Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1295: Hot girl... Chaoyan?


After Asagao appeared on the scene, Morinka realized that her current situation was in a very bad state.

This is not a light novel, and it is not a coincidence.

Yes, everything is inevitable.

If she didn't buy the figure today but went home directly, Shiyin wouldn't be alone here waiting for her for a long time, maybe when she came to this neighborhood at noon, the two would meet.

If you don't want to color things in your heart, you won't go downstairs to buy adult props, and you won't find this weird thing by Shiyin.

If he didn't call Chaoyan, Chaoyan would not come over now, let alone see this almost fatal scene before him.

But everything is over.

Therefore, there is no accident, everything is inevitable.

Senxia pushed herself into the fire pit step by step.

Chaoyan was standing at the door at this moment.

At this moment, Chao Yan was wearing a gray-black coat outside, a woolen sweater and tight skirt underneath, and a pair of thick black tights.

After seeing the scene in front of him, Chaoyan also said a line that was almost fatal.

Then, everything is over.

"Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!"

Shiyin realized something in an instant.

At this moment, she was kneeling and sitting on the ground, and then put her hands and head in front of Senxia. From the perspective of Chaoyan behind Senxia, ​​all of this was a bit... painful.

"——Shiyin, calm down! I called Chaoyansang over—Look, I’m a boy. You can never spend the night with a boy!"

I'm so witty!

Senxia didn't expect that she thought of such a smooth excuse at once.


However, Shiyin could not hear any words anymore, she screamed, then ran into the room, and slammed the door shut.

Well, the room with the door open here is Senxia's own room, Shiyin ran directly into Senxia's room.

This made Senxia a bit speechless.


After Shiyin ran away, Chaoyan slowly walked to Senxia's side.

She smiled, but Senxia didn't think it was funny.

"Well, although you know that you have a vague relationship with other girls, you know and see are two concepts. Mori-kun, I am also a girl, and I will be angry. You Calling me over at this time, do you want us to be your wings together?"

"Ah-Zhaoyan, you misunderstood, and we haven't done anything yet..."



Mori Xia Yu has a god, he always feels that he is wrong, but when he wants to explain, he finds that he is getting more and more wrong.

This is really his meow tragedy.

"Could it be that Senxia-kun, you want to watch me and the girl do things like this and that, and then watch by yourself?"

Compared with boys, Chaoyan is even biased towards women.

"This seems pretty good!"

——Sinxia is impossible to say that.

"You misunderstood, she is Qianjia's younger sister Shiyin! She came here today to bring me something, but she is just a girl, it's so late and it's dark outside, how could I let She left like this! Because of this, I called you, hoping you would stay with her all night."

At this time, it is obviously impossible to seek a love game with Chao Yan.

So Morinya simply portrayed her image right from the beginning.

I am an honest person.JPG


Zhaoyan raised his head and glanced at Morinka, and then he turned to the props used by an adult on the table.

She sighed, "Take it so."

"Cough—" Senxia moved two steps calmly, and went to the table, then reached out and grabbed the adult's belongings in his hand and put it in his purse.

Then he said, "You made a mistake just now. In fact, my trouser belt was tied tightly and couldn't be opened. Shiyin is helping me untie the waistband."

Tsk, this last half sentence, why does it sound so wretched?

"It seems I misunderstood the girl."

Hey hey, how about me! And me!

Senxia continued: "In that case, Zhaoyan, can you please go and cook dinner, neither of us have eaten."

"Okay." Zhaoyan nodded, and then walked over to the kitchen, but after two steps, she turned her head and said to Morika: "Rena hasn't seen you for a while, and she misses you a little bit too. ."


After all, I went to a certain eastern country for a month, and I haven't seen Rena for a while.

Well, it seems that it is impossible to find Zhaoyan to do adult things today, but I will tear down Rena tomorrow and it seems that there is no problem...

While thinking about it, Senxia had already walked to the door of her room at this time.

He knocked on the door, but there was no sound inside.

Senxia had to open the door herself.

In the room, Shiyin had wrapped her whole person in the quilt, and absolutely no body was exposed outside. The whole person was like a little hamster in the quilt, shivering in the mouth of the hunter.

"Shiyin, it's okay, I have explained to Chaoyan, everything just now was a misunderstanding, in fact, it was because my trouser belt couldn't be untied, so you came to help me get it."

At this time, you must not say "In fact, I want you to verify my size" or something, but to avoid the stimulation of poetic sound.

Morinha's practice in the maid team is still very effective, especially for different girls' response measures...cough cough...

"...Um, really?"

After discovering that the matter was not as serious as he thought, Shiyin poked his head out.

"Well, yes, so don't be afraid, there is no problem."

"Who, who is scared! Humph, I just came to look at my bedroom tonight... Well, yes, from now on, this is my room!"

Senxia's room was requisitioned by Shiyin.

I have to say that such a beautiful and cute girl with a little bit of arrogance, just rest in her own room, sleep in her own bed, and then cover her own quilt... This feeling is still great.

But Senxia also knew how embarrassing she would be if Shiyin knew this was her room after that.

In order to avoid the tragic fate of the girl in the future, Morika decided to tell Shion first: "Actually, what I want to say is that this is my room."


Shiyin immediately realized the meaning of Senxia's words.

"I, this...that...tsk, I don't care! This is my room anyway!!"

However, Senxia ignored the tough-mouthed trait of the Tsundere girl. At this time, she straightforwardly told Shiyin the truth, but Shiyin was even more unlikely to change rooms.


Senxia also realized her mistake.

"Um...that's fine. Tonight you will rest with Sister Chaoyan, I will let her prepare a new bedding replacement. Now Sister Chaoyan is helping you make dinner, let's go back together."


After hearing Senxia's words, Shiyin realized that the quilt on her body was Senxia's. She shivered and quickly got up from the bed, which was relieved.

The two returned to the living room together, when Chao Yan had already started cooking.

Senxia came to Xiyan's room at this time and took out two sets of pajamas belonging to her.

"This is my maid Xiyan's pajamas. You can change this tonight." Senxia said to Shion, "I will prepare hot water now. After I have dinner, you will go with Sister Chaoyan. Take a hot bath."

A hot tub is always one of the best ways to relieve fatigue.

Shion is very uncomfortable now, so Morinka decided to let her relieve her tension a little bit.

In addition, Morinia also prepared new towels, toothbrushes and other utensils for Shiyin.

"Eh... I really miss this feeling."

Morinatsu sighed while standing in the bathroom.

Since Xi Yan came to her side...No, the time should have been earlier. When Iki sister was still by her side, Morinka had rarely done housework.

Now, the matter of helping Shion prepare clothes and sanitary supplies, but it also reminds Morika of Yukino.

Ahhhh, my lovely sister, we seem to have come all the way back then!

Morinka and Xue Nao also walked all the way in this way.

The things like helping Shion prepare bath water and utensils now really make Morinatsu feel deeply.

Ahhhh, if I really have a sister who can be loved like this...

It is a pity that Yukino still cares about her elder brother in daily life. The sensible Yukino sometimes does housework more diligent than Senxia, ​​and Senxia has not really enjoyed the feeling of purely taking care of her sister.

"Two, dinner is ready."

Senxia just helped Shiyin get everything ready, and Chaoyan over there had already prepared the food.

"Huh... let's go eat." Senxia greeted Shiyin.

Afterwards, the two came to the restaurant together.

Asagao uses ingredients prepared by Morinatsu.

Some dry goods that have been prepared, and sausages that can be stored for a long time.

She made an offal soup, and fried sausages and mushrooms... Why do I feel targeted?

"You must have seen it before, but I'll introduce it to both of you. Shion, this is Asahina Asagao, Asago, this is Chiba Shion."

The two had met before at Hin Tianzhuang, but there was not much in-depth exchange.

"Hello, Shiyin sauce~" Chaoyan's attitude towards Shiyin was completely different from Morinka's, and she kindly called her by name when she came up. Shiyin heard the name "Shiyin sauce" for a while, In between, he was a little at a loss.

Just seizing this opportunity, Chao Yan continued, "You are so cute Shiyin-chan, you really are Qianyu-sen's sister... Well, no, I think it's Shiyin-chan that you are cuter than your sister... "

After hearing the words "cutrer than your sister", the originally cramped poem, immediately raised his head.

"Really, really?!"

She asked impatiently.

"Well, yes, because Qianjia-senpai is like the flower of Gaoling, but Shiyin sauce is different, wow, Shiyin sauce is so cute, can I hug you?"

Chaoyan has two completely different attitudes towards Shion and Morinatsu here.

"Hug--how can I do it! I also have my own dignity... But if you really think that I am beautiful, then there is no way, it is all my fault, then a hug... Of it."


Senxia next to her heard Shiyin's words, and she was suddenly speechless.

Shiyin, this is...was slapped by Chao Yan?

Not only was teased, but also seemed to be teased successfully?

But Senxia also knew that this was Chaoyan's operation, not his own.

Senxia dared to pack a ticket. If the person who said these words was not Zhaoyan, but himself, then he would be severely despised by Shiyin.

But Chaoyan is an equally cute girl after all, so even Shiyin has already put down his vigilance at this time.

Hey, this is an operation that only sister paper can use. I can’t learn, I can’t learn...

The Zhaoyan over there, at this time, actually went up and hugged Shiyin, and then the two people returned to the table and started eating.

"Shiyin sauce, why did you come to Senxiajun today?" Chaoyan asked.

"It's because of my elder sister..." Shiyin turned her head and stared at Senxia when Shiyin was talking about her elder sister, making Senxia who was lying down and shot dumbfounded.

The two of them had nothing to say, and they ate all the things that happened before.

"Shiyin-chan, your luck is really bad, but Shiyin-chan is also great for you, so you can stand alone until so late..."

Chaoyan also expressed his sympathy to her after hearing the tragic story of Shiyin's cell phone being dead and the paper slips missing.

If it's just that the note is gone, or the phone is gone, then there is nothing, but the two things happened at the same time, but this is really not good luck.

"That's If I knew it, I wouldn't be in a hurry to give something to this bastard!" Shiyin said, turning his head and looking at Morinia again, "I didn't encounter one today. Good thing!"

Gee... Why am I backing my head again?

Moriha expressed serious protest!

"But Shiyin is not a good thing I haven't encountered. I was able to meet Shiyin here today, I think this is what I am today... No, it is probably the luckiest good thing for me this year! Chao Yan exclaimed.

"Sister Chaoyan..."

Shiyin's face also showed a smile when she heard Zhaoyan's words.

But Morinia here is uncomfortable:

This is obviously my home, why do I feel like I have become a light bulb now...?


Today’s two in one, meow meow~

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