Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1278: The set thing... can you sell meat!

"Huh, I'm back..."

After returning to her home, Morinya let out a sigh of relief.

The World E-Sports Competition has successfully concluded.

However, after Yukino and others all went home, Morika was still stayed.

No way, contacting various game manufacturers is such a tiring task.

In the end, Senxia chose to choose... Well, well, it was actually delegated to the following.

"This is what the boss should do." Senxia let out a sigh, and then lay on the sofa.

"With all due respect, as the heir of the Tianhai family, your master's efficiency is indeed very low. Learning to appoint subordinates and equipment is something that must be paid attention to."

"Um... I was speechless." Senxia scratched her head.

"Our Tianhai family has many management talents. They are firm and strong and will not betray. They are the best choice." Xi Yan said.

Senxia turned her face from the sofa, and then looked at Xi Yan: "I have been to Tianhai Village. I think everyone really loves it, but how did our family find so many cute girls?"

Not only is it cute, but each has special effects, and the loyalty is super high. What is going on?

"Because those are from our Tianhai family," Xi Yan said, "everyone is carefully selected by the Tianhai family."

Hey hey hey, you say that, how do I feel that our house is like something like an abyss devil's cave? !

"Well... Forget it, everyone thinks it's okay anyway, and I don't have any problem." Senxia didn't think he would go to these painful things, he got up with difficulty, then walked to his room, and opened it. computer.

Morinka already knew about the start of sales of MUV-LUV.

And Senxia also knows that this game is already on the rise, and the sales volume is rushing to 100,000 sets.

But having said that, after the Mithril platform, sales of similar games have risen very sharply. The sales of many games have doubled and doubled. The previous 100,000 sets of Galgame sales can be said to be very eye-catching. , But up to now, 100,000 sets are not impossible for many game companies. As for a large eastern country, the sales of many games have exceeded one million.

Uh... the latter doesn’t actually count, because it’s an electronics with a price of more than a dozen yuan plus a physical book. It really doesn’t make any money, and all the money earned is subsidies-and the subsidies are all soft sister coins. Used for domestic reinvestment in a large eastern country.

It is impossible for a large eastern country to subsidize Japanese yen or U.S. dollars, but when subsidizing soft sister coins, the opposite is quite generous-and the production positions and economic benefits provided by OEMs, these subsidies are simply trivial. .

Pulled away.

Moriha opened her e-mail, which contained sales data from company A.

"Sales are very good..."

Sales are very good and strong.

Senxia nodded, and then entered the game review area of ​​the Mithril platform.

The favorable rate is 95%.

"Let me take a look at the negative reviews..."

The good reviews seem to be very pleasant, but in addition to the bad reviews, some words are still very good.

But after reading the first negative review, Morinya was messed up in the wind.

"It's over! It's over! After I played this game, my mind was full of BT sauce! This game is poisonous, it will change your sexuality and turn you into an opportunistic lover! Qing Lily or something, it is simply Fraud!"

The support rate of this comment is more than 300, with the highest comment section.

"Ahhhh, BT is so loving, I really want to marry him, he is obviously my boy!"

Well, this is also a bad review.

"After playing the game, I began to wonder about life. Do I really like girls? Why is a robot with such a strong boyfriend? How can it be repaired!"


Senxia's face gradually became dull.

"So, someone brought the rhythm..."

After all, he is an old driver, and Senxia understood after seeing it.

The first few classmates might really give bad reviews because they found that their sexual habits had changed, but those who followed, clearly saw that the previous people’s statement was interesting, so they said it deliberately.

Fortunately, there are not many similar comments.

The players are still very positive about the story.

After all, not everyone is the same as Ken Aso and belongs to the rational party. Most people prefer to watch the lily and meat in the story.

In the story, Huang Weiyi "defected" as an excellent trainee about to graduate. Therefore, in the story, Huang Weiyi's combat uniform is a semi-transparent "training uniform" throughout.

Although it is the first heroine of the story, Huang Weiyi's number of CGs is very large, and the transparent training clothes with the feeling have made many players shine.

Well, Morinka also shines.

By the way, this setting is Senxia's own private goods.

In Xue Nao's original setting, Huang Weiyi changed his clothes after defecting, including looking for a new battle uniform.

But Senxia felt that such a good translucent dress design would be too wasteful if it was not used, so he suggested that Xue Nao can let Huang Weiyi wear it all the time.

From the outside, it looks like a transparent latex garment covered with white in a key place. The inner body is exposed, but the key part can’t be seen. At the same time, it makes people’s appetites appetite. I won’t show it to you, this kind of itching feels a bit uncomfortable, but I can’t help but want to look at it more to stop my itching heart...

Therefore, after most of the plot, Huang Weiyi wore this suit, and at most he put on a cloak outside. Even if he entered the city, he would wear this suit inside for a primer.

For this reason, Morinka and Yukino also added additional settings to the costumes.

At the beginning, this was just ordinary clothes, but after adding settings, it became a black technology clothing that can be automatically repaired, and it has effects such as strength enhancement, and in the cockpit, it also has automatic cleaning and drainage functions. ——This is a setting for long-term combat.

In addition, this suit is waterproof, dustproof, bulletproof, heat-insulated, and can filter radiation, so Huang Weiyi cannot easily take off his clothes as long as he is in the wild. The result is that in the story, this suit is not only used as a driving suit, but also as a multi-functional daily wear.

Although it was originally a setting to make the character more tense, during the production process, this setting became more reasonable, and even the setting of the story was perfected... Well, of course, the biggest The reward is that the protagonist Huang Weiyi can wear this translucent training suit with integrity!

Hmm, well-founded and convincing!

Of course, Huang Weiyi in the plot cannot easily accept this kind of shameful clothes. At first, he wore normally because he was used to wearing it during training. But when he was wearing this suit, Huang Weiyi was also Those who need to endure the shame, face an expressionless face when facing the enemy, but when she talks with BT later, she will complain about herself because of what she wears.

Then, BT in the story will in turn use rational words to complain about Huang Weiyi. Although it is a complaint, it can make people feel warm.

In the story, BT never expresses anything like Huang Weiyi, but as long as there is BT, no matter how desperate the whole plot is, it can make people feel at ease.

Well, the reason why many people say that BT is true love is because Huang Wei is in the plot. When she really shows her side as a girl, she is basically in front of BT. As for other girls, she shows masculinity. Up.

"Could it be that Xue Nai is here, is there really such a setting?"

Although the design of the BT-7274 was made by Morinka, the whole story was made by Yukino. Morinka was also uncertain whether Yukino did such a design.

Perhaps it's possible to unintentionally insert willows into shades.

In addition, Morinka's setting of AI has also received a lot of praise on the Internet.

In this era, the Matrix has just become popular all over the world for a few years. The so-called AI is almost a representative role of the opposite in social groups. However, the anti-routine in MUV seems to become a clear stream, making players all Feel refreshing.

Of course, the story is not exactly the so-called opportunistic love.

In other words, in fact, this part does not exist in the game.

In the game, there are many cute sister papers.

For example, in the plot, there is a pair of silver-haired sisters from a big country in the north, nicknamed the red bear country-warriors nicknamed "Scarlet Sisters"-this pair of silver-haired sisters is called Krista · Bachenova and Inya Seschena.

This pair of sisters Hua was one of the people who chased Huang Weiyi in the first place, but as the sister paper who chased the protagonist, of course, the protagonist would catch up.

"Everyone looks pretty satisfied."

After ignoring some negative reviews of "mechanical sex", Senxia found that the players in the plot expressed their liking for Huang Weiyi after Senxia's magic transformation.

"I hope that the fans of Lord Huang Weiyi on the other world line will not hack me across time and space." Morinya murmured.

Although many places in the setting refer to the works of another world line, this set is made by Yukino putting together a large group of people from Morinka and then kneading it.

If seen by Huang Weiyi's true love fans, Senxia's setting would definitely be hacked to death by them.

But Senxia didn't get too entangled with this issue. After all, everyone felt that they liked it, and Senxia was relieved.

Fun is the most important thing.

"Let me see... Well, there are so many female players?"

After reading the reviews on the Mithril platform, Senxia took another look at the proportion of men and women who bought the game. This proportion was as high as 25%. According to a sample survey of emails, the proportion of female players in the purchase of the physical version was also 27%.

In fact, at the beginning of the physical version, the purchase ratio was only about 10%, but recently, the number of female players has risen, and Senxia was stunned.

According to the follow-up message, Senxia found that many of these people are BT who feel that men are overwhelmingly powerful, which is their true love.

Well, after all, it is the AI ​​dubbed by Ono·Universal·Daisuke.

"Fuck, is this ethos really okay?!"

Why are boys and girls running to see the robot?

"Uh-the subject is off! You guys will discuss the Dark Forest for me! Go discuss the Dark Forest!"

What Senxia wants to see most is actually the theory of the dark forest of the universe proposed in the story.

But after he watched for a long time, he found that this kind of discussion did not exist.

Everyone is discussing Mengmei paper and robots, and even many girls also enter the pit game, just for this robot.

Senxia was not reconciled, he went to the forum again.

On the forum, the first group of people have already cleared the customs, and some people even passed the customs in two weeks, so there are many posts on the forum discussing settings and plots.

But how to put it, everyone discussed the most, it really is the story between the BT robot and the aliens like BETA.

Except for Mengmeizhi and who is Huang Weiyi's true love, which is common in galgame discussions, who is born in the story.

Morinia filtered out those talking about roles and nonsense, and focused on the part of the discussion setting.

Then he discovered that these people are entangled with AI and the character of human beings should have a higher fever, and why humans must think AI is evil.

At this time, another "psychologist" jumped out to talk about the uncanny valley theory.

However, before the end of the "psychologist" science popularization, the "biologist" over there jumped out again, saying that he was very interested in carbon-based machinery and wanted to prove whether it could be realized theoretically.

Hey, what about the cold universe?

Are you going to discuss the difference between human ethics and aliens?

Morika said that she was quite speechless.

The content discussed by these "keyboard experts" is obviously not particularly important content in the game, and the content that Mori summer is looking forward to, the number of people discussing can't be said that there is no, but the number is very small.

Although Morinka feels very upset, thinking about it, Morinka feels it can still be understood.

Ni Boom had always liked to be **** and entangled in a certain detail for a long time, but he didn't care about the overall situation.

Throughout the twentieth century Gold went to the black in this way, turning itself into a funny one.

Hmm, yes, yes, I am in black neon gold!

The people here didn't care about the part he buried, and Morinka was quite unhappy.

But looking at the current situation of the Internet, Morinia wants to make these people entangled with AI, and Morinia loves to forcibly reverse the trend, and there is no use of wool.

"Forget it, go to Nanoha's forum."

So far, Nanoha’s game has been on sale for almost a month, and the animation has been played three episodes. I don’t know how the situation here is now...


Are you surprised or surprised?

Author, it’s updated again~


Two-in-one meow meow~

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