Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1680: When the player becomes part 1 of the game (below)

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In "Starship Voyage: Borders", there was originally no genre.

However, Mud Boom is a country that prefers role-playing, and many people are very serious when they play games.

Some people in the game play the role of a swordsman intently, speaking coldly and obsessed with swords; some people think that they should be the star cowboy Spike, speaking strayly, like a prodigal; others think that they are the gun of the universe century Guest, with his own double guns, alone in the world.

However, mere acting does not satisfy everyone.

So at this time, someone became interested in character animation.

It just so happens that the game allows players to make actions.

Of course, this system does not greatly improve the player’s attack power. Because of the game’s mechanics, the game calculates "second damage". The higher the attack frequency, the lower the second damage, and vice versa. . The combat system in "Starship Voyage: Borders" is very rudimentary, so you can design a set of actions yourself, and maybe even after you finish the fight, the monster will run away long ago, and then you can't fight anything. Yes, this kind of action design is completely negative in the game.

In the game, there are basically no other skills except simple attacks, rolls, shooting, counterattacks, and weak crit. These simple skills are borrowed from the "Curse of Bloodborne" from another world line, but they are not so perfect because of the system mechanism. But even so, these simple moves are the most efficient in the game. Instead, they are those designed by the players. No matter how high the second injury is, the efficiency is actually low. And if the game is PVP, players are using skill moves. It’s uncontrollable, if it’s a short action, it’s okay, but if it’s a long sequence of actions, the opponent just needs to get close, press the counter-attack key, and wait for the opponent to hit the counter-attack. Then, there is no Now, with this kind of cheating action, it is absolutely fast to die. In other words, such a system is just tossing about.

But... handsome!

Strength is a matter of version, but being handsome is a matter of life.

So, someone started to develop various tricks.

Juhe cut. This is a move developed by a player obsessed with swords-although in the same state, the player can equalize A's double life, but it is handsome!

There is also gun fighting. This is a trick that the goddess can use to attack all the surrounding enemies-but a bullet from a magazine can only deal damage of one bullet per person at an enemy with a limited fan-shaped area, but it is handsome!

There is even Bajiquan. This is the essence of close combat. It is said that a fan of "Fate Night" did it for his character "Father Mapo"-this set of skills basically has three tricks and two tricks. It's a target, but it's handsome!

Handsome. This is enough.

Therefore, although it is a tasteless system, many players still like this set of actions very much. Some people use this set of actions instead of offensive, but simply record a set of handsome actions and send them on Hatsune Station.

However, these people never expected that by the time of the closed beta, these actions would become a part of the game, and become a genre in the game!

After seeing these, they discovered that there are actually quite a few genres in this game.

...Well, they would never know. In fact, in this genre, part of the 3D production team of "Swordsman Witch" was part of the stroke design during the preliminary preparation...

"It's amazing, our actions have become a legacy in the game... It's great!"

Hideki Kobayakawa was very excited.

Of course, the judgment in the game is still the same, in other words, this skill is still... useless.

This is also impossible, because the combat system in the game itself is not particularly easy to use, and the official has no plans to strengthen this aspect-in fact, they tried it, but the energy and performance resources consumed are very large. It's particularly uneconomical. And they also considered that this set of actions is completely designed by the player, and it is likely to be easily exploited when fighting monsters, so they simply made the system into this relatively simple thing.

As for the players...don't care, handsome is enough!

Moreover, there are related PVP mechanisms in the game, which require players to use various genres to challenge. This system can still do it. Of course, specifically, it is to reduce the player’s attack power, and then let them peck at each other. ...

Well, yes, this is a game in which the skills are useless and will even slow down...

But there is no way. If you want to play this game well, you still need to pay attention to this aspect.

But... handsome!

After all, it's not that kind of complicated game, so that's it.

In fact, as the official expected. After knowing the genre in the game, the biggest feeling for players is still surprise.

This game is completely different from when it first closed beta. At that time, the players were completely "opening up", but at this moment when they entered the game, they clearly felt the feeling of "prosperity".

The whole world seems to have changed at this time.

But for players, this is definitely a huge surprise.

how to say.

In previous games, although players were participants in the game, their roles in the game usually followed the official route. Even the characters that claim to be multi-tasking and multi-ending are still doing multiple-choice questions.

But now this game is different.

In the game, the player acts as the responsibility of the "descriptor" itself.

Most of the contents of the closed test have become the background and the story of the entire game in the closed test.

In other words, this game now is completely a world created by players.

"The official promotional video is released!"

"Hatsune Station, everyone, go to Hatsune Station, it's super awesome!"

Just as Hideki Kobayakawa lingered, such news came from his Q group.

"What's this?"

Hideki Kobayakawa couldn't help but curiosity and opened Hatsune Station.

Officially, there is a promotional video on Hatsune Station. Hideki Kobayakawa had followed the official account before.

However, this time the official played a big one. They released the promotional video for the closed beta after the game has been in beta for half a day.

"The world created by you."

This is the Slogan of the work, which is the slogan.

He got excited just seeing this line. Because this is the portrayal of the game.

Hideki Kobayakawa also clicked on the video immediately.

At the beginning of the work, the CG of the game was similar to the cutscene CG of the closed beta, but when the spacecraft arrived, it did not enter the city, but landed on the wasteland.

Later, the picture began to develop, first someone built a small house, and then someone started to build a huge building.

This kind of delayed photography, combined with the magnificent BGM, gave a sense of magnificence.

Gradually, he discovered that this constructed city... seemed to be the scenery of the city in the closed beta.

At this time, Hideki Kobayakawa realized that from the beginning, the official had actually made plans to let players build the background of the game. They had planned for a long time!

How can it be repaired, why didn't you tell me during the closed test!

Hideki Kobayakawa felt a strong regret. If he knew all this, he would definitely express himself better in the game...

But now it's too late to say anything.

Because the closed test is already over.

And Hideki Kobayakawa and other players were really surprised by the game.

It has to be said that compared to the promotion of this aspect at the beginning of the game, this sudden surprise is indeed a lot more shocking for players.

"The world changes because of you."

In the video, there are continuous subtitles and BGM that gradually appear, and then disappear, and every time, the picture in the scene changes.

Finally, the city was established.

This is the scene on the last day of the closed test, because there were also many people in the group who cut the picture, so Hideki Kobayakawa could see it at a glance.

In the picture, the appearance of the city.

"The last day of closed testing." The official subtitles also appeared.

"Then time flies."

The picture has changed again.

It's just that this time it is not the players who adjust the world, but the official.

And at this time, the player's screen and history flashed on the screen.

Over the past 100 years of development, the picture has become darker and darker, and finally turned into pitch black. Then, a spaceship shuttled past the screen.

All this is very consistent with the scene at the beginning of the promotional video, but when the spacecraft once again descended to the surface, the originally deserted place became a city.

awesome! It's really great!

Just watching this video, Hideki Kobayakawa felt that his life seemed worthwhile.

Because... he is also a part of this "historical creation".

Although I know this is a virtual world, the feeling of creating in this world is really very exciting.

The sense of substitution and the feeling of narrating epics made him extremely excited.

And just after he finished watching, he found that the number of broadcasts and barrage next to it was also increasing in a visible form.

"The video is great! Everyone hurry up and watch it!" He also sent a message in the group.

"Speaking of it, the story of the closed beta, I don't know if it will become the background of the game like the closed beta..." the president said.

He seemed to care a little about this.

"I think it's very possible." Hideki Kobayakawa hurriedly typed.

"I also hope, but this test is an internal test without deleting files. It is said that the number of players is five times that of the closed test. I think the official design may not be the same as before."

"Not necessarily, I think the official may directly use the player's experience as part of the game."

"I think so. I found that the construction system in the game has been adjusted a lot. If you only build and sell on your own house land, the freedom of the game is still the same as before, but in terms of external aspects, a lot of innovations have been made. , Will the official encourage us to socialize?"

"It makes sense. By the way, I checked the bottom of the official website and found that the work has a hidden subtitle called "newlife". The official plan is to build the entire "Border Land" world into a virtual social platform. Right."

"Speaking of it, I found that there is a lot of 18X content in the game, but the 18X area is delineated in an area, and the characters that use 18X materials are observed. If there is no authentication age, the model will appear in the default form. . I think this also illustrates the official attitude."

Part of Moriha's reference is "Second Life", so there is indeed a reference here.

However, due to the follow-up design issues of "Second Life", Morinka added some MMORPG elements to this virtual world, and made the game design more hardcore-players can only be in their own field or open Only places with authority can achieve functions such as teleportation or invincibility, and on weekdays, to go to a certain place, you also need transportation and the like. At the least, there are portable portals-although they are all teleports, the latter is this This kind of reasonable portal really needs to be hardcored on the kind of cheating code transmission.

The facts proved that Senxia's approach was successful.

In other words, this approach is successful in the mud bomb keen to play games.

After the release of this video, clicks, recommendations, and collections went up, and the number of subscriptions to the official account tripled. Many people wanted to check the internal test server, so that the internal test first A batch of 10,000 open accounts was full in just one day.

——Players are absolutely looking forward to and curious about this kind of game that can shape the world by themselves.

However, the official subsequently released a promise that the game will be opened every once in a while, as long as players with GS can apply for testing.

Of course, this game has extremely high performance requirements.

During the internal test, the game requires a dual-core system to run, so there is no platform on the PC temporarily, and it can only run on the latest GS game console.

Of course, the official also said that it will support the PC version, but that was the time of the public beta. As for the internal beta... I'm sorry, I want to play, it can only be in GS, the PC performance is really not enough, or you will wait for our public test Is it time to optimize better before going to PC?

PC is not a dedicated game console, even if it has the same frequency and core, performance and game consoles sometimes have a gap.

And the official did not expect that the enthusiasm of the players was very high. After hearing the news, many people even went directly to buy GS.

Because of this game, the sales of official game consoles have also increased a lot, which is a surprise...


Two in one meow~

Qingming and Ankang~

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