Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 179: In the sunset...

   "Papa, papa." After the end, Morinka clapped her hands, "Everyone did a great job!"


   He walked up with a smile, and then scanned the audience. After the performance, everyone was a little excited. Although tired, they were also very happy.


   Due to conditions, the Mori summer version of the girl fell in love with her sister and there is no way to magically change it. However, after transforming the original love story into an inspirational story, Mori summer is still somewhat satisfied in her heart.


   "Although we can't say that we are completely proficient, we still have three weeks to go. Let's practice hard, and finally we will be able to present a perfect drama to everyone!" Senxia encouraged everyone.


   "Well, let's stop here today, everyone is tired." Keiko Sato walked out and smiled at everyone.


   Although it was the weekend, the drama club was really busy all day, and now they are all very tired.


   Because theaters are now used by drama clubs, it doesn't matter if things are placed here. Now this is almost disbanded, and everyone relaxes.


   "It's great that there is no problem, and there will be no problem until the cultural festival, then everything will be fine." Morinya muttered to herself.


"Mori-natsu-kun," at this moment, Dongjoong came up. She was the actor of Takako Itsukushima. Although she was a year old like Morinka, Dongseong was a class student who came up directly from elementary school. This kind of students admitted to the school is different.


   She looks pretty good. With a long hair, the figure and body shape are all typical Japanese styles, which is obviously different from the special case of Kichijoin and Chika-senpai.


   "What's the matter. Dongcheng-san?" Senxia asked.


   "That's it, I don't seem to fully understand the role of Takako Itsukushima." Dongcheng replied, "Can Mori-kun tell me more specifically?"


Morika thought about it carefully. During the rehearsal, Takako Itsukushima didn't seem to lose the chain: "The role played by Tojo-san, Itsukushima does not have any omissions in acting, just need to integrate the characters. "


   "--but I want to be even better! Only in this way can I be worthy of the president of Jixiangyuan!"


   Okay, Dongcheng classmate is also a chairman admirer. At this time she was obviously unwilling.


   Morinatsu probably understands this emotion. Dongcheng classmate wants to make his aura more prominent.


   During rehearsal. Senxia noticed this.


   is the same heroine, Jixiangyuan and Qianjia's acting skills are very good, Jixiangyuan's tricks are closer to the description in the textbook, there is a sense of stability and flexibility. After experiencing the low tide, Jixiangyuan is now in good condition. Jujo Shion played by Chika-senpai is actually slightly inferior to Takako Itsukushima, but when Shijo Shion plays, there is a unique magical power and pressure that can attract other people’s attention. past.


   All of these are excellent, but Dongcheng's talent is quite satisfactory. Under the brilliance of Jixiangyuan and Qianjia-senpai, she seems to feel a little embarrassed.


"En. The character of Takako Itsukushima is a bit special. Although she has a special thought about Ruisi, Takako Itsukushima really cares about Mizuho. It feels like an arrogant, similar to Asuka in eva. Yeah, but it's not exactly the same... Has Eva seen it?"


   Dongcheng nodded thoughtfully: "Thank you Mori Xiajun, although the feeling in my mind is a bit hazy, I probably understand it!"


   After she finished speaking, she smiled and ran away.


   Senka-senpai also walked in front of Morika at this time: "I'm going to change clothes now. Morika, please go to the school gate and wait for me!"


   "Okay." Hearing what Qianjia-senpai said, Morinatsu also turned her head. The girls left here one after another, because there was no need to move things around, so everyone left like this, and then locked the door.


   "Mori-kun, does this script you wrote have reality as a reference?" Keiko Sato locked the door and leaned in front of Morinka.


   "Huh? No."


   To be precise, Morinia’s reference is, rather than reality, only this game will appear in the future.


"Then Mori-kun, you are really good," Sato Keiko smiled, "The ability of Mori-kun to write such a wonderful script is very good. By the way, Mori-kun, you have no plans to expand this drama. ?"


   "Expand it?" Morika looked at Keiko Sato, and the other nodded desperately.


   "For example, a TV series or something else?"


   Live version?


Morinya shook her head: "Well, this is not so good. Our script is actually closer to a fantasy fairy tale. I think it’s better to perform in the form of animation. But saying so much, it is actually just a delusion, who Would be interested in such a drama!"


"That's what I said." Keiko Sato tilted her head and thought for a while, feeling that things seemed to be the case. She shook her head, "Mori-kun is also tired, then I won't bother Mori-kun. See you tomorrow. !"


"see you tomorrow!"


   Saying goodbye to Keiko Sato, Morika walked directly to the school gate.


   The time at this moment is already close to six o'clock. In normal times, this should be close to the time when school is completely over.




   After a while, Qianjia-senpai who had changed her clothes walked up. She was wearing a goose yellow dress with black stockings underneath and a coat outside.


   "Huh? Senior sister, don't you wear school uniforms?" Senxia asked in surprise.


"Hmph, of course I brought a change of clothes. Although the school requires uniforms, it's time for school now!" Senior sister Qianjia showed a sly smile on her face, "Well, let's go now! "


After    Senka-senpai finished speaking, she walked to the front of Morinka.


   Morika laughed dumbly, and had to follow Qianjia-senpai behind her.


   When leaving school. Qianjia's steps were very urgent, but after gradually moving away from there, her movements slowed down instead. She backed her hands and walked lightly on the street, seeming to enjoy the scenery on both sides of the street, and she seemed to be just wandering, trying to extend the time of strolling.


   Morinatsu is half a body behind Chiba Chika, his eyes are not on the surrounding scenery, but at Chiba.


   What kind of girl is this?


   She seems to have an incredible feeling. With a little unruly, with a little deviant. Don't want to be bound.


   The restlessness of adolescence?


   No, it doesn't seem to be that kind of thing, but another kind of thing that originated in the heart, but this reason is hidden in mystery. With a little mystery.


   A night breeze blows, and the ends of the girl's hair are flying with the wind. She is a little embarrassed, covering her hair, with a shame expression on her face.


   It turns out that Qianjia has such a cute side too! Senxia seemed to notice it for the first time.


   I really want to know her, I really want to communicate with her more deeply, I really want to know her true heart.


  , I seem to be a little fascinated.


   Mori Xia suddenly felt a little surprised.


   The girl turned her head back: "Mori Xia-kun, let's take a long way around."


   "Okay." Senxia subconsciously responded, before she finished speaking. She seemed to have recovered. If you are your usual self, at this time, you will first make a complaint about the long way around, and then show a reluctant appearance to follow.


   But after thinking about it. Senxia was a little funny, why did she do such unnecessary things.


   all the way to the west, after the two had walked for a while, they saw the Tama River.


   "Although it is not a small river worth mentioning," the girl walked to the bank, and then looked towards the quietly flowing Tama River.


   Just as the girl said. The Tama River is a small river that is not worth mentioning, the river is very shallow. A piece of beach head was exposed, and looking from here, someone could vaguely see someone fishing on the shore.


   The afterglow of the setting sun was sowed down and immersed in the river, making the silhouettes of those people a little fuzzy.


   "When I go home, I occasionally take a long road." Qianjia stepped forward. "Such a scene is always incredible. The miracle of mankind is so small in front of nature."


   "Isn't this the charm of our world?" Morinka smiled.


   Qianjia stepped onto the steps, she turned around and looked at Morinia condescendingly. Senxia also looked towards Qianjia. At this time, the other party was facing the sunset, and he couldn't open his eyes.


"Yeah, that's why I like to write stories, whether it's games or novels, the constructed worlds, the stories that happened in the world..." She didn't say anything, just turned around and looked at River bank.


   And at this time, Morinatsu finally realized the difference between herself and Qianjia-senpai.


   For Morinka, his goals are interests and hobbies, while for Qianjia, her goals are ideals.


   That's why the elder sister can show enough motivation and energy to act.


   The evening breeze howls.


   "I lost it." Morinya sighed. Facing such a girl, it is strange not to be fascinated by her.


   "What? I didn't hear you clearly!" Qianjia turned her head and yelled at Senxia.


   "Nothing!" Morinka responded with a smile.


   The sound of the wind weakened, and Qianjia jumped off the steps: "Okay, now it's time to eat."


   She left Tamagawa with Morinka and returned to the steel forest.


   Qianjia took Senxia all the way to a western restaurant before stopping.


  "I thought you would take me to didn't expect that Senior Sister Qianjia would bring herself to a western restaurant.


   "Always slow down the taste, don't you?" Qianjia-senpai smiled.


   "It's also true. Some steak or something seems to be good." Senxia nodded.


   After the two said, they were about to enter the restaurant, but at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.


   "You guys are in the opposite **** again. Friends!"


   Opposite the two, Jixiangyuan stared at Morinka and Chika with surprised eyes.




   I actually fell asleep... I actually fell asleep...


   All in all, this is yesterday’s update. I suddenly found out that there are still two shifts, which means there are four more shifts today?


   ahem, I will try my best to complete, ask for monthly pass support, there is monthly pass and motivation (to be continued)

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