Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1693: Best application scenario

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Upper decision decided by the economic background.

The contradiction between players now is the contradiction between the ever-increasing machine performance and gameplay.

With the improvement of machine graphics, manufacturers began to focus on improving the quality of the picture, and they began to use the so-called "next-age picture" to please players. But at the same time, the gameplay of many games has stagnated or even started to decline.

Senxia believes that in such an era, the introduction of virtual characters is an opportunity.

As a result, Hatsune Miku has been accepted by people at this time and continues to become popular, so there is already an opportunity for virtual characters to continue to appear.

Secondly, in this era, the anchor industry has become more perfect.

In a large eastern country, these are temporarily impossible.

However, in Nihbang and Europe and America, with the recent substantial increase in broadband, everything has become possible.

At this time, it is the time when related industries can develop.

However, the network environment at this moment and the future are a little different, so it is impossible to popularize it.

In other words, if the official takes the lead in doing this kind of thing, it is actually possible, but for individual users, it will have to pay extra costs, and the effect is not very good.

These days, whether it is a camera or other equipment, there are actually still available, but it is only limited to this, because the price of these equipment is still very high.

For example, after ten years, liquid crystal displays can become something that can be bought with a few hundred soft sister coins, but in the 1990s, ten years ago, in the 1990s, those who could use large-screen LCDs were definitely local tyrants. .

At least in this era, no one would have thought that the mobile phone would become a daily necessities for one person.

"Virtual characters themselves need to be performed, voice actors and performances are very important." Mori summer said, "and the performers will be very hard."

Because of the need to perform motion capture, the action is actually not that simple.

"Just use the second set?" Qianjia went over and checked the camera.

"No, we officially use the third set." Mori Xia said, "The second set of accuracy is still possible, but in fact it is not enough. So if it is an official project, we will use more precise motion capture technology."

of course.

It's not that simple.

Motion capture seems simple, but it is more difficult to make the bound bones move with the collector and move in real time.

As for the second set...

"I plan to use this technology on arcade machines. I plan to make a dance game, but it's not the same as dancing mats."

The game that Senxia thought of was a game developed by Ubisoft, another world line.

"This game is called Just Dance. Well, it will be named temporarily."

-Full dance.

This game is definitely the best in the same type of game.

This game is called "Just_Dance". It is a game developed by Ubisoft on WII, and it is also the strongest audio game on WII.

The way to play this game, to put it simply, is that a dancing figure will appear on the screen. Then the player needs to make the same dancing action as this character, and in the game, there will be a hint of body movement, and the player will score if the key action is standard.

The dance mat game is a mark that allows players to step on the ground continuously, but this game makes the player move all over. If the effect is good, the viewing is also very good. And the decision of the game is relatively loose, and the players play very well.

In Senxia's view, the second set of somatosensory technology is most suitable for this place.

By the way, IGN gave the first generation of this game a score of only two points...

However, the game itself is definitely not bad.

In fact, this is definitely a very hard-working game. There are many excellent choreographers involved in the arrangement and performance of this game. Therefore, this game is not even just an ordinary game, its own reference value for dance is worthy of recognition.

——Ubisoft likes to do such things.

It's like when Ubisoft was doing Assassin's Creed, it was able to perfectly restore Notre Dame, and the accuracy of this restoration is even to the point that it can be used as a reference after Notre Dame is burned down.

Of course, although it can be used as a reference, it depends on how the player jumps. If the player’s focus is on the action prompt in the lower right corner, it’s not great, because these basic actions are just the most changing points in the game. In fact, it is not the essence of dance itself in many cases.

On the other hand, if the player dances by imitating the dancer in the center of the stage, the dance itself can even have a strong learning value and appreciation value.

For home use, the handle of the first solution is naturally the best.

But Senxia feels that this thing can be used as a more ornamental solution.

Of course, for this reason, Morinia's technology itself also needs to be improved.

"We are also improving the technology of photography somatosensory, but it is expected that this technology will not be able to be applied on a large scale until the cost is reduced. If there is only the anchor market, the market capacity is not enough. But before me I talked to Shoichiro Izuko, and we think we can develop some interesting arcade games.

Kinect's technology is more advanced than the prototype of Senxia.

It can even be said that this thing has some technology, and it is indeed "black technology."

For example, Kinect uses a camera and an infrared transmitter as a component. But such a simple device can get all the information of the space. In other words, the infrared can measure every point in the space. Anyway, the employees of the Order of the Phoenix, after Senxia first conceived, they scratched their heads and didn't know how this technology was realized.

Well, there is no way. Sometimes even if you know the principle, there are some things that you can't do, because many times people have unique skills, even if it is copied, sometimes it may not be able to exceed it.

Secondly, Kinect's voice recognition system, Kinect can recognize different voices when multiple people are talking. The Phoenix Society bluntly said that if you want to detect and distinguish voiceprints, you need to customize the chip and double the cost, which is simply unrealistic. .

Finally, even the Kinect’s camera and motion capture are not simple, this product is very sensitive to motion, so there will be no so-called stuttering phenomenon at all, but in fact, no matter how fast the processor is, it is difficult to control it in such a short time. The motion is captured without any lag. This is exactly the victory of the algorithm.

Oh, by the way, the Order of the Phoenix was also troubled at the beginning, and there was a special motion capture team for Ken Morinia, otherwise they might not even be able to solve it. But even so, this kind of sophisticated algorithm is quite difficult. Later, a seiyuu lady who passed by and finished the idol activity seemed to help the Order of the Phoenix to solve the algorithm problem. It is said that the effect is particularly good?

In addition, the stability of Kinect is also very strong. In various robot competitions, Kinect can often become the standard for pattern recognition. Well, yes, although this product was developed for game consoles, it is also very common in the field of robot applications.

Many of the technologies here can only be castrated by Morinia-such as voice recognition technology.

This thing is the contradiction between the economic foundation and the superstructure, and it is not the "rigid need" in the somatosensory system. It is still possible to castrate it to get other improvements.

"With that said, I think the application scenarios of this thing can be broader..."

After Alice talked about the application scenarios of arcade games on Morinka's side, she had new ideas.

Mori Xia also nodded: "The application of this kind of somatosensory camera in games is mainly to recognize the'skeleton'. This is the credit of the data processing program. It is the precipitation of our motion capture technology for many years, but it does not belong to With its own technology, I intend to add more application scenarios for it."

Just like Kinect.

Although JH has stopped producing products for civilian use, this product and technology are still very useful in more places.

-Kinect can even remotely capture heart rate. The principle is also very simple, that is, to capture the slight changes in skin color caused by the blood flow caused by each heart beat.

Of course, this kind of technology can't be done here.

It's not that Senxia is not strong enough here, it is purely because the accuracy of the hardware equipment cannot keep up, and Senxia has no research on related camera technology.

Oh, yes, more than ten years later, the so-called 3D scanning technology popular on some mobile phones also exists on Kinect.

But Senxia feels that this kind of high-precision equipment... is not suitable for home use.

The reason is simple, because people are lazy at home... Unlike WII, which only requires hands-on work, many games on Kinect really require full movement. In addition, when using Kinect, at least a space of about four square meters must be vacated in the living room without any furniture in the middle so that Kinect can accurately identify the player's body.

This kind of strict eyeball, for the people of the lighthouse country, before they play the Kinect game, they still have to move the furniture, let alone the mud bomb or a certain eastern country.

But there is one exception.

That is the arcade.

There is absolutely no problem with such a dancing machine in the game hall.

The recognition space itself is sufficient, and people are more keen to express themselves in the public.

So-why not?

Of course, Kinect failed, and Moriha thinks there is another reason, that is the relationship between the game group positioning error.

XBOX players, some of them are from the Sega era, and many of them are hardcore. Kinect's recognition has reached the level of black technology, but it is still very difficult for shooting games with high precision requirements. Therefore, this type of equipment is most suitable for casual gamers-but this type of player The loyalty is almost absent.

Therefore, after the arrival of the mobile phone era, a mobile phone that can be directly used to "shake" directly shakes the empire of WII and Kinect.

"Will our next-generation games use motion-sensing games as the core?" Qianjia thought of the company's strategy.

"No," Senxia said, "this is a branch. After all, the future is limited, so we need to pay more attention to the game itself. Somatosensory can be used as a supplement and selling point in the game, but it cannot be overwhelming."

Somatosensory has always existed.

If you relax a little bit, the gyroscope on the mobile phone can also be regarded as a "somatosensory" device. Many shooting games that require players to use the gyroscope to aim at it can be said to be a fork of the "somatosensory game".

In addition, racing games, gravity ball games, etc., these are also part of the somatosensory.

Simple somatosensory games can be said to be gradually gone, but somatosensory games themselves still exist.

Oh, yes, the VR system is actually a somatosensory game...

However, because of this, the situation of somatosensory games and VR games are very similar, both look very fresh, but once you touch it, you will find that the actual experience is not as good as you imagined. It is not only cumbersome but also troublesome-on WII. Many games are actually driven by the old man himself.

of course.

This cannot be said to be completely useless.

Many games are indeed achieved by them.

Well, full dance is definitely a classic among the classics, and this game is full of enjoyment, and it is also the legendary "net celebrity game".

By the way, in the future of Tik Tok and other software, many so-called dances actually originated from this.

Morinia actually likes that kind of mobile games.

However, it is a pity that insufficient technical power is a flaw. This era is not yet in the era of smartphones. Morinya has no way to do such a powerful thing. He can only do it step by step. Now I am preparing this handheld ~ ~ Is one of them...

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To be honest, the author Jun really thinks Kinect is suitable for arcades, but in the age of Kinect, arcades have become the tears of the times.

So the author really wants to see what chemical reaction happens when the two collide 2333~

If there is something unreasonable in the deduction, just treat it as the deviation rate of the world line~Everything is the choice of the Gate of Destiny~233~

Two-in-one meow meow~

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