Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 143: How about works without handles?

Japanese schools have a very unique activity, that is, school trips. Most students in the second and second grades will have this experience.

Most of the school trip time is concentrated in September and October. Similar to the school trip at Sakano School, the time is at the end of September.

But in any case, Mori Xia finally finished the script of the play before the senior sister left.

"Huh...While working while still writing scripts, this life is really tiring..."

Finally, I checked the finished manuscript again, and Senxia's final strength was also used up.

"The script is finished. If you want to do it, isn't it possible to do it?" The senior sister smiled at Senxia.

"Ah... Damn it, why am I so busy every day?!" Senxia cried out in pain.

"There is no other way, Mori Xia-kun, this is necessary to raise funds for our games. I am going to establish our club early next year, when our consumption will rise sharply. The money now can only be said to be barely enough."

The basic prototype of Plants vs. Zombies is now ready. If there is no accident, the beta demo version will be available at the end of November, so for this game, Senxia and their club should also be established.

"I knew I wouldn't make this game..." Plants vs. Zombies don't need any books. Morinka was actually very easy when making it. Anyway, the senior sister was managing things. However, if this game is to be released, money must be given. Relatively speaking, galgame is much better in this regard.

If she had known that she would be so busy now, Senxia would have already thrown away Plants vs. Zombies, and then replaced with another galgame that can earn a vote and flash.

When I look back, my head was hot at the time, and I was really dying...

"Even if I don't make this game. Our club will be established. Next year, I will be in the third year of high school. Then we will set up the club. When I graduate, we will be able to immediately put into production."

Unlike Mori, the elder sister also has her consideration.

"Senior sister, don't you plan to go to school?" Senxia asked in surprise.

"Proceed to school? I never thought, if necessary, just take a college entrance exam, and then hang up a name. What's the matter." The senior sister didn't care about this kind of thing. This was the calmness of the school tyrant.

"Huh..." Senxia stood up swayingly, and then stretched.

After finishing the script, he is finally able to feel better now. He has no plans to work today, so he can go home early to rest.

"Today you have a good rest. I'm going to study and travel next week. Don't forget about part-time work." The senior sister told Senxia.

"Don't worry. I won't forget this kind of thing!" Senxia sighed, "Well, it would be nice if I could make a fortune at this time."

However, good news always arrives inadvertently.

Just as Senxia sighed, his mobile phone rang suddenly.


"Hello. Is this Mr. Xia Sen? This is Fujimifang."

When hearing these words, Senxia was full of energy.

The content of this call is very simple. In a nutshell, Fujimiku decided to sign Morika's "Earth Defense Boy".

Because the winning results will not be announced until the middle of next year. So there is no need to count on the 3 million yen prize bonus, and it may not be possible to get it.

However, in addition to the bonus, if the current Morinatsu signs a contract with Fujimifang. But he can get a lot of signing money.

"Senior sister, good news, Fuji Jianfang is ready to sign me, and our funds are in place!"

This is really what I wanted, Senxia immediately felt a little airy, and she was about to become a grandfather, which felt really good.

However, Senxia discovered that the senior sister at this time was looking at herself with pity.

"Eh, senior sister, what's the matter?" Senxia felt a little hairy by senior sister.

"It's nothing, you'll know after you sign a contract with Fuji Jianfang. I will inform the store manager at Liuweizhai. It will be fine for you to work part-time on the weekends." The senior sister took the initiative to help Morixa reduce jobs!

"Senior sister, what's wrong?" After the work was selected, Senxia now feels that her waist is no longer sore, her legs are no longer sore, and she feels like walking!

"Don't you know that once you sign the contract, your current workload will be doubled immediately?" The senior sister raised her brows and asked Senxia.

"Huh...?" Senxia was dumbfounded.

"Do you think that the author of the contract is just writing a book, Mori Xiajun?" The senior sister shook her head, "Forget it, I don't want to discourage your enthusiasm now. In short, this matter will be signed after you. You should understand."

Morika: "..."

At this time, the senior sister returned the comics in her hand to the cabinet, and then sat on the chair in the middle of the Vision Research Department, seeming to be thinking.

"Senior sister, what are you doing?"

Senxia asked strangely.

"Since our funds are more abundant, I am wondering whether we should plan a great work." The senior sister was thinking.

"It's a masterpiece? Our Plants vs. Zombies is not it, this game will definitely be very popular!" Senxia knows the power of Plants vs. Zombies, so he is not in a hurry about this.

"No, it's not like that." The senior sister immediately shook her head, "Even if Plants vs. Zombies are popular, it can only be said to be profitable props for us. We need a game that can be famous in the senior house circle. , If you just follow the public route, what is this!"

"However, wouldn't it be great if the people all over the world can accept otaku? Huh...wait..." Senxia suddenly had an idea, "How about 18x ​​games, I have a lot of ideas in my mind."

Um, the fate of the sky, the girlfriend of the migrant worker, the girl of the shell, and the story of the sister, all kinds of gods that are hanging from the sky are circling in Senxia's mind at this time.

If you can make 18x, it seems so interesting.

I'm so excited! So excited!

"For 18x, take your time, we can put on a vest at that time," Senior Sister also has her own plan, and Senxia's words seem to remind Senior Sister. "We may be able to come up with a popular game that can be popularized and niche..."

"But there is still time. After our first game comes out, we can use this script." The senior sister said of her plan, "We don't have to start right away, but we must plan well. Planning is a must ."

"Um... I think about it..." Morinya rubbed her temples.

A game that everyone loves to see, a game that can be welcomed...

a lot!

The rebellious Lulu Xiu, clannad, When Higurashi Cried...a series of works flashed in Senxia's mind.

However, I don't know why, Morinya always feels upset.

Ok. If you copy, there is no problem at all, these games will definitely be popular.

However...not challenging!

It is not challenging at all to use such plagiarized works to become a masterpiece!

Who are we? We are the man who wants to let the world line go to another road. What kind of a ghost to choose such a work?


Well, it's quite interesting, but Morinha wants to challenge something more difficult.

Simply put, it is a rescue plan. Is there anything more profitable than saving dung?

First of all, Morinia needs a work that everyone is optimistic about, but finally messed up.

aldnoah-zero, this work suddenly appeared in Senxia's mind. God-like beginning, shit-like ending, if Lulu Xiu is the ending that created God's work, then az is the ending abruptly turning God's work into dung work.

and many more. This story has a good start. The first three episodes of az are scripts written by Xu Yuanxuan, which can be said to be a very good start. It can be said that as long as there is no problem with the brain, and if you write down along this beginning, there will be basically no problem, unless the person who takes over is really silly.

Morinya thinks that there is no problem with the brain, and this kind of story must be won in minutes.

What about valvrave, a revolutionary machine commonly known as an "IQ opportunity"?

Well, this is a mixed story with a hole in the world view and a hole in the protagonist's head, which can be included for reference.

What else...

After thinking about it, a super work appeared in Senxia's mind.

This work has a very exquisite character design, and even sparked a trend, in which the heroine is even more popular with the masses of the people; the whole story music is also very good, and even created several divine comedies, sung for a long time; the design of this work Ding is also very powerful, secondary and interesting, it can hardly be praised.


However, this work was rated as the worst animation no.1.

Because of the script that is as deep as the Mariana Trench, because of the story that is more weird than the septic tank, because of the development of clues more inexplicable than the 32nd dimension.

Hope was placed on this work, but then it became a pit in a pit.

This work is called the Crown of Sin.

Owning the super-popular character of has the Divine Comedy of Sword Pulling and my-dearst, the protagonist can also use the "void" symbolizing this person’s soul as a weapon from everyone. It is set in S2, however, because of the plot of the dead, this work has become a fake.

Thinking of this, Senxia raised her head: "Senior sister, I have an idea here. I think it seems quite interesting."

"Oh, I got the idea so soon, it really is Morinya, tell me~" the senior sister said with a smile.

"Well, first of all, the name of this story is called'Crown of Sin'..."


Double more complete! Ask for ticket support~

The current big prize bonus is 5 million yen. Considering inflation and time progress, I reduced the bonus a bit, but it was not much worse.

In addition, I actually think that brainless plagiarism is really meaningless. If you want to do it, do what everyone loves to see...


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