Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1686: End of April

The end of April is the time of Golden Week.

During this half month, it can be said to be a carnival for the otakus.

The first is the launch of "Black Rock Shooter", which opened up a network animation type. This work makes the role of Black Rock Shooter a role that audiences like very much. As the singer of the theme song, Hatsune is also talked about.

Even Hatsune Miku has jumped out of the circle, out of the circle.

Official media, including Yomiuri Shimbun, reported this incident: the theme song sung by a virtual character.

Yes, for ordinary people, no matter what network animation or black rock shooter, these are not important. They are even more surprised by the songs created by such virtual characters.

Hatsune Miku's "Black Rock Shooter" song of the same name is a work that has no real person singing at all. The creator of the theme song of this work can be said to be just a piece of software.

Well, if you add tuning, arranging, etc., there is still manpower. But in terms of pure songs, the significance of "Black Rock Shooter" is to completely abandon the role of real people.

In some news, the more gimmicky headline "virtual singer? The advent of the era of singers is not needed" was used simply.

After "Black Rock Shooter", "The President is a Maid" is also a work that directly subverts the industry.

There are several hot elements in this work, and fans have also sorted them out. The first is the anti-routine of the work. In "The President is a Maid", the first thing that attracts the audience is the various "folding chess" actions of the heroine.

The second is the picture of the work. The whole work has now moved most of the paintings to computer production, and it has also adopted a 16:9 aspect ratio that is leading the industry. In fact, similar ratios have already existed here, but only Only available in the release version. As for the TV version, the supervisor cut off both sides before the release. Of course, the 16:9 ratio is not visible on the TV. It depends only on Hatsune Station.

Finally, it is the tangled emotional expression of the work itself. Although the work adopts anti-routines and makes the heroine all kinds of cruel and unfeeling, but because of this, the emotions between the characters in the work itself become more commendable. Although only three or four episodes have been played, in fact, The situation of "partisan struggle" has gradually taken shape in the works.

After "The President is a Maid", it will be the closed beta of the game "Starship Voyage: Borders."

This is definitely a game that can rewrite the history of mud bombing games. It can't even be called a game with excellent gameplay, but its social attributes immediately attracted people's attention.

Many people even bought the GS game console for this game.

And the most direct impact of this is that compared with last month, the sales volume of GS game consoles this month has directly increased by 30%. Among them, at least 80% of the contribution comes from this still The game in the closed beta.

"A new life in a virtual world." This slogan gradually spread.

It can be said that if Morinia's Agency A and the Order of the Phoenix are listed companies, then the stock prices of these two stocks must soar to the extent that people cannot look at them directly.

After that, it is the carnival of more **** players.

"Sword Art Online" opened a new map, and the story began to advance. Although it is faster than the animation, the story trend between the two is different. This update makes everyone start looking forward to the animation performance-Mori Everyone has already adapted to the habit of taking multiple world lines.

After that, the PV of "Swordsman Witch" was released.

As the original animation of the handle of the new show in July, "Swordsman Witch" follows the path of experimental animation. It doesn't care much about sales itself, but the application of various new technologies is quite a bit.

But because of this, the audience was looking forward to it after the PV of "Swordsman Miko" began to be broadcast.

As we all know, Musashino himself likes to use new techniques. And Musashino, who likes to innovate from the old to the new, actually used the name of "experimental animation" for his work, which shows how powerful this work is. Besides, the "real fighting" is also a very attractive selling point.

As for the more **** otaku, they are more concerned about another work.

That is "When Higurashi Cries".

"Higurashi When They Cry" is a chapter-by-chapter work. Now the "Questions" of this work have all been published. The new chapter of the work will answer all questions. At the same time, "Higurashi Cry" "Time" will also be animated, and all the members of the question section will be animated.

But it is a pity that apart from these news, many players have been looking forward to Xingyueshe, but there is no sound.

What about the good "Tsuki Hime" animation?

"Chilling" has been announced as an animation. Is there any news about "Tsukihime" that you launched a few years ago?

Also, the "Fate Night" next door is still new, but...what about animation?

If it were a general game change, probably everyone would not have such an idea. But the problem is that Nasu and Takeuchi had participated in interviews before, and both of them said there would be animation.

Then... then there is no more.

Just like another world line "Tsukihime R", after the sentence "the next ten years" was released, there was no news, and even after ten years... there was still no news.

This is a sad story.

As far as the likes of a certain eastern country are concerned, they have recently been Budweiser Chen Za.

The appearance of the Kirin II computer quickly seized the market in a large eastern country. In order to fight against this side, the giant side even offered a cheap version of XP.

Productivity users are definitely more favored by giants. But for the player community, it's another state.

——Who doesn’t know that the dual-core GS is the most powerful computer?

Senxia uses the so-called "glue dual-core" technology of the future I family. Compared with simply integrating multiple cores into a "die (core, this technology has greater synergy between the core and the core, as well as the delay and access relationship with the memory. gap.

But with such a small gap, it is not guilty of violent piles of multi-core!

The same frequency and performance, on GS and PC, that is a completely different concept. GS can use lower main frequency and dual-core performance to achieve more powerful performance than the Pentium of the I family.

Of course, this is caused by different systems.

This is like a PS4 console with another world line. After this host is cracked, it is possible to install the Linux system and run some WIN system games through wine. Among these games, the games with lower CPU requirements can run smoothly, but if it is similar to Counter-Strike Games with high CPU requirements will cause serious lag. PS4 is multi-core, but its main frequency is very low. When under Linux and other systems, it is around 1.6GHZ, which is not even as high as many low-power chips from I home.

This kind of main frequency will naturally cause problems on the WIN platform and the Linux platform.

However, after a comparison at this time, someone will find that many of the same games, the native PS4 version, and the same games that run the PC platform through WINE after PS4 is converted to Linux, the latter is obviously not enough.

The performance loss is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is due to optimization.

PS4 games are optimized for multiple cores and can distribute resources equally, but on the PC platform, the requirements for single-core performance are relatively high.

In fact, Kirin II also plays like this.

After Kirin II went on the market, there was an advertisement. In the advertisement, one person carried a bucket of water and walked forward with difficulty, while on the other side, two people held two smaller buckets, relaxed. Go ahead. The one who transported the waterman had gone once, and the latter had already gone twice.

"Dual cores make your life smoother." This is an official propaganda line.

This advertisement was broadcast by Wang Qiwen in various places at a high price. In addition to publicity, the purpose of this advertisement was to let the audience have ideas of better performance of Kirin computers. Not to mention, the effect is pretty good.

But these are not all good things. In a big eastern country, there have always been people who want to have domestic chips. The success of Kirin II has made some people have greater ambitions. They clamor for their own cores, but they don’t care that Kirin II uses the I family-IBM -The fact of the top chip.

But in fact, the official is actually a little excited.

Wang Qiwen's attitude is very entangled. On the one hand, he hopes that everyone will develop, which is a good thing for himself as a person in a certain eastern country.

But on the other hand, Wang Qiwen felt that these guys who came to hit the windmill were really uncomfortable no matter how they looked.

On the contrary, it was Senxia on the other side, and the old **** was there.

——Senxia has already seen the ending.

There are indeed many people developing chips in a large eastern country in another world line, but in fact, many are cheating funds. In another world line, in a more serious situation, some people even bought other people's chips, and then polished off the printed words on the surface, and outrageously promoted that it was their own result.

But Senxia can't say about it. After the official hit a wall, they will probably know that Senxia is fine.

——You know, on another world line, the chip development of a certain eastern country is really not very good, and not many people are willing to cooperate.

Senxia's influence on matters of this level was not enough—his old man could do—so he chose to watch the changes.

Anyway, the one who benefits is also yourself, so why not?

Well, I am the beneficiary anyway.JPG.

Making a fortune in a muffled voice is the kingly way. If the official finds that there is no channel for his own family, and only his own line outside, then it is time for Senxia to exert an influence-when he seeks others, he will naturally benefit. At the highest time.

In North America, the situation is another picture.

What everyone is guessing at this time is another matter.

That is the protagonist of the movie version of "MUV Moonfall".

"MUV Moonfall", although it is from the perspective of the heroine, the lethality of this game is really terrifying. Now the accumulated sales have exceeded tens of millions of levels. Among these, the largest market contribution is North America.

Car gun ball, this work occupies the "gun" part of it.

And more importantly, this era...There is no "Call of Duty" yet.

In this regard, Senxia actually feels a little unintentional. Because the excellent work of "Call of Duty" has not yet appeared, but "MUV Moonfall" turned out at this time. After a year of fermentation, it has successfully filled the blank area in people’s hearts. Such works will naturally become popular targets. It can be said that if it is not for its own positioning is more subtle, then sales will definitely be higher.

But because it is not so popular, the number of diehard fans is more heavier than passerby fans.

Therefore, everyone is actually very curious about who is performing the movie.

But the official suddenly closed it at this time.

Meow meow meow? !

People’s movies don’t always tell you who the heroine is and who is the director?

But "MUV Moonfall" is not.

People began to play with secrecy.

This is convenient. Actually, it is Alice, not Senxia, ​​who mainly controls it. Only people like her can have such a powerful energy to carry out such a strict information blockade.

Therefore, the general audience still does not know who is performing.

But... people can be willful!

"MUV Moonfall" itself is a heavyweight work. It's really not certain who the protagonist of such a work is. So it's not difficult to understand that the old **** is there at this time-because they are really not stable.

It is because of the large capital that they can do whatever they want.

But this kind of action hurts the fans.

After I heard that the shooting of the work was over and the post production started, all the ashes, and even according to the time of shooting, began to screen the Hollywood stars to determine which stars are on schedule when ~ So you can find out who the protagonist is.

Not to mention, they are really very serious analysis, and in fact, some people did include the identity of the true mistress in the table, and the analysis emperor also gave more reasonable evidence.

It's just that, because of the identity of the true mistress, everyone feels that the possibility is still relatively low for the time being...

All in all, in April 2002, the situation on Morinka's side was basically like this.

What, Senxia himself?

Oh, what he said is actually a headache now. A while ago, he put a little burden on the production team of "Sword Art Online", and he was quite happy. But now, retribution is coming.

Because... Alice is here again.


Today's two in one.

Everyone, pay attention to your body, pay attention to rest, Orz

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