Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1616: This website is the gateway to the new world!

   People are always like this.

   In ordinary games, I will try to find ergonomic content, and even work hard for the skirt of Princess Peach on Nintendo's All-Star.

But in the ergonomic game, people began to care about the plot instead, one by one little butter, people like to chase setting in it-for example, a chestnut, another world-line shaped month, from the beginning is 18X With...

   After the game "Noah" appeared, the story of BOSS Crimson Darkness immediately aroused people's curiosity.

  In the story, this character is the prime culprit of corrupting the school. One by one believes in his existence, and will be wrapped and corrupted by latex clothes.

   However, because of such a role, people have become curious about it.

   Because, in the school, there are traces of this character everywhere.

   Crimson Darkness has left many legends in the school, but at that time he was not an evil god.

  Some players feel that all the school-related stories in the story tell stories of crimson darkness.

   There are also players who believe that this character was just an ordinary girl in the school at the beginning, because of the poignant love left with the predecessor, but was finally abandoned, and finally fell.

   But there is no doubt that there is an infinite story behind this seeming BOSS in the story.

   But the cheating official did not explain.

   Well, this is the charm of this type of game.

   Hidden stories in objects and external documents, and there are not many people who really know what happened.

   "It's incredible."

   See you Moe Xiang also played this game.

   She just came back from CM.

  The dormitory is her home.

   So, even in the New Year, at this time of the upcoming holiday, she still stays in her dormitory.

  ...After all, the internet is fast here.

   will soon be the public test of "Sword Art Online".

  How can you not be absent at this time?

   The public beta is basically officially operating, and more importantly, at this time, the main storyline of the story-finally all unlocked!

   "Sword Art Online" is a good game, but when the game was in its internal beta, in order to prevent spoilers, the main storyline was frantically coded, and the CG was completely covered!

   In a certain eastern country, there are not many people who actually care about this matter—because many people play games and always jump into the plot.

   But in the mud boom, players are very concerned about the plot. "Sword Art Online" is excellent in gameplay, but after all, this is a story-oriented game. Such a game is naturally very attractive to players.

   Seeing Mengxiang early, it took a whole afternoon to finally clear the first week of "Noah".

   This game will be released in three chapters, the archive can be inherited, but now it's just here.

  The second boss of the story is called the Great Demon of Dark Abyss, but in this place, she only knows the name.

   And at this time, Hayami Mengxiang suddenly received the news of his local tyrant’s thigh "Ika sauce."

   The QICQ message sent by the local tyrant Ika sauce, of course I saw Mengxiang in the first place.

   "The public beta is coming soon, are you ready?"

   "Hey, I'm fully prepared, dry food is ready, and diapers are already on!"

   "Yo Xi. But let's watch the special first. By the way, this..."

   The other party sent a string of URLs.

   This is station P!

   Seeing Moexiang early was surprised.

   P station, although outsiders know less about it, as an insider, Morning Mengxiang still knows it.

   She is not a painter herself, but there are many painters around her-in Mud Boom, who doesn't have a friend who can paint?

  Because the gossip was spreading in the industry, Moe Xiang immediately realized what this website was.

   "I played a game in the afternoon, which was very interesting, so I simply made a doodle for the boss."

   The other party said so.


   See Moexiang early and opened the address of station P.

   The one who appeared in front of Hayami Moexiang was a woman with red eye pupils. She was wearing a black latex coat with a bright red school uniform for a nun.

   Ika sauce's style is not outstanding, and the pictures are simple, but I have to say that this character is very charming.

   "The crimson darkness of "Noah"?"

   "Ah, you played it too. Well, yes, that's it."

   "That's it, it's amazing, I really deserve it!"

   "Haha, it's nothing, but I saw an employee bought a drawing board, so I took it and tried it. The digital technology is really amazing."

   Mengxiang doesn’t know anything about Ika sauce. She only knows that Ika boss is a rich company boss, and he is the kind of super rich.

"Sorry, I have something here, I have to deal with it. Several of my staff are also very interested in "Sword Art Online", I am going to let them come together in a team, please help bring them. Then we It also blocks the guild in the game."


   Seeing Moe Xiang early is speechless.

   Is this the new gameplay of the big boss?

   Let employees go to the game to establish a can really play.


   The other party is offline.

   "But who is Ikachan?" However, Hayami Moexiang became more and more curious.

   She clicked on the opponent's P-battle address, and found that the opponent still had a little graffiti in it, but they were relatively crude.

   "Ah, that's..."

   But at this moment, Hayami Moeka saw the recommendation column next to it.

  ""Noah" female character setting draft."

   A user named "Xianshiyan" posted content.

   "Xianshiyan...this is it."

   She took out the packaging of her game disc. On the packaging, there was the words "Xianshiyan". Obviously, this is the official number.

   She entered it, and found that there were many game designs in it.

   A recent design drawing is about some drafts of the internal floor plan of the school.

   The release time was actually an hour ago.

   After seeing these things, early seeing Moexiang immediately developed a strong curiosity.

   She clicked on them one by one, and found that many of the settings in the game were there! It's a pity that these contents are not too much, the number of pictures inside is limited, most of which are simple settings and promotional pictures.

   It's a pity, it can only be so.

   "Hey, in this case..."

   Seeing Mengxiang early seems to have thought of something, and suddenly his eyes light up.

   So, she started searching in the search bar.

"Sword Art Online."

   Then, press Enter.

   Immediately afterwards, in the search bar, a large number of search contents appeared.

   These are all pictures related to Sword Art Online.

"These ones……"

  Many pictures are fan pictures.

  The number is not very large-after all, the time it takes to build the website is also compensated.

   Some of these pictures are of average quality, but some are very good.

   "Aincrad imagined."

   "Asuna and Kirito."

   "Homemade sword art online sickle setting..."

   Different content is in it.

   But these are not what she wants.

   "Ah... there is it!"

   Suddenly, early Jian Mengxiang seemed to have discovered something, and her eyes lit up.

   "Asuna animation settings are finalized."

  The publishing user is "Sword Art Online Official Site".

   The word "formula" is the official meaning in Japanese, so this is the official number.

   And on this design, there is a "certified" tab, which shows that this is indeed the official content.

  ——Yes, Morinka has cooperated with many companies here. When the animation is broadcast, the relevant formula content will appear here.

   And "Sword Art Online" is the beginning.

After clicking   , I found that there was quite a lot of content inside.

   There are many official settings and concept drawings.

  Don't say it, it's pretty enjoyable.

   is probably due to the upcoming broadcast, so the popularity of the website is quite high. There are many contents in it that will be feedback and comments from players.

  —In contrast, the content under Ika sauce is very shabby.

   "In that case..."

   Seeing Moe Xiang early, suddenly thought of something else.

   She began to search for "Sora of Fate".

   Then, a large amount of content appeared.

  The content of Yuanzhikong is quite a lot here.

   It's very gratifying to see Moe Xiang early.

   She herself wrote an article about this work, and the feedback on the Internet was pretty good, which brought her a lot of wandering.

   But it is a pity that in this era there is no such thing as "flow monetization". Otherwise, 15 years later, if you see Mengxiang, it will be a generation of Internet celebrities.


  R, then...18?

   is the content of 18X?

   See you Moexiang early and found the content on the entry.

   She suddenly lit up.

   There are three options in the system, one is all, one is normal, and one is 18X. In addition, there are comics, novels and all options in another parallel entry.

   After clicking the 18X option, the content of the work suddenly became a lot more.


   has a lot of content, all of which are the heroine Kasuga Noaki.

  -Although the box office of "Spirited Away" is much higher than that of "Destined Sora", the latter definitely overwhelms the former in terms of the number of fans.

   Well, especially the latter has a lot of content.

   A lot of such content is sealed in the bookcase of Mengxiang, which is early to see.

   A new world opened up.

   is not only the content of the siblings, but also the content of the younger sister and the monitor.

   "In that case..."

   The Sword Art Online before that...

   She had an idea immediately.

   Seeing Moexiang early, immediately continued searching for Sword Art Online.

   Sure enough, after turning on this option, a lot of content began to appear!

   "That's right!"

   She browsed all the way.

   Then, she changed another word.

   "Magic girl Lyrical Nanoha."

   This time, there are more entries.

The game    Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, can be said to be one of the most recent books.

   In this work, although they are both young girls and loli, these characters all have "adult mode", and they are all cleverly capable, so there are many ways to play, so there are many books.

  The theme of adding magical girl and tentacles is becoming more and more popular, so there are many such contents in it.

   She searched for this term, and the content that popped out were three books of the previous condition.

   "Naye... brainwashing... Fett... nothing... miserable... ah, really good..."

   Not only that, she also found something else.

"this is--?!"

   Sergeant Frog’s notebook!

   Sergeant Frog is a big player in the industry.

   is very popular especially among women.

   In fact, Sergeant Frog’s fan base is divided into two groups.

   One group is the otaku who likes the fleshy style of the Frog Sergeant, and the other group is the rotten girls who like the BL plot.

  In this category, I saw Moexiang belong to the latter, but not only to the latter-because she also cute Loli, and the frog Sergeant Neha persona, that feels particularly good.

   "Sure enough..."

   Sergeant Frog deserves to be Sergeant Frog, the quality of the content is high.

   This whole set of Neha's pictures is high-quality and posted on the website.

   "Well, it should be more than just Nanoha..."

   Sergeant Frog has a lot of content.

   She immediately clicked the other party's catalog.

   Then she was stunned by the contents, because there were hundreds of copies of the contents in Sergeant Frog.

   There are a lot of line drafts and uncolored drafts in the front, these are all "scattered old work" and "practice work" of Sergeant Frog.

   and the nearest one is a BL related content.

   "Ah, this is Sergeant Frog's notebook!"

I saw Mengxiang go to CM early today, not to buy the game "Noah", but for Sergeant Frog's But I saw Mengxiang late today and did not catch up with the first shift Tram, so when she came to the scene, Sergeant Frog's notebooks were all sold out.

This is a sad story.

  Because I didn't buy the book of the respected Sergeant Frog teacher, I saw Moexiang wandering around the exhibition early, and then I started the game "Noah".

  Because she was so boring, she just returned home at noon and started playing this game.

  Don't say, this game is quite fun. She was completely attracted by this game all afternoon.

   However, the fun of the game does not erase the shortcomings in her heart. Rather, because of this, she is even more disappointed in not having bought the book.

   But at this time, she actually saw the new issue of Sergeant Frog on the Internet!

   But unfortunately, this one on the Internet is just "seeing the book", that is, trial reading and preview.

   But it doesn’t matter.

   As long as I can see the works of Mr. Frog Guncao, I am satisfied.

   In this preview version, there are two very cute boys. These boys make Hayami Moexiang want to drool.

   "Oh oh oh, there is also a lady's lady... I really deserve to be Mr. Frog Sergeant, I understand..."

   However... there is only so much.

   is great though.

   But...not much content.

   Seeing Mengxiang early is a bit empty.


   But at this moment, she suddenly discovered that there was a...buying option next to it?

  Online purchase? !

and this? !

  . ""

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