Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1429: Explode Senxia (Part 2)

This was before the announcement of the news from A company.

Since I want to help, it is naturally impossible to find a place.

After Da Chuan Gong passed away, Morika had already discussed with Alice.

Because of the relationship discussed before, the film copyright and TV drama copyright of the works are actually in the process of A company here.

After a series of news, Senxia also wanted to fight back.

After stabilizing the military's mind, it is natural to have relevant means to boost market confidence.

So Morinka and Alice hurriedly left the process, and then Alice quickly got in touch with Hollywood, and initially decided on the news of the adaptation.

It's worth mentioning that what Morinka was going to be on at the beginning was really not "MUV Moonfall" but "Dark Soul".

But compared to the former, the latter is more difficult to adapt, and there are people on Paramount who have played the MUV series, so after some discussion, it was modified into the MUV series.

However, whether it is an original or an adaptation, it has not yet been decided.

Having chosen Paramount, Moriha thinks it's okay, because they are also doing the future "Transformers" series.

In addition to all kinds of foreign aid, Senxia will naturally not forget her hometown.

The Tianhai family is a big landlord in Hokkaido. If you talk about influence and technology, Morinka thinks that the Tianhai family may not work, but they can do it with financial support.

However, before Senxia went to find the old man, the old man called Senxia to Hin Tianzhuang.


As soon as he came in, Senxia found that the old man was sitting in front of him.

The old man closed his eyes and rested his mind. After seeing Senxia, ​​he raised his eyelids, and then spoke softly.

"Hi." After all, she is asking for help, and Senxia still thinks it's better to be honest.

"You... are going to be an adult soon."

Nihong is an adult at the age of twenty, and Senxia will soon be twenty.

"Hi." Senxia responded immediately.

Yes, Senxia is about to reach adulthood.

"If this is the case, go and inherit the family business." The old man suddenly spoke.

Moriha was caught off guard.

"Wait a minute! What's the situation!" Senxia asked quickly.

"You are going to be an adult soon. If that's the case, you can go to be the head of the house, is there any problem?" Father Tianhai asked.

"Sorry, grandpa, but this is impossible, I still have something to do." Senxia looked serious.

"Ahhh, I heard that your small club is under siege from Sony and Nintendo. I admit that the games you make are very interesting, but now this situation can’t last too long. You are honest. Go home and inherit the owner! And I am too old and want to hold my great-grandson."


The corners of Senxia's mouth twitched.

Emotional grandfather is taking advantage of the fire to rob?

"Sorry, Grandpa, but this is a good opportunity for the Order of the Phoenix to expand. I can't let it go." Morinya said quickly, "Now is the time to fight back."

Of course I know what you are doing, but what if you don't come back to be the head of the house in the future!

——The old man frowned.

Although he knew that his grandson's career was on the rise, he felt that if he was not allowed to come back now, it might be bad later.

And the old man already knew that Senxia seemed to have a lot of relationships, and now this should be an opportunity.

"Do you want Xue Nai to inherit the family business?" The old man asked again.

Hearing this news, Senxia raised her head: "Grandpa, you are still so young, why can't you think about it? What's wrong with being the head of the house for two more years?"

People are desperate and want to hold power. It's better for you to let it out quickly.

This is woolen yarn!

"I'm doing this for your own good. You control your family now and you will be able to master Hokkaido in the future. Even if there is a problem in Honshu, you will have the capital to make a comeback, but your current situation is not so good."

As the old man said, he looked at Senxia.

And here, Senxia stared at the old man.

"What's more, you also know a lot of girls now. You know, in modern law, many relationships between men and women cannot be recognized. If you don't inherit the family business, there are some things you can't do. You The girl from the Dongcheng family that you know is nothing but the Qianyu family’s power in Honshu. Only if you inherit the family can you be able to overcome it, you know?"

The old man's thoughtful look made Senxia feel as if she had done something wrong.

But Senxia knew that this must be the line used by the old man to trick himself into being the master of the house.

Fake, all fake!

"Sorry, father, but the impossible is impossible, no matter what, it is impossible!" Senxia said.

"If this is the case, don't blame me for being ruthless. You have dug out all the members of the Order of the Phoenix and A!" The old man also blew his beard and stared.

"This is an extravagant move!" Senxia couldn't help it. "And you really did this. Aren't you afraid that I will destroy the Tianhai family after I become the head of the house?!"

"..." The old man glanced at Senxia.

How should I put it, don't look at Morinya who is usually soft, but once the principle issue is involved, he cannot compromise sometimes.

With his fierceness, this kind of thing...maybe it is really possible to do it.

It is impossible to come hard.


The scene fell silent.

But Senxia will definitely not compromise.

"...A longer period of time is fine." The old man said, "But you need to prove that your actions outside are not wasting your efforts."

"Of course!" Although it seemed that she didn't care about it on the surface, Morika was actually relieved.

If this matter continues, I am afraid it will be really troublesome. At this time, going downhill is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Well, let's set a small goal for you first. In one year, if your total profit can reach one billion US dollars, I will give it a grace period, how about?"

"Ah? is the profit calculated?" Senxia asked strangely.

"Well... the net profit of the balance." The old man thought for a while.

The company on Moriha's side has no plans to go public, so the means of monetization are limited.

If it is pure valuation, don't talk about one billion yuan a year on Senxia's side. If it is operated properly, ten billion will be fine.

But the net profit is a different story. For the billion dollars of net profit, I can't make it out.

"Success!" Senxia shot up.

This is stable.

The old man's mouth showed a smile.

This is the smile of Jihuatong.

"In addition, if you agree, then prepare to let your house maid team stay with you more. At least there should be more maids, and send your maids outside every day, what it looks like!"

"Ah...oh." Senxia nodded.

"In addition, you have to handle things with the Qianyu family well. As a man from the Tianhai family, this kind of thing must be done well, you know?"


Wait a minute, what does this have to do with the Qianyu family?

Senxia looked dumbfounded.

"Master, Mr. Harada is here." At this time, Iki walked into the house.

"Yo Xi." The old man nodded, "I'm going to see my old friend now. You can arrange your own affairs first. Remember to arrange all your maids."


Senxia always felt weird after seeing the old man go away feeling refreshed.


But as soon as the old man left, Morika saw Qianjia wearing a kimono walking in.

"Senior Qianjia, why are you here?" Senxia asked strangely.

"Ah, the old man called me over this morning, and he also discussed about Shiyin. Well, I originally wanted to tell the old man whether he would support you or not, but I accidentally exposed this matter. Here comes." Qian Jia said with reluctance.

What is the matter of Shiyin?

Without waiting for Morinya to ask questions, Qianjia said again: "My father asked you to make a billion dollars, why did you agree so easily? The current situation of the club is very bad, why not use this as capital to make peace Lord negotiating?"

"Ah, this." Morinya hurried to clarify, "Because what our club lacks right now is not funds, not to mention that Mr. Okawa Kong's legacy is also very amazing, so there is no problem at all."

"But for the Order of the Phoenix and A, if you want to earn one billion, it might not be that simple, right?" Qianjia asked another question.

Just as Morinya has been worrying about, Qianjia here is also thinking of various ways to help the club tide over the difficulties.

Morinia wants to earn one billion dollars, in theory, it is possible.

However, it is impossible to keep all the money of the club as pure profit, but to be invested again.

But if the money is invested, the problem will be big-if you don't invest the money in research and development, sometimes you will encounter some more troublesome situations.

Expansion of production requires investment. But if you want to balance a billion in net profit, I'm afraid it will mean investment stagnation.

"Actually, there is only 300 million US dollars, and if the balance of "Mercoplatin" is calculated, it is probably... only 100 million." Morinya said.

"Huh?" Qianjia was stunned.

"Ah, you don't know yet, because this news is still confidential for the time being-in fact, Mr. Okawa Ko, left a legacy of 8 million yen."

Well, if you calculate it, it's more than 700 million US dollars.

And "Platinum" is the most popular game on Senxia's XBOX... Well, it's a brain-building software, which brings a rich and terrible cash flow to the club every year.

At the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, the most popular game was not Resident Evil, Pokemon, or StarCraft.

It is the "Melatonin" that has sold more than 10 million copies and has an absolute dominant position in the market.

This "game" is really PiaPiaPia's face for major game manufacturers, and the profits this game brings are also very generous.

"So we are not short of money at all. The father's plan has failed from the beginning. Tianhai family or something, let him worry about it alone!"

Morinya showed a well-planned smile.

——This smile is exactly the same as the old man's smile five minutes ago.

"It's really an excellent inheritance." Qianjia rolled his eyes, "Then keep these money?"

"No, money is to be invested. We are not short of cash, so it should be a good idea to keep choosing a strategic target for investment."

And the target of Senxia's choice is the fruit company.

Between 2001 and 2002, the market value of fruit companies was the lowest.

If you don't have shares in the fruit company, when will you start?

The opportunity is now!

"You are very optimistic about the fruit company?" Qianjia asked curiously.

"No, I am optimistic about the leader of Qiao." Senxia immediately replied, "The fruit with the leader of Qiao is the real fruit, nothing more."

And more importantly, the fruit company will launch the famous iPod this year.

The field of ipod is not the field of Senxia, ​​but it is the field of Sony. In fact, the emergence of ipod really bit off a big piece of meat from Sony.

Regardless of the fact that the fruit company’s share price has fallen all the way after the launch of the iPod, the products sold well are actually profitable, and the dividends to the shareholders are also very substantial.

Although I want to guard my uncle’s smile, Sony, your biggest mistake is that you shouldn’t jump out at this time, and bear my anger!

Senxia came to a small theater in her heart.

"Okay. Just take what you said is true." Qianjia shook his head, "Then what about other manufacturers' response, have you thought about it?"

"Well, of course, but now is not the time for a full counterattack. We have performed too much, and maybe we will be considered to be strong outsiders. E3 is the time to perform, but now we really need some content to stabilize the market."

Morika told Qianjia about her strategy.

After hearing Senxia's strategy, Qianjia also nodded: "This should be no problem."

"Ah, by the way, I always wanted to ask before. The old man kept talking about Qian Yu's family and Shiyin, what is going on?" Senxia asked curiously.

After just saying this, Senxia suddenly felt that the temperature seemed to be three degrees colder.

Although Qianjia was still expressionless, Senxia felt a guilty conscience for no reason.

This...what's the situation?

"Ah, la la, of course it is the relationship between our heart-throb Mori-kun and my best sister." Qianjia laughed.

"Huh?" Senxia looked dumbfounded, "I didn't do strange things to Shiyin!"

After hearing Senxia's "sophistry", Qianjia sighed: "I have decided to forgive you before, Senxia-kun. But you lied like this and made me very disappointed in you."


Could it be something from the studio a few days ago?

But what does the latter sentence mean?

"I really haven't done anything strange to Shiyin!" Senxia said hurriedly.

"But that's not what Shiyin said to you." Qianjia frowned.

"No, that's not the case... Actually, Shion has been playing the game I made, but she has a more subtle feeling for me, and she always feels that I have taken her sister... and I and her When we were in the, nothing happened to us. The presidential suite has many bedrooms."

Well, I don’t remember, it should be...I haven’t done it, right?

Qianjia frowned: "You and Shiyin... really haven't done it?"

"I swear to my great great great grandmother." Senxia said quickly.

"Um...that's troublesome. I just hinted to your old man before..."

Hearing Qianjia's words, Senxia finally understood why the father suddenly called herself back, and then said so much inexplicably, and let herself inherit the family property.

Feelings are senior sister, you blow up me!


Subtitle: In order not to go home and inherit hundreds of millions of fortunes, I can only fight wits and courage with the business giants in Tokyo.

Two-in-one meow~

Meow meow~

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