Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1781: Let go of me, I can still live!

Although there is no public beta yet, there is one game that has gradually become well-known.

This "casual" web game called "Fleet Collection" has begun to be studied on the Internet.

People nowadays don't have a web game that can cultivate their own development.

The advantage of web games is that they can be played anytime and anywhere before having a mobile phone. This is the most convenient network development game.

Senxia's thinking started in the era of smartphones.

There are many online games on smart phones. This kind of mobile games is very popular, but most of them are not based on gameplay.

In the final analysis, there is only one core gameplay of mobile games, and that is "role development".

Character development is the core of mobile games. There are many games for mobile games. Tower defense, action, turn-based rpg. But in the final analysis, the core of these games is to raise a wife to lick it.

Everyone will not hesitate to cultivate the characters for the characters they like, but these gameplays are actually in a secondary position after the characters.

For example, if the characters in a well-known Ark game are all muscle brothers and expensive, then this game will definitely not be popular.

There is a role first, and then there is a place for this role to show on the stage, so that everyone knows how powerful the wife he trains is.

This is the core point.

Tracing back to the source, this core is the spread of ship c.

On another world line, the appearance of the ship C has made people gradually attracted by the existence of the "ship mother". Later, the trend of "licking his wife" gradually became popular.

In this world, the game of enlightenment in this area is "Infinite Boundary Line". It's just that this game is more complicated, and those who enter the pit are all experienced gamers with a certain foundation.

And such games are not suitable for popularization.

But Jianniang is an exception.

Mud bombing is a maritime country, and ships have special significance to them.

for example. The name of Ling Boli in "Evangelion" comes from the name of the ship in the real world. And works like "Space Battleship Yamato" simply take the battleship over for super magic modification.

"Uh, it's... morning?"

Chiyodagawa looked out the window vaguely.

Just now, he finally gave his reputation a good impression.

At the very beginning, Chiyodagawa just wanted to upgrade his prestige and then transform it.

But after the transformation, the prestige has indeed become stronger, so there are audiences suggesting to forget it at full level.

Chiyodagawa thought about it, and felt right.

With such a strong prestige, it is of course excellent to lead other low-level characters in the game to fight, thereby training the characters.


At this moment, they suddenly noticed that there is a favorability system in the game.

The favorability system is related to the number of times the player goes out. The more trips, the higher the favorability degree.

Moreover, as the favorability increases, the player's attributes will also become stronger.

"Since they are all at their full level, why not practice all their goodwill?"

Think about it.

Chiyodagawa felt that having a perfect "prestige" lady seemed to be excellent, and when he went to take a "kindergarten", the requirements for teammates were even lower.

Chiyodagawa then fought with prestige while pushing pictures.

When Chiyodagawa gave his reputation rating, he even discovered that the maps 1-4 in Chapter 1 are the most efficient "leveling holy land" in the entire map.

It is not the most time-saving holy place for leveling, but a place where the fatigue and resource consumption of the character are integrated.

"It's already evening."

"I just came, the anchor Sunmo is not abroad"

"Is it evening already?!"

"I started writing summer homework when I watched the live broadcast, but I have stayed up all night until now, I found that I didn't write a word!!!"

"It's the motor (it's over), and I didn't write my summer homework!"

"Students quickly do their homework and go to w"

"Ah, it's evening, I haven't watched Lyrical Nanoha yet, ah ah ah ah!!!"

Chiyodagawa's sudden emotion caused the live broadcast audience to become agitated.

"Eh, it's evening?!"

Chiyodagawa walked outside.

It is true that the outside seems to be bright, but if you take a closer look, you will find that the sun is on the other side at this moment.

The problem is big.


Chiyodagawa touched his forehead.


The development progress of this game is not so fast.

"Twenty-four hours of uninterrupted live broadcast, the legend among the anchors!"

"Come and watch!"

"What a great anchor. A game I haven't seen before!"

"W is so powerful!"


Is there another barrage?

What happened?

Chiyodagawa came over and took a look. He found that he had a lot more followers and more barrage.

The reason for this is that Chiyodagawa's live broadcast time has reached 24 hours.

During the live broadcast, the place where the live broadcast is located will display the words "The anchor has been live broadcast for **** hours", and Chiyodagawa's live broadcast time has reached "twenty-four hours" at this time.

After the emergence of such a powerful anchor, other viewers suddenly began to pass ten or ten. Even many people who didn't watch the live broadcast began to come and watch.

In recent years, live webcasts have not even emerged, and all kinds of sensational and deviant live broadcasts have not yet appeared. Everyone's biggest impression of live broadcasts is actually similar to the programs broadcast on TV.

At this moment, there appeared an anchor who had been playing continuously for 24 hours.

Other people also came to watch.

"I thought I only broadcast for twelve hours..."

Chiyodagawa suddenly felt some head pain.

Actually tell the truth.

Chiyodagawa didn't actually think this game was fun at first, he just thought it was easier to protect the liver.

Yes, nothing more.

However, looking back, I have been playing for 24 hours.

Meow meow meow? !

"I feel like I just cultivated a role."

In fact, other roles have also been trained.

It's just that for those characters, he just went to level up. Besides, he didn't strengthen his attributes, and he didn't pay attention to attributes such as fatigue.

"Is there really no problem with the anchor?"

Some viewers watched Chiyodagawa’s live broadcast last night, but after he went online today, he realized that this man hasn’t even broadcast it yet?

When Chiyodagawa was reminded, he immediately felt sleepy and hungry.


It's incredible.

The number of live broadcasts is constantly on the rise, and has surpassed the audience in their daily lives.

Of course, many of them are new audiences who come here admiringly.

Many people saw this "heavy" anchor and came to watch.

And another group of people came here because they were interested in this new game.

Chiyodagawa looked at the number of people in the live broadcast room, then gritted his teeth, took out a bottle of nutrient, broke the mouth, and poured the 100ml of liquid down, and then took it out of the refrigerator. Two bottles of ice coffee drink.

With so many viewers, how can we not give up.


"Yoshi, let's continue. The cultivation of prestige has been completed..." Chiyodagawa cheered up and began to broadcast live.

"Since the training has been completed, there is no need to play."

Meow meow meow? !

Suddenly there was an audience, making Chiyodagawa stunned.

"If you attack, you will have a good impression and experience bonus, but Miss Prestige is already full of good impressions and full level, right? If you continue to let her play, won’t you lose your good impression and experience?"

Damn it.

It makes sense!

Chiyodagawa felt that what this man said was really reasonable.

Yes, goodwill and experience are all at a loss!

If you continue to play after being full of favorability, you will lose money.

The appearance of the Favorable Police Officer made Chiyodagawa lost in thought.

"In that case, if six people are full, the average profit will be higher?"

"That's right. If you want to improve all the characters, then the average campaign is the best. But the mvp character itself has a bonus, and the flagship also has a bonus. The yxxxx family calculated it last night and the flagship got it. The individual benefits of mvp are the best..."

The barrage of the person above was too long, so three were posted.

Chiyodagawa also studied it yesterday.

In this game, the first character is the flagship, and the flagship and the mvp character that causes the most damage in the game.

The superposition between the mvp bonus and the flagship bonus is multiplied, so the experience gains and favorability gains of the flagship mvp are particularly high, otherwise Chiyodagawa will not be able to train this character to the full level and full favorability.

"What kind of total revenue is the highest? This is also a place to be studied." Chiyodagawa thought.

"If it is the first impression, the benefits of six people are indeed the best. But if it is the flagship mvp, the benefits of other characters are not large, and some values ​​in this game are calculated as averages rather than maximums or Stack value. So six people may not have the most suitable fleet..."

The maps of 1-4 have researches on numerical values ​​such as speed, and in some places it is still possible to determine what kind of ship enters what route.

Sometimes there are too many ships and it is impossible to enter the "perfect route" with the most experience points.

Therefore, how to balance the income among these is a place that requires actuarial calculation.

"Yoshi, let me study it. It just so happens that we have Ayanami with a moderate level and experience..."

"Ayanami is the character who has the most torpedo damage in the game so far. It is the ceiling of lightning strikes..."

Chiyodagawa began to explain this role to everyone.

There are many characters in the game, and some have not yet been installed.

For example, Hood is a character with a low lucky value in the game, but it is not the lowest, but because the lowest has not yet been installed.

The legendary leak. Urine aircraft carrier...Bah, it is the armored aircraft carrier Dafeng. Lucky is even lower, because this cargo is really awkward.

And so far, the most "unlucky" ship officially designed is actually a lighthouse ship named William D. Porter. This ship is also a "legendary", and almost shot the top of the lighthouse country. Even the pot...

In addition, the various "lucky" ships in history also have designs here...

Among the characters that have already been installed, Ayanami is the lightning strike character ceiling in the game.

Speaking of...

"Oh, lightning strikes are also a very important value in the game. And lightning strikes at night are more powerful than during the day..."

The destroyer uses artillery to attack during the day, but after night, the destroyer’s attack will become a lightning strike, and the destroyer’s lightning attack power at night is very high, and there is a possibility of crit.

The issue of income is also a worthy study...

"Hmm, the mechanism in this aspect should also be clarified!"

Chiyodagawa felt more and more excited.

At the beginning, he was reluctant to broadcast for popularity.

But now, Chiyodagawa is already refreshed at this moment.

Yes, how can I sleep if I don’t figure out these aspects!

"Yo Xi, let's continue..."

Chiyodagawa opened a text file and recorded data while broadcasting. Other audiences can also see the data, and the effect is still there.

"What a great anchor, who is actually studying data?"

"Is this the legendary game master?"

"So amazing, amazing!"

The barrage continues to be brushed, but Chiyodagawa, who has already invested in his own world, has completely forgotten the barrage.

Anyway, the bullet screen also has a special housing management committee management...

However, at this moment, Chiyodagawa suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"Huh? Someone is coming?" Chiyodagawa was reluctant, but the knock on the door did not weaken, so that he had to stand up. The knock on the door also affected his mood and the effect of the live broadcast.

"Ah, it's Lactobacillus."

The person who uses "lactic acid bacteria" as the screen name is also an anchor.

And live in Osaka like Chiyodagawa.

Occasionally, the two will eat together.

"Matsumoto-san asked me to come and have a look. You...really haven't slept in twenty-four hours?"

The lactic acid bacteria was taken aback by Chiyodagawa, because Chiyodagawa had these two thick dark circles at this time, and the whole person was not good.

"Um. Yeah, what's the matter?"

"Your qicq is not online, and your phone is turned off. She asked me to come and see... Uh, you can rest now."

"Nani?! Rest?!"

Even the audience heard this voice.

"Yes, the anchor has been live broadcast for a long time, so it's time to rest."

"Hmm, yes."

"It makes sense."

The audience also thinks it makes sense.

"Hmm, yes."

"It makes The audience also feels it makes sense.

"Hmm, yes."

"It makes sense."

The audience also thinks it makes sense.

"Hmm, yes."

"It makes sense."

The audience also thinks it makes sense.



Two-in-one meow meow~

Today I saw the Cup of Heaven!

Hmm, it’s pretty good, but it’s more fan-oriented, and some places have been subtly deleted...

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