Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1712: Iwata Satoshi's observation

Satoshi Iwata was thinking.

Yamauchi is about to retire at the end of the month, and after that, the old man is Iwata Satoshi who has the final say.

And Satoshi Iwata was thinking at this moment.

They learned about the handheld plan of the Order of the Phoenix.

This is not the kind of completely confidential thing, because the Order of the Phoenix has developed handhelds before.

As a new brand, the xbox of the Order of the Phoenix can be said to be an instant hit.

Although this thing can sell tens of millions of sales, it is mainly because of the weird "Platinum" game. But it is undeniable that this thing is really surprising.

According to Lao Ren's investigation, the function of xbox as a serious game console is actually not very good.

But this product has several advantages.

One of the biggest advantages is "Platinum". This game can be said to be moisturizing and silent. Normally, you don't see this game's explosive sales, but you can see this product standing at the top of the sales list every year.

The second advantage is that it serves as the "advanced handle" for dc-p and gs, because this product has a screen projection function when connected with limited connections, which is particularly interesting when playing some games such as racing or action.

Of course, the quality of this screen itself is actually not very good, but for players, what are the dissatisfaction with being able to play games with cool graphics on the handheld?

Because of this, many players joked that "xbox is the most powerful handheld." Although it is a ridicule, it also shows the power of others, because this machine solves a problem from 0 to 1. Although not everyone will use this feature, but this feature is indeed a selling point.

It's like many people don't take photos very much, but Chrysanthemum mobile phones can still lead the industry in a crowd of mobile phones with dominating and cool cameras.

One trick to eat fresh all over the sky.

Although Xbox players may not be able to use this feature, they probably think that if the handheld can have this feature, it would be better.

Of course, the survey here is for xbox only.

But if you expand the scope of the investigation, the situation will change after the xbox is extended to xreader.

The xreader, which is jokingly called the gal machine, has a huge amount of resources, which can be said to be very amazing.

This machine is very convenient to connect to the computer, so there are many games on it.

Well, in a large eastern country, many people simply use this as an e-book.

In the past, the state promoted it, but later, the state only promoted this stuff in universities.

The reason is simple because too many students take this thing to class, which has a very bad effect, and because of the protests of parents, it shrinks.

But it doesn't matter. For the Order of the Phoenix, they have already won the market and made this brand popular.

This also means that when the other party launches a new product, it is easy to have a group of users.

At first, Satoshi Iwata and the senior management didn't know this very well, but they went to a certain oriental country to inspect the ngc, but they also opened up the market.

However, through this investigation, they found that a certain eastern country is almost the Order of the Phoenix.

The Kirin computer over there is the gs vest, but they use it as a computer in a serious manner, and there are still a lot of users. There are machines everywhere in Internet cafes, and PCs are not rivals at all.

It’s right to think about it. GS has StarCraft (Blizzard launched the GS version), Sword Art Online, Muv Moonfall and Counter-Strike. In addition, there are many casual games that basically cover 80% of the game market of a certain eastern country. , And more importantly, the price is still cheap (relative to PC), it is unreasonable not to be popular.

It is said that a certain computer company over there has suffered a sharp drop in stock prices. They seem to want to use their relationship to suppress Kylin Computer, but they have not succeeded.

Who made Senxia have some inexplicable resources that a certain eastern country asked for? Moreover, they not only play by themselves, but also act as brokers, helping people matchmaking, such as some machine tools...

Uh, of course, Satoshi Iwata didn't know this.

But Satoshi Iwata knew that the Order of the Phoenix was huge, even much larger than the old Ren.

And if you look at the Order of the Phoenix, Company A, and Musashino as one, you can see Morinatsu's dominance in the entire game circle and the animation circle, or the entire acgn circle.

Knowing this, Satoshi Iwata began to want to know the opponent's situation very carefully.

e3 is a good opportunity.

However, what he did not expect was that the Order of the Phoenix did not launch a handheld or even an announcement. Instead, it launched an arcade...

The arcade itself is not a problem. The problem is that this kind of somatosensory arcade is definitely shocking.

Just like now.

At this time, Satoshi Iwata was looking at the exhibition hall on the Order of the Phoenix, and countless reporters were queuing to experience this incredible motion capture technology.

There is no doubt that this news is likely to burst tomorrow.

This is of course, because many people do not regard it as news from the industry, but think of the news that Morinia developed motion capture technology a few months ago.

Is this a cheaper version after the cheap version? Will there be a cheaper version in the future?

Once you think about this, it's a little scary.

And this is the real reason.

"But there is no handheld game." Iwata thought.

Without handheld games, in the eyes of others, this may be because they are not ready yet.

But in front of Satoshi Iwata, this is what they mean by preparing for a big move.

Because this news means that they may have completely abandoned the xbox handheld, and then continue to develop.

Satoshi Iwata thought of another piece of news. It seems that the Order of the Phoenix and Sony want to develop a mini-CD together. This may be related to this. The news is not obtained from the Order of the Phoenix, but from Sony. News.

Naturally, this kind of news cannot be fancied.

After all, it is a trade secret that was heard.


What machine will need a mini disc?

Obviously, this thing is not needed for home computers.

Then, the answer is obvious.

Only handheld.

After all, it is a handheld.

Therefore, their new handhelds will use mini discs.

Combined with the news of the USB flash drive, Satoshi Iwata guessed that the USB flash drive was the product of their failure to develop the cassette, which is more telling.

No news is the biggest news, which allows the old Ren to analyze what the other party wants to do.

Originally Satoshi Iwata was not so nervous. Mainly before that, he got news that the Sony home next door was also engaged in handhelds.

If the three are developed together, this is quite subtle.

Especially at this time.

Although I don't want to admit it, ngc is basically a failed product.

At this time, only gba can support the old man.

The handheld business is their backbone.

If someone else enters at this time, it is indeed a pressure for the old Ren.

Although gba is in full swing, the old man who is prepared for danger in times of time has actually begun to develop the next generation of handhelds.

The piezoelectric screen is the most recent technology they have obtained. This technology is fully compatible with the touch pen of the resistive screen, and it can be touched directly by hand, so it needs a little force to use it.

The cost of this technology is slightly higher than that of resistive screens, but if mass production is required, there is still a chance to lower the price.

So they gave their future host...change a screen.

But Iwata thinks that perhaps this approach seems to be able to be more refined.

"Perhaps... What Nooke did..."

Nokian wants to be a gaming phone.

In the eyes of Old Ren, Nokian is simply joking that no one would spend so much money to buy such a gaming phone.

But if it's a mobile phone with communication function... Can you do it yourself?

Iwata believes that if you want to make a game, focusing on the game itself is the best.

But at this time, he couldn't even help but think about it.

Does this kind of mobile phone really have any development value?

Should there be?

Of course, Satoshi Iwata feels that this point of "is there or not" is actually not the key.

The key is cost accounting.

If the cost is okay, then there is no problem.

But if the cost is too high, it is not conducive to product promotion.

That's absolutely not necessary.

Lao Ren attaches great importance to cost.

Even in the 3ds era, in order to occupy more markets, they also introduced a lower-cost castrated version of 2ds, which castrated the original 3d function.

So at this kind of time, what Lao Ren himself should do is a very important matter.

In fact, just as Satoshi Iwata thought, Mori summer is actually quite a headache.

After all, the prototype of the handheld has been made, and the effect is even good.

However, the price of all this is cost.

The cost is too high, so the next job of the development team is to find ways to reduce the cost of the equipment.

Morinia also has high requirements for the appearance of this product. Morinia even requires that the screens on both sides of the screen be reduced as much as possible, and the thickness of the body should be reduced quickly...

"But these games are also quite interesting."

The second game that Satoshi Iwata cares about is the game "Creation Country Monogatari".

This game is very strange.

The script is Takahashi Ryuya, which Satoshi Iwata didn't care about. The other party started in production, and he will join the leading company a of the "Mythril Force", which is very normal.

But the problem is the style of this work.

A company also has many relaxing games, but these relaxing games are all small games.

Such as "Plants vs. Zombies".

However, they have never carried this style to a larger level.

But "Kuniku Monogatari of Creation" is different.

This is a very cartoonish style on the outside, but a very subtle view of the world with a multitude of stories inside.

While maintaining a relaxed game style, the depth of the entire game is also not low, which gives this game a soul.

And there are novel ways to play.

"Minecraft" is a very wonderful game. This game has a magical nature, which can make people addicted to it. Some people can even spend a whole year just to create a home of their own.

Born out of "Minecraft", "Creation Kingdom Monogatari" is more like a brand-new game made by extracting its elements.

It's incredible, and very suitable for family entertainment.

The number of hard-core fans of this family game will not be particularly large, but the audience of these products will be particularly broad.

This kind of game, used to harvest users, is actually the best.

Of course, it is impossible to expect that, like "Minecraft", it will be impossible to sell at tens of millions of levels. "Minecraft" is still selling very well now, and it is a popular game.

"There are games over there..."

Doujin games.

Satoshi Iwata thought of this game. These games were originally sponsored by Morinia. Of course, there were also before, but they didn't have such a big fanfare with Morinia.

Moriha's support for indie games is very strong.

In this way, in Iwata Satoshi's view, he was not aimed at players.

But for...for developers.

First of all, for indie game developers, Morinka's support is a huge benefit for them, which undoubtedly can gain their respect and popularity.

Secondly, if Morinia did this, maybe which game could become popular, it would be a good thing for Morinia.

Finally, their approach can easily arouse the favor of developers in a wider range.

Independent game producers themselves make games by one person or several people together. Those who engage in indie games have always been isolated and helpless, and Moriha's help can be appreciated by them and also by other developers.

Try to think about it, if you have such a job in the industry, even if you have not worked under a job, you would appreciate the sponsorship of others, right?

That's what Satoshi Iwata thinks.

In fact, he also thinks that the other party is doing it well.

"Is it because there are fewer third parties? No, it's not right."

Speaking of third parties, the Order of the Phoenix also has a large number of third-party game manufacturers.

But none of them existed like these independent developers.

"Well, what they need is fine products, better products..."

Looking at the players here and the independent developers, Satoshi Iwata seemed to understand.

He thought of domestic fan exhibitions.

Speaking of it, the first club a started, it seems to be related to their exhibitions, and it is also an outstanding existence in the fan exhibition.

This is derived from their genes.

It's as if the core of Lao Ren is a series of games they developed by themselves...


There are a lot of piezoelectric screens in reality. The most famous one is smart devices. Their pdf reading was also a must at that time. Unfortunately, with the withdrawal of Texas Instruments, they also withdrew from the tablet market, which seems to no longer exist. Up.

Two-in-one meow.

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