Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1623: This thing is super fun!

"Legend" is quite fun.

Lao Long originally thought so.

Lao Long's surname is Long, and he looks rather old-fashioned, so he is called Lao Long. In fact, he is a young man.

These two days are the New Year's Day holiday, so Lao Long is ready to play "Legend" after arriving at the Internet cafe.

But he was a step late when he came, and the general area was already full of people. But there were still seats in the VIP area and boxes.

Private boxes are impossible, too expensive, but the sofa area is not unacceptable.

The role of the old dragon is a warrior.

"Legend" is a strong PVP game, this is a dead game that will explode equipment, and the difficulty of upgrading this game is very high, after reaching level 30, players want to upgrade the level, it will become very difficult.

This game is free when it first enters the game, but after reaching level 8, players will need to point cards for consumption. At this time, some players also thought of the so-called "card level" method, that is, continue to level up when the trial level is reached, and sometimes you can continue to play.

Lao Long originally liked this game very much, he found it very exciting.


People die, shop around.

When he was playing games, a man with glasses next to him started to play a particularly interesting game.

The game screen is called a good one, and the refreshment of the game is called a strong one.

Lao Long couldn't even pay attention to the game on his side, his eyes focused on the opposite side.

Different from our own, the games over there have very powerful graphics, and they are now "high-end" true 3D games.

"This game is called "Sword Art Online"." Lao Lu next to him was writing down the book at this time. As he said, he controlled his sledgehammer girl to rampage in the cave.

However, the sledgehammer is obviously not suitable for this narrow environment, and his weapon also has flicks in the narrow environment.

The so-called "bullet knife" is the stiffness caused by the weapon hitting the wall.

"Sword Art Online" is not a brainless mowing game, so some areas still need a little IQ.

Of course, this is not to say that the sledgehammer is not suitable for output in this environment. On the contrary, the other assault skills of the sledgehammer can make the sledgehammer quite comfortable output in this kind of tunnel.

Lao Lu mastered this technique after doing it twice.

"Man, why didn't I see this game here?" Lao Long had already quit "Legend", but he watched for a long time, but he didn't find out where the game is.

"I'm a Kylin Computer here, of course you don't." Lao Lu still remembered playing "Legend" before the other side.

"No wonder the picture quality is so good." Lao Long has also heard of Kylin Computer, but he has no interest in it.

But now that he sees the other party playing this game so comfortably, he also feels a little moved.

It's a pity that there are no machines next door, and there is no way to play games on Kylin Computer.

"How is this game?" Old Long asked again.

"Go and search by yourself." Lao Lu was hacking with the boss, and he really didn't have the energy to reply to the person next to him.

"Oh oh oh." Lao Long nodded.

Lao Lu knows computers quite well, but Lao Long is a novice. He knows a little how to play games, but not more.

But he still knows about "searching" this thing.

Lao Lu's words inspired him.

He arrived at his QICQ, then started searching for the words "Sword Art Online" on it with two-finger Zen, and then hit Enter.

Then, a search page appeared.

At the top of the list was a place called "Sword Art Online." He clicked and looked over and found that it was divided into two sections, "animation" and "game."

"It's kind of fun, does this thing have animation?"

He researched it again, and finally switched back to the previous page.

"The public beta of "Sword Art Online" will give a gift, and an introduction to the training of entry weapons."

"The PVP Arena of "Sword Art Online" is fully open!"

"The animation and the game are launched simultaneously, but they describe two completely different worlds. The editor will give you a comprehensive analysis of "Sword Art Online"."

Seeing this piece of news, Lao Long was really shocked.

——This is so interesting.

The search engine opened up a new world for him...

Although I can't play this game, Lao Long still finds it interesting to watch these contents.

After learning about it, he found that the game seemed to be based on a weapon system.

This makes Lao Long a little bit excited.

In "Legend", there is a legendary weapon called the "Dragon Slaying Knife", which is said to be the most powerful weapon in the game. Many people continue to spawn monsters to find the legendary Dragon Slaying Knife.

However, the legend is just a legend. The best weapon in the server is now a piece of equipment called "Judgment".

What's more tragic is that the settings of this game are particularly unfriendly. Players will explode their equipment if they are killed. After some red-named players die, even their entire body will fall out.

Although Lao Long sometimes finds this setting quite enjoyable, sometimes he finds this setting very distressing.

But "Sword Art Online" is just the opposite. One of the main systems in this game is weapon breeding. In the game, even with low-level equipment, players can go all the way to high levels.

Especially during the public beta, "Sword Art Online" adjusted the weapon system again. All weapons are calculated based on rarity. All weapons are LV1 when they are in hand, and then they are handed over to the player to train them.

This change is quite big.

However, the official adjusted the rhythm and restricted the material of the weapon. Starting from this aspect, the adjustment was also good. And it is more friendly to players.

Of course, other settings have not changed. For example, the equipment of the blacksmith series made by the player can be LV10 higher than the current level, which makes the weapons of the forging department a pioneering weapon.

But this also comes at a price, that is, the weapons of the blacksmith series require many materials of the current level, which are not so easy to obtain.

Of course, it is not easy for general weapons to "graduate". Especially rare equipment, even if these equipment are hit, players still have to go back to brush low-level dungeons, and then upgrade them all the way.

More importantly, in the low-level copy of this game, the player's level will also be suppressed, and it is just a delusion to want to pass without thinking.

But this design makes Laolong quite concerned.

He really likes this system.

"Right, the previous post..."

After reading some posts, he thought of the first post he clicked in before.

After he entered at that time, there were two portals, one was a game and the other was an animation. He was a little confused, so he didn't watch it.

After entering now, he found, what kind of post is this, it seems to be a forum?

"The Sword Guild accepts people!"

"Looking for players who can be online for a long time..."

"The latest foreign gua, a dollar of 999! Welcome to Dandelion’s guanet!" (This post disappeared after Lao Long clicked in)

"Please ask Asuna's face pinch data!"

"Who knows how to buy a monthly pass? I want to buy a spree for opening the service..."

There is a lot of content inside.

But it was very enjoyable to watch.

But because of this, Lao Long cared more about this game.

But no matter what, he can't play this game here.

"The tutorial video for beginners has been posted on Hatsune Station, and there is a hyperlink below..."

Hatsune Station?

what is that?

Lao Long clicked on the post and found that there were several screenshots in it.

This user seems to have posted a video about the game.

He looked at Lao Lu next to him.

At this time, Lao Lu had already replaced another Sledgehammer. He just met the Goblin Boss in the tunnel and was taught to be a human being, so Lao Lu went to hit a blast sledgehammer, and when it was full, he pulled it over. The blast sledgehammer can increase the attack speed according to the movement speed, and the skill of the sledgehammer collision can cause tons of damage. It's just that this skill is easy to be empty in other places, so it is more tasteless, but after the tunnel, it is very suitable, it is basically impossible to go empty here.

"I should be able to pass this time..." Old Lu murmured a few words.

But he obviously muttered to the BOSS. Halfway through his fight, the BOSS suddenly called the younger brother to double-team, and then Lao Lu rushed to the street...

"Cai..." Although Lao Long is interested in games, he is also more conceited in playing games.

Seeing the death method on the opposite side, he suddenly felt that "I can do it too."

But unfortunately, he has nowhere to go...

Lao Long turned his head.

It's meaningless to watch this kind of dish beep playing games.

He was very interested in what this instructional video was.

After seeing the screenshot, he found that there was a jump link under the post bar.

After he clicked on it, he found that he had entered a website called "mikumiku". In the tab above the address bar, there was the word "mikumiku Hatsune Station".

This is an online video?

Lao Long suddenly thought of a very subtle online video site.

Those online video sites have some two-dimensional animation videos, and before many videos are played, there is a LOGO that shows a "milk" or something similar to the letter, which is very similar to the one in front of you.

Those things are invisible to other places in the Internet cafe. Only in the box, the Internet cafe will save those addresses in a separate folder...

Although the old dragon had a sense of sight for a moment, he soon realized that it didn't seem to be the time to say this.

He continued to look at it.

Sure enough, it was a game video.

"This content is good." The picture quality is not bad.

He wears headphones and listens to the player's commentary.

This player introduced the weapon mechanics in the game to the audience in a simple way, and then some skills and even moves of all weapons were shown aside and introduced some routines to everyone.

Lao Lu here has been clamoring with the BOSS, it's meaningless, Lao Long naturally looks at the content here is more interesting.

After the other party introduced it, he came to the town of beginning.

The Japanese-style medieval fantasy towns made the old dragon's eyes shine brightly.

It's a pity that this man entered the map for a practical demonstration, not to show the town, so he soon left the town and went to the copy.

At this time, Lao Long also saw some comments next to him.

This system has a "barrage" system, but it is not open to the PC system, so PC players can only see the comments in the comment area.

"It is recommended to watch it in conjunction with the animation. There are many prototypes of these skills shown by the UP main in the second episode of the animation.

-You said the opposite. Many skills in Donghu Ai can find the circle in the game.

- Two of you, you are all wrong. The original case of "Sword Art Online" is light. It is said that the first volume will be released soon. "

UP master?

what is that? Can you eat it?

Lao Long thought for a while, and found that this name seemed to be used to address the video producer.

But what animation, where is it?

With sharp eyes, he immediately noticed that there was a recommended video next to the comment. In the recommended video, there was an animated feature of "Sword Art Online".

You can’t see this special episode in Mud Boom. This is a lock zone video aimed at a certain eastern country.

He took advantage of the situation and looked over.

Sure enough, it was an animation, and the screen...great!

He looked around with embarrassment.

This person is a little embarrassed to watch cartoons in the Internet cafe.

However, no one around cared about this, so he was relieved and continued to watch.

The animation is dubbed in Japanese, but with Chinese subtitles.

The Chinese subtitles look very interesting, although I don't understand it well, it feels good.

"Why didn't you dub..." It is understandable to understand, but it is uncomfortable without dubbing.

You know, in the game, the voices of these characters are all in Chinese...

However, he continued to look at it and found that there was something written under the video.

"The official version of "Sword Art Online" will be fully available in January and will include Chinese dubbing!"

In the comment area, someone also revealed that this "special show" is a preemptive version, relatively simple, and there is no opening or closing song, it is for everyone to try.

Lao Long understands in seconds.

This is a bit like those gun films in the cinema!

It's just that what people do here is official!

After self-understanding in this way, Lao Long understood.

Look at it this way!

He continued to watch.

At first, he felt very upset because he couldn't read the subtitles.

But looking at it, he found...this animation is really good!

The actions and images in the animation are very good.

He was a little embarrassed at first because he watched the animation, but after seeing such a powerful picture, he even wished that others would come to see his picture...

And the result is... he wants to play games more now.

However this is impossible.

Because the people around have not only not decreased, but more and more.

"Go buy a Kylin computer!" This thought suddenly occurred in his mind.

Since there is no Internet cafe... Then just buy it yourself!

Bite your teeth and buy it, I can play immediately!


In the previous chapter, the names of people were slightly adjusted desu.

the above.

Two in one.

.. Writing Chinese Network m.

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