Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1648: So, what is this game called?

"The protagonist of the game is a police officer who has just become a trainee. He entered the mobile unit because of his past experience..."

After the episode, Morinka began to design the story.

As a big boss, you only need to complete your favorite and most desired settings. As for the other parts... I am the boss, and of course I leave it to the employees!

In the story, the role of the protagonist is set by the player, and the whole story is definitely for both men and women.

Of course, as far as Senxia is concerned, he still prefers the sister paper protagonist. The protagonist of such a sister paper, just looking at it is a kind of enjoyment.

Although it is an RPG, it is not a traditional RPG, but a first-person shooting RPG-since it is a science fiction, of course the design is more interesting!

As for the gameplay, Moriha has already thought about it. It is similar to the future "Fallout 3" and its later works, as well as "Cyberpunk 2077" and other gameplays. Some of the gameplays can also inherit the current "MUV The design of Moonfall.

As for the previous cool action mode, Morinya has no plans to do it. After all, there is a difference between science fiction and fantasy.

And a group of people are still fighting with cold weapons in the future era of science fiction. Who actually came up with this mentally retarded plot?

"The protagonist’s first mission was a rescue mission. The Space City was attacked in the surrounding asteroid collection belt. When they came there, they encountered a group of criminal gangs..."

Since it is an outline, the content is naturally impossible to be particularly detailed, but as the content at the beginning of the story, Morika still described it in a little detail.

The prologue is the first action of the protagonist’s rescue team. Although the criminal gang was defeated, they found a peculiar beacon at the base, but this beacon does not seem to be a human creation...

At the beginning of this, Morika actually referred to "Mass Effect."

After the prologue, the protagonist returns to the city.

Because of this incident, the protagonist has achieved great success. Because he is the first party, the official convenience granted him free investigation authority.

This setting is not only to facilitate the development of the story, but also to define the gameplay.

If in the story, the protagonist has to check in to and from get off work every day, is this game still playing?

Moriha is also a person who has been playing games for many years. This kind of plot will not be written. Therefore, the protagonist was not promoted because of his seniority, but he was granted the right to free investigation because of his great merits. This is naturally excellent.

Of course, because the protagonist is an official person, it represents the official image. Therefore, in the story, without an official search warrant and permission, the protagonist cannot enter the house privately. In this case, there are many inaccessible rooms in the city, which is reasonable.

In a game, if the function limitation itself can be incorporated into the setting, it is naturally the best.

On another world line, some games do just that.

For example, in the first few series of "Assassin's Creed", the protagonist cannot enter the water, so some people call it "dissolves in water". But the official here is a clever setting, that is, the content of the entire story is the story of modern characters "recalling" the ancestors, so in the story, the so-called "swimming" and other content are irrelevant to the clues in the story. , Because this part of the "non-essential" memory content will not be presented in the game, because it will cause the "water-soluble (death situation.

Although Senxia wants to tell a story like the "golden spirit of mankind", there must be a villain in the story.

Here in Senxia, ​​he is still preparing to design the villain as a human.

Senxia's positioning for the villain is: great perseverance, great wisdom, but absolutely not accepting whitewashing.

Whitewashing is popular in the current story, but since Morinka wants to reverse the routine, she must prepare a character who does not accept whitewashing.

But such a character is by no means a completely bad character for the sake of badness, but a bad personality with charisma.

"The protagonist is doing free investigations in the story. In this case, it is quite easy to achieve a high degree of freedom..."

Morinya has set up the settings temporarily, and Qianjia looks pretty good.

"Yes, and in the story, the male and female protagonists can have some different plots." Mori Xia said, "For example, when sneaking into a bar to investigate, the heroine can go to dance to accompany the wine set to obtain information, and the male protagonist can Go and have a drink with sister paper and then ask..."

Although there are so-called character pinching customizations in many games, this customization is actually useless. The plots of the male and female characters in the story are exactly the same. No matter whether the protagonist is a male or a female, there is no difference Any influence.

For example, a flower-hearted carrot will show up when he sees a female character next to the protagonist, but if the protagonist is also a sister-in-law, the flower-hearted carrot will not have any idea about the protagonist.

Meow meow meow?

When facing the protagonist, why is Huaxin Big Carrot so upright?

For another example, even in the story, even if it is a sister paper character, you can go to some unexplainable places where male characters can go, and the characters in the play will accept this without hindrance...

Obviously, this situation is not an exception. In many games, characters are forced to be pinched, but the script does not distinguish between them, which is really mentally retarded.

Fortunately, Agency A is very experienced in word games and net narratives, so this design can still be No, even if it is in the future, the net narrative mode of A is also At the forefront of the industry, this kind of network narrative has been developed by A company for many years, and it is really not what ordinary people can do.

So in this part, A company wants to do a good job, there is no problem at all.

Among other things, as long as this "craft" is not wasteful, there will definitely be a market for the games of Company A. This does not even require Morinia to make any special games to continue.

But how could Morinya just stop here?

"By the way, in our city, that kind of particularly ugly character is absolutely forbidden."

Morinya thought of some games that were fooling around for the so-called "correctness".

"Ugly? Doesn't exist? Why?"

"Ah, because our genetic technology is very advanced, the characters in the story have undergone a certain degree of genetic adjustment, so there will be no genetic diseases or ugly characters."

As a gentleman, you don’t need other characters in the game, but the appearance is definitely important.

Beauty is the primary productive force, which cannot be refuted.

Both Morinia and Qianjia were in high spirits.

"By the way, what is your game called?"

However, at this moment, Tong Gu Xiao suddenly spoke.

Afterwards, both Morinia and Qianjia froze.

Yeah...I thought about it for so long, this game...what should it be called?


To be honest, the author has been unable to figure out what his mentality is for a player who makes his character ugly and ridiculed the majority of players...

The second more desu!

. Writing Chinese Network m.

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