Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1640: What is this game called?

Senxia didn't know that the girls playing with her were all girls from her hometown.

He only thinks the game environment of "Sword Art Online" is quite good.


Pleasant game feel.

Super cool.

At the side, Wang Qiwen, who was called a "passerby" by the sisters, also felt that he played the game very smoothly today.

At this moment, a phone call came.

"...Hey...Um...Yes, let them wait, you first take out the pre-plan prepared before."

After the phone call, Senxia was even more happy.

"What's the matter?" Wang Qiwen couldn't help asking when seeing Senxia almost laughing.

"Sony, they can't help it."


What's going on?

Wang Qiwen is a little strange.

"I bought Square's shares before." Senxia explained.

"Oh, that of "Final Fantasy". That's not bad. They lost so much in the previous movie, and now they bought it to GS. They are considered a heavyweight member." Wang Qiwen nodded and asked strangely, "This What does it have to do with Sony?"

"Of course it does matter." Morixia said, "Although Square is going to die soon, Sony will not allow them to run around. In other words, Square can go bankrupt, but the "Final Fantasy" brand absolutely cannot Lost from the PS platform."

This is the key.

Wang Qiwen was also a game player before, and he immediately understood the doorway.

"Final Fantasy 7" is a game that helps the PS platform dominate the world.

But if Morinka bought "Final Fantasy" and then announced that the work would no longer be available on the PS platform, then it would be great fun.

This point has appeared on another world line.

In the PSP era, the game "Monster Hunter" can be said to be a top masterpiece that made PSP a success. But in the PSV era, "Monster Hunter" went to the old Ren's house next door.

Although Sony immediately supported another pre-planned "God Eater" game, God Eater did not have the same sensational effect as "Monster Hunter". There are many reasons for the decline of PSV, but the lack of "Monster Hunter" debut is definitely the most uncomfortable.

"Sony is looking for a successor to Squarewell. They can act as a middleman or take over by themselves, but they will definitely not accept the acquisition of the three companies."

Senxia stretched out three fingers.

"One is us, the other is the old man, and the other is the giant."

Sony can mediate, intermediary, or even take over by itself, but only these three companies are not allowed.

"If it weren't for the movie to completely hit the street, this kind of problem wouldn't happen." Wang Qiwen nodded.

Square is engaged in movies on the street, so this happened.

But as for them rushing to the street like this, I am afraid Sony did not expect it.

But Senxia knew, so he took advantage of it and entered.

"You are holding Sony now, it has a great advantage." Wang Qiwen sighed.

"It's not because of me, it's because of the giants." Morixia said, "The giants are now burning money and smashing games, and Sony also feels the pressure. So they did this not for us, but to fight the giants. Have the upper hand."

This is the crux of the problem.

"Actually, this news from Sony is actually good news-at least, we have a medium for handhelds."


This is a disc prepared by Sony for PSP.

In the same way, UMD Sony once wanted to develop it into a film and television format, but it failed.

Morinka also needs a game medium here, but Morinka is not satisfied with the cassette.

However, Senxia didn't want to develop an independent CD format-Sega's GD era was enough to hit the street, and there was no need to go to the muddy water.

What should I do?

It's simple, just find a ready-made solution.

Of course, there are no ready-made solutions in the market now, but this does not mean that there will be no solutions in the future.

Sony has a mature plan here, which is correct. They started the research on this kind of small CDs since the MD era, and accumulated more than ten years of technology. If they can take the opportunity to make a fortune now, wouldn’t it be great?

"But it will be judged by others?" Wang Qiwen thought of a more serious problem.

"It's okay, it's just one standard." Morinia said, "and it's just one generation, at most ten years, it's okay to follow their standards."

Wang Qiwen's worry is justified.

Moriha's doing this is good for the next generation of machine development.

But the farther forward, the situation may get worse-because it means that their products will also follow Sony's standards in the future.

Standards are important.

This is true.

But this also shows what the situation is.

Because Morinya never thought of relying on UMD to make big news from beginning to end, he just wanted a transition.

——After the UMD era, memory cards will become popular.

By then, who will care about the CD?

You know, more than ten years later, the status of CD-ROMs in the eyes of many people is the same as that of floppy disks in this era-they are becoming useless.

"But it still feels bad. I think Sony will wake up with a smile when it hears your request-this is equivalent to helping them promote new standards for free."

Indeed, if the technical support from the other side is discarded, the development of the optical drive itself may be a very loss.

"It's not a problem." But Morinka said, "And I can't want such a thing. Sony's technology is pretty good, how can I not take the opportunity to hold my thigh?"

Upon hearing Senxia's words, Wang Qiwen here seemed to have thought of something.

——Yes, A company back then, didn’t it start with Sony’s thigh?

Well, although the Order of the Phoenix is ​​quite strong here, the A company... really started with Sony’s thighs.

At that time, the code for "Plants vs. Zombies" was outsourced by Senxia to Wang Qiwen.

It can be said that because of this incident, if Wang Qiwen is allowed to cleanse himself out of the house, as long as he is clearly identified, he can immediately find a good game development job, and this is because of this game.

"Okay, okay, but this one." Senxia said, "I'm going to make a shooting game. I want to go to a certain eastern country to pass a trial. I want you to help."

"Shooting game? What are you going to do?"

"GGO. Um... chicken... Bah, I mean, games like Battle Royale, but I'm afraid it won't pass the trial. Since you are here, I'll say hello first."

In 2002, many plans on Morinya's side were also launched.

Among them, one of the games that Morinia values ​​most is GGO.

It's GGO, but it's actually a game of eating chicken. It's just that Morinka uses the GGO skin.

"Understood." He said, "I am familiar with this, but I still need to change what needs to be changed."

"Well. This game is not bloody, but I am afraid of moths." Senxia said.

In fact, if there is a moth, he can solve it, but the process is more troublesome.

"By the way, there is a very popular game in China recently called "Legend", don't you know?" After Wang Qiwen finished talking about these things, he suddenly said another thing, which is an interesting thing he recently discovered in China.

"I know, it's quite concerned." Senxia didn't lie.

The popularity of this game is indeed very good now. This is because the choice is small, and the other is that this game is indeed a kind of "groundbreaking PVP game."

"The boss of my game also said that he would log in to Kylin Computer." Senxia still remembers this.

Although the fate of "Legend" is different from that of another world line, it is still a hot game.

According to Mori Xia, the people here seem to have made an ambitious plan to log on to the Kylin computer platform.

But when Senxia finished talking, Wang Qiwen laughed happily.

"This is not from Bangguo. This is done by the domestic agent. But this plan may not work out."


The boss of "Legend" Chen is a weird person. Although he makes money from games, he looks down on the game himself and only wants to **** blood from the game, so Morinha never regarded them as opponents.

But people are really good, seeing the development trend of Kylin Computer, it is not unimaginable to want to make a new version of the game.

But what does Wang Qiwen's statement mean?

"The domestic development team of "Legend" was packaged and poached." Wang Qiwen said, "I did it by matchmaking."


Mori summer embarrassing has a god.

Wang Qiwen, you big pig's hoof, how come I haven't found you so cruel before?

Senxia really didn't realize that Wang Qiwen could do such a thing.

"Uh-it's not me. I took the lead. The person who engaged in this was Boss Shi. He used to be a business owner of Hanka. Later he went to another industry. Now I want to play games after going round and round. Just helped. But I didn't expect him to be so ruthless. He just packed up and took him away." Wang Qiwen explained quickly.

"This is really cruel." Senxia also nodded.

This is more than cruel, it is simply killing people.

They just formed a team and want to expand their business. Here, they will get rid of their team directly. This is tantamount to destroying all of their preliminary preparations. The loss of time and money is huge. , And the team that has worked so hard to form a wedding dress for others.

But Senxia is not sympathetic, on the contrary, he is quite gloating.

Boss Chen has no respect for the game, and he does it as a cash cow.

On another world line, online game players from a large eastern country were spurned by people and had a bad reputation because they opened up too much, and the opening up was brought up from Boss Chen.

Boss Chen’s "Legend" not only only had plug-ins, but even later, he also sold plug-ins by himself and made plug-ins by himself—the game operating company made plug-ins by themselves, do you dare to believe?

In the game "Legend", there are many people who open the game, and the official attitude is very unclear. Later, the game was simply developed to a level of "no plug-in, no legend", which shows the rampant of plug-ins.

Later, their game company represented another "Dragon Valley" game. This time the internal staff became even more vigorous and started selling offline games.

The so-called offline hangup means that you do not need to log in to the game, but directly use the plug-in software to access the game's data interface to complete the data transfer, so that the characters in the game automatically hang up and upgrade automatically. This kind of plug-in is very advanced, and it is difficult to make it without the cooperation of internal personnel, but in the game of "Dragon Nest", this kind of plug-in is basically available after the server is opened.

It is precisely because of the actions of Boss Chen that opening hooks has gradually become the trend of online games in a large eastern country. Later, many people even took opening hooks as a matter of course and righteousness.

And the culprit of all this, there is no doubt that "Legend" and Boss Chen need to take a lot of responsibility.

Therefore, Senxia still likes to hear about Boss Chen's collapse.

It's impossible for Morinia to take care of this third party's affairs. It's actually quite taboo for officials to get involved in this kind of thing, so Morinia just listened to it.

"This kind of strong PVP game has developed a real PVP, I feel quite normal." Senxia teased.

"Haha, yes. But I think this is a matter of game values. But everyone likes it, and I have nothing to say." Wang Qiwen shook his head.

Wang Qiwen, who has seen the market, actually doesn’t really like this kind of game that mimics Diablo. He has also seen more games with better graphics, so the taste has already been but Senxia probably understood Wang Qiwen's appearance.

Wang Qiwen should not like this kind of strong interactive game.

Many people play online games as a stand-alone player. This kind of games that require strong interaction cannot be said to be bad, but if you encounter this kind of "online stand-alone party", you will definitely not be able to pee in a chamber pot.

In other words, it is strange that they can play a game together in harmony.

——One party is thinking about playing games and watching the plot, while the other party is thinking about messing up and killing people. It's weird that this can be said together.

"What the people like to hear and see is the best. Everyone has this kind of comparison psychology, and someone can satisfy it. If it weren't for this game, there will definitely be another game."

"Yeah, so I also hope to see more interesting games. Boss Shi is very interested in this piece, so I helped. Then his new game will probably be on our Kirin computer with "Legend" Let's fight." Wang Qiwen said.

"Oh, then it doesn't have much to do with us. As long as they don't go too far, this kind of competition is pretty good." Senxia said, "Oh, by the way, what is this game going to be called."

"I remember someone told me before...I think about it..." Wang Qiwen thought for a while, suddenly his eyes lit up.

"By the way, I remember. This game is called "Zhengtu". Positive energy game."

Morika: "..."


On this world line, when the game "Zhengtu" was developed, the boss did dig a lot of the backbone of "Legend"...

Two-in-one meow meow~

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