Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1378: As a tester, why don't I use a modifier?

Krypton gold is part of the game, don't play .jpg if you are unhappy.

After watching this part, Morinia finally started the game honestly.

Well, because just now, he suddenly blessed his soul, and then thought of an amazing trick-I can directly change the data!

Sure enough, this feels super awesome!

Nanoha, there is it!

Fett, there is it!

Nanali, there is it!

, There is it!

Huang Weiyi, there is it!


Modifier players are fearless and super cool!

Then, after ten minutes of refreshing, Moriha was dull.

The modifier is super-feeling, but after using the modifier for a while, it is not interesting at all.

Because you will find that playing in the game by yourself is boring.

Mowing is fun, but when you play with mowing, you will feel less happy.

No way, this is not a mowing game after all, but a cultivation game.

The core of "Boundless" is cultivation.

The development of characters, equipment, and even ships, etc., are all part of the game.

This is like a game that needs to explode the liver. If a player has a full character, full level, and full equipment from the beginning, it will naturally not be of interest. Because you don’t have the fun of playing games at all!

However, it feels very good to play for a certain role.

Morinka thought for a while, he deleted all the resources that he had called out, and then the character left the Neha that Morinka wanted.

After the prologue, the player can act.

At this time, the system will provide the player with some suggestions, let the player go to the 10086 earth exploration, or let the player choose various life occupations.

——The reason why Moriha dared to let the production team of "Borderless Land" mess around is because in the production of "Borderless Land", everyone has a direction for the production of life and occupation.

Senxia did not choose to go to Earth 10086. After going to Earth 10086, a series of main missions would be launched.

However, if you stay in place and take the route of life and occupation, there will be some routes. Specifically, the former is biased towards rpg and task-oriented, and the latter is biased towards simulation management, with fewer tasks, but the management and manufacturing are still very good. In this regard, the production team refers to the direction of "Random Story". of.

As for the fleet, Moriha made reference to some space games, including space engineers, unmanned deep space and mass effect space exploration, etc. However, the main focus of space is warship combat. The reference in this regard is actually Machine combat series. To be honest, Senxia feels that it is better to refer to Lelouch in this regard, but web games do not have such powerful functions, and many things cannot be done.

Senxia chose to temporarily stay and do business. Mead, the largest city in the story, has everything here. Players can gradually unlock various areas to move around here.

Of course, Senxia can also choose to go to Earth 10086 or start an adventure mission on another planet, but in that case, there will be no free "ticket".

The player's initial choice is actually related to the content afterwards. Players can choose to work in Mead or do production tasks to start the adventure.

Or, if the player is a little stronger, he can even buy a ship and go all the way.

On the other hand, to return to Mead from Earth 10086, money is required, and this is the same.

But the game is not a complete "free mode". In fact, this degree of freedom still has a framework. After all, it is a web game, not a word game. Because the game resources are limited, it cannot be expanded endlessly like ordinary games.

Therefore, the main line of the game revolves around the "enemy of time", "enemy of space" and "enemy of intelligence".

If a player gets tired of playing rpg and then becomes a casual player, or if a casual player wants to "turn up", there will be no sense of violation in the plot because of this setting.

"Make the rod first..." Senxia chose to rub the magic guide.

The magic device is the essence of the plot, and Morinya likes this design very much. In the story, the so-called "personal space" and "protective clothing" of the player are also stored in the magic device on weekdays.

It can be said that the magical device is the essence of everything.

In addition to specializing in life and occupation to create magical devices, in fact, players can also choose to work part-time and take a leisure time apart from adventure.

But if the player chooses to stay in Mead from the beginning, one advantage is that the player will own a house in Mead.

Where is Mead?

In the game, it is a metropolis like New York and Tokyo!

Choosing to stay in Mead is to have a room in this kind of metropolis!

Just ask if you are strong! Strong or not!

Compared with the ticket in the countryside, it is better to stay in the big city!

Of course, in terms of game mechanics, the two are almost the same.

But what Morinka wants to pursue here is the sense of substitution. In this kind of role-playing game, this is the experience Senxia wants.

"Boundless" is much more complicated than the general so-called ship girl and other games, but the "Boundary Line of Infinity" which was born out of "Brave New World" also inherited this game. Essence.

Because it’s a test, it’s easy to talk about materials and everything. Most of the time, Moriha is actually dealing with NPCs to increase her friendliness, so that you can get some discounts on the items you buy, and you can earn more when you sell them. a little.

"This system has the feeling of the great nautical era." This part is not what Senxia gave to the planning side, but was made by others. Facts have proved that they have done quite well in this part, and Senxia looked at it and felt quite good. interesting.

The life occupation that Senxia originally gave was actually a bit boring to play, but after these people tossed so much, Senxia actually thought it was pretty good.

It is a pity that the positioning of the game does not seem to allow it to be expanded to a greater extent, otherwise Senxia feels that they should have better ideas.

"This important task can only be handed over to Starship Voyage!"

This is a pun, because "Starship Voyage" used to be the tentative name of "Boundless".

"The content of this part is good, um, let them enrich the plot, and who said that life and occupation do not need to fight? We can have a little leisure, after all, it is rpg, how can we do without fighting? Fighting, fighting, definitely There needs to be a fight, it’s good to be simple, so that we can make people krypton gold!"

Senxia is pointing the country again.


Lihua still didn't speak, she just watched Senxia doing...


In this episode, the blog is very handsome. This episode is the responsibility of the Chinese. I think it is the most powerful episode of TV.

Today’s second update~

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Chapter 1378 As a tester, why don’t I use a modifier? (Page 1/1)

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