia headed by A company, the capital chain is very healthy, the previous profit utilization rate, under the control of Lihua, is already very high.

But because of this, when there was extra income here, Senxia fell into distress—because the money was too much to be troublesome.

If the money is not used, it will only be collected for nothing.

All in all, whether the money is used for food and drink or reinvested, it is better than simply staying here.

Such things as rush money actually exist in many places.

"If you want to invest in a short while, I'm afraid it won't work, but you should be able to find a project within this year." Morinia muttered.

After all, there is still a little half a year, and I cannot say that there is no chance at all.

The key is how to use this money.

"I think we can update the equipment for Musashino and prepare a new office." Morinka said.

"Well, I agree with the former, and with the latter, the place we chose at the time, on the Musashino side, is already very good."

Senxia was also muttering when she heard Qianjia's words.

"This can be done," Lihua said, "but even so, it won't cost much, right?"

Yes, it doesn't cost much.

If the company moves or something, it is definitely not necessary, and the rest is to update the equipment. Although it takes a lot of money to make such a thing, it costs tens of billions of dollars at the box office. It can be said that it is really not a simple matter to spend the money in surprise.

"But to say that we continue to open a project, it seems not very good."

With so much money, there is one more good thing about Morinia's new work on his side, so you don't have to worry about money.

But at most, a work only needs two to three billion yuan.

And blindly expanding productivity is actually not good, because in this way, it will only reduce the productivity and quality of your own side. After all, it is not so easy for the new recruits to master the skills.

What's more, it is not a good thing to rashly expand the size of the club. The size of the club suddenly expands and there are too many unstable factors.

Morinka made a rough calculation. After the first round, the funds at his disposal were over 3 billion yen, if not to mention, if he really wants to do this, he can only let Musashino more. Open it, but it hurts at all.

As for embezzling the parent company to make games?

Uh-Senxia is not short of money.

As for the Order of the Phoenix, what it lacks is not money, but influence, and this influence cannot be achieved by simply relying on funds—you can burn Sony if you burn it!

But how should I put it? It is really uncomfortable to keep the money for development, and to pay close to half of the tax.

You know, this money is enough for Senxia to buy some companies!

Hey, wait, that's a good idea.

"——We might as well go to a certain eastern country or lighthouse country with the money, and then buy a company well, how about it?"

This is how Moriha thought of.

With this money, it is not impossible to use it to make an acquisition or something.

No, it would be better to say that it is a good choice to buy some companies now.

The animation clubs in the mud bomb are all small and beautiful.

But Senxia can't do that.

"Industry pills"!

Although the industry pill can be said to be a kind of ridicule to a certain extent, from another perspective, this sentence can be regarded as a little portrayal for the future of the entire mud bomb animation industry.

Animation companies have almost no right to speak during production. As for whether the works can be sold, it has no impact on animation companies, because animation companies can only get simple production costs. , As for the quality of the work and whether it makes money, it has nothing to do with them, because no matter how popular the work is, it can only benefit the "production committee".

Musashino on Morika’s side does not plan to use the production committee mode. Although they used the production committee mode to borrow chickens and lay eggs, it was correct, but that was what they did when there was no money—even at that time, here Most of the profits were also taken away by the production committee.

For example, "Girls Fall in Love with Sister", Sony, who was fooled by Morinya, is actually the one that made the most money.

As for Musashino, the main reason is to gain fame and experience.

But Morinka no longer planned to do that.

If there is a production committee, the right to speak is in the hands of the production committee. Although Morinka used to pull investment, the constraints in this area are also very serious.

Why is it said that the pill of the mud bomb industry?

Because this production committee model is very troublesome, and in the industry, it is probably Kyoto Animation.

When Kyoto Animation made the Haruhi Suzumiya series, it was very emotional. Although Haruhi sold well, the big head was obtained by Kadokawa, and Kyoto itself was just earning some hard money.

After this, Kyoto learned from the pain and opened its own library, which is one of the reasons.

And the facts have proved that Kyoto’s actions are actually quite correct-although his works are all magically modified, but things like "Love in the Second Disease" are both good reputations and profits, even if not The big explosion can also return costs and profits, and maintain its own creative vitality, which other manufacturers cannot do.

So now that he has money, Morinka wants to imitate Kyoni and stand up Musashino too. If possible, imitating a certain eastern country is also a good choice. After all, Shangmeiying is in Senxia's hands.

"Only such Musashino can concentrate on helping us make animations here. I think it's good." Mori Xia said, "Anyway, our Musashino will not make other works besides our own and original works. So this should be just right."

In other words, Musashino is not very willing to accept offers from other companies-the so-called yuan invites are similar to contracting. When many animation companies have insufficient capabilities, they will invite other animation companies to help. Others will also take on this kind of business for their own profits and profits.

But Musashino is different.

Musashino is an animation company dedicated to A company. Apart from the works of A company, it only has its own original works.

In fact, even if this is the case, there are many works on Musashino’s side that can’t be done. For example, "Earth Defense Boy", Musashino’s side is just undertaking collaborative work, because the construction period here is really no The way is free-after all, "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha is about to go online.

"A certain oriental country is also very busy now, right? I remember that the animation that I was doing there had a theatrical version of Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Blue Cat?"

After Shangmei Film was acquired, the whole thing began to move.

The masterpiece currently being made over there is the popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which everyone has collaborated with, that is, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms-but on the Nihung side, it is directly called the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

As for the theatrical version of Blue Cat, it will be the theater version that will be shown to children next year.

As for the Japanese version of Blue Cat, it is naturally doing it.

There... well, there is actually not much strength left over there.

"Wait a minute." Lihua stood up and said, "The acquisition is okay, but it is too hasty to start the acquisition suddenly. If it is to be done, I hope that we can strengthen our weak links."

"Weak links..." Senxia touched her chin, "Well, if you look at it this way, we really have a lot of weaknesses."

"The business we are involved in is a bit messy. Although a club will become a comprehensive group in the process of becoming stronger, we still have many shortcomings in these aspects," Lihua said, "animation, games, and consoles. , There are voice actors, especially voice actors. Our office here has only three voice actors and an agent. If we are not specialized in this area, I think we can arrange Nana and others to other voice actors. ——We only need to have the right to speak in that matter."

"It's true... but when it comes to voice actors, I have some ideas... well, a very interesting note."


The author finished this chapter crying.

Forcibly four more...

He spurted and died...

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