Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1779: Ship mother new tour?

"Hey, why is this guy wearing a red scarf?"

Morinia is watching the live broadcast.

For example, Morinatsu is watching Chiyodagawa's live broadcast today.

After the two little guys settled in to rest, Morinka was also resting.

Kristina seems to be very interested in role-playing, and Moriha has been with her for a long time to change clothes for two days.

Probably it had been too much energy for a long time, but Christina stopped a lot at night.

And Senxia also has time to relax for a while.

The summer vacation is coming to an end, but for the anchors, it is a different story.

Because they have a new game to play "Fleet Collection".

The target user of this game is not the student group, because the student group will go to play those masterpieces, or more social works.

The target users of this work are closer to adults.

And one of the reasons Senxia asked to conduct an internal beta live broadcast was to see the current market situation.

But today he noticed that Chiyodagawa’s character had an extra scarf.

"Thank you very much for watching today. Perhaps many people have noticed. I added a red scarf to myself today. It was given to me by a friend. I want everyone to see it, so I ask the technical department for it. I added a scarf here. Fortunately, the effect looks good."

Chiyodagawa said so.

"I think adding a dog head is perfect."

Senxia added a sentence, and then gave a small TV reward along the way.

"Urban legends come out w"

"Ah, it's the rich man passing by!"

"That's amazing, Mr. Rich who doesn't blink so much money!"

"But what is a kobold?"

"←It's probably a special term of Mori-sama like 233. Mori-sama is unexpectedly very radio wave."

"So Mori-sama is from the radio system."

"Wrong, it's the rich radio system"

Senxia gave a reward here, and it suddenly became lively there.

"Oh. What a pity."

Senxia shook her head.

I originally wanted to make Mori-sama appear as the legendary uncle party.

However, Senxia's revelations are always regarded as "the yy party that pretends to be the uncle party", and then all kinds of bans for nonsense.

Therefore, Senxia can only choose to be a low-key urban legend.

For now, the effect is pretty good.

At this moment, the game has begun.

"This game is a casual game. We need to control our ship mother to fight...Look, this is our ship mother Fuxue."

While speaking, the opponent has entered the battle screen.

"The game is a type of automatic battle and automatic image processing. In the game, our role is to guard the mansion’s admiral and command our ship’s mother, and all the ad hoc judgments ahead are left to the ship’s own decision. of……"

"Ah, it's a casual game."

"Surprised, can web games also make such casual games?"

"It should be inspired by that kind of little game."

Nowadays, web games are quite complicated, but there are also many small games that are quite simple, especially small games, so many people think this game is inspired by this.

Not to mention, the feel of the game itself is really relaxing.

"Brother, this is milk tea."

At this moment, Yukino came over with a cup of milk tea.

Yukino has been working harder than Morinka these days, because she still hosts the summer festival at Tamamo Shrine.

But as the summer vacation came to an end, she was also liberated.

"Oh, thank you, Yukino."

Senxia took the milk tea and continued to watch the screen.

And Xue Na did not leave, but sat beside Senxia: "Brother, are you looking at that ship woman?"

Yukino also knew about ship mother games. Seeing the live broadcast before her eyes, Senxia thought of those ship mother games.

"Well, that's it. Now it is distributed to the anchors for testing and promotion."

I can see that everyone thinks it's pretty good.

At least these players who watched yxxxx, that is, Chiyodagawa live broadcast, said that this game is very good.

Many times, players play games for leisure. There are few such automatic battle designs nowadays. The simple design of this game makes them shine.

Moreover, this is not the kind of brainless attack. In the game, different ships have different effects. The destroyer's torpedoes are invincible in field battles, every second, and there are closing lightning strikes. The opening air raid on the aircraft carrier can often resolve a battle.

As for the light cruisers, most of them are high in the air, and can be used to defend the opening gap of the enemy.

Such designs are indeed very interesting.

After the initial teaching, the follow-up content is more interesting discussion.

"Here are the four resources in our game, steel, bullet, oil, and aluminum."

"Every time we fight, we will consume a certain amount of oil and bombs. Empty bombs can also attack, but the damage is halved..."

"In addition, in the game, we can all build ships by ourselves... We can invest a certain amount of resources to build various ship niches. The types of ship niches are related to the resources we invest. The resources required for destroyers are relatively low. And if you want to build battleships, it’s best to invest more than 500 steel output each time. If you want to build an aircraft carrier, it’s better to have more aluminum. By the way, besides the ship’s mother, we also have us here. Commonly used equipment can also be constructed..."

Because everyone doesn't know much about the game, Chiyodagawa still focuses on explanations at this time.

Although Chiyodagawa said a lot, this is almost the whole game.

The mechanics of this game can be said to be quite simple, which surprised everyone.

"Oh, I didn't expect this game to be so good."

"It feels like a relaxing game."

"Sure enough."

"Is there a lot of ship mother?!"

Chiyodagawa looked at the comment barrage and said, "Hey, there are probably more than one hundred ship women."

"More than a hundred w"

"so many!"

"What game is this!"



"What is this!"

"Super sense!"

"New World Discovery!"


"The clothes are broken!"

Suddenly, everyone became excited.

Because at this time, Chiyodagawa’s Fuyuki face received a cannonball from the opposing battle, and then was expelled from the fish at night, turning into a broken state.

And it was at this time that the character's drawing has also changed, becoming a "broken" mode.

At this time, the barrage exploded directly, and the entire live broadcast room became quite lively.

New world discovery!

This wonderful design makes the players hot.

But it is not over yet.

This wave of damage suddenly makes people realize that other characters can also...hehehe?

"Hurry up and let other characters break and show us!"

"I want to see Xili!"

"Ayanami over there is also very cute!"

"King Kong! I want to see the blonde sister!"

"You bad guys, did you deliberately injure the anchor ship's mother?! I just want to say, good job!"

"Good job! w"

"You guys, I still plan to finish the previous map today, so I won't do this kind of thing!"

Chiyodagawa rolled his eyes.

These guys are really annoying.

Originally this kind of thing, everyone would be fine, if you say that, how can I continue to fight!

Well, yes, Chiyodagawa originally wanted to show this system, but after being said so, he was embarrassed to show this system.

It was so embarrassing.


At this time, Morinia also noticed the sight coming from the side.

Fiery sight.

"So brother likes this way of playing?"

Her eyes lit up, it seemed a pity why Xia cm passed so quickly.

"Ahem, don't care, this is to restore history. The ship is not always bright and beautiful, so our ship will be damaged. If you put it here to the ship's mother, it is equipment damage... Probably like this."


Yukino nodded meaningfully, then smiled at Morinka.

"Don't look at me with this kind of eyes." Senxia, ​​who knew that her sister must want to be crooked, could only turn her head away.

Yukino chuckled slightly: "This game is really interesting. But I think this game is probably not a casual category."

"Ah, it belongs to the feeling of on-hook game." Morinka said, "Basically, it belongs to the kind of watching TV dramas and web pages, and then putting them aside."

This game is almost like this.

Well, but in fact, this game... is really different from casual games.

Well, it belongs to the type that will cause the liver to be scrapped if you want to play in depth...

"Of course, our game is not messy. We have all tested the values ​​in the game."

The value used in the game is officially tested. That is to respond to the events and other factors that occurred in different naval battles in the history of the ship.

For example, the Yamato was overturned by the aircraft carrier, so the ship’s emptiness would not work.

For example, the Enterprise is a legendary battleship of a ship vs. a fleet. The fortune of the Enterprise is the top and the attack power is also very powerful.

Of course, these two ships appeared in the middle and late stages, but now appearing in the game, there are still some relatively ordinary lineups.

Although it is a "fleet collection", Senxia uses the mud bombing and world fusion model. In this game, the number of ships based on the mud bombing itself has dropped a lot, but the number of well-known warships from all over the world has increased.

For example, ships such as Hood and Bismarck.

Of course, some ships did not originally exist, so Morinya borrowed another ship, r.

In other words, this is a fusion game of ship c + ship r... ship cr?

Senxia didn't care about this.

As long as the ship mother can lick it.

"Come on, let's go back to the main interface. As you can see, our ship will retreat after being injured. At this time, we can repair the ship by following the prompts..."

The big break just now was not because Chiyodagawa didn't give much strength, but a "story killing", which taught the player how to repair the ship afterwards.

After this part of the novice tutorial was over, Chiyodagawa was liberated.

He quickly changed the subject.

"Okay, we are now free to operate. Everyone, please see the main interface, which is divided into six columns: attack, compile, replenish, modify, enter the canal and factory.

We can build ships in factories, and we can salvage ships. For example, the Ayanami we just built in the game, and the first snow that was salvaged just after the picture..."

"The breeding of the ship's mother is not only the improvement brought by the battle level. After the battle level is increased, our ship's mother can use other redundant ship's equipment to strengthen it. At this time, we need to enter the modification interface. ..."

After Chiyodagawa gave some explanations, the booing players finally stopped.

Not to mention, the setting of the game itself, they still find it quite interesting.

The excitement of building the ship mother and the sense of accomplishment of cultivating the ship mother attracted their attention.

"By the way, the enemy seems to be the ship's mother, right?"

"Yes, yes, and it seems so subtle..."

"Very restrained style..."

"The enemy fleet is called the'deep-sea dwelling ship.' On the surface, it is a fleet of warships and transport ships, but the essence is an unknown group of monsters."

Morinia also borrowed more from the ship r in the design of the enemy.

There is no other reason. The enemy settings on the ship r side are even more...

Well, at least in many cases, the design of the ship-r side will be more eye-catching. Of course, it doesn't mean that all ship c will fail.

For example, the enemy character "Neiji Ji" was once adored by players, and it was also called "Little North", which is a very good character.

So Morinka's approach is to design the enemy's character after unifying the art style.

Looking at the reactions of the players now, Senxia found that this design seems to be really good.

"Can I vote for the enemy!"

Finally, a player suddenly said something like this.

As a result, the next string is the barrage drifting across Senxia also laughed.

What we want is this effect!

Players are interested in the enemy, which is naturally excellent.

"I don't know what the game story is like."

There are also players who have become interested in the game story.

This is a good thing.

If you are interested in the story and the background, such a player may evolve into an experienced player...just a minute, wait five minutes to adjust, wait five minutes to adjust, wait five minutes to adjust, slightly Wait five minutes to adjust, wait five minutes to adjust, wait five minutes to adjust, wait five minutes to adjust, wait five minutes to adjust, wait five minutes to adjust, wait five minutes to adjust, wait five minutes Five minutes to adjust, wait five minutes to adjust, wait five minutes


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