Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1540: I wondered, can we also develop a system!

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The conference has just begun.

Dual-core chips and larger memory are just a warm-up.

"We integrated the functions of the DC-P co-processing chip into the CPU." After the IBM executives left the field, Mori Xia introduced it to the audience again.

"Dual-core chips allow our home computers to provide higher parallel task efficiency, and can also bring us a better gaming experience. But this does not mean that we will abandon the previous generation of consoles."

"Generally speaking, the new generation of game consoles rarely have models that are completely compatible with the previous generation. But in our opinion, this approach is irresponsible to the players..."

Just after Senxia said this, applause immediately broke out below.

At this time, a real game master, who doesn't have several home consoles?

If it is a player who entered the pit in the 1980s, it is likely to have Atari, red and white machines, SFC, Saturn, PS, etc. home consoles in hand, and more extremes may also have 3DO and fruit game consoles. , The fruit family has also produced a game console, but it has become a tragic storm that never rises in the market.

If a player wants to play different games, they need to take out different game consoles.

But what if there is a machine that can solve the problem?

That is naturally the best!

"Our mainframe will adopt an iterative upgrade strategy, and there will be a smooth overperformance between each generation of mainframe..."

When Senxia was talking, a form appeared on the screen.

This table is the picture quality table of the game.

At the bottom of the picture quality is DC, in the middle of picture quality is DC-P, and at the top is GS.

"Our past game consoles will provide a new level of game image quality and high-resolution texture packs, and future games will natively support GS's high-quality mode."

Morinia’s strategy here is to provide a new image quality every time a host is launched. The new image quality will provide higher resolution and better image effects. The old host will be in a period of time. , You can still get good game effects with low-level picture quality.

But if the machine can't keep up, I'm sorry, this machine really retired.

But players don’t have to worry, because they can buy updated games and have good game effects-this will not cause them a greater consumer burden.

As for what is the "threshold" that restricts this generation of consoles, that is what Morinya will say afterwards. As for now, he is still introducing the machine itself.

In fact, the content to be introduced later was originally ranked at the top, but for some reason, Morinka placed it at the back.

"...At the same time, our machines will also accept higher resolution output, we can up to 1080P full HD resolution."

The concept of "1080P" is not rare in the future, and even in the eyes of many people, this so-called high-definition is simply synonymous with low-end.

But that is in the future.

As for now, this resolution is really a big killer.

Although many people don't know how to be strong, what everyone heard before was 480P, 720i or 720P. This 1080P...have never heard it!

This resolution support immediately raised the position of the entire machine in front of everyone.

When Tony heard these words, he was going crazy.

Buy buy buy!

He is eager to buy now!

He stared at the screen, as if he wanted to be sucked into the screen.

"Of course, the new host needs better textures and better sound effects. Therefore, our new generation of machines has customized HIFI chips. This allows our host to get the ultimate sound effects of music enthusiasts."

Morinka has been cooperating with Yamaha, and Hatsune Miku’s copyright is also owned by Yamaha—otherwise it’s not his own, and they can’t help you so hard.

Now that they have this resource, Senxia has of course made the best use of it and asked them to "educate" the music mode of the new machine.

Tony is not a music lover, but he has a friend who is a music lover.

A front end is $1,000, and a headset is $2,000.

Well, this can only be said to be music lovers, because according to Tony’s friends, many of them in their circle are a set of audio equipment of hundreds of thousands of dollars. He can only be said to be playing house That's it.

In fact, this thing Tony is also very greedy.

He wasn't particularly able to hear the difference in sound effects, but... Doesn't the word "HIFI" sound cool?

Super cool!

HIFI is high-fidelity music. For many music enthusiasts, they do not listen to it.

"We have cooperated with a number of music companies, and have passed the tuning by Yamaha's professional tuner, and have the industry's top standards..."

After Morinka finished speaking, he invited Yamaha executives to the stage again.

At this time, Tony was already a little impatient.

He stared at the screen tightly, but stood up, fumbled for his IBM laptop, and then turned on the machine.

Then he joined the QICQ chat group by the way.

QICQ is one of the few software that provides client-side chat group function, so even in the lighthouse country, it is very popular.

Because everyone basically uses this software to communicate.

——This is the first-mover advantage. Morinia is almost the dominant player among all kinds of chat software.

He had just entered the group where he often talked, and found it exploded.

This group is a geek chat group, which is full of lovers like Tony.

Because there is not very important audio on the screen, Tony listened and shifted his attention to his group.

Sure enough, the group was discussing CPU matters.

The dual-core CPU directly exploded the entire group.

But these people probably don’t know that, in only four years, Sony will launch a multi-core PS3, which can even be combined into a supercomputer host, which was known as an earth-simulating system back then—well, on another world line, Some people have actually built supercomputers using PS3.

"...GS, this is our new generation host. I think everyone should already be curious about her face."

At this moment, Tony suddenly heard Senxia's voice.

He quickly moved his eyes from the group to the screen.

At this moment, the content of the music part has been finished, and Morinya has just promised to provide music services for network streaming.

Unfortunately, Tony is not very interested in this.

But when it comes to the appearance of GS, Tony can't help but be interested.

——At this moment, a boxy machine appeared on the screen.

The design is like three stacks of cakes, but the surroundings are angular and the whole machine is full of awe-inspiring feeling.

"--so cool!"

Tony couldn't help shouting.

Hmm...I copied the industrial design of PS4 directly, can it not look good...

"-S, this is our new generation of console." Morinia said, "Not only does she only have the above-mentioned functions, but she also provides a slot-in DVD system that can make our games more interesting."

Morinka said.

"She has an extraordinary appearance."

"Of course, we also know that many machines that are not designed by themselves will become very ugly after the power cord is connected. The handle cable of the game console will often become a thing that destroys the aesthetics, so we... …Removed this line."

Yes, the new generation of gamepads-wireless!

Senxia said, while taking out a wireless controller, and at this moment, the game screen above has also become the screen of the unreleased Monster Hunter.

Senxia held the handle at this time and was playing the game.

While playing, he said: "Our controller will provide two modes of wireless mode and wired mode. In wired mode, our data will be transmitted through the wire, and at the same time it will be charged..."

The XBOX handle is naturally the best handle in the world-before the NS split handle appeared.

For the latter, Senxia can't play well, but the former is already familiar to Senxia.


It is a revolution!

Tony glanced at the messy consoles in front of his TV.

These game consoles have been placed here for a while, and the wires have long been entangled together.

But if you have this new GS game console, it will be great.

Because it means that he can put the console under the TV cabinet, and then sit on the sofa elegantly to play games-this is so cool!

But is this the end?

No, this is just the beginning.

"Of course, a good game console needs a good game engine to support. Many game consoles, when they are just launched, often do not get the best gaming experience. There are many reasons for this. Game consoles are between generations. The difference in the development of. Is one of the very big problems, but we have solved this problem. In addition, our game lacks a powerful engine-so we also brought it. "

"Sun Luo Engine".

This is the new game engine of Morinia.

Morinia’s family has always used its own engine to develop games, and Morinia’s engine is definitely recognized as a good product.

When the new console was launched, Morinia also optimized his own home to the current engine. After redesign and adjustment, it was launched as a development kit at the same time as the GS release.

This is the Sunro engine.

This time, Morinya taught the stage again.

Then Ichiro Kuroshima went on stage.

"...This is a magical game engine and the best game engine on the market..."

Tony frowned when he heard Ichiro Kuroshima's words.

This guy... speaks English?

Uh... Japanese English.

Kuroshima Ichiro’s full Japanese and English make people cloud and mist, but fortunately, the text translation appears thoughtfully under the screen at this time, so that he can also see what the product is saying.

The Senluo engine is the optimized external version of the engine that Senxia has been using before.

Of course, because it is external, some content is actually castrated.

For example, the cartoon rendering technology of Sword Art Online-although the external version also has cartoon rendering, it is different from the technology of Sword Art Online.

The latter consumes a lot of energy in development, especially if you want to show silk stockings...cough cough, it is the texture aspect of the character, and it is a big project.

So when the engine was external, I thought about it and decided that the parts related to Sword Art Online should not be added to the Sun Luo engine for now.

In addition, many algorithm models actually require customers to modify and adjust themselves.

But even so, the release of this engine is still eye-popping.

"Thank you very much for Mr. Ichiro Kuroshima for bringing us the introduction of the Senra engine. Of course, since there is a game engine, motion capture technology is naturally an indispensable part, but as we all know, motion capture and facial capture are very expensive Technology. And we are honored to tell you today that the Order of the Phoenix has achieved movie-level motion capture and facial capture technology. Our new generation of motion capture technology will be used in movies, TV series, games and many other fields..."

Tony also knows motion capture technology.

He has been to the movie "Final Fantasy: Deep in the Soul".

Although he thinks this movie is unreasonable to the, the degree of simulation of this movie is still very powerful. The only thing Tony doesn't know is that since he can do such simulation, why didn't the other party just use Live action?

His eyes were placed in the QICQ group again.

The chat in the group seems to be half a shot behind the live broadcast. At this moment, a bunch of people in the group are talking about music. The big guy in the group said that they have electronic tubes and the sound quality of the front end is very good. With their own headphones, that The effect of leverage, if GS can reach its own level, this is already great.

"Motion capture technology. I heard that the Lord of the Rings at the end of this year also has this technology. Have you seen that promo? It's very cool!"

At this time, someone finally talked about motion capture technology.

But everyone is just chatting.

After all, motion capture technology is a little too far away from them.

"Oh, damn, cheap motion capture and facial capture system kit... this will be an earthquake in the movie special effects world."

At this time, a long-term diving boss suddenly spoke up.

Tony cared a little.

But others don't seem to care much about this issue.

He was about to continue to inquire, but at this time, the press conference had already begun to say another thing.

"Yesterday, the giants held a press conference in New York and they released the INXP system."


Tony immediately raised his head after hearing the "big hard".

At this moment, he saw Morinka smiling.

"So, we are also thinking, we can also make one."

"Here, we will also launch our system-Vista on the host."


Today's two in one.

Meow meow, the update of the festival is here~

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